Creëren, Beheren en Samenwerken 2012 ProcespresentatieRob Oud
Deze presentatie geeft goed weer hoe de huidige processen verlopen binnen een bureau en wat daar aan verbeterd kan worden.
Met dank aan de Architekten Cie voor het gebruik van het materiaal.
This document summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Muhammad Imran Khan. He has over 8 years of experience in finance and accounting roles at Nippon Paint (Pakistan) (Private) Limited, where he prepares financial reports, manages budgets, imports and exports, and ensures tax compliance. He has a M.Com in Finance, certifications in IAS/IFRS and rescue training, and was awarded Employee of the Month in 2014. References are available upon request.
This document outlines competitive strategies for different market positions: market leader, challenger, follower, and nicher.
For market leaders, the strategies discussed are expanding total market demand through new customers, new uses, and more usage. Defensive strategies include positioning defense, flank defense, counteroffensive defense, mobile defense, and contraction defense. Offensive strategies for leaders center around increasing market share through advertising, distribution, pricing, new products, and mergers/acquisitions.
Challengers are advised to directly attack the market leader through price discounts, innovation, distribution changes, and advertising. Specific challenger attacks discussed include flank attacks, encirclement attacks, bypass attacks, frontal attacks, and guerilla attacks
Cerpen merupakan cerita pendek yang memiliki beberapa ciri khas seperti bisa dibaca dalam satu kali bacaan, memiliki panjang antara 1500-3000 kata, hanya memiliki satu tema dan konflik utama, serta menceritakan sepenggal peristiwa. Unsur-unsur penting yang perlu dianalisis dalam sebuah cerpen meliputi tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang, amanat, dan nilai-nilai yang tersirat. Cerpen
P&G (Procter & Gamble) es una empresa estadounidense de bienes de consumo fundada en 1837 en Cincinnati, Ohio. Su propósito es proveer marcas y productos de alta calidad para consumidores de todo el mundo. P&G tiene una cultura organizacional excelente que motiva a sus empleados y reconoce su desempeño anualmente. Su liderazgo y enfoque en la sustentabilidad han sido reconocidos a nivel global.
Työsuojeluvaltuutettu Seppo Karjalaisen, Oulun teknisestä liikelaitoksesta esitys Työterveysyhteistyöllä eteenpäin juhlaseminaarissa 9.6.2015 Helsingissä Eteran Auditoriossa
Työsuojeluvaltuutettu Seppo Karjalaisen, Oulun teknisestä liikelaitoksesta esitys Työterveysyhteistyöllä eteenpäin juhlaseminaarissa 9.6.2015 Helsingissä Eteran Auditoriossa