The document provides an overview guide for students and parents on using the Odyssey learning program. It summarizes the key areas and features of the program, including the launch pad, assignments, portfolio, reports, FAQs, and a section for parents. The guide is organized across multiple pages with topics like launch pad and assignments, portfolio and reports, and FAQs.
The document provides templates for vocabulary activities based on Marzano's 6 steps for low proficiency learners in Malaysian classrooms. It includes examples of activities with and without language transfer using translation to the students' first language. The author notes the importance of associating new words with students' prior knowledge and experiences through pictures and examples rather than in isolation or randomly.
Compass Learning is an online curriculum for K-12 students that provides individualized learning paths based on NWEA MAP scores. Students take the MAP test, which assigns a RIT score for overall ability and individual subjects. Compass Learning then creates customized learning paths for each student based on their MAP results. Students access tutorials, activities, games and quizzes at their own pace through Compass Learning to progress toward academic goals. Teachers can monitor students' progress through reports on the system.
The document discusses strategies for actively engaging middle school students with vocabulary words. It describes using techniques like jigsaw activities, guessing the meanings of words from context clues, creating 3D representations of words, and using word roots to help students learn both new and review words. Several specific vocabulary learning activities are outlined, including a QHT chart, vocabulary squares, and making comic strips to illustrate word meanings. The goal is to promote student engagement and understanding of important academic vocabulary.
This is my slide deck from my session at the North Carolina Reading Conference last week in Raleigh, NC. I do staff development to schools and districts all over the country about best practices in literacy instruction. This topic is one of my most requested.
This document provides instructions for deleting or unassigning assignments (RIT folders) that have been imported from MAP into Compass. The key steps are:
1. Access the Assignment Status window by clicking on the Assignments tab and then Assignment Status.
2. Select the class and search for students.
3. For each student, view their assignment status and check assignments from December/January that have not been started. Place a checkmark next to these old assignments and click Unassign to delete them.
Odyssey Reports from Student Login allows students to log into Odyssey and view their portfolio to check the status of assignments in their month view. Students can click on the score link to access more details on quiz results, including whether their answers were correct.
Guide for setting up classes for Kindergarten / 1st grade teachers in Bullitt County Public Schools.
Bullitt County Public Schools
A guide for setting Decision Points and Progress Alerts on customized assignments on Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
The State Correlation Curriculum Report allows teachers to align Kentucky's curriculum with activities in Compass Learning. Teachers can generate a report by selecting a state, subject, and grade level, which will provide a list of activity numbers linked directly to relevant Compass Learning activities and quizzes. The report can be printed as a PDF.
Presentation made to parents regarding the implementation of Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
The Assignment Archive allows users to edit, delete, or make copies of assignments they have previously created. To access it, click Assignments then Assignment Archive in the toolbar. Users can search for assignments, delete them, or open a copy to edit the tasks and activities. When editing a copy, users can change settings like the title or task order before completing the updated assignment.
The document provides instructions for creating curriculum reports in Compass Learning that align Kentucky curriculum standards with available Compass Learning content. Users can generate reports that list specific learning activities, questions within activities, or questions within chapters that correlate to a selected subject, grade level, chapter, and lesson. The reports make it easy to find appropriate Compass Learning activities and questions to use for lessons, tests, or exit slips.
Guide for use of eInstruction CPS software for quick start. This was used in "Why Raise a Hand When You Can Click a Button" Session for KySTE 2011 by: Christie Turbeville & Susan Jenkins. Quick Start Guide by: Keith Frank - Proven Learning
The document is an instructional technology presentation that discusses various educational technology tools including Study Island, Compass Learning, History Alive, and Verbal Mode interactive whiteboard lessons. It provides contact information for representatives from Proven Learning and Study Island who can provide more information about the products. The presentation encourages using technology like Verbal Mode to check understanding during lessons in an interactive way.
Bullitt county public_schools_bullitt_blogsSusan Jenkins
The document discusses Bullitt County Public Schools moving their blogging capabilities to WordPress to allow teachers, administrators, and staff throughout the district to have their own blogs on a centralized system. WordPress MU allows for multiple blogs to exist within one installation and be administered from a single dashboard. The district has provided training and resources to help teachers set up and utilize blogs for communicating with parents and students by posting things like lesson plans, newsletters, and contact information.
Below is a presentation that my co-workers and I have used to showcase our Technology offerings in our district. We have used this on our TIS website, with parents, and also as a PR tool for various community showcases. This shows many of the technology opportunities available to our students.
