Guide for setting up classes for Kindergarten / 1st grade teachers in Bullitt County Public Schools.
Bullitt County Public Schools
BHS 1:1 SetupbentoncardinalsThe document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a Macbook for a student. It details selecting language and keyboard preferences, logging in with the student's name and ID number, setting time zone and home folder permissions, and completing setup by leaving the laptop on after dragging the home folder to the dock. The setup ensures the student can login and access their files and preferences on the Macbook.
CPS / Einstruction Clickers In Study Island NewcheatsheetSusan Jenkins1. To use CPS clickers in Study Island, teachers must log in with their username and password, select the subject and topics, and choose the CPS response system and number of questions.
2. Teachers then distribute clickers to students according to the roster and start a new session. Students answer poll questions by selecting options on their clickers.
3. Results can be viewed in various formats including detailed individual responses, class summaries, and printable worksheets. Teachers can save incomplete sessions to finish later.
On line test and auto correctionSeán GallagherThis document provides instructions for creating an online quiz using Google Forms and auto-grading it using the Flubaroo add-on. It outlines how to create a form, add questions, send it to students, view responses, install and use Flubaroo to grade the quiz, select an answer key, generate grading and reporting on student performance. The process allows teachers to easily create, distribute, and auto-grade online assessments.
Learning to use Blackboard by Karen WattsLawrence MillerThis PowerPoint presentation provides instructions for using the basic features of the Blackboard learning management system. It outlines how to log in, access course content like assignments and discussions, submit assignments by typing in the submission box or attaching files, send emails through the mail feature, and check grades. The presentation emphasizes completing assignments offline first to avoid timing out of the system while typing. It also explains how to browse recipients and submit discussions. In summary, it walks students through the key areas of Blackboard like submitting assignments, communicating via email and discussions, and checking grades.
WACCyy Wednedsay Synchronous Classrooms (Pedagogical Use of Zoom) Zoom Kevin ...SBCTCProfessionalLearningWant to know more about how to manage synchronous sessions in Zoom? If so, this webinar is for you! Kevin will share strategies for keeping students engaged, tips for polling, great practices for large and small group discussions using breakout rooms, and much more.
Reading Feedback and Comments in Falcon OnlineDaytona State College LibraryTutorial walking students through understanding how to read feedback and comments through Falcon Online.
Self Grading Tests & Quizzes in Google DocsMeredith MartinThis document provides instructions for creating self-grading tests and quizzes using Google Forms. It outlines how to set up a Google Form, add different types of questions, choose a theme, and share the form. It then explains how to use the Flubaroo script to grade forms automatically. The Flubaroo script walks you through selecting options and an answer key for grading. Upon completion, a new worksheet with graded results and a summary is generated.
PRS trainingdevadasi71) The document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using an Interwrite Personal Response System (PRS) for classroom polling and assessment. It details how to install the software, configure the clickers and RF receiver, set up student classes and rosters, create lessons and questions, and conduct polling sessions.
2) Creating classes in the PRS software allows organizing students. Lessons contain questions and answer options, while sessions are specific implementations of lessons with classes. Merging a pre-made roster spreadsheet saves typing in student information.
3) Instructors can craft questions within the PRS or use external materials like PowerPoint, and students respond using their assigned clickers while results display
23 things session 1 elluminateMarlene MantoThis document provides instructions for using various online tools in an educational session, including:
- Using the whiteboard and communication tools in Elluminate such as raising hands and changing volume.
- Watching videos on YouTube and accessing video embedding codes.
- Uploading videos to TeacherTube and getting feedback.
- Finding and sharing photos from Flickr for educational purposes.
- Accessing and downloading resources from LORN including restricting searches by certification level.
- Partner activities including private messaging to share answers found on LORN.
- An overview of the next session focusing on online communication tools.
How to setup virtual classroomAndrew DasTo set up a virtual classroom using Zoom:
1. Sign up for a Zoom account.
2. Once logged in, click "Schedule a New Meeting" to fill out a form with classroom details like the topic, description, and date.
3. Save the information. You will then see options to add the training to your calendar, start the meeting, edit meeting details, or delete the training.
Instructions platform basic 571samrealesThe document provides instructions for students on how to access and navigate their online English course, explaining how to join the class, access various course elements like the content, calendar, and announcements, and detailing how to complete workbook activities and check progress. Students are advised to click on specific options and provided tips on common issues and how to get help if needed.
