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Bullitt County Public
    "Bullitt油 Blogs"

From "Easy Webs....."
Example 1油
Example 2
.....To Wordpress

Users' Needs:
  Space to be more creative
  Blogging capability
  Space to add documents including
  newsletters, handouts, and lesson plans
Wordpress MU

    WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU, or just
    WPMU)油 - allows multiple blogs to exist within one
    installation and able to be administered and
    maintained in a central spot.
    WordPress MU makes it possible for those with a
    website to host their own blogging community, as well
    as control and moderate all the blogs from a single
Everyone in District on the Same
Beginning with the District website, to the school websites,
to the teacher websites / blogs.

Bullitt County Public Schools Website
School Wordpress Sites
Brooks Elementary
Crossroads Elementary
Freedom Elementary
Lebanon Junction Elementary
Maryville Elementary
Nichols Elementary
Pleasant Grove Elementary
Roby Elementary
Shepherdsville Elementary
Bernheim Middle School
Bullitt Lick Middle School
Bullitt Central High School
Teacher Blogs
    Teachers are encouraged to use their blog as a customer
    service油tool in order to effectively communicate with
    Various principals have different requirements from
    building to building.
    The common district requirements call for the teachers
    to include contact information for parents and post a
    copy of each week's lesson plan on their blog.
Just a Sampling of some of our Great
Teacher Blogs on Wordpress...
Team Sites -                 Individual Blogs -
Elementary                   Elementary/Secondary
Lebanon Junction Fifth       油
Grade                        Julie Hobbs, 4th grade
Mt. Washington Fourth        Allison Stump, 5th grade
Grade                        Melissa Daunhauer, 3rd
Old Mill Third Grade         grade
Freedom First Grade          Josh Meredith, MS Math
Mt. Washington First Grade   Darrell Vincent, HS Physics
Pleasant Grove First Grade   Angela Cunningham, HS
油                            Social Studies
Even Superintendent, Tech Support staff,
and油Building Administrators are blogging!油

Keith Davis, Superintendent
Susan Jenkins, TIS
Christie Turbeville, TIS
Keith Barnes, TIS
Marcella Minogue, Principal
Terri Lewis, Principal
Cheri Lineweaver, Principal
Christy Coulter, Principal
Wordpress Resources

    A manual was written to help teachers get started with
    step by step instructions for posting information on
    their blogs.
    The manual can be found on the BCPS Technology Site
    under Wordpress Resources.

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Bullitt county public_schools_bullitt_blogs

  • 1. Bullitt County Public Schools 油 "Bullitt油 Blogs" 油 油 油
  • 3. .....To Wordpress Users' Needs: 油 Space to be more creative 油 Blogging capability 油 Space to add documents including newsletters, handouts, and lesson plans
  • 4. Wordpress MU WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU, or just WPMU)油 - allows multiple blogs to exist within one installation and able to be administered and maintained in a central spot. 油 WordPress MU makes it possible for those with a website to host their own blogging community, as well as control and moderate all the blogs from a single dashboard. 油 油 油
  • 5. Everyone in District on the Same Page! Beginning with the District website, to the school websites, to the teacher websites / blogs. 油 油 Bullitt County Public Schools Website
  • 6. School Wordpress Sites Brooks Elementary Crossroads Elementary Freedom Elementary Lebanon Junction Elementary Maryville Elementary Nichols Elementary Pleasant Grove Elementary Roby Elementary Shepherdsville Elementary Bernheim Middle School Bullitt Lick Middle School Bullitt Central High School 油
  • 7. Teacher Blogs Teachers are encouraged to use their blog as a customer service油tool in order to effectively communicate with parents. 油 Various principals have different requirements from building to building. 油 The common district requirements call for the teachers to include contact information for parents and post a copy of each week's lesson plan on their blog.
  • 8. Just a Sampling of some of our Great Teacher Blogs on Wordpress... Team Sites - Individual Blogs - Elementary Elementary/Secondary Lebanon Junction Fifth 油 Grade Julie Hobbs, 4th grade Mt. Washington Fourth Allison Stump, 5th grade Grade Melissa Daunhauer, 3rd Old Mill Third Grade grade Freedom First Grade Josh Meredith, MS Math Mt. Washington First Grade Darrell Vincent, HS Physics Pleasant Grove First Grade Angela Cunningham, HS 油 Social Studies
  • 9. Even Superintendent, Tech Support staff, and油Building Administrators are blogging!油 Keith Davis, Superintendent Susan Jenkins, TIS Christie Turbeville, TIS Keith Barnes, TIS Marcella Minogue, Principal Terri Lewis, Principal Cheri Lineweaver, Principal Christy Coulter, Principal
  • 10. Wordpress Resources A manual was written to help teachers get started with step by step instructions for posting information on their blogs. 油 The manual can be found on the BCPS Technology Site under Wordpress Resources. 油 http://ww2.bullittschools.org/technology/?page_id=443