Dokumen ini membahas tentang defleksi poros engkol pada mesin kapal, termasuk cara mengukur deflesinya menggunakan alat clock meter, faktor yang mempengaruhinya, dan pedoman pengukuran.
Determination of principal particulars of shipMdAbdurRahim34
This document provides requirements and calculations for a general cargo ship with the following specifications:
- Deadweight of 20,000 tonnes
- Length of 142m and breadth of 22.23m
- Speed of 13.8 knots
It includes calculations of cargo capacity, displacement, draft, and other principal particulars to design a ship that meets the given deadweight and can navigate in the Port of Chittagong. Dimensions for structures like the poop deck, bulbous bow, and cargo holds are also determined based on established standards and guidelines.
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Tugas ini membahas perencanaan propeler dan sistem poros untuk kapal tanker minyak bernama MT. Rhein. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi perhitungan tahanan kapal, daya mesin, pemilihan propeler dan sistem poros. Tahanan kapal dihitung menggunakan metode Harvald untuk menentukan daya mesin yang dibutuhkan. Propeler dan sistem poros dirancang untuk menyesuaikan daya mesin tersebut agar kapal dapat menc
This software is designed for Marine Bunker Surveyors to minimize time in bunker quantification following API-MPMS guidelines. It also contains some other conversion tools which are really important to calculate the fuel characteristics like Shell CCAI, BP CII, Net and Gross Specific Energy, Injection, Temperature based on measured viscosity, density conversion tools and much more.
Perkins 1200 series 1204 e e44ta and 1204e-e44tta industrial engine model(ml)...fjsjjekdkme
This document provides instructions for removing and installing various components of an industrial engine, including the fuel priming pump, flow control valve, fuel filters, fuel manifold, injection lines, turbochargers, exhaust components, sensors, and other engine parts. Safety precautions are provided to ensure the work is performed correctly without risk of injury. The procedures include removing plugs and caps, disconnecting lines and electrical connections, loosening bolts, and replacing seals before reinstalling parts in the reverse order.
The document provides information on how to conduct a bunker survey, including the required tools, steps to take, and how to calculate bunker quantities. It describes taking tank soundings and samples, recording temperature and density measurements, applying corrections for trim and list, and using ASTM tables to determine volume and weight correction factors to calculate the quantity of bunkers in metric tons. It also provides a sample calculation for a fuel oil tank sounding.
The document discusses Delphi's products and services for diesel applications in vehicles. It highlights Delphi's complete solutions for fuel systems, engine management, injection, air conditioning and cooling, diagnostics equipment, training and technical support, steering and suspension, and ignition. It emphasizes Delphi's high quality standards from the original equipment market and its ability to provide 100% guarantees on products. It also discusses Delphi's extensive training programs for technicians.
Caterpillar cat 349 d l excavator (prefix khs) service repair manual (khs0000...didkkskdmmd
This document provides instructions for installing a travel motor on an excavator. It lists the required tools and parts. The procedure has 33 steps that include installing seals, spacers, pistons, plates, and bolts in the proper sequence and orientation. Measurements are taken throughout to ensure correct assembly. Proper cleaning and protection from contamination during installation is emphasized.
The stern tube is a hollow tube running through the bottom of a ship that contains the propeller shaft. It connects the main engine to the propeller and supports the large weight of the propeller. Stern tubes are designed to keep water from leaking into the ship while allowing the propeller shaft to rotate freely. They contain bearings lubricated with oil or water to reduce friction and prevent leakage between the stern tube and propeller shaft. Modern systems aim to improve lubrication and reduce contamination of lubricants with water for more efficient propulsion.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan perhitungan tebal minimum plat kulit (shell plating) untuk berbagai bagian kapal seperti plat alas, bilga, lunas datar, dan sisi sesuai dengan SNI 06-1747-2002. Perhitungan mempertimbangkan faktor beban, jarak antar rangka (frame space), panjang kapal, dan faktor material dan korosi. Tebal minimum ditentukan berdasarkan rumus yang melibatkan beban alas dan faktor-faktor tersebut.
MITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Manual SN:F25C-50001-UPkjsekmd fhsemmd
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theMITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.MITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
Chassis and Mast: Foreword
Chassis and Mast: General Information
Chassis and Mast: Cooling System
Chassis and Mast: Electrical System
Chassis and Mast: Electrical Schematics
Chassis and Mast: Controllers
Chassis and Mast: Power Train
Chassis and Mast: Clutches
Chassis and Mast: Manual Transmission
Chassis and Mast: Power shift Transmission
Chassis and Mast: Front Axle and Reduction Differential
Chassis and Mast: Rear Axle
Chassis and Mast: Brake System
Chassis and Mast: Steering System
Chassis and Mast: Hydraulic System
Chassis and Mast: Mast and Forks
Chassis and Mast: Service Data
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Foreword
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: General Information
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Maintenance
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Tune up
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Mechanical
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Control
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Lubrication and Cooling
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Fuel
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Electrical
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveMITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Workshop Manual.
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NEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Manualhfjskefkmdm
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theNEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.NEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
Final Drives
Brakes and Steering Differential
Dozer Equipment Hydraulic System
Electrical System
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveNEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Workshop Manual.
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:
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This is the Highly Detailed factory Parts manual for theBOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER, this Parts Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.BOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER Parts Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this Parts manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Parts Manual Covers:
Main Frame
Drive Train
Hydraulic System
High Flow Hydraulics
Hydrostatic System
Electrical System
Power Unit
Accessories and Options
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveBOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER Parts Manual.
Looking for some other Parts Manual,please check:
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1. Anti icing dan de-icing system digunakan untuk mencegah terbentuknya es atau memecahkan es yang sudah terbentuk pada pesawat terbang.
2. Es pada pesawat dapat menambah drag, mengurangi lift, menimbulkan getaran merusak, dan mengganggu kinerja mesin.
3. Sistem anti icing dan de-icing dapat berupa pemanasan permukaan dengan udara panas, elemen listrik, atau semprotan alkohol.
The document discusses reversing systems for ships, which can use either an indirect or direct shafting arrangement. The indirect system uses a controllable pitch propeller and gearbox to adjust the pitch of the propeller blades for reversing. The direct system directly reverses the rotation of the engine itself, with clockwise rotation for moving ahead and counterclockwise for reversing astern. It also includes a diagram showing the components involved in a direct system, including a selector valve, servo motor, and fuel cams for switching the engine between ahead and astern rotation.
Caterpillar cat 313 d2 l excavator (prefix feb) service repair manual instant...idkkdkmdmd
The document provides disassembly instructions for the final drive, travel motor, and counterbalance valve of a 313D2 excavator. It lists required tools and outlines 16 steps to disassemble the final drive, which include draining oil, removing fittings and bolts, and using tools to remove bearings. It then details 19 steps to disassemble the counterbalance valve and travel motor, noting safety precautions and the need to mark components for reassembly.
Massey ferguson mf 399 tractor, a6.354.4 engine parts catalogue manualdhjfjkmmmde
The document provides detailed parts information for the Massey Ferguson MF 399 tractor and its A6.354.4 engine, including 5 pages listing over 80 individual parts by number, quantity, description and other notes. It appears to be a service or repair manual excerpt focused on the engine and related components.
Sistem penggerak awal mesin induk kapal (diesel) menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi untuk mendorong piston dan memutar poros/crank-shaft, sehingga mesin dapat beroperasi. Komponen utamanya terdiri dari kompresor, botol angin, katup udara mulai, dan distributor udara yang mengalirkan udara ke silinder tertentu.
The Azipod propulsion system, developed by ABB, uses podded electric motors that can rotate 360 degrees. This allows ships equipped with Azipods to maneuver more effectively than those using conventional propeller systems. Azipods have enabled cargo vessels and icebreakers to independently navigate harsh Arctic conditions via the Northern Sea Route. Their ability to rotate the vessel in any direction provides superior maneuverability and enables operations in heavy ice without assistance.
