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Decision Points and Progress Alerts:
1. See picture below to refresh your memory on the Decision Point Options screen.

2. When we chose CYCLE and then chose an activity, we then either chose Continue or Progress Alert.
3. Most of the upper grades chose Progress Alert to alert you or the computer lab monitor that this
   child has scored below 70% and must cycle back as you directed.
4. That being said, here is the GLITCH (news to us considering we were completely unaware that this is
   password protected)see details below:
       a. A progress alert is generated when a student does NOT pass an activity. Before they
          can continue, a teacher/computer lab monitor must UNLOCK the progress alert at the
          students computer workstation. Unlocking a progress alert at a students workstation
          requires a progress alert password  see below:
       b. NOTE: When Odyssey is first installed, the default password to unlock a progress alert
          is unlock99. If you cannot unlock a progress alert using this password, contact me and
          let me know. We, as a district, have NOT changed the default password so it should
          still be unlock99!
       c. This could be an issue if the student is working at home and does not get a
          70%...they will then need a password to get past this.
5. After finding out (unfortunately not through our initial training) that this route will require a password,
   I highly suggest changing this to continue for the majority of your students and only use the Progress
   Alert for those students who absolutely need to be monitored.
6. So, If you decide you no longer want the PROGRESS ALERT now that it needs this password and could
   cause students to sit for the computer lab monitor or you, please see directions below:
1. Login to Compass as your Teacher Account
2. Click on Assignments
3. Instead of clicking on Assignment Builder, click on Assignment Archive

4. Over to the left, search the assignment subject area you want to edit (easiest way to find your
5. When your assignment appears, checkmark the white box next to the assignment
6. Click on EDIT at the top                                                                          EDIT
7. The assignment box will appear. Click on EDIT TASKS at the bottom of the box.

8. When prompted to edit ALL STUDENTS or SELECTED STUDENTS, you will usually choose ALL STUDENTS since
   you will be editing this assignment for all students you originally assigned the assignment to.
9. Your assignment tasks with the DECISION POINT icons will appear.

10. If you want to EDIT a DECISION POINT to change the Progress Alert setting to Continue, click on the
    Decision POINT icon for that assignment.

11. The Decision Point Options box will reappear and you can change the setting from Progress Alert to
    Continue. This will alleviate the need or possibility that you will have to use a password to unlock the student
    screen and allow them to move forward.

12. Once you change the decision point, click on SAVE Decision Point.

13. Then click on Complete Assignment.

14. A screen will pop up asking if you want to make changes for all assignments  say OK!

15. You may have to rename the assignment  HINT  Just CHANGE the DATE!

16. You will be sent back to the main ASSIGNMENTS screen and all changes will be reflected when the students

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Decision points-and-progress-alerts

  • 1. Decision Points and Progress Alerts: 1. See picture below to refresh your memory on the Decision Point Options screen. 2. When we chose CYCLE and then chose an activity, we then either chose Continue or Progress Alert. 3. Most of the upper grades chose Progress Alert to alert you or the computer lab monitor that this child has scored below 70% and must cycle back as you directed. 4. That being said, here is the GLITCH (news to us considering we were completely unaware that this is password protected)see details below: a. A progress alert is generated when a student does NOT pass an activity. Before they can continue, a teacher/computer lab monitor must UNLOCK the progress alert at the students computer workstation. Unlocking a progress alert at a students workstation requires a progress alert password see below: b. NOTE: When Odyssey is first installed, the default password to unlock a progress alert is unlock99. If you cannot unlock a progress alert using this password, contact me and let me know. We, as a district, have NOT changed the default password so it should still be unlock99! c. This could be an issue if the student is working at home and does not get a 70%...they will then need a password to get past this. 5. After finding out (unfortunately not through our initial training) that this route will require a password, I highly suggest changing this to continue for the majority of your students and only use the Progress Alert for those students who absolutely need to be monitored. 6. So, If you decide you no longer want the PROGRESS ALERT now that it needs this password and could cause students to sit for the computer lab monitor or you, please see directions below:
  • 2. Changing a PROGRESS ALERT to a CONTINUE: 1. Login to Compass as your Teacher Account 2. Click on Assignments 3. Instead of clicking on Assignment Builder, click on Assignment Archive 4. Over to the left, search the assignment subject area you want to edit (easiest way to find your assignment) 5. When your assignment appears, checkmark the white box next to the assignment 6. Click on EDIT at the top EDIT 7. The assignment box will appear. Click on EDIT TASKS at the bottom of the box. 8. When prompted to edit ALL STUDENTS or SELECTED STUDENTS, you will usually choose ALL STUDENTS since you will be editing this assignment for all students you originally assigned the assignment to.
  • 3. 9. Your assignment tasks with the DECISION POINT icons will appear. 10. If you want to EDIT a DECISION POINT to change the Progress Alert setting to Continue, click on the Decision POINT icon for that assignment. 11. The Decision Point Options box will reappear and you can change the setting from Progress Alert to Continue. This will alleviate the need or possibility that you will have to use a password to unlock the student screen and allow them to move forward. 12. Once you change the decision point, click on SAVE Decision Point. 13. Then click on Complete Assignment. 14. A screen will pop up asking if you want to make changes for all assignments say OK! 15. You may have to rename the assignment HINT Just CHANGE the DATE! 16. You will be sent back to the main ASSIGNMENTS screen and all changes will be reflected when the students login.