Health information portability and accountability (hipaa)kristinleighclark
The document provides an overview of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its requirements for protecting patient health information. HIPAA was enacted to improve health insurance coverage and reduce fraud and waste. It protects all identifiable patient health records, including names, dates of birth, diagnoses, and test results. HIPAA mandates administrative safeguards for privacy, including access controls, security training, and protocols for handling security incidents and terminated employees. Non-compliance can result in civil and criminal penalties up to $250,000 and 10 years in prison. The presentation emphasizes the importance of training and teamwork to prevent HIPAA violations.
A Data State of the Union: Can We Make Quality Pay Online?Chartbeat-Marketing
This document contains a presentation by Tony Haile, CEO of Chartbeat, about analyzing online user behavior and content engagement data. It includes data about factors like the correlation between ad exposure time and brand recall, how device usage varies throughout the day, what content receives the most and least reads per click, and the percentages of traffic from direct visits and social media by device. The presentation explores how to use this data to improve online experiences and monetization strategies.
Huffman codes are a type of variable-length code that represents characters using codewords of different lengths. The Huffman coding algorithm builds the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the two lowest frequency characters until a full binary tree is created, with the lowest frequency characters having the longest codewords. This results in an optimal prefix code where no codeword is a prefix of another, and the expected length of the encoded data is minimized.
Nujnost odlinih specifikacij in kako jih zapisati (Milo邸 Cigoj, NTK 2016) Parsek
Predpogoj za dolgoroni uspeh katerega koli projekta je im bolj邸e zajetje uporabni邸kih potreb in zapis le teh v funkcionalno specifikacijo. Brez te bomo te転ko merili uspe邸nost izvedbe, se pogajali z naronikom in vzdr転evali re邸itev. 貼al 邸e vedno obstaja veliko ekip, ki ta korak preprosto izpusti in direktno skoijo na kodiranje. Izku邸nje ka転ejo, da ni uinkovitej邸ega nartovanja in modeliranja kot z uporabo naravnega opisa domene. Naravni jezik nam omogoa tudi hitrej邸e odpravljanje neloginosti 転e predenj pridemo do razvoja, kar je veliko cenej邸e. Med nami so tudi ekipe, ki specifikacijo zapi邸ejo in je sama sebi namen, kajti je zapisana v obliki, da jo je nemogoe obvladovati in iz nje razbrati kaj sploh re邸ujemo naroniku, kaj 邸ele navodila za izvedbo in verifikacijo. Take specifikacije so 転al celo potrjene pri naroniku a obstanejo nekje na polici. Res je, da vsak projekt zahteva drugaen pristop in zato so tudi funkcionalne specifikacije v druganih oblikah, ampak naj bodo 転ive in naj odra転ajo dejansko potrebo in implementacijo. Cilj predavanja je predstaviti zakaj so funkcionalne specifikacije pomembne, kak邸ni so slabi in dobri primeri in navodila za pisanje specifikaciji. Predstavil bom ve nainov pisanja specifikaciji, njihove prednosti in slabosti.
Critical problem of modern medical informatics are: fragmented information, documents and patient data stored in a large number of information systems that are not connected. Another problem is lack of unified international standards in the field of medical informatics, communication and exchange of data. This situation presents a major problem for medical staff on one side and the patient on another. Patient has big problems to get access and collect his medical records. On the other hand medical workers always work on partial patient data, the one that they have in their own system. Crucial data for patient treatment that can critically affect the healing process are scattered in the hospital, medical and specialist information systems.
Company Parsek d.o.o. designed an integrated healthcare portal - Vitaly, allowing the patient and medical staff have access to all data in the form of intuitive web portal. Vitaly is safe, user-friendly, web-based tool that connects and unites stakeholders, information and medical documentation. Vitaly connect stakeholders in process prior to treatment, during the treatment process and in the post treatment process. Vitaly allows and encourages interaction between patients and medical staff; the exchange of documents, messages, results of examinations, effects of medications and the patient's well-being. Communication between Vitaly and other information systems is based on international standards in the field of medical informatics (IHE and HL7) and a special focus on secure and encrypted exchange of all information and documents.