PhotoclassSeth Porter, MA, MLISThis document provides instructions for a digital photo class that teaches participants how to:
1. Transfer digital photos from a camera to a computer using a cable and the Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard.
2. Create an online photo album on Shutterfly and upload photos.
3. Email a selected photo from the album to another person.
The goal is for participants to establish an online photo album on Shutterfly and email one photo to someone.
Making Moodle Work for YouDianne KrauseMoodle can be used to streamline tasks like assigning and grading homework, creating quizzes, and holding discussions. Teachers can upload assignments for students to submit electronically, then grade and leave feedback directly in Moodle without paper. Quizzes can be created with different question types and automatically graded by Moodle. Discussion forums allow students to respond to prompts and each other's posts, enabling participation to be monitored without collecting physical work. Moodle reduces paperwork and allows grading and feedback to be done digitally from any computer.
Germantown Cohort 3 09fwegnerThis document provides orientation information for students taking an online course on integrating technology in the classroom. It outlines how to access course resources through the school portal, including the textbook website and Atomic Learning training modules. It describes how to find and complete assignments by clicking on the appropriate unit, chapter, and assignment in the online platforms. Students are instructed to introduce themselves and respond to other students' introductions on the discussion board. Contact information is provided for the instructor.
Basic mathematics activity for grade;4mmapula rabutlaThis document provides an introduction and instructions for a basic mathematics tutorial for grade 4 learners. The tutorial covers simple addition through counting objects on screen and answering revision questions. It includes sections on simple addition, counting larger numbers, revision questions, and an engineering activity to draw a labeled house with different components. The overall goal is for learners to master simple addition and apply it in everyday situations.
Pp TeachingKathryn OrrangeThis document provides instructions for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation with text. When opening PowerPoint, select "Blank Presentation" and then the "blank" layout to start with a blank canvas. To add text, select the text box icon which will allow dragging a box on the screen to type words into. This first text box is where the presentation text is entered and will expand as more text is added.
Tips and Trick for Chrome and GmailMarlena HebernWant to use Chrome and Gmail but don't know how to get started? Want to learn some tips to make it easier? This preso will get you started!
Editing Decriptive Poetry ( Thesaurus)Technokids PhilippinesThe document outlines a lesson plan that defines descriptive poetry, explains the function of a thesaurus tool, and provides a hands-on activity for students to practice using a thesaurus to find synonyms and compose a descriptive poem. Key points covered include defining descriptive poetry as poems that use words to describe what something looks like, explaining that a thesaurus functions like a dictionary in Microsoft Word to find synonyms, and directing students to complete an activity finding synonyms and composing a poem using the thesaurus tool.
The Catholic University of America Class of 1963 50th Year ݺߣshowcuaalumniThis document welcomes the Class of 1963 to a Homecoming and Reunions Weekend. It is an invitation for alumni to return to their alma mater to celebrate with classmates and reconnect with their university during homecoming festivities.
Redesdora-relaxEl documento presenta información sobre diferentes tipos de redes como LAN, MAN, WAN y sus componentes. Define qué es un conector RJ-45, un jack, un rack y un cable UTP categoría 5. Explica los esquemas de red en bus y estrella. Además, describe qué son las redes LAN, MAN y WAN.
The quadrant matMaToledoThis PowerPoint presentation models algebraic concepts using area and quadrant models. It illustrates factors, monomials, binomials, and the distributive property using rectangular representations in the quadrants. Examples include modeling 3(X+2) as 3X on one axis and 2 on the other, and -2X(-3X+1) as -6X^2 on one axis and 2X on the other. The area model represents products using rectangles of width and length, while the quadrant model places factors on different axes.
aprendizaje de la lectura Abril Andrea El hada fea usó su inteligencia y magia para engañar a las brujas y liberar a las hadas y magos que habían sido capturados. Gracias a sus acciones valientes, la gente dejó de considerar la fealdad como algo malo.
LsitotropicosEste documento presenta un caso sobre unos estudiantes que causaron un accidente en clase debido a su irrespeto e irresponsabilidad. Se plantean preguntas sobre cómo manejaría la situación Paula y qué valores y antivalores se evidencian. Tres estudiantes luego ofrecen reflexiones críticas sobre la importancia de la responsabilidad, el aprovechamiento de las oportunidades y los valores en la vida personal y social.
