As various organizations of different sizes have started absorbing more of training classroom, online or a blend of both, the employees path of progression gets clearer and clearer and when he/she see the interest the organization has vested in their growth, there comes a sense of motivation, a sense of involvement, a sense of participation and the willingness to stay and perform and grow. At the end of the day, when the organization invests in building a workforce for the future, every bit they invest into their employee will pay off both in the financial sense as well as in employee engagement.
"Future Proofing Canada's Grids," Jim Burpee, Canadian Electricity AssociationClean Energy Canada
One day, millions of Canadians could be generating their own clean power, storing it, and selling it back to the grid. How can policy makers and utilities best ensure Canadas utilities are ready? Jim Burpee will look into Canadian Electricity Associations crystal ball and share highlights from the associations just-released Vision 2050: The Future of Canadas Electricity System.
O documento prop探e uma ferramenta gerencial para empresas de saneamento definirem sua estrat辿gia de futuro. A ferramenta envolve 8 etapas como exames ambiental e organizacional, defini巽達o de vis達o, miss達o e valores, planejamento de a巽探es e operacionaliza巽達o da estrat辿gia. Se adotada, a ferramenta pode criar foco empresarial, tornar as empresas mais competitivas e prepar叩-las para sobreviver em mercados inst叩veis.
The document summarizes the layers of the Earth, including the crust and mantle. It describes the crust as the outer solid shell made of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Below the crust lies the mantle, which makes up 84% of the Earth's volume and ranges in temperature from 500 to over 4000 degrees Celsius. The mantle is divided into the upper mantle, transition zone, lower mantle and anomalous core-mantle boundary. While hotter than the melting points of mantle rocks, high pressure keeps the mantle solid.
This document summarizes AIESEC's activities and impact in Sweden from 2010-2014. It shows the number of traineeship, leadership program, and global conference delegates each year. It also displays percentage changes in these numbers for each local committee. The overall goal of AIESEC is to provide nearly 1 million experiential leadership opportunities worldwide by 2015 in order to develop young leaders and change agents. They envision a world with peace and fulfillment of human potential.
Bio rx interview questions and answers'JulianDraxler
This document provides advice and sample answers for common interview questions that may be asked during an interview at BioRx. It discusses how to answer questions about weaknesses, knowledge of the company, reasons for wanting to work there, skills and qualifications, salary requirements, and questions to ask the interviewer. Tips are provided such as researching the company beforehand, giving examples to support answers, highlighting compatibility with the company's values, and portraying enthusiasm and commitment. Other resources on interview preparation are also listed.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Cyber Espionage and Insider Threat: House of Commons Panel Discussionlkcyber
Presentation from panel discussion at the House of Commons on "Rethinking Cybersecurity: Threats and Challenges in 2016".
Presentation was on "Cyber Espionage and Insider Threat: The impact of the Human Factor". (December 16, 2015)
This document provides an introduction to the C# programming language. It discusses the objectives and structure of the first lecture, including an overview of the anatomy of a basic C# program that prints text to the console. The lecture then covers key concepts like variables, data types, arithmetic operators, input/output statements, and decision-making statements. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to write, compile, and run a simple C# program.
This document discusses computer hardware and networking topics. It covers hardware components of PCs like the front panel, rear panel, and internal components. It also discusses memory, hard disks, input/output devices, and networking concepts like devices, protocols, topologies, and tools like ping and MAC addresses. Network topologies covered include bus, ring, star, hybrid and mesh with their advantages and disadvantages.
This document discusses control statements in programming, including iteration statements like for, while, and do-while loops. It provides examples of using each loop type and traces the execution of sample code using a for loop. Key aspects covered include the general syntax of each loop, initializing and updating loop counter variables, and checking loop continuation conditions to determine when to exit the loop. Common errors with loop structures are also described.
Ebay has made significant changes to its interface to become more like social media sites and focus on personalized feeds of items users may like. It introduced collections that allow users to follow and favorite items, promoting brands for some. Ebay aims to build trust between buyers and sellers through feedback, detailed descriptions, and good customer service.
Beav ex interview questions and answersJulianDraxler
The document provides tips and advice for interview questions that may be asked during an interview with BeavEx. It includes responses for common questions like "Why did you leave your last job?", "Why do you want to work here?", "What do you know about our company?", "Why should we hire you?", "What can you do for us?", "What kind of salary do you need?", and "Do you have any other questions?". Additional resources and materials are listed to help prepare for the BeavEx interview, along with general job interview tips.
My team is developing an app called Situation Sorter to provide advice and support to teenagers experiencing tough times. The app aims to help users overcome issues by allowing them to confide anonymously without judgment. It will include pages on common problems, a diary, and links to counseling resources. The simple design is meant to be easy to use and non-stigmatizing. Revenue will come from advertising counseling services and rehabilitation centers to benefit users.
Sistem penggerak awal mesin induk kapal (diesel) menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi untuk mendorong piston dan memutar poros/crank-shaft, sehingga mesin dapat beroperasi. Komponen utamanya terdiri dari kompresor, botol angin, katup udara mulai, dan distributor udara yang mengalirkan udara ke silinder tertentu.