The specialty fields vary from nation to nation, the division of specialties can be sometimes blurry and can seem fairly arbitrary, overlapping. It seems strange since medicine today is very science based, and science itself is very international. Doctors from all over the world try hard to exchange knowledge and be cutting edge. But still the specialty fields remain a bit different and not truly synchronized.
Engaged stakeholders deliver high value of careParsek
Stakeholders can deliver high value care by engaging patients, doctors, nurses, administrators, managers, and IT providers. Engaging these groups allows for patient self-management and active aging, patient-centric care, and integrated care. It also improves care services, supports new business models, controls costs, and analyzes and plans healthcare activities and trends. Engagement provides patients intuitive access to health data and services, doctors real-time access to clinical data, nurses optimized tasks and communication, administrators control over specialist activities and costs, managers analyses of territorial activities and trends, and IT providers reliable and modular solutions.
Podjetje Parsek je v okviru strate邸kega projekta E-health, vzpostavilo ezmejno Interoperabilno hrbtenico, ki omogoa varno izmenjavo medicinskih dokumentov med zdravstvenimi ustanovami v Sloveniji in Italiji. S pomojo ezmejnega sistema lahko medicinske ustanove na obeh straneh meje na varen nain dostopajo do medicinskih dokumentov, ki so shranjeni v lokalnih odlo転i邸ih.
Cross border health exchange with SwitchYardParsek
- The document discusses Parsek's migration from JBoss ESB to SwitchYard for their healthcare service bus. Some key points:
- Parsek started with JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 5.1 but found ESB had disadvantages like being old technology, slow redeploys, and hard to test.
- They tested and migrated to SwitchYard which is EE6-based, fast to deploy, and easier to test. All ESB logic was moved to EJBs and they upgraded to JBoss AS 6.x.
- For data transformations, they introduced Dozer which is easier to use than Smooks. Dozer support was added to SwitchYard
680128_Spiritual H and Complete Well-being.pptxPattie Pattie
Spiritual Health and Complete Well-being, Vicharn Panich, MD
Chairman of PMAC Organizing Committee
Introductory Remark in PMAC 2025 Side Meeting Complete Well-being in the Age of AI: The Crucial Role of Spiritual Health and Practical Strategies, 28 January 2025, Centara Grand Hotel, Bangkok
City International Hospital - A Premier Healthcare Destination for Foreigners...Ignite Capital
City International Hospital (CIH) in Ho Chi Minh City has recently earned a prestigious spot on the provider list of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the hospital, establishing it as the leading healthcare provider for foreigners in Vietnam. The recognition comes largely due to the efforts and strategic connections cultivated by CIHs visionary leader, Tran Quoc Bao.
As the go-to institution for expatriates and international patients, CIH stands out not only for its world-class facilities but also for its specialized care in several key areas. Under Baos leadership, the hospital has developed centers of excellence in fertility, cardiology, neurology, and women and childrens healthcare all of which have earned it a stellar reputation.
In the field of fertility, CIH has made tremendous strides, offering state-of-the-art treatments for individuals and couples seeking to grow their families. The hospitals fertility specialists are internationally trained, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care with the latest techniques and technology.
Cardiology is another area where CIH excels. The hospital boasts an advanced cardiac care unit, offering diagnostic and treatment services for heart conditions ranging from routine checkups to complex surgeries. The dedicated team of cardiologists at CIH is renowned for its expertise in both preventive care and cutting-edge heart treatments.
Neurology at CIH is also of the highest standard. With advanced diagnostic tools and a team of skilled neurologists, CIH provides comprehensive care for patients dealing with everything from neurological disorders to complex brain surgeries. The hospitals commitment to treating conditions like stroke, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases has positioned it as a leader in this field.
For women and children, CIH offers compassionate, top-tier care through its dedicated services for maternal health and pediatric care. From prenatal care to advanced gynecological treatments and child health services, the hospital has built a reputation for its compassionate approach to healthcare for families.
Tran Quoc Baos strategic connections and commitment to excellence have been pivotal in positioning City International Hospital as a trusted healthcare provider recommended by DFAT Australia. This recognition underscores CIHs status as a healthcare institution of choice for foreigners living in Vietnam, providing high-quality medical care with international standards.