Los duendes[1]titi3Los duendes son seres mitológicos elementales guardianes de los bosques según las mitologías celta y nórdica. Se les describe como pequeños, con orejas puntiagudas y peludos. Algunos duendes eran familiares de druidas y brujos que usaban para espionaje o hechizos. Son vulnerables al hierro, plata y a símbolos religiosos como el trébol de cuatro hojas o San Patricio. Según las leyendas, habitan en los bosques y cada 100 años raptan una hermosa
Adso 4126Ketty RodriguezCurso de ADSO 4126 de la Prof. Grisel Melendez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio PIEDRAS
Actividad #5 desensamble y ensamble de la impresoradora-relaxEl documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto escolar sobre el desmontaje y montaje de una impresora. Proporciona instrucciones sobre precauciones de seguridad, herramientas necesarias, y ejercicios para mejorar la motricidad fina antes de desmontar la impresora. El documento concluye solicitando evidencia fotográfica del trabajo realizado por cada estudiante.
Assignment builder-in-odyssey-curriculumSusan JenkinsA guide to Assignment builder in Compass Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Web pams teachers' users guidefundamentalsfirstThis will help you use jpams it is the users guide directly from the website. Make sure your grades are in for the 2nd 6 weeks.
Unassigning map-assignments-assignment-statusSusan JenkinsThis document provides instructions for deleting or unassigning assignments (RIT folders) that have been imported from MAP into Compass. The key steps are:
1. Access the Assignment Status window by clicking on the Assignments tab and then Assignment Status.
2. Select the class and search for students.
3. For each student, view their assignment status and check assignments from December/January that have not been started. Place a checkmark next to these old assignments and click Unassign to delete them.
PRS trainingdevadasi71) The document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using an Interwrite Personal Response System (PRS) for classroom polling and assessment. It details how to install the software, configure the clickers and RF receiver, set up student classes and rosters, create lessons and questions, and conduct polling sessions.
2) Creating classes in the PRS software allows organizing students. Lessons contain questions and answer options, while sessions are specific implementations of lessons with classes. Merging a pre-made roster spreadsheet saves typing in student information.
3) Instructors can craft questions within the PRS or use external materials like PowerPoint, and students respond using their assigned clickers while results display
23 things session 1 elluminateMarlene MantoThis document provides instructions for using various online tools in an educational session, including:
- Using the whiteboard and communication tools in Elluminate such as raising hands and changing volume.
- Watching videos on YouTube and accessing video embedding codes.
- Uploading videos to TeacherTube and getting feedback.
- Finding and sharing photos from Flickr for educational purposes.
- Accessing and downloading resources from LORN including restricting searches by certification level.
- Partner activities including private messaging to share answers found on LORN.
- An overview of the next session focusing on online communication tools.
How to setup virtual classroomAndrew DasTo set up a virtual classroom using Zoom:
1. Sign up for a Zoom account.
2. Once logged in, click "Schedule a New Meeting" to fill out a form with classroom details like the topic, description, and date.
3. Save the information. You will then see options to add the training to your calendar, start the meeting, edit meeting details, or delete the training.
Instructions platform basic 571samrealesThe document provides instructions for students on how to access and navigate their online English course, explaining how to join the class, access various course elements like the content, calendar, and announcements, and detailing how to complete workbook activities and check progress. Students are advised to click on specific options and provided tips on common issues and how to get help if needed.
PhotoclassSeth Porter, MA, MLISThis document provides instructions for a digital photo class that teaches participants how to:
1. Transfer digital photos from a camera to a computer using a cable and the Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard.
2. Create an online photo album on Shutterfly and upload photos.
3. Email a selected photo from the album to another person.
The goal is for participants to establish an online photo album on Shutterfly and email one photo to someone.
Making Moodle Work for YouDianne KrauseMoodle can be used to streamline tasks like assigning and grading homework, creating quizzes, and holding discussions. Teachers can upload assignments for students to submit electronically, then grade and leave feedback directly in Moodle without paper. Quizzes can be created with different question types and automatically graded by Moodle. Discussion forums allow students to respond to prompts and each other's posts, enabling participation to be monitored without collecting physical work. Moodle reduces paperwork and allows grading and feedback to be done digitally from any computer.
