An unassuming Spaniard named Alejandro Riera participated in a telepathy experiment transmitting brain signals between himself in Thiruvananthapuram, India and a person in Strasbourg, France over 7,800 km away. Riera, an expert in brain-computer interface research, mentally uttered "hola" and "ciao" which were encoded and transmitted via the internet to stimulate the receiver's brain in France. Riera conducted the experiment from his rented flat in Kazhakoottam using a portable EEG device, demonstrating long-distance brain communication. He was in Kerala for research with Neuroelectrics, a company commercializing brain activity measurement technology.
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Cropped_Spaniard In A Lungi
1. Kochi: The man at the Kerala end of
the recent telepathy experiment that
involved transmitting brain signals
between two people 7,800 kms apart,
one in Thiruvananthapuram and
the other at Strasbourg in France,
An expert in brain-to-computer
(BCI) research, Riera mentally ut-
tered his now-celebrated hola and
rented flat at Kazhakoottam, the
skull-cap like accoutrement on his
head the only sign that he was in-
volved in what could, in due course,
changethenatureof communication
It was me. I was living at Kazha-
koottam then, working for Starlab,
the company which partnered in the
experiment, said Riera over phone
from Barcelona. He is also one of the
eight co-authors of the research pa-
per which revealed the findings of
In the experiment conducted by
Universityof BarcelonaandHarvard
Medical School, Riera simply
thought up the two formal greetings,
in Spanish and Italian respectively,
device on his head collected the phys-
ical signals from his brain, encoded
and sent them over internet to Stras-
This stimulated the receivers
brain rather than hear the actual
words, he saw flashes of light in his
peripheral vision, the very moment
Riera thought of the words in his
At Rieras end, there was no need
his office-cum-residence on the 14th
floor of Oceanus Blue Mount flats at
Kazhakoottam. I was using a very
small portable device weighing less
than a mobile phone. On the other
hand, the receiver in Strasbourg was
in a lab because the TMS (transcra-
nial magnetic stimulation) machine
used for neuro stimulation was a big
Riera was in Kerala from January
2013 to July 2014, as research repre-
sentative of Neuroelectrics, a subsid-
iary for commercialization of Star-
labs technology to measure human
line from Thiruvananthapuram for
Starlab, as well as networking to get
to know neuroscientists in India for
finding a market for the technologies
that we sell through Neuroelectrics,
A Spaniard in a lungi, hola Strasbourg
Alejandro Riera participated in a telepathy
experiment with a person in France from a
rented flat in Kazhakoottam