Autor: Ramon Sentmartí
Obrir les explotacions agràries i els obradors a visites turístiques: visitar un forn de pa artesà en ple rendiment, un obrador de formatges o un taller d’artesania. Són exemples d’experiències turístiques cada vegada més demandades. I una alternativa que es poden plantejar els sectors primari i secundari del Pirineu per obtenir ingressos complementaris, tal com ja passa amb l’enoturisme. Però, com fer-ho? Repassarem quins factors cal tenir en compte per introduir aquests sectors en el món del turisme.
CURS DISSENYAR PRODUCTES INNOVADORS: Un cap de setmana rural, natural, gastro...SOMPirineuAutor: Ramon Sentmartí
¿Ets pagès o tens un obrador, i vols introduir-te al món del turisme per ampliar horitzons? ¿O potser tens una casa de turisme rural i vols millorar l’experiència dels teus clients amb visites a un taller d’artesania, a una explotació ramadera o amb un guiatge per la natura? Estàs d’enhorabona, perquè el Pirineu t’ofereix l’oportunitat de crear experiències turístiques amb una mica de tot. En aquest seminari explicarem com dissenyar productes turístics atractius que incloguin allotjament en cases rurals, activitats de senderisme i observació de la natura, i visites a explotacions agràries, obradors i tallers d’artesania.
Resume Final 09.15.2016Alysia FrenzAlysia S. Frenz is an experienced healthcare professional with a proven record of success in customer service and patient care management. She has over 15 years of experience in various patient access and transfer roles at major hospitals in Florida. Her skills include customer relations, software literacy, scheduling, billing and insurance verification. She is currently pursuing a degree in Health Information Management from Polk State College and holds certifications in healthcare access and as a trainer for new employees.
CURS MADE IN PIRINEUS. Certificacions, distintius i marques: oportunitats per...Xavier Cazorla ClarisóAutora: Isabel Junquera
Certificacions, distintius i marques: les marques territorials i les certificacions afegeixen capes de valor al nostre producte turístic. Repassarem les certificacions més habituals en l’àmbit de turisme rural, el senderisme i l’ecoturisme. I veurem com aprofitar els valors tangibles i intangibles que aporta la marca Pirineus.
CURS MADE IN PIRINEUS. Part 3. Com crear un producte turístic arrelat al terr...Xavier Cazorla ClarisóAutor: Jordi Casassayas
Crear un producte turístic porta feina (i més, si és transversal): encara que no ho sembli, crear un bon producte turístic és tot un repte. Analitzem els diversos factors a tenir en compte: els perfils de la demanda (segmentació), l’anàlisi de la competència, el coneixement de la destinació (el Pirineu, en aquest cas), els components del producte (allotjament, restauració, transport, activitats, preu…), etc. Tot amb la perspectiva de crear productes transversals i que comportin la cooperació entre diversos sectors: turisme rural, ecoturisme, senderisme, producció agroalimentària, artesania, etc.
CURS MADE IN PIRINEUS. Part 2. Com crear un producte turístic arrelat al terr...Xavier Cazorla ClarisóAutor: Jordi Casassayas
Crear un producte turístic porta feina (i més, si és transversal): encara que no ho sembli, crear un bon producte turístic és tot un repte. Analitzem els diversos factors a tenir en compte: els perfils de la demanda (segmentació), l’anàlisi de la competència, el coneixement de la destinació (el Pirineu, en aquest cas), els components del producte (allotjament, restauració, transport, activitats, preu…), etc. Tot amb la perspectiva de crear productes transversals i que comportin la cooperació entre diversos sectors: turisme rural, ecoturisme, senderisme, producció agroalimentària, artesania, etc.
