Bodegons.pptxAna BlesaEsta obra representa una escena cotidiana con objetos domésticos como una mesa, sillas y zapatillas pintadas al óleo sobre un tablero por el artista Roy Freer. Muestra detalles realistas de los objetos dispuestos de forma casual en un interior.
Place in Question - Summary PresentationTiffany DuneauThis document summarizes Tiffany Duneau's process for creating an animated short film about the passage of time in a location. It describes her research on Japanese woodblock printing styles and animation techniques. She recorded details of her location using various media to understand how to depict it. Her initial ideas focused on shadows, weather, and human passage over time. After developing prototypes, she chose to animate weather's effects over time using a watercolor style. She planned the animation thoroughly and evaluated her success at managing time and taking inspiration from other artists.
RCB CV2015roland bernardoRoland Bernardo is a civil drafter with over 20 years of experience preparing construction drawings using AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and Revit. He has worked for various engineering and construction firms in both the US and Saudi Arabia developing drawings for projects such as tunnels, pipelines, buildings, and land developments. Bernardo keeps his skills up to date with the latest AutoCAD and Civil 3D versions and has a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering as well as CAD certifications.
Οι Πτυχές Γύρω Από Την Κράτηση Μίας Αίθουσας Εκδηλώσεων | athenshall.grAthensHallgrΟι Πτυχές Γύρω Από Την Κράτηση Μίας Αίθουσας Εκδηλώσεων. Athens Hall. Μάθετε περισσότερα στο
11 HappyDev-lite-2015 autumn. Александр Дец. Теплый LAMPовый веб. Промышлен...HappyDev-litePHP - один из самых популярных языков программирования. Как разрабатывать под него сейчас? Что использовать?
Gb tgi q1 updateKantarThis document contains summaries of survey results from Kantar Media on topics related to personal appearance, media consumption habits, demographics, product/brand interactions, and alcohol and cosmetic brands. It includes data on where immigrants have lived in the UK, attitudes towards things like tanning and makeup, which on-demand streaming services people use, how people respond to different types of advertising, and consumption of specific beverage and cosmetic brands by demographic. The document provides an overview of new survey measures and research from Kantar Media on consumer behaviors and preferences.
Photography PortraitsJoan SèculiThe document provides information about portrait photography techniques and styles. It recommends using indirect window light or shade to avoid harsh direct sunlight. Camera placement in relation to the subject, such as high, low, or eye-level angles, can influence the viewer's perception. Common shot types like close-up, medium, and full-body shots are described. Brief biographies of famous portrait photographers like Steve McCurry, Annie Leibovitz, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, and Mario Testino are provided. The work of photographers Lee Jeffries and Pierre Gonnord who capture portraits of marginalized groups is also summarized.
Visual i Plàstica la geometria a l'espai - 3r ESO - exercici perspectiva obli...Joan SèculiEste documento presenta un ejercicio sobre la perspectiva oblicua en forma de L para estudiantes de 3er año de educación secundaria. El ejercicio explica cómo dibujar objetos en perspectiva oblicua utilizando líneas de fuga.
Status regulatorne reforme - Izveštaj za II kvartal 2015.NALED SerbiaOd početka 2010. godine, NALED na kvartalnom nivou priprema izveštaj o napretku i rezultatima Sveobuhvatne reforme propisa i kampanje Iz lavirinta. Na ovaj način NALED uvodi transparentnost u proces sprovođenja regulatornih reformi i podstiče nadležne institucije na efikasnije delovanje.
Istraživanje o kapacitetima za lokalni ekonomski razvoj u VojvodiniNALED SerbiaU cilju utvrđivanja trenutnog stanja i mogućnosti unapređenja rada lokalnih samouprava, u saradnji sa Pokrajinskim sekretarijatom za međuregionalnu saradnju i lokalnu samoupravu, NALED je u periodu od oktobra 2015. do maja 2016. sproveo sveobuhvatnu analizu kapaciteta za lokalni ekonomski razvoj u 45 gradova i opština u Vojvodini, sa fokusom na kancelarije za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (KLER). Nalazi istraživanja i preporuke za unapređenje dostupni su u objavljenom dokumentu.