Through Baos leadership and CIHs continued focus on specialized, patient-centered care, the hospital is poised to remain the premier choice for expatriates seeking exceptional healthcare in Vietnam.
City International Hospital Expands into Fertility Care, Positioning Vietnam ...Vietnam Health & Wealth
City International Hospital in Vietnam with over 11 years of experience is expanding into fertility sector with the opening of its City IVF Center on March 1, 2025. The aims to provide world-class fertility services, attracting international patients and preventing the outflow of Vietnamese seeking IVF treatments abroad. CIH serves over 5,000 patients annually and focuses on making Vietnam a hub for medical tourism, particularly in IVF and wellness. The hospital offers specialized care plans, language support, and accommodation assistance. CIH's partnerships with the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) further elevates its commitments to global healthcare standards. Mr. Tran Quoc Bao, an Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management Advisor, replies Voice of America and envisages that CIH as a leader in transforming Vietnam into a top destination for fertility and wellness care in Vietnam.
At #MWC2025, we presented "Local Rural Practices of the Future", a visionary project designed to enhance healthcare access in rural areas through telemedicine, AI, telemonitoring, and point-of-care (PoC) analysis. By integrating these digital health solutions, we aim to improve patient care, reduce unnecessary travel, and support healthcare professionals in remote settings.
Prepare for a healthy and blissful pregnancy with Garbhsanskar at our trusted center in Nashik. Embrace ancient wisdom for a joyful motherhood journey.
Contact Details:
Name: Dr. Avhad Hospital
Address: Dr. Avhad Hospital, Dr. Avhad Maternity Home, RD Circle, Rajmata Jijau marg Karmayogi Nagar Govind Nagar- city center mall, Link Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422008
Phone: 08928251451
Lukenote Practice: Run Your Clinic, Not the Chaos
Automate routine tasks and focus on patient care.
Access on-demand experts to scale your practice effortlessly.
Grow smarter with AI-driven insights and seamless workflows.
Say goodbye to admin overloadLukenote Practice keeps your clinic running on autopilot while you stay in control. Ready to elevate your practice? Lets go!
Nujnost odlinih specifikacij in kako jih zapisati (Milo邸 Cigoj, NTK 2016) Parsek
Predpogoj za dolgoroni uspeh katerega koli projekta je im bolj邸e zajetje uporabni邸kih potreb in zapis le teh v funkcionalno specifikacijo. Brez te bomo te転ko merili uspe邸nost izvedbe, se pogajali z naronikom in vzdr転evali re邸itev. 貼al 邸e vedno obstaja veliko ekip, ki ta korak preprosto izpusti in direktno skoijo na kodiranje. Izku邸nje ka転ejo, da ni uinkovitej邸ega nartovanja in modeliranja kot z uporabo naravnega opisa domene. Naravni jezik nam omogoa tudi hitrej邸e odpravljanje neloginosti 転e predenj pridemo do razvoja, kar je veliko cenej邸e. Med nami so tudi ekipe, ki specifikacijo zapi邸ejo in je sama sebi namen, kajti je zapisana v obliki, da jo je nemogoe obvladovati in iz nje razbrati kaj sploh re邸ujemo naroniku, kaj 邸ele navodila za izvedbo in verifikacijo. Take specifikacije so 転al celo potrjene pri naroniku a obstanejo nekje na polici. Res je, da vsak projekt zahteva drugaen pristop in zato so tudi funkcionalne specifikacije v druganih oblikah, ampak naj bodo 転ive in naj odra転ajo dejansko potrebo in implementacijo. Cilj predavanja je predstaviti zakaj so funkcionalne specifikacije pomembne, kak邸ni so slabi in dobri primeri in navodila za pisanje specifikaciji. Predstavil bom ve nainov pisanja specifikaciji, njihove prednosti in slabosti.
Critical problem of modern medical informatics are: fragmented information, documents and patient data stored in a large number of information systems that are not connected. Another problem is lack of unified international standards in the field of medical informatics, communication and exchange of data. This situation presents a major problem for medical staff on one side and the patient on another. Patient has big problems to get access and collect his medical records. On the other hand medical workers always work on partial patient data, the one that they have in their own system. Crucial data for patient treatment that can critically affect the healing process are scattered in the hospital, medical and specialist information systems.
