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Curriculum Vitae
Salim Sulaiman Salim Al Hatmi
P.O.Box 542, P. Code: 121 Seeb, Muscat, Oman
 (+968) 97040088
Objectives Overview
Im seeking in my career to get an exciting and innovative profession to add more to my
career which mostly happened in the private sector. Always looking for better chance to
utilize my qualification to develop the corporation I'll work with.
Pre postgraduate in Management business administrator program at the University of
Bedfordshire (UK) in Majan College (Oman).Currently pause.
Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering in university of central Lancashire, Preston, United
Kingdom. (Lower Second).
2002- 2005
Diploma of Higher Education in Well Engineering from Fire Safety Engineering College,
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Secondary School from the Secondary School for boys, Sultanate of Oman.
2014 Glorious Testimony (Top Level) to the employee in 2014, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.
2013 Glorious Testimony to the employee in 2013, Ministry of Commerce
and Industry.
Work Experience:
June 2016- currently Head of support & promotion Section in the Department of
Industrial development at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
This section is meant to support factories in technical and
administration aspect by following their challenges via study the case
with Cooperate with consultant offices. Besides I organized several
Industrial events work such as the industry day which held on 9
February of each year and also the Sultan Qaboos industrial
1 | P a g e
Excellence Award , Industrial investment opportunities seminars and
other events unplanned like this year organizing Innovation Forum
2016. In the industries day event the Minister of Commerce and
Industry meets with Omani industrialists to listen to their challenges
and obstacles they faced than come up with recommendations which
followed by me.
Oct2013- June 2016 Head of industrial studies section in the Department of Industrial
planning and Studies at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, I
actively setup or contribute to or follow-up studies done by industrial
organization or consulting agency or team within the Ministry.
Enhance, to extract the recommendations that contribute the
development of the industry sector and solutions to the challenges
faced by industrialists and provide investment opportunities in various
sectors in the industry.
Aug 2011-Oct2013 Mechanical engineer in the Ministry of commerce and Industry in the
Department of Industry licenses in the industry record secretariat, I
actively contribute to evaluate industrial projects to granting of
industrial license for companies eligible after a study of machinery and
equipment, raw materials and production line and the type of the
product. I has been trained on the HS code system for the activities and
the ISIC code system for the products. Also Determine labor to be
needed for the factories. Therefore, visiting these factories at start of
production, the expansion and relocation. Enhance, These factories get
use of the customs& tax exemptions and to be registered. Also to
cooperate with different organization to resolve problems which face
Omani industries.
2007-2011 Businessman  Construction Engineer  (my own company).
Working as seiner engineer, edit the contracts, manage the tasks for
workers to meet the died line of the contracts, quality control.(finished
25 villas and 50 flats till now).
Oct 2005- 2007 Operator Engineer  Well Test Department (Oilfield)  MB
Petroleum services Oman. Working in a shift service-related to the
heavy-plant industry and mechanical maintenance of heavy
equipments. Responsible of managing a team to rig up and rig down
to run the system.
Available upon request
2 | P a g e

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CurriculumVitae(English) 2

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Salim Sulaiman Salim Al Hatmi P.O.Box 542, P. Code: 121 Seeb, Muscat, Oman (+968) 97040088 hatmi2002@hotmail.com Objectives Overview Im seeking in my career to get an exciting and innovative profession to add more to my career which mostly happened in the private sector. Always looking for better chance to utilize my qualification to develop the corporation I'll work with. Education 2012- Pre postgraduate in Management business administrator program at the University of Bedfordshire (UK) in Majan College (Oman).Currently pause. 2007 Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering in university of central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom. (Lower Second). 2002- 2005 Diploma of Higher Education in Well Engineering from Fire Safety Engineering College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. 2001-2002 Secondary School from the Secondary School for boys, Sultanate of Oman. Certificates: 2014 Glorious Testimony (Top Level) to the employee in 2014, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 2013 Glorious Testimony to the employee in 2013, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Work Experience: June 2016- currently Head of support & promotion Section in the Department of Industrial development at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. This section is meant to support factories in technical and administration aspect by following their challenges via study the case with Cooperate with consultant offices. Besides I organized several Industrial events work such as the industry day which held on 9 February of each year and also the Sultan Qaboos industrial 1 | P a g e
  • 2. Excellence Award , Industrial investment opportunities seminars and other events unplanned like this year organizing Innovation Forum 2016. In the industries day event the Minister of Commerce and Industry meets with Omani industrialists to listen to their challenges and obstacles they faced than come up with recommendations which followed by me. Oct2013- June 2016 Head of industrial studies section in the Department of Industrial planning and Studies at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, I actively setup or contribute to or follow-up studies done by industrial organization or consulting agency or team within the Ministry. Enhance, to extract the recommendations that contribute the development of the industry sector and solutions to the challenges faced by industrialists and provide investment opportunities in various sectors in the industry. Aug 2011-Oct2013 Mechanical engineer in the Ministry of commerce and Industry in the Department of Industry licenses in the industry record secretariat, I actively contribute to evaluate industrial projects to granting of industrial license for companies eligible after a study of machinery and equipment, raw materials and production line and the type of the product. I has been trained on the HS code system for the activities and the ISIC code system for the products. Also Determine labor to be needed for the factories. Therefore, visiting these factories at start of production, the expansion and relocation. Enhance, These factories get use of the customs& tax exemptions and to be registered. Also to cooperate with different organization to resolve problems which face Omani industries. 2007-2011 Businessman Construction Engineer (my own company). Working as seiner engineer, edit the contracts, manage the tasks for workers to meet the died line of the contracts, quality control.(finished 25 villas and 50 flats till now). Oct 2005- 2007 Operator Engineer Well Test Department (Oilfield) MB Petroleum services Oman. Working in a shift service-related to the heavy-plant industry and mechanical maintenance of heavy equipments. Responsible of managing a team to rig up and rig down to run the system. Reference: Available upon request 2 | P a g e