This document appears to be an email in Arabic discussing 5 points related to a project or task. Key details include assigning responsibilities to individuals denoted by numbers for various parts of the work and listing 6 bullet point tasks. The full contents and meaning of the document cannot be determined from the information provided.
Part 1 -_approaches_to_product_design_in_delft_01Emad Amin
The word 'design' has various meanings. This guidebook focuses on the designing of material products. For that purpose we define 'design' here as 'to conceive the idea for some artifact or system and to express that idea in an embedded form'
This document discusses creative thinking and generating new ideas. It encourages breaking out of habitual patterns of thought and being open to divergent thinking. Some tips include expanding your horizons, engaging in long thinking, accepting yourself as an inventor, resisting the urge to revert to old ways of thinking, and being open to serendipitous ideas. An example is provided of taking a convergent approach like a TED talk, and thinking divergently by choosing an unusual setting like a sports stadium and having talks during halftime to reach a new audience. The overall message is that new ideas are inside us, and we just need to bring them out.
10. 愕悋惠 悋悋愕 悋惡惆惺 Traits of Creative People 忰愕悋愕 Sensitive 惆 悒忰愕悋愕 惡愃悋惠 ( 惘愕悋惠 ) 悋忰悋悸 Has a sense of purpose /destiny 悋悋 愕 惆悋惺 悋悖愕悋愕 Not motivated by money 悋惆惘 惺 悋惠 Adaptable 悋 惷悋 悋愃惷 Tolerant of ambiguity 惘 悋惺悋 惴悋惘 悽惠 Perceive world differently 悋忰惴 悋惘惶 See possibilities 愕悋悧 悴惆 Good question asker 悗 惡 悋悖愆悋悄 惡愆 惶忰忰 Can synthesize correctly often intuitively
36. 悋愕悋惡 惠悸 悋惠惘 悋悒惡惆悋惺 6- 愀惘悸 SCAMPER ubstitute S 惡惆 ombine C 悋惷 dapt A agnify M 惡惘 inify M 惶愃惘 P ut to other uses 悋愕惠悽惆悋悋惠 悋悽惘 liminate E 悖忰悵 everse R 悋惡 odify M 惺惆 earrange R 悖惺惆 惠惘惠惡