Thrust block berfungsi untuk menahan gaya aksial akibat perputaran poros pada Shafting Arrangement Direct System, sedangkan pada Shafting Arrangement Indirect System tidak menggunakan Thrust block melainkan memanfaatkan reduction gear dengan ball bearing untuk menahan gaya aksial tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem pelumasan mesin diesel di kapal. Secara singkat, dokumen menjelaskan tentang pengertian pelumas sebagai zat yang dapat mengurangi gesekan antar permukaan, fungsi pelumasan untuk mengurangi aus dan panas serta membersihkan kotoran, jenis sistem pelumasan yaitu basah dan kering, serta sistem pelumasan silinder untuk melapisi gesekan antara silinder dan piston.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang defleksi poros engkol pada mesin kapal, termasuk cara mengukur deflesinya menggunakan alat clock meter, faktor yang mempengaruhinya, dan pedoman pengukuran.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang sistem bahan bakar minyak kapal dan jenis-jenis bahan bakar diesel yang digunakan pada kapal, yaitu Marine Gas Oil (MGO), Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), dan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO). Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan proses perawatan bahan bakar minyak yang meliputi treatment, pembersihan filter, pemanasan, pengendapan, dan pemilihan bahan bakar yang sesuai. Proses pemanasan dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan vis
Generator DC mengubah energi mekanik menjadi listrik DC. Terdiri dari stator dan rotor, yang terakhir mengandung komutator dan belitan. Ada tiga jenis generator DC berdasarkan penguat eksitasinya: generator penguat terpisah, generator shunt, dan generator kompon. Generator kompon memiliki karakteristik tegangan output yang konstan karena adanya penguatan seri.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar ilmu hidrolika, yang menerangkan bahwa hidrolika mempelajari perilaku cairan baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak. Dokumen juga menjelaskan hukum Pascal tentang tekanan cairan yang akan tersebar merata di ruang tertutup, serta bagaimana hukum Pascal diterapkan dalam sistem hidrolika untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan gaya yang le
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Cyber Espionage and Insider Threat: House of Commons Panel Discussionlkcyber
Presentation from panel discussion at the House of Commons on "Rethinking Cybersecurity: Threats and Challenges in 2016".
Presentation was on "Cyber Espionage and Insider Threat: The impact of the Human Factor". (December 16, 2015)
This document provides an introduction to the C# programming language. It discusses the objectives and structure of the first lecture, including an overview of the anatomy of a basic C# program that prints text to the console. The lecture then covers key concepts like variables, data types, arithmetic operators, input/output statements, and decision-making statements. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to write, compile, and run a simple C# program.
This document discusses computer hardware and networking topics. It covers hardware components of PCs like the front panel, rear panel, and internal components. It also discusses memory, hard disks, input/output devices, and networking concepts like devices, protocols, topologies, and tools like ping and MAC addresses. Network topologies covered include bus, ring, star, hybrid and mesh with their advantages and disadvantages.
This document discusses control statements in programming, including iteration statements like for, while, and do-while loops. It provides examples of using each loop type and traces the execution of sample code using a for loop. Key aspects covered include the general syntax of each loop, initializing and updating loop counter variables, and checking loop continuation conditions to determine when to exit the loop. Common errors with loop structures are also described.
Ebay has made significant changes to its interface to become more like social media sites and focus on personalized feeds of items users may like. It introduced collections that allow users to follow and favorite items, promoting brands for some. Ebay aims to build trust between buyers and sellers through feedback, detailed descriptions, and good customer service.
Beav ex interview questions and answersJulianDraxler
The document provides tips and advice for interview questions that may be asked during an interview with BeavEx. It includes responses for common questions like "Why did you leave your last job?", "Why do you want to work here?", "What do you know about our company?", "Why should we hire you?", "What can you do for us?", "What kind of salary do you need?", and "Do you have any other questions?". Additional resources and materials are listed to help prepare for the BeavEx interview, along with general job interview tips.
My team is developing an app called Situation Sorter to provide advice and support to teenagers experiencing tough times. The app aims to help users overcome issues by allowing them to confide anonymously without judgment. It will include pages on common problems, a diary, and links to counseling resources. The simple design is meant to be easy to use and non-stigmatizing. Revenue will come from advertising counseling services and rehabilitation centers to benefit users.
Sistem penggerak awal mesin induk kapal (diesel) menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi untuk mendorong piston dan memutar poros/crank-shaft, sehingga mesin dapat beroperasi. Komponen utamanya terdiri dari kompresor, botol angin, katup udara mulai, dan distributor udara yang mengalirkan udara ke silinder tertentu.