Caterpillar cat ec20 k ec25k forklift lift trucks service repair manual sna3e...fjjskekdmnsme
This document provides service information for the front axle and front wheels of industrial lift trucks. It includes descriptions of front axle components and instructions for removing and installing front wheels. Safety warnings are provided, such as the need to block wheels, apply the parking brake, and lower forks before removal to prevent injury or truck movement. Component images and diagrams are included to illustrate the front axle layout and wheel removal process.
This document lists original fuel injection pumps and their substitutes for various tractor and engine models, noting any modifications needed. It provides over 50 pairs of original and substitute pump part numbers, often with oil level or other part changes required. The substitute pumps listed are intended to maintain performance for the original applications. In some cases additional workshop support is also noted as needed to implement the substitution successfully.
This document contains calculations for the midship section modulus and moment of inertia of a ship. It provides the dimensions, areas, section moduli, and moments of inertia for various structural elements both above and below the assumed neutral axis. The total section modulus at the keel is 4639.59 cm^3 and at the main deck is 9279.19 cm^3. The actual neutral axis is located 17.22 cm above the assumed axis.
This document is a workshop manual providing instructions for repair and maintenance of Perkins 2800 Series diesel engines, including the 2806C-E18 TAG1 TAG2 and TAG3 models. It contains detailed specifications, repair and assembly procedures, torque specifications, and other technical information divided into chapters covering the cylinder head, pistons and connecting rods, crankshaft, timing gears, crankcase, and other engine systems. The manual is intended as a reference for technicians servicing these industrial diesel engines.
Este documento fornece instru巽探es para realizar servi巽os em um sistema de combust鱈vel, incluindo a substitui巽達o de componentes como v叩lvulas da bomba de combust鱈vel, camisas de cobre e tampa de cavidade esf辿rica da unidade injetora. Tamb辿m inclui procedimentos para regular as v叩lvulas e unidades injetoras, como a ordem correta e uso das marca巽探es na 叩rvore de comando de v叩lvulas.
The document provides information on function isolation tools for vehicle cab wiring, including:
- Circuits that can be turned on/off like all circuits off/on and isolating individual circuits like the battery power circuit
- How to use bookmarks and buttons to navigate schematics and view callouts
- Electrical and hydraulic symbols and their meanings
- Tips for navigating and using schematics like utilizing hyperlinks and changing views
- Information on common diagnostic codes like Component Identifiers and Module Identifiers
Hitachi ex2600 6 hydraulic excavator service repair manualjmdms eekduui
1) The document provides safety information and instructions for operating heavy machinery.
2) It outlines various hazards such as falling, fire, noise, and moving parts that could cause injury.
3) Operators are instructed to inspect the machine, wear protective gear, and follow all safety signs and manual instructions to avoid accidents.
Caterpillar cat 349 d l excavator (prefix khs) service repair manual (khs0000...didkkskdmmd
This document provides instructions for installing a travel motor on an excavator. It lists the required tools and parts. The procedure has 33 steps that include installing seals, spacers, pistons, plates, and bolts in the proper sequence and orientation. Measurements are taken throughout to ensure correct assembly. Proper cleaning and protection from contamination during installation is emphasized.
The stern tube is a hollow tube running through the bottom of a ship that contains the propeller shaft. It connects the main engine to the propeller and supports the large weight of the propeller. Stern tubes are designed to keep water from leaking into the ship while allowing the propeller shaft to rotate freely. They contain bearings lubricated with oil or water to reduce friction and prevent leakage between the stern tube and propeller shaft. Modern systems aim to improve lubrication and reduce contamination of lubricants with water for more efficient propulsion.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan perhitungan tebal minimum plat kulit (shell plating) untuk berbagai bagian kapal seperti plat alas, bilga, lunas datar, dan sisi sesuai dengan SNI 06-1747-2002. Perhitungan mempertimbangkan faktor beban, jarak antar rangka (frame space), panjang kapal, dan faktor material dan korosi. Tebal minimum ditentukan berdasarkan rumus yang melibatkan beban alas dan faktor-faktor tersebut.
MITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Manual SN:F25C-50001-UPkjsekmd fhsemmd
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theMITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.MITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
Chassis and Mast: Foreword
Chassis and Mast: General Information
Chassis and Mast: Cooling System
Chassis and Mast: Electrical System
Chassis and Mast: Electrical Schematics
Chassis and Mast: Controllers
Chassis and Mast: Power Train
Chassis and Mast: Clutches
Chassis and Mast: Manual Transmission
Chassis and Mast: Power shift Transmission
Chassis and Mast: Front Axle and Reduction Differential
Chassis and Mast: Rear Axle
Chassis and Mast: Brake System
Chassis and Mast: Steering System
Chassis and Mast: Hydraulic System
Chassis and Mast: Mast and Forks
Chassis and Mast: Service Data
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Foreword
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: General Information
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Maintenance
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Tune up
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Mechanical
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Control
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Lubrication and Cooling
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Fuel
Engine: K15, K21, K25 Gasoline: Electrical
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveMITSUBISHI FGE15N FORKLIFT TRUCKS Service Repair Workshop Manual.
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:
Thanks for visiting!
NEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Manualhfjskefkmdm
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theNEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.NEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
Final Drives
Brakes and Steering Differential
Dozer Equipment Hydraulic System
Electrical System
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveNEW HOLLAND D150 CRAWLER DOZER Service Repair Workshop Manual.
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:
Thanks for visiting!
This is the Highly Detailed factory Parts manual for theBOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER, this Parts Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.BOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER Parts Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this Parts manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Parts Manual Covers:
Main Frame
Drive Train
Hydraulic System
High Flow Hydraulics
Hydrostatic System
Electrical System
Power Unit
Accessories and Options
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveBOBCAT S175 S185 SKID STEER LOADER Parts Manual.
Looking for some other Parts Manual,please check:
Thanks for visiting!
1. Anti icing dan de-icing system digunakan untuk mencegah terbentuknya es atau memecahkan es yang sudah terbentuk pada pesawat terbang.
2. Es pada pesawat dapat menambah drag, mengurangi lift, menimbulkan getaran merusak, dan mengganggu kinerja mesin.
3. Sistem anti icing dan de-icing dapat berupa pemanasan permukaan dengan udara panas, elemen listrik, atau semprotan alkohol.
The document discusses reversing systems for ships, which can use either an indirect or direct shafting arrangement. The indirect system uses a controllable pitch propeller and gearbox to adjust the pitch of the propeller blades for reversing. The direct system directly reverses the rotation of the engine itself, with clockwise rotation for moving ahead and counterclockwise for reversing astern. It also includes a diagram showing the components involved in a direct system, including a selector valve, servo motor, and fuel cams for switching the engine between ahead and astern rotation.
Caterpillar cat 313 d2 l excavator (prefix feb) service repair manual instant...idkkdkmdmd
The document provides disassembly instructions for the final drive, travel motor, and counterbalance valve of a 313D2 excavator. It lists required tools and outlines 16 steps to disassemble the final drive, which include draining oil, removing fittings and bolts, and using tools to remove bearings. It then details 19 steps to disassemble the counterbalance valve and travel motor, noting safety precautions and the need to mark components for reassembly.
Massey ferguson mf 399 tractor, a6.354.4 engine parts catalogue manualdhjfjkmmmde
The document provides detailed parts information for the Massey Ferguson MF 399 tractor and its A6.354.4 engine, including 5 pages listing over 80 individual parts by number, quantity, description and other notes. It appears to be a service or repair manual excerpt focused on the engine and related components.
Sistem penggerak awal mesin induk kapal (diesel) menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi untuk mendorong piston dan memutar poros/crank-shaft, sehingga mesin dapat beroperasi. Komponen utamanya terdiri dari kompresor, botol angin, katup udara mulai, dan distributor udara yang mengalirkan udara ke silinder tertentu.