Germantown Cohort 3 09fwegnerThis document provides orientation information for students taking an online course on integrating technology in the classroom. It outlines how to access course resources through the school portal, including the textbook website and Atomic Learning training modules. It describes how to find and complete assignments by clicking on the appropriate unit, chapter, and assignment in the online platforms. Students are instructed to introduce themselves and respond to other students' introductions on the discussion board. Contact information is provided for the instructor.
Basic mathematics activity for grade;4mmapula rabutlaThis document provides an introduction and instructions for a basic mathematics tutorial for grade 4 learners. The tutorial covers simple addition through counting objects on screen and answering revision questions. It includes sections on simple addition, counting larger numbers, revision questions, and an engineering activity to draw a labeled house with different components. The overall goal is for learners to master simple addition and apply it in everyday situations.
Pp TeachingKathryn OrrangeThis document provides instructions for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation with text. When opening PowerPoint, select "Blank Presentation" and then the "blank" layout to start with a blank canvas. To add text, select the text box icon which will allow dragging a box on the screen to type words into. This first text box is where the presentation text is entered and will expand as more text is added.
Tips and Trick for Chrome and GmailMarlena HebernWant to use Chrome and Gmail but don't know how to get started? Want to learn some tips to make it easier? This preso will get you started!
Editing Decriptive Poetry ( Thesaurus)Technokids PhilippinesThe document outlines a lesson plan that defines descriptive poetry, explains the function of a thesaurus tool, and provides a hands-on activity for students to practice using a thesaurus to find synonyms and compose a descriptive poem. Key points covered include defining descriptive poetry as poems that use words to describe what something looks like, explaining that a thesaurus functions like a dictionary in Microsoft Word to find synonyms, and directing students to complete an activity finding synonyms and composing a poem using the thesaurus tool.
The Catholic University of America Class of 1963 50th Year ݺߣshowcuaalumniThis document welcomes the Class of 1963 to a Homecoming and Reunions Weekend. It is an invitation for alumni to return to their alma mater to celebrate with classmates and reconnect with their university during homecoming festivities.
Redesdora-relaxEl documento presenta información sobre diferentes tipos de redes como LAN, MAN, WAN y sus componentes. Define qué es un conector RJ-45, un jack, un rack y un cable UTP categoría 5. Explica los esquemas de red en bus y estrella. Además, describe qué son las redes LAN, MAN y WAN.
The quadrant matMaToledoThis PowerPoint presentation models algebraic concepts using area and quadrant models. It illustrates factors, monomials, binomials, and the distributive property using rectangular representations in the quadrants. Examples include modeling 3(X+2) as 3X on one axis and 2 on the other, and -2X(-3X+1) as -6X^2 on one axis and 2X on the other. The area model represents products using rectangles of width and length, while the quadrant model places factors on different axes.
aprendizaje de la lectura Abril Andrea El hada fea usó su inteligencia y magia para engañar a las brujas y liberar a las hadas y magos que habían sido capturados. Gracias a sus acciones valientes, la gente dejó de considerar la fealdad como algo malo.
LsitotropicosEste documento presenta un caso sobre unos estudiantes que causaron un accidente en clase debido a su irrespeto e irresponsabilidad. Se plantean preguntas sobre cómo manejaría la situación Paula y qué valores y antivalores se evidencian. Tres estudiantes luego ofrecen reflexiones críticas sobre la importancia de la responsabilidad, el aprovechamiento de las oportunidades y los valores en la vida personal y social.
Los duendes[1]titi3Los duendes son seres mitológicos elementales guardianes de los bosques según las mitologías celta y nórdica. Se les describe como pequeños, con orejas puntiagudas y peludos. Algunos duendes eran familiares de druidas y brujos que usaban para espionaje o hechizos. Son vulnerables al hierro, plata y a símbolos religiosos como el trébol de cuatro hojas o San Patricio. Según las leyendas, habitan en los bosques y cada 100 años raptan una hermosa
Adso 4126Ketty RodriguezCurso de ADSO 4126 de la Prof. Grisel Melendez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio PIEDRAS
Actividad #5 desensamble y ensamble de la impresoradora-relaxEl documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto escolar sobre el desmontaje y montaje de una impresora. Proporciona instrucciones sobre precauciones de seguridad, herramientas necesarias, y ejercicios para mejorar la motricidad fina antes de desmontar la impresora. El documento concluye solicitando evidencia fotográfica del trabajo realizado por cada estudiante.