Company Parsek d.o.o. designed an integrated healthcare portal - Vitaly, allowing the patient and medical staff have access to all data in the form of intuitive web portal. Vitaly is safe, user-friendly, web-based tool that connects and unites stakeholders, information and medical documentation. Vitaly connect stakeholders in process prior to treatment, during the treatment process and in the post treatment process. Vitaly allows and encourages interaction between patients and medical staff; the exchange of documents, messages, results of examinations, effects of medications and the patient's well-being. Communication between Vitaly and other information systems is based on international standards in the field of medical informatics (IHE and HL7) and a special focus on secure and encrypted exchange of all information and documents.
The specialty fields vary from nation to nation, the division of specialties can be sometimes blurry and can seem fairly arbitrary, overlapping. It seems strange since medicine today is very science based, and science itself is very international. Doctors from all over the world try hard to exchange knowledge and be cutting edge. But still the specialty fields remain a bit different and not truly synchronized.
Engaged stakeholders deliver high value of careParsek
Stakeholders can deliver high value care by engaging patients, doctors, nurses, administrators, managers, and IT providers. Engaging these groups allows for patient self-management and active aging, patient-centric care, and integrated care. It also improves care services, supports new business models, controls costs, and analyzes and plans healthcare activities and trends. Engagement provides patients intuitive access to health data and services, doctors real-time access to clinical data, nurses optimized tasks and communication, administrators control over specialist activities and costs, managers analyses of territorial activities and trends, and IT providers reliable and modular solutions.
Podjetje Parsek je v okviru strate邸kega projekta E-health, vzpostavilo ezmejno Interoperabilno hrbtenico, ki omogoa varno izmenjavo medicinskih dokumentov med zdravstvenimi ustanovami v Sloveniji in Italiji. S pomojo ezmejnega sistema lahko medicinske ustanove na obeh straneh meje na varen nain dostopajo do medicinskih dokumentov, ki so shranjeni v lokalnih odlo転i邸ih.
Cross border health exchange with SwitchYardParsek
- The document discusses Parsek's migration from JBoss ESB to SwitchYard for their healthcare service bus. Some key points:
- Parsek started with JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 5.1 but found ESB had disadvantages like being old technology, slow redeploys, and hard to test.
- They tested and migrated to SwitchYard which is EE6-based, fast to deploy, and easier to test. All ESB logic was moved to EJBs and they upgraded to JBoss AS 6.x.
- For data transformations, they introduced Dozer which is easier to use than Smooks. Dozer support was added to SwitchYard
680128_Spiritual H and Complete Well-being.pptxPattie Pattie
Spiritual Health and Complete Well-being, Vicharn Panich, MD
Chairman of PMAC Organizing Committee
Introductory Remark in PMAC 2025 Side Meeting Complete Well-being in the Age of AI: The Crucial Role of Spiritual Health and Practical Strategies, 28 January 2025, Centara Grand Hotel, Bangkok
City International Hospital - A Premier Healthcare Destination for Foreigners...Ignite Capital
City International Hospital (CIH) in Ho Chi Minh City has recently earned a prestigious spot on the provider list of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the hospital, establishing it as the leading healthcare provider for foreigners in Vietnam. The recognition comes largely due to the efforts and strategic connections cultivated by CIHs visionary leader, Tran Quoc Bao.
As the go-to institution for expatriates and international patients, CIH stands out not only for its world-class facilities but also for its specialized care in several key areas. Under Baos leadership, the hospital has developed centers of excellence in fertility, cardiology, neurology, and women and childrens healthcare all of which have earned it a stellar reputation.
In the field of fertility, CIH has made tremendous strides, offering state-of-the-art treatments for individuals and couples seeking to grow their families. The hospitals fertility specialists are internationally trained, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care with the latest techniques and technology.
Cardiology is another area where CIH excels. The hospital boasts an advanced cardiac care unit, offering diagnostic and treatment services for heart conditions ranging from routine checkups to complex surgeries. The dedicated team of cardiologists at CIH is renowned for its expertise in both preventive care and cutting-edge heart treatments.