The Azipod propulsion system, developed by ABB, uses podded electric motors that can rotate 360 degrees. This allows ships equipped with Azipods to maneuver more effectively than those using conventional propeller systems. Azipods have enabled cargo vessels and icebreakers to independently navigate harsh Arctic conditions via the Northern Sea Route. Their ability to rotate the vessel in any direction provides superior maneuverability and enables operations in heavy ice without assistance.
Caterpillar cat ec20 k ec25k forklift lift trucks service repair manual sna3e...fjjskekdmnsme
This document provides service information for the front axle and front wheels of industrial lift trucks. It includes descriptions of front axle components and instructions for removing and installing front wheels. Safety warnings are provided, such as the need to block wheels, apply the parking brake, and lower forks before removal to prevent injury or truck movement. Component images and diagrams are included to illustrate the front axle layout and wheel removal process.
This document lists original fuel injection pumps and their substitutes for various tractor and engine models, noting any modifications needed. It provides over 50 pairs of original and substitute pump part numbers, often with oil level or other part changes required. The substitute pumps listed are intended to maintain performance for the original applications. In some cases additional workshop support is also noted as needed to implement the substitution successfully.
This document contains calculations for the midship section modulus and moment of inertia of a ship. It provides the dimensions, areas, section moduli, and moments of inertia for various structural elements both above and below the assumed neutral axis. The total section modulus at the keel is 4639.59 cm^3 and at the main deck is 9279.19 cm^3. The actual neutral axis is located 17.22 cm above the assumed axis.
This document is a workshop manual providing instructions for repair and maintenance of Perkins 2800 Series diesel engines, including the 2806C-E18 TAG1 TAG2 and TAG3 models. It contains detailed specifications, repair and assembly procedures, torque specifications, and other technical information divided into chapters covering the cylinder head, pistons and connecting rods, crankshaft, timing gears, crankcase, and other engine systems. The manual is intended as a reference for technicians servicing these industrial diesel engines.
Este documento fornece instru巽探es para realizar servi巽os em um sistema de combust鱈vel, incluindo a substitui巽達o de componentes como v叩lvulas da bomba de combust鱈vel, camisas de cobre e tampa de cavidade esf辿rica da unidade injetora. Tamb辿m inclui procedimentos para regular as v叩lvulas e unidades injetoras, como a ordem correta e uso das marca巽探es na 叩rvore de comando de v叩lvulas.
The document provides information on function isolation tools for vehicle cab wiring, including:
- Circuits that can be turned on/off like all circuits off/on and isolating individual circuits like the battery power circuit
- How to use bookmarks and buttons to navigate schematics and view callouts
- Electrical and hydraulic symbols and their meanings
- Tips for navigating and using schematics like utilizing hyperlinks and changing views
- Information on common diagnostic codes like Component Identifiers and Module Identifiers
Hitachi ex2600 6 hydraulic excavator service repair manualjmdms eekduui
1) The document provides safety information and instructions for operating heavy machinery.
2) It outlines various hazards such as falling, fire, noise, and moving parts that could cause injury.
3) Operators are instructed to inspect the machine, wear protective gear, and follow all safety signs and manual instructions to avoid accidents.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang sistem bahan bakar minyak kapal dan jenis-jenis bahan bakar diesel yang digunakan pada kapal, yaitu Marine Gas Oil (MGO), Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), dan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO). Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan proses perawatan bahan bakar minyak yang meliputi treatment, pembersihan filter, pemanasan, pengendapan, dan pemilihan bahan bakar yang sesuai. Proses pemanasan dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan vis
This document provides an introduction to power generation at Summit Power's Maona Plant. It discusses the background and importance of electrical energy production in Bangladesh. The purpose of the study is to understand the plant's small power system and how it relates to larger power systems. The objectives are to examine the mechanical, electrical, and automation aspects of the generating units and their control systems. Understanding the plant's systems is important for reliable power generation and transmission in Bangladesh.
