This lesson plan aims to teach students about different types of mountains and their influence on humans. It outlines 6 activities where the teacher will use slides and group work to define mountains, compare fold, block, relict and volcanic mountains, discuss features of the Himalayas, and explore how mountains impact climate, resources, and hydroelectric power. Key concepts are that mountains form through folding of tectonic plates, uplifting, weathering, and volcanism. Examples provided include the Himalayas, Alps, Andes, and Rockies as fold mountains. The lesson concludes with a review of the content and an activity where students create a mountain picture chart.
This document discusses the author's background and experiences, including graduating from Xiamen University in 2011 with a marketing degree, volunteering in 2011 in Xiamen where they engaged in riding activities, enjoying coffee daily, and winning a gold award for basketball in 2012 with their teammates.
El documento repite la frase "ORDENA LA SECUENCIA SERIACI?N U ORDENAMIENTO" cinco veces, indicando que se debe ordenar o clasificar una serie de elementos.
The document discusses different learning strategies for online education. It states that businesses are increasingly using online training to reduce costs and improve accessibility. It also discusses that online learning offers flexibility since employees can receive training as needed. It emphasizes the importance of planning when starting an online course rather than just jumping into the work. Experts spend more time planning their approach compared to novices. Part of planning includes assessing tasks, evaluating strengths and weaknesses, planning an approach, applying strategies, and reflecting on performance.
This lesson plan aims to teach students about India's election process and the role of political parties. Students will compare different types of political parties, learn about the Election Commission's functions, and how elections are conducted. Activities include discussing electoral symbols, the voter ID card process, adult franchise rights, and the duties of the Election Commission. The lesson concludes by having students collect pictures of election symbols and political parties to create a classroom chart.
Este documento trata sobre las infecciones, incluyendo los objetivos, tipos, caracter¨ªsticas, tratamiento, recomendaciones, pron¨®stico y prevenci¨®n. Describe que las infecciones pueden ser causadas por bacterias, virus, hongos y que los tipos incluyen hepatitis, VIH, E. coli y candida albicans. El tratamiento puede incluir antibi¨®ticos orales o inyectables, y el pron¨®stico es generalmente de siete a diez d¨ªas. La prevenci¨®n implica una buena alimentaci¨®n, ex¨¢menes m¨¦dicos regulares
The document outlines an acronym, HAPPPYCARD, that hospitality staff should follow to provide anticipatory service that meets guest expectations. It involves maintaining high standards of hygiene, ambience, personnel, products, recognizing and considering each guest, and providing attentive and delightful extras to create a "wow" experience. The goal is to leave guests with a smile through small acts of consideration that cost nothing.
The document discusses mathematics curriculum and approaches suggested by the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Kerala Curriculum Framework (KCF). It notes that NCF aims for students to enjoy mathematics, see relationships, and understand its basic structures. KCF emphasizes relating mathematics to daily life and higher studies. The conclusion states the higher secondary curriculum should provide an appreciation of mathematics' applications while balancing depth versus breadth.
This document provides information about calculating the perimeter of a circle. It defines key terms like circle, radius, diameter, and pi. It explains that the perimeter of a circle is calculated by multiplying 2¦Ð by the radius (perimeter = 2¦Ðr). An example problem calculates the perimeter of a circle with a diameter of 4cm as being 4¦Ðcm. It concludes by asking review questions about perimeter, the perimeter formula, and calculating perimeter given a radius.
A computer consists of hardware and software. Hardware refers to physical components like processors, memory, storage devices, and peripherals. Software includes operating systems and applications. A computer's central processing unit (CPU) executes instructions using binary code, the digital language of computers composed of zeros and ones. Key hardware components include the CPU, memory (RAM and ROM), hard disks for storage, buses for communication, and input/output peripherals connected via ports. Important software includes operating systems and applications. A document provides an overview of basic computer components, technologies like USB and FireWire, and an example Mac lab setup connecting various digital audio hardware.
The document discusses the three main types of weathering that cause rocks to break into small pieces. Mechanical weathering is caused by temperature changes that make rocks expand and contract, breaking them into layers. Chemical weathering results from chemical reactions between minerals in rocks and rainwater that cause disintegration. Biological weathering is the disintegration of rocks by tree roots and small creatures making homes in cracks.
I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in 2010 with a major in accounting. In March 2011, I won a trophy for favorite accountant. In 2011, I volunteered in China to help grow trees.
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