This the presentation called "SMART Swatting" that my co-worker and I presented at the Kentucky Free Tech conference on May 26-27, 2010. It was originally made in SMART Notebook and coverted here to PDF. These are templates encouraging you to use koosh balls, nerf balls, and nerf dart guns to activate engaging review games on the SMART Board. The Notebook file can be downloaded by visiting this site:
CPS / Einstruction Clickers In Study Island NewcheatsheetSusan Jenkins
1. To use CPS clickers in Study Island, teachers must log in with their username and password, select the subject and topics, and choose the CPS response system and number of questions.
2. Teachers then distribute clickers to students according to the roster and start a new session. Students answer poll questions by selecting options on their clickers.
3. Results can be viewed in various formats including detailed individual responses, class summaries, and printable worksheets. Teachers can save incomplete sessions to finish later.
The document appears to be a slide presentation about educational technology products and services from eInstruction and Study Island. It includes contact information for representatives from eInstruction and Study Island, as well as descriptions of the types of products and services they offer such as interactive whiteboard lessons, common assessments, student-paced assessments, and tools for verbal questioning of students.
Odyssey Reports from Student Login allows students to log into Odyssey and view their portfolio to check the status of assignments in their month view. Students can click on the score link to access more details on quiz results, including whether their answers were correct.
Guide for setting up classes for Kindergarten / 1st grade teachers in Bullitt County Public Schools.
Bullitt County Public Schools
A guide for setting Decision Points and Progress Alerts on customized assignments on Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
The State Correlation Curriculum Report allows teachers to align Kentucky's curriculum with activities in Compass Learning. Teachers can generate a report by selecting a state, subject, and grade level, which will provide a list of activity numbers linked directly to relevant Compass Learning activities and quizzes. The report can be printed as a PDF.
Presentation made to parents regarding the implementation of Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
The Assignment Archive allows users to edit, delete, or make copies of assignments they have previously created. To access it, click Assignments then Assignment Archive in the toolbar. Users can search for assignments, delete them, or open a copy to edit the tasks and activities. When editing a copy, users can change settings like the title or task order before completing the updated assignment.
The document provides instructions for creating curriculum reports in Compass Learning that align Kentucky curriculum standards with available Compass Learning content. Users can generate reports that list specific learning activities, questions within activities, or questions within chapters that correlate to a selected subject, grade level, chapter, and lesson. The reports make it easy to find appropriate Compass Learning activities and questions to use for lessons, tests, or exit slips.
Guide for use of eInstruction CPS software for quick start. This was used in "Why Raise a Hand When You Can Click a Button" Session for KySTE 2011 by: Christie Turbeville & Susan Jenkins. Quick Start Guide by: Keith Frank - Proven Learning
The document is an instructional technology presentation that discusses various educational technology tools including Study Island, Compass Learning, History Alive, and Verbal Mode interactive whiteboard lessons. It provides contact information for representatives from Proven Learning and Study Island who can provide more information about the products. The presentation encourages using technology like Verbal Mode to check understanding during lessons in an interactive way.
Bullitt county public_schools_bullitt_blogsSusan Jenkins
The document discusses Bullitt County Public Schools moving their blogging capabilities to WordPress to allow teachers, administrators, and staff throughout the district to have their own blogs on a centralized system. WordPress MU allows for multiple blogs to exist within one installation and be administered from a single dashboard. The district has provided training and resources to help teachers set up and utilize blogs for communicating with parents and students by posting things like lesson plans, newsletters, and contact information.
Below is a presentation that my co-workers and I have used to showcase our Technology offerings in our district. We have used this on our TIS website, with parents, and also as a PR tool for various community showcases. This shows many of the technology opportunities available to our students.
This the presentation called "SMART Swatting" that my co-worker and I presented at the Kentucky Free Tech conference on May 26-27, 2010. It was originally made in SMART Notebook and coverted here to PDF. These are templates encouraging you to use koosh balls, nerf balls, and nerf dart guns to activate engaging review games on the SMART Board. The Notebook file can be downloaded by visiting this site:
CPS / Einstruction Clickers In Study Island NewcheatsheetSusan Jenkins
1. To use CPS clickers in Study Island, teachers must log in with their username and password, select the subject and topics, and choose the CPS response system and number of questions.
2. Teachers then distribute clickers to students according to the roster and start a new session. Students answer poll questions by selecting options on their clickers.
3. Results can be viewed in various formats including detailed individual responses, class summaries, and printable worksheets. Teachers can save incomplete sessions to finish later.
The document appears to be a slide presentation about educational technology products and services from eInstruction and Study Island. It includes contact information for representatives from eInstruction and Study Island, as well as descriptions of the types of products and services they offer such as interactive whiteboard lessons, common assessments, student-paced assessments, and tools for verbal questioning of students.