AUX ENGINE CRANK SHAFT DAMAGE-New Background Final 01Tun Myint
This document discusses damage incidents involving auxiliary engines on Seacastle Fleet vessels and measures to prevent future issues. It outlines a history of engine damages between 2008-2013 involving MAN 7L27/38 and MAN 6L27/38 engines. Lubricating oil related issues were a major cause of failures. The document recommends improved lubricating oil specifications and filters, regular maintenance checks, and ensuring proper lubricating oil pressure and quality to prevent bearing damage and crankshaft failures. It emphasizes the importance of following OEM guidelines and procedures to minimize mechanical issues.
Dokumen tersebut membahas diagram P-V (tekanan-volume) pada mesin diesel. Diagram ini menggambarkan hubungan antara perubahan volume dan perubahan tekanan yang terjadi di dalam ruang bakar selama satu siklus kerja mesin. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan siklus ideal dan siklus aktual pada mesin diesel beserta penyebab penyimpangannya.
The document discusses the components and functions of a crankshaft. It lists the group members and defines a crankshaft as a shaft that transmits power from the engine and converts the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotational motion. It describes the main parts of the crankshaft including the throws, journals, webs, counterweights, big end bearings and main bearings. It explains that counterweights are needed to balance the crankshaft and prevent vibrations from damaging the engine.
The camshaft and crankshaft are key components that convert reciprocating to rotational motion in automobile engines. The camshaft uses lobes to push the valves open and closed according to the rotation of the crankshaft. Crankshafts are typically made of forged steel or cast iron and experience high static and dynamic stresses that require high rigidity. Surface hardening through carburizing or nitriding increases the hardness of these components. New microalloyed steels and treatments like plasma ion nitriding further enhance strength.
1. The document discusses various organic compounds including TEPP (Tetraethylpyrophosphate), Parathion, Malathion, Carbaryl, and polymers such as Polypropylene and Polyvinyl chloride.
2. It also mentions plastics such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and SAN (styrene acrylonitrile).
3. The document provides chemical structures and names for the compounds it discusses.
The document discusses how the author addressed their target audience of 16-30 year old males and females in their music magazine. They included young 17 year old models on the cover that were similar in age to the target demographic. While the main cover model was female, she was dressed in a masculine way to not alienate male readers. The color scheme and photography were also chosen to be unisex and not too feminine. The magazine featured a diverse range of music genres but emphasized alternative bands to attract the target audience.
Artificial Intelligence and the Law of Armed Conflictlkcyber
Although there is near universal agreement on the customary norms governing armed conflict there has been no international discussion on applying these standards to the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents used in support of military operations. This brief aims to address that gap providing parameters for legal discussion on military use of A.I.
Authors: Thomas Wingfield, J.D., LL.M., Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD, Cyrus Hodes.
- The Future Society at Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Pengukuran aliran c.(positiv displacement)Frenki Niken
Positive displacement flowmeters bekerja dengan mengukur volume fluida yang melewati chamber secara berulang, dimana volume aliran dapat dihitung dari laju perputaran alat rotary atau reciprocating. Jenis-jenisnya meliputi nutating disk, rotating valve, oval gear, roots, birotor, dan rotating impeller.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar ilmu hidrolika, yang menerangkan bahwa hidrolika mempelajari perilaku cairan baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak. Dokumen juga menjelaskan hukum Pascal tentang tekanan cairan yang akan tersebar merata di ruang tertutup, serta bagaimana hukum Pascal diterapkan dalam sistem hidrolika untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan gaya yang le
Flowmeter atau alat pengukur aliran berfungsi untuk mengukur laju aliran cairan atau gas di dalam pipa. Terdapat dua metode pemasangan, yaitu inline dan insertion. Pemilihan flowmeter didasarkan pada ukuran pipa, karakteristik fluida, dan kondisi aliran. Salah satu jenis flowmeter adalah differential pressure flowmeter yang bekerja berdasarkan persamaan Bernoulli untuk mengukur perbedaan tekanan sebelum dan sesudah aliran melewati
Thrust block berfungsi untuk menahan gaya aksial akibat perputaran poros pada Shafting Arrangement Direct System, sedangkan pada Shafting Arrangement Indirect System tidak menggunakan Thrust block melainkan memanfaatkan reduction gear dengan ball bearing untuk menahan gaya aksial tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem pelumasan mesin diesel di kapal. Secara singkat, dokumen menjelaskan tentang pengertian pelumas sebagai zat yang dapat mengurangi gesekan antar permukaan, fungsi pelumasan untuk mengurangi aus dan panas serta membersihkan kotoran, jenis sistem pelumasan yaitu basah dan kering, serta sistem pelumasan silinder untuk melapisi gesekan antara silinder dan piston.