Neurology at CIH is also of the highest standard. With advanced diagnostic tools and a team of skilled neurologists, CIH provides comprehensive care for patients dealing with everything from neurological disorders to complex brain surgeries. The hospitals commitment to treating conditions like stroke, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases has positioned it as a leader in this field.
For women and children, CIH offers compassionate, top-tier care through its dedicated services for maternal health and pediatric care. From prenatal care to advanced gynecological treatments and child health services, the hospital has built a reputation for its compassionate approach to healthcare for families.
Tran Quoc Baos strategic connections and commitment to excellence have been pivotal in positioning City International Hospital as a trusted healthcare provider recommended by DFAT Australia. This recognition underscores CIHs status as a healthcare institution of choice for foreigners living in Vietnam, providing high-quality medical care with international standards.
Through Baos leadership and CIHs continued focus on specialized, patient-centered care, the hospital is poised to remain the premier choice for expatriates seeking exceptional healthcare in Vietnam.
City International Hospital Expands into Fertility Care, Positioning Vietnam ...Vietnam Health & Wealth
City International Hospital in Vietnam with over 11 years of experience is expanding into fertility sector with the opening of its City IVF Center on March 1, 2025. The aims to provide world-class fertility services, attracting international patients and preventing the outflow of Vietnamese seeking IVF treatments abroad. CIH serves over 5,000 patients annually and focuses on making Vietnam a hub for medical tourism, particularly in IVF and wellness. The hospital offers specialized care plans, language support, and accommodation assistance. CIH's partnerships with the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) further elevates its commitments to global healthcare standards. Mr. Tran Quoc Bao, an Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management Advisor, replies Voice of America and envisages that CIH as a leader in transforming Vietnam into a top destination for fertility and wellness care in Vietnam.
At #MWC2025, we presented "Local Rural Practices of the Future", a visionary project designed to enhance healthcare access in rural areas through telemedicine, AI, telemonitoring, and point-of-care (PoC) analysis. By integrating these digital health solutions, we aim to improve patient care, reduce unnecessary travel, and support healthcare professionals in remote settings.
Prepare for a healthy and blissful pregnancy with Garbhsanskar at our trusted center in Nashik. Embrace ancient wisdom for a joyful motherhood journey.
Contact Details:
Name: Dr. Avhad Hospital
Address: Dr. Avhad Hospital, Dr. Avhad Maternity Home, RD Circle, Rajmata Jijau marg Karmayogi Nagar Govind Nagar- city center mall, Link Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422008
Phone: 08928251451
Lukenote Practice: Run Your Clinic, Not the Chaos
Automate routine tasks and focus on patient care.
Access on-demand experts to scale your practice effortlessly.
Grow smarter with AI-driven insights and seamless workflows.
Say goodbye to admin overloadLukenote Practice keeps your clinic running on autopilot while you stay in control. Ready to elevate your practice? Lets go!
Tran Quoc Bao Makes History as the First Vietnamese Keynote Speaker at Insigh...Ignite Capital
Insight 2019: Tran Quoc Baos Groundbreaking Role in Vietnams Healthcare Revolution
At the 2019 Insight Symposium, hosted by the Malaysia Healthcare Tourism Council (MHTC), Tran Quoc Bao made history as the first Vietnamese keynote speaker. His presentation on Untapped Opportunities of High-Quality Healthcare Demand in Vietnam showcased the countrys emerging role as a leader in global healthcare, further solidifying his place as a visionary in the field.
As the Chief Planning and Marketing Officer of City International Hospital (CIH) in Ho Chi Minh City, Bao has been instrumental in transforming Vietnam into a global hub for medical tourism. Under his leadership, CIH has grown into a beacon of excellence in Asias healthcare landscape, frequently cited by top global media like Bloomberg, Travel & Leisure, and US News.
With a capacity of 320 beds and 21 medical specialties, CIH treats over 400,000 outpatients annually, 25% of whom come from abroad. This impressive reach is a testament to the hospitals international reputation, which was further solidified when it became a preferred provider for the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam.
Baos leadership is defined by a series of innovative initiatives. In 2018, he led a partnership with Philips to open a state-of-the-art diagnostic center, enhancing CIHs diagnostic capabilities. He also oversaw the creation of the Satellite 115 Emergency Center, expanding the hospitals ability to provide comprehensive interventional care.