CURS MADE IN PIRINEUS. Part 1. Com crear un producte turístic arrelat al terr...Xavier Cazorla ClarisóCrear un producte turístic porta feina (i més, si és transversal): encara que no ho sembli, crear un bon producte turístic és tot un repte. Analitzem els diversos factors a tenir en compte: els perfils de la demanda (segmentació), l’anàlisi de la competència, el coneixement de la destinació (el Pirineu, en aquest cas), els components del producte (allotjament, restauració, transport, activitats, preu…), etc. Tot amb la perspectiva de crear productes transversals i que comportin la cooperació entre diversos sectors: turisme rural, ecoturisme, senderisme, producció agroalimentària, artesania, etc.
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content MarketingSearch Engine JournalThe future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?
Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. We’ll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.
You’ll hear:
- The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
- Predictions for SGE’s impact, and how to adapt.
- What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: it’s never been more important).
With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, we’ll show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.
If you’re looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you won’t want to miss this webinar.
Storytelling For The Web: Integrate Storytelling in your Design ProcessChiara AliottaIn this slides I explain how I have used storytelling techniques to elevate websites and brands and create memorable user experiences. You can discover practical tips as I showcase the elements of good storytelling and its applied to some examples of diverse brands/projects..
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition – SCHREPEL – June 2024 OECD dis...OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise AffairsThis presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion “Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition” held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the author’s consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCampSpeaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report – by HubspotMarius Sescu
· Scaling relationships and proving ROI
· Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
· Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
· The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
· Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
· Seeking: A single source of truth
· TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
· More human marketing, powered by robots
Everything You Need To Know About ChatGPTExpeed SoftwareChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldartsThe realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNowMental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying it’s good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation that’s least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state they’re comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartworkCreative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Skeleton Culture CodeSkeleton TechnologiesOrganizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil KimberleyPepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contentlyThis document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert QianThe document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2024 // The Global Indie InsightsKurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Deshé M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho González, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplytė, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Söhnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine JournalThe search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
It’s important that you’re ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
You’ll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If you’re looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHubFrom their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the world’s most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, it’s no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article “5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers”, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark BoydEveryone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
Getting into the tech field. what next Tessa MeroThe document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
How to have difficult conversations Rajiv Jayarajah, MAppComm, ACCStop putting off having difficult conversations. Seven practical tips to ensure your next difficult conversation go smoothly.
Introduction to Data ScienceChristy Abraham JoyA brief introduction to DataScience with explaining of the concepts, algorithms, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, clustering, statistics, data preprocessing, real-world applications etc.
It's part of a Data Science Corner Campaign where I will be discussing the fundamentals of DataScience, AIML, Statistics etc.
Time Management & Productivity - Best PracticesVit Horky
Here's my presentation on by proven best practices how to manage your work time effectively and how to improve your productivity. It includes practical tips and how to use tools such as Slack, Google Apps, Hubspot, Google Calendar, Gmail and others.
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition – SCHREPEL – June 2024 OECD dis...OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise AffairsThis presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion “Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition” held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the author’s consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCampSpeaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report – by HubspotMarius Sescu
· Scaling relationships and proving ROI
· Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
· Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
· The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
· Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
· Seeking: A single source of truth
· TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
· More human marketing, powered by robots
Everything You Need To Know About ChatGPTExpeed SoftwareChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldartsThe realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNowMental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying it’s good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation that’s least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state they’re comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartworkCreative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Skeleton Culture CodeSkeleton TechnologiesOrganizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil KimberleyPepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contentlyThis document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert QianThe document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2024 // The Global Indie InsightsKurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Deshé M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho González, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplytė, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Söhnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine JournalThe search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
It’s important that you’re ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
You’ll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If you’re looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHubFrom their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the world’s most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, it’s no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article “5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers”, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark BoydEveryone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
Getting into the tech field. what next Tessa MeroThe document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
How to have difficult conversations Rajiv Jayarajah, MAppComm, ACCStop putting off having difficult conversations. Seven practical tips to ensure your next difficult conversation go smoothly.
