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Compass Learning for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Teachers:
1. NOTE: If you choose not to make assignments by what you are teaching, you can do the following to create a
   long list of assignments so the students will have things assigned rather than an overall curriculum when they

2. Login to Compass with your Teacher Account

3. Click on Assignments > Assignment Builder > Click on COMMON CORE

4. Choose your Subject Area, your Level (K or 1) and then a list will come up (see below). If you would rather
   assign folders of activities, click the folders in the middle column. Checkmark as many as you want, but don’t
   feel like you have to choose all the folders. Choose the first six this time, then six more next time, etc. You don’t
   want to overwhem them and you also don’t want to assign too many to make it unmanageable.

5. Once the assignment folders are checkmarked, click Add Selected Tasks at the bottom.

6. NOTE: If you get an ERROR pop-up box that says you have too many activities to complete this assignment, LOG
   OUT of Compass and log back in. Go back to Assignment Builder and if it asks to continue an assignment, hit
   CANCEL to delete and redo the assignment.
7. Once you click “Add Selected Tasks,” you should get the following screen with folders. To assign the folders,
   click the white box to checkmark the folders.

8. Click Complete Assignment at the bottom of the page.

9. You will get the regular Assignment Screen to finish the assignment process. Change the Assignment Name to
   change the name to (Last Name, Assignment Name – this will be more general in this case, Date), then click
   NEXT at the bottom of the screen.
10. The next screen is where you will choose your Entire Class by clicking on the box (checkmarking) by your class
    name or by clicking the + sign and choosing the students by checkmarking by their name.

11. Click FINISH at the bottom of the screen.

12. A summary screen will appear and the assignments will immediately begin appearing for the students.

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Kindergarten and-1st-grade-teachers-assignment-builder

  • 1. Compass Learning for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Teachers: 1. NOTE: If you choose not to make assignments by what you are teaching, you can do the following to create a long list of assignments so the students will have things assigned rather than an overall curriculum when they login. 2. Login to Compass with your Teacher Account 3. Click on Assignments > Assignment Builder > Click on COMMON CORE 4. Choose your Subject Area, your Level (K or 1) and then a list will come up (see below). If you would rather assign folders of activities, click the folders in the middle column. Checkmark as many as you want, but don’t feel like you have to choose all the folders. Choose the first six this time, then six more next time, etc. You don’t want to overwhem them and you also don’t want to assign too many to make it unmanageable. 5. Once the assignment folders are checkmarked, click Add Selected Tasks at the bottom. 6. NOTE: If you get an ERROR pop-up box that says you have too many activities to complete this assignment, LOG OUT of Compass and log back in. Go back to Assignment Builder and if it asks to continue an assignment, hit CANCEL to delete and redo the assignment.
  • 2. 7. Once you click “Add Selected Tasks,” you should get the following screen with folders. To assign the folders, click the white box to checkmark the folders. 8. Click Complete Assignment at the bottom of the page. 9. You will get the regular Assignment Screen to finish the assignment process. Change the Assignment Name to change the name to (Last Name, Assignment Name – this will be more general in this case, Date), then click NEXT at the bottom of the screen.
  • 3. 10. The next screen is where you will choose your Entire Class by clicking on the box (checkmarking) by your class name or by clicking the + sign and choosing the students by checkmarking by their name. 11. Click FINISH at the bottom of the screen. 12. A summary screen will appear and the assignments will immediately begin appearing for the students.