Thrust block berfungsi untuk menahan gaya aksial akibat perputaran poros pada Shafting Arrangement Direct System, sedangkan pada Shafting Arrangement Indirect System tidak menggunakan Thrust block melainkan memanfaatkan reduction gear dengan ball bearing untuk menahan gaya aksial tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem pelumasan mesin diesel di kapal. Secara singkat, dokumen menjelaskan tentang pengertian pelumas sebagai zat yang dapat mengurangi gesekan antar permukaan, fungsi pelumasan untuk mengurangi aus dan panas serta membersihkan kotoran, jenis sistem pelumasan yaitu basah dan kering, serta sistem pelumasan silinder untuk melapisi gesekan antara silinder dan piston.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang defleksi poros engkol pada mesin kapal, termasuk cara mengukur deflesinya menggunakan alat clock meter, faktor yang mempengaruhinya, dan pedoman pengukuran.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang sistem bahan bakar minyak kapal dan jenis-jenis bahan bakar diesel yang digunakan pada kapal, yaitu Marine Gas Oil (MGO), Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), dan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO). Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan proses perawatan bahan bakar minyak yang meliputi treatment, pembersihan filter, pemanasan, pengendapan, dan pemilihan bahan bakar yang sesuai. Proses pemanasan dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan vis
Generator DC mengubah energi mekanik menjadi listrik DC. Terdiri dari stator dan rotor, yang terakhir mengandung komutator dan belitan. Ada tiga jenis generator DC berdasarkan penguat eksitasinya: generator penguat terpisah, generator shunt, dan generator kompon. Generator kompon memiliki karakteristik tegangan output yang konstan karena adanya penguatan seri.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar ilmu hidrolika, yang menerangkan bahwa hidrolika mempelajari perilaku cairan baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak. Dokumen juga menjelaskan hukum Pascal tentang tekanan cairan yang akan tersebar merata di ruang tertutup, serta bagaimana hukum Pascal diterapkan dalam sistem hidrolika untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan gaya yang le
Pengukuran aliran c.(positiv displacement)Frenki Niken
Positive displacement flowmeters bekerja dengan mengukur volume fluida yang melewati chamber secara berulang, dimana volume aliran dapat dihitung dari laju perputaran alat rotary atau reciprocating. Jenis-jenisnya meliputi nutating disk, rotating valve, oval gear, roots, birotor, dan rotating impeller.
Flowmeter atau alat pengukur aliran berfungsi untuk mengukur laju aliran cairan atau gas di dalam pipa. Terdapat dua metode pemasangan, yaitu inline dan insertion. Pemilihan flowmeter didasarkan pada ukuran pipa, karakteristik fluida, dan kondisi aliran. Salah satu jenis flowmeter adalah differential pressure flowmeter yang bekerja berdasarkan persamaan Bernoulli untuk mengukur perbedaan tekanan sebelum dan sesudah aliran melewati
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa alat ukur tekanan, yaitu U-tube, Bourdon tube, diaphragm pressure gauge, bellows elements, dan McLeod gauge. Masing-masing alat memiliki prinsip kerja dan kelebihan serta kekurangan tersendiri dalam mengukur tekanan, baik tekanan absolut, relatif, maupun diferensial pada berbagai rentang tekanan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai berbagai alat ukur suhu seperti bimetal termometer, thermocouple, resistance temperature detector (RTD), thermistor, dan pyrometer beserta prinsip kerja dan spesifikasi masing-masing.
The Plimsoll Mark, also known as the load line, was created by William Plimsoll to indicate the safe limit for a ship's draft based on its type, reserve buoyancy, and intended voyage route. The marks start at the deck line and indicate the maximum safe waterline for various seasons and locations. Factors like fresh water allowance, which accounts for differences in the density of fresh water versus salt water, are considered when determining a ship's Plimsoll Mark.
The document discusses reversing systems for ships, which can use either an indirect or direct shafting arrangement. The indirect system uses a controllable pitch propeller and gearbox to adjust the pitch of the propeller blades for reversing. The direct system directly reverses the rotation of the engine itself, with clockwise rotation for moving ahead and counterclockwise for reversing astern. It also includes a diagram showing the components involved in a direct system, including a selector valve, servo motor, and fuel cams for switching the engine between ahead and astern rotation.
Repositori Elib Perpustakaan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Diseminasi repositori perpustakaan BAPETEN yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengkajian Sistem dan Teknologi
Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir (P2STPIBN) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2025
SABDA Ministry Learning Center: Go Paskah: Paskah dan Sekolah Minggu bagian 1SABDA
Bagaimana menyiapkan Paskah yang alkitabiah dan berkesan untuk anak-anak Sekolah Minggu? Yuk, ikuti GoPaskah! "Paskah dan Sekolah Minggu". Acara yang pasti bermanfaat bagi guru-guru, pelayan anak, remaja, dan pemuda untuk membekali bagaimana mengajarkan makna Paskah seperti yang diajarkan Alkitab.
Hadirlah pada:
Tanggal: Senin, 10 Maret 2025
Waktu: Pukul 10.3012.00 WIB
Tempat: Online, via Zoom (wajib daftar)
Guest: Dr. Choi Chi Hyun (Ketua J-RICE Jakarta)
Daftar sekarang:
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi kami:
WA Admin: 0821-3313-3315
#SABDAYLSA #SABDAEvent #ylsa #yayasanlembagasabda #SABDAAlkitab #Alkitab #SABDAMLC #ministrylearningcenter #Paskah2025 #KematianKristus #kebangkitankristus #SekolahMinggu