Introduction to Data ScienceChristy Abraham JoyA brief introduction to DataScience with explaining of the concepts, algorithms, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, clustering, statistics, data preprocessing, real-world applications etc.
It's part of a Data Science Corner Campaign where I will be discussing the fundamentals of DataScience, AIML, Statistics etc.
Time Management & Productivity - Best PracticesVit Horky
Here's my presentation on by proven best practices how to manage your work time effectively and how to improve your productivity. It includes practical tips and how to use tools such as Slack, Google Apps, Hubspot, Google Calendar, Gmail and others.
Time Management & Productivity - Best PracticesVit Horky
CURS MADE IN PIRINEUS. Com obrir les explotacions agràries i els obradors a visites turístiques
1. Made in Pirineus: com crear productes i serveis arrelats al territori
Obrir les explotacions agràries i els obradors
a visites turístiques
Ramon Sentmartí
2. Punts de la sessió:
1 - Punt de partida
2 - Els ‘imprescindibles’
3 - Casos pràctics: aprendre d’altres experiències
4 – Les noves oportunitats amb les TIC
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
10. Finalitats del Decret
a) Establir un sistema d’acreditació voluntari per a les persones que vulguin realitzar la venda de proximitat de productes agroalimentaris de Catalunya i dels productes objecte d’aquests tipus de venda per garantir una informació correcta, adequada i suficient als consumidors.
b) Reduir el procés de trasllat, intermediació i venda dels productes agroalimentaris i disminuir el cost derivat d’aquest, en benefici dels productors i consumidors.
c) Afavorir l’augment del valor afegit dels productes agroalimentaris i la diversificació de les fonts d’ingressos de les persones que els produeixin o elaborin que permeti un increment de la seva renda i afavoreixi la viabilitat de les seves explotacions.
d) Contribuir a la consolidació del turisme rural i la restauració relacionats amb la venda de proximitat dels productes agroalimentaris de Catalunya.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
11. Definicions segons el Decret
a) Venda de proximitat: venda de productes agroalimentaris, procedents de la terra o de la ramaderia i/o resultat d’un procés d’elaboració o de transformació que es realitza en favor del consumidor o consumidora final, directament o mitjançant la intervenció d’una persona intermediària, per part dels productors o agrupacions de productors agraris. La venda de proximitat inclou la venda directa i la venda en circuit curt.
b) Venda directa: la realitzada directament pels productors o agrupacions de productors agraris en favor del consumidor o consumidora final, sense la intervenció de cap persona intermediària.
c) Venda en circuit curt: la realitzada pels productors o agrupacions de productors agraris en favor del consumidor o consumidora final, amb la intervenció d’una persona intermediària.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
12. e) Producció pròpia de productes agroalimentaris: aquella producció obtinguda per la persona productora o per l’agrupació de productors agraris, ja procedeixi de la terra o de la ramaderia de l’explotació de la qual són titulars.
f) Elaboració pròpia: el procés d’elaboració o de transformació que du a terme la persona productora o l’agrupació de productors agraris amb les matèries primeres principals procedents de l’explotació de la qual, tant els productors com els socis productors de l’agrupació, han de ser titulars. Aquest procés es pot dur a terme dins o fora de l’explotació sempre que, en el primer dels dos supòsits, els productors disposin dels mitjans necessaris per poder fer aquesta elaboració o transformació i en aquells casos en què la normativa específica així ho determini.
g) Persona intermediària: els establiments minoristes, les agrupacions de productors agraris quan comercialitzin productes que provenen de productors no associats, els establiments de turisme rural, els establiments de restauració inclosos els de restauració col·lectiva, quan venen els productes directament als consumidors finals.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
13. Queda exceptuat de l’àmbit d’aplicació d’aquest Decret:
a) Els productes recol·lectats en el medi natural.
b) L’autoconsum privat de la producció pròpia i dels productes d’elaboració pròpia.
