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C42 Engineering & TrustedRishta.com
Founding moderator: BRUG	


Founding organizer: RubyConf India	


Founding member: Devcamp India	


Member: Barcamp Bangalore, BangPypers, etc.	


Good tech communities create immense value.
Community is a decisive factor in the success of a technology.	


(or philosophy)
An excellent example is the global Ruby community.
This doesnt happen automatically.
This conference is an example.
Creating a valuable community takes commitment.
Creating a valuable community takes resources.
Most importantly, it takes time. Years.

Understanding how valuable tech communities were built help
us replicate those successes.

Why, how and for whom?
Somewhere, a hacker creates something valuable.
Somewhere, another hacker has the same problem.
Even if its boredom.
Somewhere, a customer is willing to pay for something valuable.
This, and everyone in-between, is the community.







Fun, Learning, Contracts, Employment.




Recruiting, Tools, Products, Partnerships, Revenue.



Contractors, Tools, Products.

A valuable community facilitates bartering value.

Bartering depends on trust. Trust depends on reputation.

A valuable community facilitates tracking reputation of its

What opinion do we have of each-other?
These two contribute to the reputation of the community as a
whole, attempting to answer the question:	


What is this community good at?
Web apps
Scienti鍖c computing

Solve a stakeholders problem.
For a new community, its easy: Focus on education.

Dedicate time. Be systematic.
Regular meetups. Active lists.	


Keeping to a regular schedule is critical.

Identify and promote contributors.
Remember, its about reputation and value.
Hackers that educate. 	

OSS contributors. 	

Businesses that contribute money or meet up space.	

Customers that swear by your technology.

Identify the value chain.
Who are the stakeholders? How do they bene鍖t?

Stakeholders dont always realise how much they can bene鍖t
from actively participating.	


Help them understand. Bring them into the fold.

Facilitate bartering value.
Help members of the ecosystem work together.	

Reputation and transitive trust is critical.

Encourage face-to-face interaction.

The internet is nice, but meeting people is great for trust.
Communities are never perfect.
Ecosystems naturally seek
Community keynote
Systems in equilibrium change slowly.
Therefore, communities change slowly.
Most successful communities take years to build.
The most visible examples are the ones that are followed.
Rude people beget rude communities.
Elitists beget elitist communities.
Nice people beget nice communities.
Personal favourite: MINSWAN

Matz is nice, so we are nice.
Nice people make the best value transfer facilitators, IMO.
The larger the community, the more entrenched the culture.
There is no superuser.
Be 鍖exible. Avoid ego-trips.

Set the right example, early.
Build it and they will come is a fallacy.
Constantly strive to understand stakeholder problems.

Maybe they dont have learning resources. 	

Maybe they cant hire. 	

Maybe they cant 鍖nd customers.
Express how these problems can be solved.	

Clearly. Concisely.

Rails scaffolding demo from 2005.
Communities exist for and because of stakeholders.
Businesses and customers are a part of the community too.
Communities facilitate the barter of value among stakeholders.
Effective facilitation depends on creating trust.
Trust depends on reputation.
Building a reputation takes time.	


(and marketing)

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