This document discusses different types of connectors used in the English language. It defines connectors as words that join words or sentences. It identifies three main types of connectors: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. It provides examples of common coordinating conjunctions like "and", "but", and "or" and explains their uses. It also discusses correlative conjunctions used in pairs and subordinating conjunctions that join dependent clauses. Finally, it examines the use of time clauses with examples showing the order of past events and events happening simultaneously.
Jacques du Preez is an independent mortgage broker with 25 years of experience. He is licensed with Mortgage Edge and registered with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. He specializes in residential, commercial, construction, and asset financing mortgages. As a broker, he has access to over 30 lenders and can provide the best rates, credit protection, and personalized service. His goal is to empower clients and help them achieve financial freedom and debt freedom based on their unique needs and future plans.
This document discusses different types of pronouns in English and other languages. It defines personal pronouns as pronouns that stand in for names of people or things. It lists common types of pronouns like personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and interrogative pronouns. It provides examples of each type and lists the personal pronouns in English, including I, we, you, he, she, it, and they. It also briefly discusses personal pronouns in Spanish.
The hand-held market is growing rapidly but security for these devices hasn't kept pace. Common vulnerabilities include malware, backdoors, and insecure storage of sensitive user information. While platforms like Blackberry and iOS are more secure, Android allows direct app installation which increases risks. Timely software updates are also a challenge. As functionality increases on these powerful devices, so does potential for misuse. Security vendors are working to provide anti-virus, encryption, and other tools to enhance mobile security.
Jacques du Preez is a licensed mortgage agent who specializes in residential and commercial mortgages as well as renewable energy financing. He offers services like credit training, mortgage education, and financial planning. As a mortgage broker, he has access to a wide range of mortgage products and can often get significantly lower rates than banks. He focuses on helping clients achieve financial freedom and debt minimization.
Jacques du Preez is an independent mortgage broker with 25 years of experience. He is licensed with Mortgage Edge and registered with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. He specializes in residential, commercial, construction, and asset financing mortgages. As a broker, he has access to over 30 lenders and can provide the best rates, credit protection, and personalized service. His goal is to empower clients and help them achieve financial freedom and debt freedom based on their unique needs and future plans.
The document lists three schools where the individual has worked: Sandalanka Central College, Pannala National College, and Sri Sangabodhi Central College - Dankotuwa. The individual worked as an IT teacher at Sri Sangabodhi Central College - Dankotuwa.
El documento habla sobre las características más relevantes de los modelos de la Web y la información y tecnologías. Menciona números y letras que parecen representar diferentes secciones y temas. También discute conceptos clave relacionados con la economía y las entidades económicas.
Jacques du Preez is an independent mortgage broker with 25 years of business experience who is licensed with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario and Mortgage Edge. He specializes in residential and commercial mortgages including single family homes, rental properties, apartments, shopping plazas, and construction loans. Jacques is committed to explaining mortgage fundamentals and why using a broker is beneficial. He can be contacted at his office, mobile, fax, email, or through his websites.
El documento presenta 7 grupos de cuentas contables relacionadas con gastos y ingresos causados o devengados. Se incluyen ejemplos de asientos contables para registrar transacciones como el pago de alquileres, préstamos que generan intereses y ajustes contables al cierre del período.
Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. Node.js strategically unites developers of all backgrounds through the common language of JavaScript. Why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk with the evidence to support Node.js, and tools you need to be productive. We will walk through a typical workflow of creating and debugging a web application. You will learn how easy it is to deploy, including Microsoft Azure. We'll also look at popular frameworks and modules, and other learning resources to give you the best start.
MJ AMHTS with share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
The document lists three schools where the individual has worked: Sandalanka Central College, Pannala National College, and Sri Sangabodhi Central College - Dankotuwa. The individual worked as an IT teacher at Sri Sangabodhi Central College - Dankotuwa.
El documento habla sobre las características más relevantes de los modelos de la Web y la información y tecnologías. Menciona números y letras que parecen representar diferentes secciones y temas. También discute conceptos clave relacionados con la economía y las entidades económicas.
Jacques du Preez is an independent mortgage broker with 25 years of business experience who is licensed with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario and Mortgage Edge. He specializes in residential and commercial mortgages including single family homes, rental properties, apartments, shopping plazas, and construction loans. Jacques is committed to explaining mortgage fundamentals and why using a broker is beneficial. He can be contacted at his office, mobile, fax, email, or through his websites.
El documento presenta 7 grupos de cuentas contables relacionadas con gastos y ingresos causados o devengados. Se incluyen ejemplos de asientos contables para registrar transacciones como el pago de alquileres, préstamos que generan intereses y ajustes contables al cierre del período.
Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. Node.js strategically unites developers of all backgrounds through the common language of JavaScript. Why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk with the evidence to support Node.js, and tools you need to be productive. We will walk through a typical workflow of creating and debugging a web application. You will learn how easy it is to deploy, including Microsoft Azure. We'll also look at popular frameworks and modules, and other learning resources to give you the best start.
MJ AMHTS with share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
4. Disaster Nursing Competence
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護理雜誌 卷 3 期?中華民國 99 年 月
6. 10 Disaster Nursing Competence
Disaster Response:
Essential Competence for Nurses
Chun-Lan Lee1 ? Li-Chi Chiang2*
AbstRACt: Disaster nursing is an essential competence for nurses today. Nurses must enhance their emergency
treatment abilities and internalize evacuation and disaster-related concepts (time, resource, situation,
and person) in order to deliver physical, psychological, social and spiritual holistic care to disaster vic-
tims and their families across the disaster stage continuum (i.e., before, impact, and after). Core disas-
ter nursing competence include: knowledge, evacuation skills and physical, psychological and social
trauma impact interventions targeting victims. Ethical and cultural sensitivities must be considered,
and nurses must be familiar with response procedures as well as master communication and negotia-
tion skills in order to consolidate group cooperation. The current challenge for nurses is to reconsider
their role and function, focusing on disaster preparedness and preparedness drills in order to serve as
an immediate and effective resource and manager both in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and
the following recovery / health promotion period. Recognition and preparedness of disaster nursing re-
lated concepts are crucial because nurses must be recognized for the essential role they play in global
Key Words: disaster nursing, nursing competence.
RN, MSN, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, National Defense Medical Center; 2RN, PhD, Professor and Dean, School
of Nursing, National Defense Medical Center.
Received: April 2, 2010 Revised: May 3, 2010 Accepted: May 1, 2010
*Address correspondence to: Li-Chi Chiang, P. O. Box 9004-10, Nei-Hu, Taiwan, ROC.
Tel: + (2) 92-3100 ext. 1; E-mail:
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