Pedagogy of Citizenship Education: Community Education and Service Learningbongsir
Pedagogy of Citizenship Education: Community Education and Service Learning
Major Questions to ask
1. Service Learning as Experiential Learning
- Vygotsky: Zone of Proximal Development & Scaffolding?
- Critical Pedagogy: Hidden Curriculum?
- Pedagogical Coherence: Learning Transfer & Reflection Design?
2. Service Learning as Community Education
- Community Knowledge and Understanding?
- Community Belongingness?
- Community Efficacy
3 "Good" Service-Learning?
- Strong linkage of Learning and Services?
- Begin with Powerful Issue?
- Reflection Design?
- Reciprocity?
- Social Justice focused?
Pedagogy of Citizenship Education: Community Education and Service Learningbongsir
Pedagogy of Citizenship Education: Community Education and Service Learning
Major Questions to ask
1. Service Learning as Experiential Learning
- Vygotsky: Zone of Proximal Development & Scaffolding?
- Critical Pedagogy: Hidden Curriculum?
- Pedagogical Coherence: Learning Transfer & Reflection Design?
2. Service Learning as Community Education
- Community Knowledge and Understanding?
- Community Belongingness?
- Community Efficacy
3 "Good" Service-Learning?
- Strong linkage of Learning and Services?
- Begin with Powerful Issue?
- Reflection Design?
- Reciprocity?
- Social Justice focused?
4. 二、為了實現這一權利,締約各國應當確保:
? (一)不以身心障礙為由,將身心障礙者拒於普通教育系統之外,不以身心障
? (二)身心障礙者可以在自己生活的社區 ,在與其他人平等的基礎上,得到內
具有包容性 (inclusive) 的高質量免費小學教育和中學教育。
? (三)提供合理便利(合理的調整)( Reasonable accommodation )以滿足有
關個人的需要。 Reasonable accommodation of the individual's requirements is
? (四)身心障礙者在普通教育系統 獲得必要的援助,便於他們切實獲得教育內
? (五)依照有教無類的目標,在最有利於培養學習和社交能力的環境中,提供
適合個人情況的有效援助措施。 Effective individualized support measures are
provided in environments that maximize academic and social development, consistent
with the goal of full inclusion. 在強化學術與社會發展,同時以全面融合為目標的
5. 合理的調整,怎麼樣才合理?
? Accommodation consists of modifications ( 修改 ), adjustments
( 調整 ) 、 adaptations ( 適應 ) and even flexibilities in the material
and normative environment in which it is claimed, through the
employment of a wide variety of mechanisms
? 財務限制
? 身體功能限制
7. ? 四、締約各國應當確保,身心障礙者能 在不受 視和與其他人平等的情夠 歧
國應當確保向身心障礙者提供合理便利(調整)。 ? States Parties shall
ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access general tertiary education,
vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and
on an equal basis with others. To this end, States Parties shall ensure that
reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities.
? 高等教育的障礙生受教權是 得被深入研究的議題值
? 台灣在職訓、成人教育、終生學習幾乎沒有融合教育的概念
9. 社會模式
? Social Model of Disability
? 所謂社會模式的障礙並不否認功能損傷 (impairment) 在
? ( Barnes 、 Oliver 及 Barton 2002: 5)
10. 什麼是障礙?
? 生物醫療模型 VS 社會模型
? 功能損傷 (impairment) VS 障礙 (disability)
? 社會模式的不足與修正
? WHO(2001) 定義
? 障礙:個人條件、外在條件、身體狀態
11. 障礙者權利
? 無障礙 (accessibility) 到 Enabling
? 積極公民權
? 障礙者有維持人類尊嚴的基本權利。身心障礙者不論
而充足的生活的權利」( Declaration on the Rights of
Disabled Persons, United Nations 1975 )