Among Baos standout achievements is the CIH Stroke Center, one of only 15 such facilities in Ho Chi Minh City. This specialized center has positioned CIH as a leader in stroke care, attracting patients from across Vietnam and beyond.
Baos impact extends beyond the hospital. In 2019, he launched the Pharmacity-CIH Convenience Clinic, Southeast Asias first healthcare model of its kind. In collaboration with Pharmacity, Vietnams leading pharmacy chain, the clinic offers accessible and affordable healthcare, revolutionizing how medical services are delivered to the local population.
Furthermore, Baos global vision extended to sports when CIH became the official medical partner for the Immortal Triumph tournament by One Championship. This partnership highlighted CIHs commitment to world-class emergency and specialized care, further elevating Vietnams healthcare profile on the international stage.
Tran Quoc Baos innovative leadership continues to shape the future of healthcare, positioning City International Hospital and Vietnam as rising stars in the global medical tourism market. Through his dedication and vision, Bao has not only elevated CIH but has placed Vietnam at the forefront of the healthcare revolution.
Dr Sobia Ali case ppt (BEST VITELLIFORM MACULOPATHY OSp Quetta 2024pptx.pptxSobia Ali
This ppt is a case study about a rare congenital eye disease
It's an an award winning ppt
I presented this ppt during my Pg training @ OSp conference and won Gold Medal
MALARIA - Pharm D III year Therap .pptxAyesha Fatima
Malaria is a life-threatening disease. Its typically transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Infected mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium parasite. When this mosquito bites you, the parasite is released into your blood stream.
Phylum : Protozoa
Subphylum : Apicomplexa (Sporozoa)
Class : Telosporea
Genus : Plasmodium
Species : vivax
Plasmodium is one of the most harmful parasites of man.
It is a digenetic, intracellular parasite that lives in the liver cells and RBC of man. (It is extracellular in mosquito).
Its primary host is the female Anopheles mosquito and the secondary host is man. Reservoir host is monkey.
The infective stage is sickle shaped sporozoite and the mode of infection is inoculation.
Four species of Plasmodium cause four types of malaria in man.
They are
i) Plasmodium vivax benign tertian malaria
ii) Plasmodium falciparum malignant tertian malaria
iii) Plasmodium ovale mild tertian malaria
iv) Plasmodium malariae quartan malaria
Of all these four species, Plasmodium vivax is the most common and most widely distributed malaria parasite.
The aims of using drugs in relation to malarial infection are:
(i) To prevent clinical attack of malaria (prophylactic).
(ii) To treat clinical attack of malaria (clinical curative).
(iii) To completely eradicate the parasite from the patients body (radical curative).
(iv) To cutdown human-to-mosquito transmission (gametocidal).
These are achieved by attacking the parasite at its various stages of life cycle in the human host .
Antimalarials that act on erythrocytic schizogony are called erythrocytic schizontocides
Antimalarials that act on pre erythrocytic as well as exoerythrocytic (P. vivax) stages in liver are called tissue schizontocides,
Antimalarials which kill gametocytes in blood are called gametocides.
Severe and complicated falciparum malaria
This includes P. falciparum infection attended by any one or more of
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance,
Cardiovascular collapse,
Severe anaemia,
Spontaneous bleeding,
Pulmonary edema,
Black water fever,
Renal failure
Cerebral malaria.
Artesunate: 2.4 mg/kg i.v. or i.m., followed by 2.4 mg/kg after 12 and 24 hours, and then once daily for 7 days. Switchover to 3 day oral ACT in between whenever the patient can take and tolerate oral medication.
Artemether: 3.2 mg/kg i.m. on the 1st day, followed by 1.6 mg/kg daily for 7 days. Switchover to 3 day oral ACT in between whenever the patient is able to take oral medication.
Arteether: 3.2 mg/kg i.m. on the 1st day, followed by 1.6 mg/kg daily for the next 4 days. Switchover to 3 day oral ACT inbetween whenever the patient is able to take oral medication.
Quinine diHCI: 20 mg/kg (loading dose) diluted in 10 ml/kg 5% dextrose/dextrose-saline and infused i.v. over 4 hours, followed by 10 mg/kg.