Assignment builder-in-odyssey-curriculumSusan JenkinsA guide to Assignment builder in Compass Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Web pams teachers' users guidefundamentalsfirstThis will help you use jpams it is the users guide directly from the website. Make sure your grades are in for the 2nd 6 weeks.
Unassigning map-assignments-assignment-statusSusan JenkinsThis document provides instructions for deleting or unassigning assignments (RIT folders) that have been imported from MAP into Compass. The key steps are:
1. Access the Assignment Status window by clicking on the Assignments tab and then Assignment Status.
2. Select the class and search for students.
3. For each student, view their assignment status and check assignments from December/January that have not been started. Place a checkmark next to these old assignments and click Unassign to delete them.
Google ClassroomenglishuncpThis document provides a tutorial on how to use Google Classroom by walking through the steps to set up a class, create assignments, and grade student submissions. It explains how to navigate to and sign in, create a new class by filling out required fields, customize the class theme and about page, add students and class materials, make announcements and assignments, view and grade student work, and access all class content and submissions through the Google Drive folder for the class. The tutorial contains 35 steps to fully utilize all of Google Classroom's features.
Google classroom ppt for teachers.pptxRoySuparman1Google Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to streamline classwork distribution, submission, and grading. It allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send announcements, and give feedback to students. Students can access and submit classwork, get notifications, and stay organized. Teachers can track completion of assignments and provide feedback directly within Classroom. The mobile app allows students to access work on any device.
Google classroom PPT for teachers.pptxAnju GandhiGoogle Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to streamline classwork distribution, submission, and grading. It allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send announcements, and give feedback to students. Students can access and submit classwork, get notifications, and stay organized. Teachers can track completion of assignments and provide feedback directly within Google Classroom. The mobile app allows students to access classwork on any device.
googleclassroompptforteachers-220905085233-6347ce3a.pdfgajjalarajashekar34Google Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to streamline classwork distribution, submission, and grading. It allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send announcements, and give feedback to students. Students can access and submit classwork, get notifications, and stay organized. Teachers can track completion of assignments and provide feedback directly within Classroom. The mobile app allows students to access work on any device.
Google classroom ppt for teachers.pptxIbtihaalMHameedGoogle Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to streamline classwork. It allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send announcements, track student progress and provide feedback. Teachers can create assignments, distribute them digitally to students and evaluate work within Google Classroom. Students access and submit work through the Classroom website or mobile app. The platform aims to simplify distributing, turning in, and grading assignments in a paperless way.
Google classroom ppt for teachers.pptxcinowof548Google Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to streamline classwork distribution, submission, and grading. It allows teachers to create classes, distribute assignments, send announcements, and give feedback to students. Students can access and submit classwork, get notifications, and stay organized. Teachers can track completion of assignments and provide feedback directly within Google Classroom. The mobile app allows students to access classwork on any device.
Google classroom ppt for teachersDesireMaharjanGoogle Classroom is a free web-based platform developed by Google for schools to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way. Teachers can create classes, distribute assignments, materials, and communicate with students. Students can turn in and view feedback on assignments, and stay organized with a personalized class homepage. The platform allows teachers to integrate Google Docs, Sheets, ݺߣs, and other Google services to create and collect assignments digitally.
Chapter 7 what can students doIra RajiStudents can complete assignments in Frog by responding to text, file drop, SCORM, and quiz activities. They can message their teacher through the assignment wall and submit their completed work. Students can also personalize their Frog dashboard by adding widgets like calendars, notes, and links. They customize the dashboard layout and theme.
Blended Learning MCCE 2013jarvis204This document provides instructions for using various features in the Schoology learning management system (LMS). It describes how to create courses, folders to organize content, assignments, discussions, tests and quizzes. It also explains how to create and manage questions for tests/quizzes, and set various testing options and settings. The goal is to provide educators with guidance on the basic functions in Schoology for building out and managing online blended learning courses.
Cps powerpointJayme GrantThe document provides instructions for setting up and using Classroom Performance System (CPS) software in the classroom. It describes how to install the CPS software, set up classes and students, create lessons and questions, engage lessons using the CPS receiver and response pads, and ask verbal questions. The summary also notes some online resources for downloading CPS software and accessing training materials.
