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Coca cola
 The global drink
The task my class took on was to find out if students around
   the world have the same reaction to Coke that we have
  here in New Hampshire. They wondered if students just
drank Coke because everyone else did or if they really liked
    the taste. We asked students from the learning circles
 questions about their drinking habits as it pertained to soft
drinks. We received responses we were expecting and also
      answers that amazed us. The thing we were most
 surprised about was that of the students we surveyed, the
 ones that were most dissimilar to us were from Kansas in
the U.S. The students there drank a lot of drinks we here in
               New England had never heard of.
Why do students drink Coke?
 The bottom line for the
  students surveyed was
  they liked the taste.
  Peer pressure did not
  seem to have a
  significant influence on
  the decision of what
  soda to drink. Students
  also felt strongly about
  they decision to drink
  Coke Versus Pepsi.
  There really does
  appear to be a cola war.
Coca-Cola Statistics
             Coca cola owns more than
              遜 of the worlds beverages.
             Coke is affordable in all the
              countries we surveyed. It
              was not out of the price
              range for an afternoon
             Coke comes in a variety of
              sizes worldwide so you can
              use it for a crowd or as a
              personal snack drink
 Coke was first
  advertised as a remedy
  for headaches and
 Coke has been
  advertising on television
  for 50 years.
 Songs used in coca
  cola commercials have
  become popular.
 They use catchy mottos
  such as:
  Adds a refreshing
  relish to every form of
Charitable Giving
 The Coca-Cola Company and its
  bottling partners shipped more than 30
  million donated 8-oz. servings to
  Hurricane Katrina Evacuees, donated
  $10 million to tsunami relief efforts in
  Asia and after the September 11
  terrorist attacks committed to a $12
  million financial contribution to disaster
  relief efforts.
The Other Side of Coke
 There are 27              Some of the other
  different varieties of     brands under the
  coke made by Coca-         Coca-Cola Company
  Cola                       are:
 First bottle of Coke          Barqs Root beer
  was sold 120 years            Dasani
  ago on May 8,                 Dr. Pepper
  1886 in Atlanta,              Fresca
  Georgia.                      Hi-C
                                Minute Maid
Marketing Worldwide
 In 1998 Coke
  international created its
  first ad for the
  celebration of the
  Muslim holiday of
  Ramadan. It was run in
  20 countries worldwide.

 Coke is a Kosher drink,
  so it is sold

                              This coke can is written in Hebrew
Coca-Cola Recognition
 Coca-Cola is
  recognized by 94% of
  the worlds population
 Approximately 10,450
  Coca-Cola brand drinks
  are consumed around
  the world each second
  of every day
International Coca-Cola
 In Hong-Kong, heated
  Coke is served as a
  cold remedy
 Coke advertises 200 in
  countries around the
 In Japan people use
  money chips on their
  cell phones to pay for
Coca-Cola in Our Schools
             Students in our surveys
              indicated their ads were
              similar to those in the
              United States. This
              was particularly true in
             Coke vending machines
              appear in many schools
              around the world.
In the Olden Days
 Coca-Cola sold only        A single share in
  25 bottles in the first     Coke that was
  year                        bought in 1919
 Nowadays, they sell         would be worth
  over one billion            $92,500 in 1997
  bottles per day            1919 is when the
                              Coca-Cola went
Funky Facts
 You can put a penny
  in Coke and it will
 The sales of Coke in
  the first year was
  $50, and the
  expenses were $70
Coke in Space
 In July 1985, Coke
  was the first soft
  drink to be enjoyed
  in outer space on
  the space shuttle
 A special space can
  was developed
Did You Know?
 If you stacked all of the bottles of Coke
  that had ever been made end to end, it
  would reach to the moon and back
  1,045 times!
 Coca-Cola contained cocaine until 1913
   They had to remove it from the ingredients
    because people were becoming addicted
    to the drink
A Special Thanks !!
    We would like to publicly thank the
following two classes who provided us
            with information.

          Sandra Winnett
         Mohammad Munir

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  • 3. The task my class took on was to find out if students around the world have the same reaction to Coke that we have here in New Hampshire. They wondered if students just drank Coke because everyone else did or if they really liked the taste. We asked students from the learning circles questions about their drinking habits as it pertained to soft drinks. We received responses we were expecting and also answers that amazed us. The thing we were most surprised about was that of the students we surveyed, the ones that were most dissimilar to us were from Kansas in the U.S. The students there drank a lot of drinks we here in New England had never heard of.
  • 4. Why do students drink Coke? The bottom line for the students surveyed was they liked the taste. Peer pressure did not seem to have a significant influence on the decision of what soda to drink. Students also felt strongly about they decision to drink Coke Versus Pepsi. There really does appear to be a cola war.
  • 5. Coca-Cola Statistics Coca cola owns more than 遜 of the worlds beverages. Coke is affordable in all the countries we surveyed. It was not out of the price range for an afternoon snack. Coke comes in a variety of sizes worldwide so you can use it for a crowd or as a personal snack drink
  • 6. Advertising Coke was first advertised as a remedy for headaches and exhaustion Coke has been advertising on television for 50 years. Songs used in coca cola commercials have become popular. They use catchy mottos such as: Adds a refreshing relish to every form of exercise
  • 7. Charitable Giving The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners shipped more than 30 million donated 8-oz. servings to Hurricane Katrina Evacuees, donated $10 million to tsunami relief efforts in Asia and after the September 11 terrorist attacks committed to a $12 million financial contribution to disaster relief efforts.
  • 8. The Other Side of Coke There are 27 Some of the other different varieties of brands under the coke made by Coca- Coca-Cola Company Cola are: Sprite First bottle of Coke Barqs Root beer was sold 120 years Dasani ago on May 8, Dr. Pepper 1886 in Atlanta, Fresca Georgia. Hi-C Minute Maid
  • 9. Marketing Worldwide In 1998 Coke international created its first ad for the celebration of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. It was run in 20 countries worldwide. Coke is a Kosher drink, so it is sold internationally. This coke can is written in Hebrew
  • 10. Coca-Cola Recognition Coca-Cola is recognized by 94% of the worlds population Approximately 10,450 Coca-Cola brand drinks are consumed around the world each second of every day
  • 11. International Coca-Cola In Hong-Kong, heated Coke is served as a cold remedy Coke advertises 200 in countries around the world. In Japan people use money chips on their cell phones to pay for drinks.
  • 12. Coca-Cola in Our Schools Students in our surveys indicated their ads were similar to those in the United States. This was particularly true in Europe. Coke vending machines appear in many schools around the world.
  • 13. In the Olden Days Coca-Cola sold only A single share in 25 bottles in the first Coke that was year bought in 1919 Nowadays, they sell would be worth over one billion $92,500 in 1997 bottles per day 1919 is when the Coca-Cola went public
  • 14. Funky Facts You can put a penny in Coke and it will dissolve The sales of Coke in the first year was $50, and the expenses were $70
  • 15. Coke in Space In July 1985, Coke was the first soft drink to be enjoyed in outer space on the space shuttle Challenger A special space can was developed
  • 16. Did You Know? If you stacked all of the bottles of Coke that had ever been made end to end, it would reach to the moon and back 1,045 times! Coca-Cola contained cocaine until 1913 They had to remove it from the ingredients because people were becoming addicted to the drink
  • 17. A Special Thanks !! We would like to publicly thank the following two classes who provided us with information. Sandra Winnett Mohammad Munir