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Source: www.fatfast.net/Articles/Article/2/3372

Chocolate Cream Mousse
1 pk (1 oz) Low cal
chocolate pudding 1 1/2 c Skim milk
1/2 ts Grand mariner
1/2 ts Butter flavoring
1 Egg white
2 ts Fructose
4 tb Prepared low calorie topping
In small bowl, combine pudding mix and milk. Microwave at HIGH 5 7 minutes, or until
slightly thickened, stirring 2 3 times. Stir in Grand Mariner and butter flavoring. Cover top of
pudding with wax paper. Let cool. In small bowl combine egg white and fructose. Whip until
egg whites form stiff peaks. Fold in pudding. Spoon in serving dishes, chill. Serve with low
calorie whipped topping. From "Microwaving on a Diet" by Barbara Methven. From: Jeffrey
Dean Date: 12 06 93

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Chocolate cream mousse

  • 1. Source: www.fatfast.net/Articles/Article/2/3372 www.fatfast.net Chocolate Cream Mousse 1 pk (1 oz) Low cal chocolate pudding 1 1/2 c Skim milk 1/2 ts Grand mariner 1/2 ts Butter flavoring 1 Egg white 2 ts Fructose 4 tb Prepared low calorie topping In small bowl, combine pudding mix and milk. Microwave at HIGH 5 7 minutes, or until slightly thickened, stirring 2 3 times. Stir in Grand Mariner and butter flavoring. Cover top of pudding with wax paper. Let cool. In small bowl combine egg white and fructose. Whip until egg whites form stiff peaks. Fold in pudding. Spoon in serving dishes, chill. Serve with low calorie whipped topping. From "Microwaving on a Diet" by Barbara Methven. From: Jeffrey Dean Date: 12 06 93