The document introduces hypothesis-driven thinking. It discusses that hypothesis-driven thinking is a way of thinking about the overall framework and conclusions of a problem with limited information and time. Hypothesis-driven thinking is similar to abduction, which forces oneself to think about the possible causes of a problem. It emphasizes building hypotheses first before experiments to verify hypotheses. Seeing the overall picture is important for taking action.
The document introduces hypothesis-driven thinking. It discusses that hypothesis-driven thinking is a way of thinking about the overall framework and conclusions of a problem with limited information and time. Hypothesis-driven thinking is similar to abduction, which forces oneself to think about the possible causes of a problem. It emphasizes building hypotheses first before experiments to verify hypotheses. Seeing the overall picture is important for taking action.
12. 障礙研究:理論與政策應用22
(四)1975年,國會通過「全體障礙兒童教育法」(Education for All
Handicapped Children Act),法案從權利觀點出發,不再視障
1970年代,羅伯(Ed. Robert)等人發起自立生活運動(Independent
living movement, ILM),他們重新定義「自立」的概念,認為現代社會精
1970年代,英國肢體損傷者反隔離聯盟(The Union of the Physically
Impaired Against Segregation, UPIAS)提出「社會模式觀點的障礙」(Social
Model of Disability,簡稱社會模式)做為倡議論述。UPIAS是由Paul Hunt
(World Health Organization, WHO)2001年公布的國際健康功能與身心障
礙分類系統(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,
者的自我倡議,這是後來「以人為優先的運動」(People First Movement)
16. 障礙研究:理論與政策應用26
」(Shapiro, 1994)這說出了過去要把障礙者治癒、成為「正常人」
1970年代之後,障礙者的文化、以障礙為傲(disability pride)、障礙者的
藝術(disability art)逐漸在世界各地、不同領域中展開。自立生活運動
的倡議者布朗(Steven Brown)更創立障礙文化中心,認為障礙文化是:
們是障礙者。」(Brown, 1996)而障礙者的集結與聯合也進一步的推動
了1990年美國障礙公民法(Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA),號稱全
語的少數族群。聾人文化的倡議者更進一步,使用英文大寫的 “Deaf” 指
稱認同聾人文化的聾人,以此和被社會標籤、歸類的 “deaf” 作區別(林
旭,2005)。他們自稱聾人,而非聽障者,主張美國手語American Sign
上帝的女兒》(Child of a Lesser God),可以說是開始從多元文化的觀點看
主角瑪特琳(Marlee Matlin)也因這部電影贏得美國奧斯卡金像獎和金球
獎最佳女主角。1988年美國著名的高立德聾人學校(Gallaudet University)
I used to know what I would wish for. I wanted to be beautiful. I wanted to stop being a
cripple. But now I am beautiful. We all felt beautiful. We all felt powerful. It didn’t matter if
you were mentally retarded, blind or deaf. Everybody who came out felt, We are beautiful, we
are powerful, we are strong, we are important.(Shapiro, 1994: 69)
28. 障礙研究:理論與政策應用38
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3. 張恆豪(2006)。〈男孩、女孩:早期療育之外的障礙論述與意識
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4. It’s our stories:
5. 障礙藝術:
29. 西方社会障碍歷史与文化 391
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