Power TeacherSie Gilbert1. The document provides instructions for using various features of the PowerTeacher gradebook software, including taking attendance, adding assignments and categories, entering scores, customizing reports, and grouping students.
2. Key steps outlined include clicking on the chair icon to take attendance, clicking tools then categories to add categories, and clicking plus signs to add assignments and student groups.
3. The document describes using features like the score inspector, summary statistics, and report queue to analyze student performance and progress.
Create an Assignment in MBCMaryAnn MedvedThe document provides instructions for teachers to create assignments in MBC and distribute them to students, including selecting a group, filling out information, standards, and assignees tabs to create the assignment, and then adding the created assignment to instructional bundles or pages to distribute to students.
Spanish 2312Dallas County Community College (Eastfield College), Central Texas CollegeThis document provides an orientation for students taking the SPANISH 2312 ONLINE course at Eastfield College. It includes contact information for the instructor, Wendi Casillas, and information about required materials such as a textbook, reliable internet access, microphone, and Blackboard account. It outlines steps for both new and returning students to set up accounts on the VHLCentral and Facetas Supersite platforms. The document reviews navigation of the Facetas site and eCampus site, technical support resources, assignment details, and the grading breakdown for the course.
Exporting from data director, Importing into PowerSchoolDerek D'AngeloThis document provides instructions for importing student exam scores from DataDirector into PowerSchools in 3 steps:
1) Create a score template in PowerSchools for each class period.
2) Download the exam scores report from DataDirector and copy/paste the scores into the appropriate score template.
3) Import the scores template back into PowerSchools to populate the student scores for that assignment. The document cautions that students missing from DataDirector will cause scores to be misaligned in PowerSchools and recommends running absent students' bubble sheets to avoid this issue.
Bb9 Quickstart GuideNCCThis document provides instructions for using various features in the Blackboard learning management system, including:
1) Accessing Blackboard courses, turning on edit mode, and customizing the course menu.
2) Posting announcements, adding documents and external links, creating folders, and sending emails within Blackboard.
3) Setting up discussion boards, including adding forums and threads and configuring forum settings like moderation and grading.
4) Accessing the grade center and entering student grades.
The document gives step-by-step directions for common Blackboard tasks to help instructors quickly start using the system.
Student portfolioquickstartSusan JenkinsThe document provides an overview guide for students and parents on using the Odyssey learning program. It summarizes the key areas and features of the program, including the launch pad, assignments, portfolio, reports, FAQs, and a section for parents. The guide is organized across multiple pages with topics like launch pad and assignments, portfolio and reports, and FAQs.
Student backpackSusan JenkinsOdyssey Reports from Student Login allows students to log into Odyssey and view their portfolio to check the status of assignments in their month view. Students can click on the score link to access more details on quiz results, including whether their answers were correct.
Parent login-and-backpack-cheat-sheetSusan JenkinsParent guide to Bullitt County Public Schools Compass Learning Odyssey Program.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Decision points-and-progress-alertsSusan JenkinsA guide for setting Decision Points and Progress Alerts on customized assignments on Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Creating progress-summary-reportsSusan JenkinsA guiden to creating the Progress Summary Report in Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Creating a-state-correlation-curriclum-reportSusan JenkinsThe State Correlation Curriculum Report allows teachers to align Kentucky's curriculum with activities in Compass Learning. Teachers can generate a report by selecting a state, subject, and grade level, which will provide a list of activity numbers linked directly to relevant Compass Learning activities and quizzes. The report can be printed as a PDF.
Compass learning odyssey_parent_presentationSusan JenkinsPresentation made to parents regarding the implementation of Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Assignment archiveSusan JenkinsThe Assignment Archive allows users to edit, delete, or make copies of assignments they have previously created. To access it, click Assignments then Assignment Archive in the toolbar. Users can search for assignments, delete them, or open a copy to edit the tasks and activities. When editing a copy, users can change settings like the title or task order before completing the updated assignment.
