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by Alexey O. Chepok
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Achieving excellence means performing at the sustained ever going up
momentum  that really requires an effort!
 Competition  in our industry you are exposed to competition on a
global scale, the performance benchmark is raised continuously
 Responsibility  your own life cycle, your own place in society and
link to the environment, all endow you with lots of responsibility
 Self-fulfillment drive  it is a natural need for a human being to
evolve and cash on own potential, especially when proposing himself/herself
as a professional
So, it becomes obvious that excellence is similar to chinning-up for
an ever evolving world-class level bar, developing
own competitive advantages and driving results. It
is nothing but vital.
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Q: Do you have an example of Operational EXCELLENCE achieved?
Q: What is your personal benefit from the Operational EXCELLENCE?
Q: What have you done recently pursuing own EXCELLENCE?

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