Generator DC mengubah energi mekanik menjadi listrik DC. Terdiri dari stator dan rotor, yang terakhir mengandung komutator dan belitan. Ada tiga jenis generator DC berdasarkan penguat eksitasinya: generator penguat terpisah, generator shunt, dan generator kompon. Generator kompon memiliki karakteristik tegangan output yang konstan karena adanya penguatan seri.
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa alat ukur tekanan, yaitu U-tube, Bourdon tube, diaphragm pressure gauge, bellows elements, dan McLeod gauge. Masing-masing alat memiliki prinsip kerja dan kelebihan serta kekurangan tersendiri dalam mengukur tekanan, baik tekanan absolut, relatif, maupun diferensial pada berbagai rentang tekanan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai berbagai alat ukur suhu seperti bimetal termometer, thermocouple, resistance temperature detector (RTD), thermistor, dan pyrometer beserta prinsip kerja dan spesifikasi masing-masing.
The Plimsoll Mark, also known as the load line, was created by William Plimsoll to indicate the safe limit for a ship's draft based on its type, reserve buoyancy, and intended voyage route. The marks start at the deck line and indicate the maximum safe waterline for various seasons and locations. Factors like fresh water allowance, which accounts for differences in the density of fresh water versus salt water, are considered when determining a ship's Plimsoll Mark.
The Bourdon tube is the most common type of pressure gauge, where a metal tube senses pressure and converts it to displacement. As pressure increases, the tube tries to straighten out, causing its tip to move. This movement is amplified mechanically and indicated by a pointer to indirectly show pressure level. Bourdon tubes come in different shapes like C-shaped, helical, and spiral, with the material and size depending on the desired pressure range and gauge type. C-shaped tubes are most common, where pressure inside tries to straighten the tube and moves the tip to indicate pressure.
Transduser adalah alat yang mengubah besaran fisik menjadi besaran lain, seperti pengeras suara yang mengubah sinyal listrik menjadi getaran mekanis. Terdapat berbagai jenis transduser seperti transduser resistif, induktif, kapasitif, dan fotovoltaik yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi tekanan, suhu, kelembaban, posisi, cahaya dan lainnya.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
QD 936. 01.8.23 Quy dinh danh gia luan van, de an, do an TN.pdfThuTrn828594
Crank web deflection.b (class iii)
Posisi crank web:
P-S = Horizontal Deflection
T-B = Vertical Deflection
Max. Deflection . S
S = panjang langkah (mm)
Tabel hasil pengukuran:
Jika S = 725 mm
max. Deflection =
2/10000.725 = 14,5
T+B : Total Vertical Deflection
P+S : Total Horizontal Deflection
Berapakah jumlah dan dimana posisi main beraing?
1 2 3 4 5 6
BP 0 0 0 0 0 0
P +6 +3 +7 -9 -5 +5
T +12 +2 +11 -17 -12 +5
S +7 +4 +5 -8 -7 +3
BS -1 +2 -3 +3 +1 -4
B -0,5 +1 -1,5 +1,5 +0,5 -2
T-B +12,5 +1 +12,5 -18,5 -12,5 +7
P-S -1 -1 +2 -1 +2 +2
T+B +11,5 +1 +9,5 -12,5 -11,5 +3
P+S +13 +7 +12 -17 -12 +8
1 2 3 4 5 6
T-B +12,5 +1 +12,5 -18,5 -12,5 +7
Base line