The document discusses various terms related to health, illness, and medicine. It includes phrases describing how someone may feel when ill such as "ill," "really rough," and "on my last legs." It also includes terms for medical professionals like "midwife," "ophthalmologist," and "general practitioner." Finally, it lists places related to health like "operating theatre," "maternity ward," and "geriatric ward."
Este documento describe el modelo educativo de la escuela tradicional, con su énfasis en la autoridad del maestro, la ense?anza centrada en el contenido y la pasividad del estudiante. Se explican las características de este modelo como su énfasis en el orden, la adaptación del estudiante, y la motivación a través de premios y castigos. También se compara brevemente con el modelo de la escuela nueva con su enfoque en los intereses y capacidades del estudiante.
Mad Science provides after school science programs to spark children's curiosity in science. It has over 250,000 annual presentations worldwide across 216 locations and 3,500 presenters. In Istanbul, Mad Science was founded in 2006 and has reached over 500,000 children through presentations in 1500+ schools. The document outlines what STEM is, the difference between science and engineering, provides examples of hands-on activities to illustrate STEM concepts, and advertises a STEM-focused video series and prize drawing.
The document is an ABC book created by Junie Monroe for an education class that provides brief summaries and links for terms related to social studies. Each entry defines a term and links to a source with more information. Terms include the Articles of Confederation, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Civil War, events like the bombing of Hiroshima, and concepts such as indentured servants, government, and states' rights.
Canada's New Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL): What You Need to Know Webinar | Zo...ZoomInfo
As of July 1, 2014, organizations will generally be required to have prior consent to email intended recipients protected under Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) with steep fines for violators. In this webinar, learn how CASL is going to change the way the business world communicates electronically with recipients accessing their messages in Canada and steps you can take to help keep your organization out of trouble.
ABC book- Social Studies By: Junie Monroejmonroe123
The document is an ABC book created by Junie Monroe for an education class that provides brief summaries and links for terms related to social studies. Each entry defines a term and includes a short summary and link for further information. Terms include the Articles of Confederation, Battle of Gettysburg, Civil War, Day of D-Day, English colonies, and other historical events, documents, people and concepts.
Este documento describe el modelo educativo de la escuela tradicional, con su énfasis en la autoridad del maestro, la ense?anza centrada en el contenido y la pasividad del estudiante. Se explican las características de este modelo como su énfasis en el orden, la adaptación del estudiante, y la motivación a través de premios y castigos. También se compara brevemente con el modelo de la escuela nueva con su enfoque en los intereses y capacidades del estudiante.
Mad Science provides after school science programs to spark children's curiosity in science. It has over 250,000 annual presentations worldwide across 216 locations and 3,500 presenters. In Istanbul, Mad Science was founded in 2006 and has reached over 500,000 children through presentations in 1500+ schools. The document outlines what STEM is, the difference between science and engineering, provides examples of hands-on activities to illustrate STEM concepts, and advertises a STEM-focused video series and prize drawing.
The document is an ABC book created by Junie Monroe for an education class that provides brief summaries and links for terms related to social studies. Each entry defines a term and links to a source with more information. Terms include the Articles of Confederation, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Civil War, events like the bombing of Hiroshima, and concepts such as indentured servants, government, and states' rights.
Canada's New Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL): What You Need to Know Webinar | Zo...ZoomInfo
As of July 1, 2014, organizations will generally be required to have prior consent to email intended recipients protected under Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) with steep fines for violators. In this webinar, learn how CASL is going to change the way the business world communicates electronically with recipients accessing their messages in Canada and steps you can take to help keep your organization out of trouble.
ABC book- Social Studies By: Junie Monroejmonroe123
The document is an ABC book created by Junie Monroe for an education class that provides brief summaries and links for terms related to social studies. Each entry defines a term and includes a short summary and link for further information. Terms include the Articles of Confederation, Battle of Gettysburg, Civil War, Day of D-Day, English colonies, and other historical events, documents, people and concepts.
1. 1
1. Disability
2. Discrimination
3. Reasonable accommodation
1. Physical
2. Communication
3. Social
? 1993年 Standard Rules on the
Equalization of Opportunities for Persons
with Disabilities
? 2001年 International Classification of
Functioning, Disability, and Health (簡稱
? 2005年 Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (簡稱CRPD)
1. Disability
2. Discrimination
3. Reasonable accommodation
1. Disability
? The Convention does not explicitly
define disability
2. 2
? Preamble of Convention:
–‘Disability is an evolving concept,
and that disability results from the
interaction between persons with
impairments and attitudinal and
environmental barriers that hinders
full and effective participation in
society on an equal basis with
? Article 1 of the Convention:
–‘Persons with disabilities include
those who have long-term physical,
mental, intellectual or sensory
impairments which in interaction with
various barriers may hinder their full
and effective participation in society
on an equal basis with others’.
Training Guide:
? the modern concept of disability perceives
disability as an interaction between an
individual’s personal condition (such as
being in a wheelchair or having a visual
impairment) and environmental factors
(such as negative attitudes or inaccessible
buildings) which together lead to disability
and affect an individual’s participation in
? Personal factors are multilayered and can
be both physical and socioeconomic.
– Physical factors: gender, ethnicity, impairment
(physical, visual, hearing, intellectual, mental),
size and weight, and so on
– Socioeconomic factors: wealth, class,
inclusion in society, education level and so on.
? Personal factors can interact to
exacerbate disability or alleviate it.
Personal factors
Environmental factors
? Accessibility
? Legal/policy
? Socioeconomic
? Services
? Environmental factors can also combine
to exacerbate or alleviate disability.
2. Discrimination
? Includes direct and indirect
? reasonable accommodation must be
made for persons with disabilities
3. 3
3. Reasonable accommodation
? ‘necessary and appropriate
modification and adjustments not
imposing a disproportionate or
undue burden, where needed in a
particular case, to ensure to persons
with disabilities the enjoyment or
exercise on an equal basis with others
of all human rights and fundamental
? 在ADA中RA包括:
? 1. Modification of application methods so as
to make sure disabled workers have an
equal opportunity to engage in the
competitive job market.
? 2. Modification of the physical requirements
of the position so disabled individuals can
perform the functions of the job.
? 3. Provide equal access to workers with
disabilities in terms of benefits and privileges
of employment.
? 「合理便利」是指在根據具體情況,在不造成過
1. 第二條 定義 「基於身心障礙的歧視」
2. 第五條 平等和不歧視:為促進平等和消除歧
3. 第十四條 自由和人身安全:應享有符合本公約
4. 第二十四條 教育:提供合理便利以滿足有關個
5. 第二十七條 工作和就業:確保在工作場所為身
World Report on Disability 2011
10. 10
2. Communication Accessibility
? Access to ICT is hierarchical rather than
dichotomous concept.
? A complex mixture of social, psychological,
economic and pragmatic factors.
3. Social Accessibility
? making adjustments to premises
? allocating some of the disabled person’s duties
to another person
? transferring him or her to fill an existing vacancy
? altering his or her hours of working or training;
? assigning him or her to a different place of work
or training
? allowing him or her to be absent during working
or training
? hours for rehabilitation, assessment or treatment;
? giving, or arranging for, training or mentoring
(whether for the disabled person or any other
? acquiring or modifying equipment;
? modifying instructions or reference manuals;
? modifying procedures for testing or assessment;
? providing a reader or interpreter;
? providing supervision or other support.