CompassteachericonkeySusan JenkinsIcon Key for Teachers in Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Creating a-curriculum-reportSusan JenkinsThe document provides instructions for creating curriculum reports in Compass Learning that align Kentucky curriculum standards with available Compass Learning content. Users can generate reports that list specific learning activities, questions within activities, or questions within chapters that correlate to a selected subject, grade level, chapter, and lesson. The reports make it easy to find appropriate Compass Learning activities and questions to use for lessons, tests, or exit slips.
CompasscheatsheetSusan JenkinsAll in one getting started sheet for Compass Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Creating student-progress-reportsSusan JenkinsA guide to generating Student Progress Report in Compass Learning Odyssey.
Bullitt County Public Schools
Cps clickers ky_ste11Susan JenkinsGuide for use of eInstruction CPS software for quick start. This was used in "Why Raise a Hand When You Can Click a Button" Session for KySTE 2011 by: Christie Turbeville & Susan Jenkins. Quick Start Guide by: Keith Frank - Proven Learning
Kyste2011 clickersSusan JenkinsThe document is an instructional technology presentation that discusses various educational technology tools including Study Island, Compass Learning, History Alive, and Verbal Mode interactive whiteboard lessons. It provides contact information for representatives from Proven Learning and Study Island who can provide more information about the products. The presentation encourages using technology like Verbal Mode to check understanding during lessons in an interactive way.
Bullitt county public_schools_bullitt_blogsSusan JenkinsThe document discusses Bullitt County Public Schools moving their blogging capabilities to WordPress to allow teachers, administrators, and staff throughout the district to have their own blogs on a centralized system. WordPress MU allows for multiple blogs to exist within one installation and be administered from a single dashboard. The district has provided training and resources to help teachers set up and utilize blogs for communicating with parents and students by posting things like lesson plans, newsletters, and contact information.
Technology bcpsSusan JenkinsBelow is a presentation that my co-workers and I have used to showcase our Technology offerings in our district. We have used this on our TIS website, with parents, and also as a PR tool for various community showcases. This shows many of the technology opportunities available to our students.
Smartswat2010 gamesandtoysSusan JenkinsThis the presentation called "SMART Swatting" that my co-worker and I presented at the Kentucky Free Tech conference on May 26-27, 2010. It was originally made in SMART Notebook and coverted here to PDF. These are templates encouraging you to use koosh balls, nerf balls, and nerf dart guns to activate engaging review games on the SMART Board. The Notebook file can be downloaded by visiting this site:
Kyste Clickers Jenk TurbSusan JenkinsThe document appears to be a slide presentation about educational technology products and services from eInstruction and Study Island. It includes contact information for representatives from eInstruction and Study Island, as well as descriptions of the types of products and services they offer such as interactive whiteboard lessons, common assessments, student-paced assessments, and tools for verbal questioning of students.
1. Compass Learning for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Teachers:
1. NOTE: If you choose not to make assignments by what you are teaching, you can do the following to create a
long list of assignments so the students will have things assigned rather than an overall curriculum when they
2. Login to Compass with your Teacher Account
3. Click on Assignments > Assignment Builder > Click on COMMON CORE
4. Choose your Subject Area, your Level (K or 1) and then a list will come up (see below). If you would rather
assign folders of activities, click the folders in the middle column. Checkmark as many as you want, but don’t
feel like you have to choose all the folders. Choose the first six this time, then six more next time, etc. You don’t
want to overwhem them and you also don’t want to assign too many to make it unmanageable.
5. Once the assignment folders are checkmarked, click Add Selected Tasks at the bottom.
6. NOTE: If you get an ERROR pop-up box that says you have too many activities to complete this assignment, LOG
OUT of Compass and log back in. Go back to Assignment Builder and if it asks to continue an assignment, hit
CANCEL to delete and redo the assignment.
2. 7. Once you click “Add Selected Tasks,” you should get the following screen with folders. To assign the folders,
click the white box to checkmark the folders.
8. Click Complete Assignment at the bottom of the page.
9. You will get the regular Assignment Screen to finish the assignment process. Change the Assignment Name to
change the name to (Last Name, Assignment Name – this will be more general in this case, Date), then click
NEXT at the bottom of the screen.
3. 10. The next screen is where you will choose your Entire Class by clicking on the box (checkmarking) by your class
name or by clicking the + sign and choosing the students by checkmarking by their name.
11. Click FINISH at the bottom of the screen.
12. A summary screen will appear and the assignments will immediately begin appearing for the students.