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Cross border health exchange with
Jakob Munih

- Who we are?
- Brief introduction to health interoperability
- Brief introduction to out system
- What we used to develop our solution
- Migration to SwichYard
- Dozer additions to SwichYard published Github
- Questions
About Parsek

Eu markets
Eu markets


Domestic market
Domestic market

47 %
47 %

Austria & italy
Austria & italy

28 %
28 %

Adriatic region
Adriatic region

18 %
18 %
Technology & Organization

Parsek's 損Healthcare束 service bus

An ESB driven platform for storing,
exchanging and transforming health data
Connects legacy systems with standard
gateways etc
Uses health standard services (mostly IHE)
HSB Structure
HSB infrastructure
Healthcare Service Bus
Open source standards-compliant portal


Open source standards-compliant rule

JBoss rules / jBPM

Open source Enterprise Service Bus

SwitchYard (Cloud ready)

Open source JEE6-compliant application

JBoss AS

Database independent

Oracle/ MySQL/ Progres/ PostgreSQL

Operating system independent

Linux / Windows

Virtualization environment

Routing and integration in detail
Abstract Orchestration

Soap / soaps




http / https


Tcp / tcps



ESB Orchestration

Pipe line


Apache camel
Integrating Healthcare Enterprise

IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards to
address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient
Enable seamless and secure access to health information
whenever and wherever needed.
IHE Profiles describe the solution to a specific integration
problem, and document the system roles (Actors), standards
and design details for implementers to develop systems that
cooperate to address that problem.
Most common IHE Profiles

IT Infrastructure Profiles: document
repository document registry, patient
demographics query....
Laboratory Profiles: Laboratory Barcode

Radiology Profiles......

Parsek's 損Healthcare束 service bus

ESB controlled flows of IHE services
ESB gateways handles the communications
(web-services, TCP, UTP etc)
ESB transformers handles the differences of
the data structure source and target systems
HSB cross-border health exchange
Parsek's Health Service Bus

We stared with jBoss AS 5.1 and ESB 4.10

Started testing with SwichYard 0.5

First working installation with SwichYard 0.8

Now working with SwichYard 1.0
Differences between ESB and SY

Google it :)

JUDCon 2012 in Boston:

Future of the Enterprise Service Bus at Jboss

Enterprise Services Made Easy
Disadvantages of using ESB

Old technology  developing a legacy system

No CDI or any EE6 goodies

Consuming a lot of resources

Really slow redeployment times

Needed to restart server every few deploys

Hard to run real tests
Benefits of SwichYard

EE6 based (CDI etc)

Runs on AS7

Deploy only what you need

Fast redeployments

Easy to write tests

Really good design tooling
How to start porting an application?

API changed, so actions must be re-written,
but how to maintain a common code base?
How to start porting an application?

Move all ESB Actions logic to EJBs

an ESB Action looks up for an EJB
SY service inject it

Move from jBoss 5.1 to jBoss 6.x if possible

What with transformers?

SY provides: Java, JAXB XSLT, JSON, Smooks


SY tooling uses the last version of Eclipse

There is no Smooks UI for last versions of Eclipse

Smooks is not being updated for 2 years
Let's Introduce Dozer

Java Bean to Java Bean mapper
Automatically copy data if property names on
both objects are the same

Automatically converting between types

Mapping is bi-directional

Working Eclipse plug-in
Dozer UI
Adding Dozer to SY

Add Dozer to SY parent pom.xml
SY tooling uses Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF) for
GUI generation

Add EMF models
Add Dozer to the list of known transformers

SY core

Modify schema
A little bit of code to call Dozer with the passed configuration

Publish to GitHub
Get it from GitHub




Author: Uro邸 Krivec

To be included in SwichYard 2.0

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Cross border health exchange with SwitchYard

  • 1. Cross border health exchange with SwitchYard Jakob Munih
  • 2. Agenda - Who we are? - Brief introduction to health interoperability - Brief introduction to out system - What we used to develop our solution - Migration to SwichYard - Dozer additions to SwichYard published Github - Questions
  • 4. Market position Eu markets Eu markets 7% 7% Domestic market Domestic market 47 % 47 % Austria & italy Austria & italy 28 % 28 % Adriatic region Adriatic region 18 % 18 %
  • 6. Parsek's 損Healthcare束 service bus An ESB driven platform for storing, exchanging and transforming health data Connects legacy systems with standard gateways etc Uses health standard services (mostly IHE)
  • 8. HSB infrastructure Healthcare Service Bus Open source standards-compliant portal server lIferay Open source standards-compliant rule engine JBoss rules / jBPM Open source Enterprise Service Bus SwitchYard (Cloud ready) Open source JEE6-compliant application server JBoss AS Database independent Oracle/ MySQL/ Progres/ PostgreSQL Operating system independent Linux / Windows Virtualization environment VMware
  • 9. Routing and integration in detail Abstract Orchestration I/O Soap / soaps MLLP BPEL JMS FTP http / https REST Tcp / tcps BPM JPA / DB ESB Orchestration Pipe line SCA Mail Apache camel
  • 10. Integrating Healthcare Enterprise IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care Enable seamless and secure access to health information whenever and wherever needed. IHE Profiles describe the solution to a specific integration problem, and document the system roles (Actors), standards and design details for implementers to develop systems that cooperate to address that problem.
  • 11. Most common IHE Profiles IT Infrastructure Profiles: document repository document registry, patient demographics query.... Laboratory Profiles: Laboratory Barcode Labeling.... Radiology Profiles...... ...
  • 12. Parsek's 損Healthcare束 service bus ESB controlled flows of IHE services ESB gateways handles the communications (web-services, TCP, UTP etc) ESB transformers handles the differences of the data structure source and target systems
  • 14. Parsek's Health Service Bus We stared with jBoss AS 5.1 and ESB 4.10 Started testing with SwichYard 0.5 First working installation with SwichYard 0.8 Now working with SwichYard 1.0
  • 15. Differences between ESB and SY Google it :) JUDCon 2012 in Boston: Future of the Enterprise Service Bus at Jboss Enterprise Services Made Easy
  • 16. Disadvantages of using ESB Old technology developing a legacy system No CDI or any EE6 goodies Consuming a lot of resources Really slow redeployment times Needed to restart server every few deploys Hard to run real tests
  • 17. Benefits of SwichYard EE6 based (CDI etc) Runs on AS7 Deploy only what you need Fast redeployments Easy to write tests Really good design tooling
  • 18. How to start porting an application? API changed, so actions must be re-written, but how to maintain a common code base?
  • 19. How to start porting an application? Move all ESB Actions logic to EJBs an ESB Action looks up for an EJB SY service inject it Move from jBoss 5.1 to jBoss 6.x if possible EJB3.1, CDI, JPA2
  • 20. What with transformers? SY provides: Java, JAXB XSLT, JSON, Smooks Smooks SY tooling uses the last version of Eclipse There is no Smooks UI for last versions of Eclipse Smooks is not being updated for 2 years
  • 21. Let's Introduce Dozer Java Bean to Java Bean mapper Automatically copy data if property names on both objects are the same Automatically converting between types Mapping is bi-directional Working Eclipse plug-in
  • 23. Adding Dozer to SY Add Dozer to SY parent pom.xml SY tooling uses Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF) for GUI generation Add EMF models Add Dozer to the list of known transformers SY core Modify schema A little bit of code to call Dozer with the passed configuration Publish to GitHub
  • 24. Get it from GitHub https://github.com/parsek-doo/parent https://github.com/parsek-doo/core https://github.com/parsek-doo/tools Author: Uro邸 Krivec To be included in SwichYard 2.0