Presentació taller AprenenT@CEscola ClaretPresentació de la sessió informativa-taller per a les famílies d’alumnat de 3r d’ESO del 26 d'octubre de 2017.
Presentació AprenenTAC 2017-18Escola ClaretLa utilització de les TAC a l’aula per a l’alumnat de secundària esdevé una eina imprescindible per actualitzar aquests processos. És important que aquest ús estigui contextualitzat en unes pràctiques pedagògiques que cerquen la millora dels processos d’ensenyament i aprenentatge
Creació disseny Lema secundària 15-16 · Col·legi Claret BarcelonaEscola ClaretThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare's platform.
Taller presentació projecte AprenenT@C a les famíliesEscola ClaretTaller sessió-informativa del projecte AprenenT@C destinat a les famílies de 3r d'ESO.
Gb tgi q1 updateKantarThis document contains summaries of survey results from Kantar Media on topics related to personal appearance, media consumption habits, demographics, product/brand interactions, and alcohol and cosmetic brands. It includes data on where immigrants have lived in the UK, attitudes towards things like tanning and makeup, which on-demand streaming services people use, how people respond to different types of advertising, and consumption of specific beverage and cosmetic brands by demographic. The document provides an overview of new survey measures and research from Kantar Media on consumer behaviors and preferences.
Photography PortraitsJoan SèculiThe document provides information about portrait photography techniques and styles. It recommends using indirect window light or shade to avoid harsh direct sunlight. Camera placement in relation to the subject, such as high, low, or eye-level angles, can influence the viewer's perception. Common shot types like close-up, medium, and full-body shots are described. Brief biographies of famous portrait photographers like Steve McCurry, Annie Leibovitz, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, and Mario Testino are provided. The work of photographers Lee Jeffries and Pierre Gonnord who capture portraits of marginalized groups is also summarized.
Visual i Plàstica la geometria a l'espai - 3r ESO - exercici perspectiva obli...Joan SèculiEste documento presenta un ejercicio sobre la perspectiva oblicua en forma de L para estudiantes de 3er año de educación secundaria. El ejercicio explica cómo dibujar objetos en perspectiva oblicua utilizando líneas de fuga.
Status regulatorne reforme - Izveštaj za II kvartal 2015.NALED SerbiaOd početka 2010. godine, NALED na kvartalnom nivou priprema izveštaj o napretku i rezultatima Sveobuhvatne reforme propisa i kampanje Iz lavirinta. Na ovaj način NALED uvodi transparentnost u proces sprovođenja regulatornih reformi i podstiče nadležne institucije na efikasnije delovanje.
Istraživanje o kapacitetima za lokalni ekonomski razvoj u VojvodiniNALED SerbiaU cilju utvrđivanja trenutnog stanja i mogućnosti unapređenja rada lokalnih samouprava, u saradnji sa Pokrajinskim sekretarijatom za međuregionalnu saradnju i lokalnu samoupravu, NALED je u periodu od oktobra 2015. do maja 2016. sproveo sveobuhvatnu analizu kapaciteta za lokalni ekonomski razvoj u 45 gradova i opština u Vojvodini, sa fokusom na kancelarije za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (KLER). Nalazi istraživanja i preporuke za unapređenje dostupni su u objavljenom dokumentu.
Presentació taller AprenenT@CEscola ClaretPresentació de la sessió informativa-taller per a les famílies d’alumnat de 3r d’ESO del 26 d'octubre de 2017.
Presentació AprenenTAC 2017-18Escola ClaretLa utilització de les TAC a l’aula per a l’alumnat de secundària esdevé una eina imprescindible per actualitzar aquests processos. És important que aquest ús estigui contextualitzat en unes pràctiques pedagògiques que cerquen la millora dels processos d’ensenyament i aprenentatge
Creació disseny Lema secundària 15-16 · Col·legi Claret BarcelonaEscola ClaretThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare's platform.
Taller presentació projecte AprenenT@C a les famíliesEscola ClaretTaller sessió-informativa del projecte AprenenT@C destinat a les famílies de 3r d'ESO.