3.3 No es poden comercialitzar:
a) La llet crua a granel, d’acord amb el que estableix el Decret 297/1990, de 4 de desembre, pel qual es regula la venda de llet certificada crua i es prohibeix la venda de llet crua a granel.
b) La carn procedent d’animals que no hagin estat sacrificats en escorxadors autoritzats, d’acord amb el que estableix l’article 4 del Reial decret 640/2006, de 26 de maig, que regula determinades condicions d’aplicació de les disposicions comunitàries en matèria d’higiene, de producció i de comercialització dels productes alimentaris.
c) Aquells productes per als quals així ho determini la seva normativa específica.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
14. Llocs de venda dels productes de venda de proximitat:
6.1 La venda directa es pot realitzar en la mateixa explotació, en agrobotigues de les agrupacions de productors agraris, en mercats locals, en fires mercats o en altres llocs que no siguin establiments comercials permanents.
6.2 La venda en circuit curt es pot realitzar en establiments minoristes, agrobotigues de les agrupacions de productors agraris que actuen com a intermediàries, en establiments de turisme rural i en establiments de restauració, inclosos els establiments de restauració col·lectiva, sempre que aquesta venda s’ajusti als criteris establerts en aquest Decret.
6.3 La venda directa i la venda en circuit curt es poden efectuar també a distància, complint el que estableixen l’article 14 del Reglament (UE) 1169/2011...
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
19. Normes d’utilització de l’acreditació i del logo identificatiu
d) Quan les persones que realitzin la venda directa o els intermediaris que realitzin la venda en circuit curt comercialitzin altres tipus de productes juntament amb els que són objecte de venda de proximitat, els productes acreditats com de venda de proximitat s’han d’identificar amb el logo i s’han de separar convenientment de la resta de productes per tal que el consumidor o consumidora els pugui identificar degudament i amb facilitat.
e) En cas que es duguin a terme accions promocionals de venda de productes agroalimentaris de proximitat els promotors han d’exhibir el logo corresponent.
f) Els mercats de productes agroalimentaris integrats en la seva totalitat per paradistes acreditats d’acord amb aquest Decret poden substituir l’exhibició de les acreditacions individuals per una de global amb el logo, a exhibir en el mercat o en els seus accessos.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
27. 8.3 La inexactitud, la falsedat o l’omissió de les dades compreses en l’article 12.1 lletres a), b) i c) i que consten o acompanyen la DUN, en relació amb l’adhesió al sistema d’acreditació de la venda de proximitat, comporta, amb l’audiència prèvia de la persona interessada, deixar sense efecte l’adhesió al sistema i impedeix la utilització del logo i l’exhibició pública de l’acreditació.
11.5 Aquelles persones o agrupacions que han deixat de ser beneficiàries de l’acreditació de la venda de proximitat per incórrer en alguna de les causes establertes a l’apartat 4 d’aquest article, excepte en el cas de la renúncia, no poden tornar a ser-ne beneficiàries fins al cap de 3 anys a comptar des de la data en la qual adquireixi fermesa la corresponent resolució.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
28. Control oficial
13.1 Les autoritats competents en matèries d’agricultura i alimentació, salut, consum i comerç han de verificar el compliment de les disposicions aplicables a cada un dels àmbits de les seves respectives competències.
13.2 Les autoritats competents podran realitzar en qualsevol moment els controls i les inspeccions que consideri necessàries per tal de verificar el compliment de les obligacions exigides en aquest Decret.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
30. La Guia promou les diverses accions que cal fer sobre el producte un cop obtingut a l’explotació i fins arribar al consumidor final, i impulsa la formació i el control de qui ha de dur a terme aquestes tasques.
Sou productors agroalimentaris i, per tant, responsables de la seguretat dels aliments que produïu, elaboreu, transformeu, envaseu, transporteu i veneu.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
32. Els productes agroalimentaris comercialitzats han de ser de producció i/o elaboració pròpia.
Els productes d’elaboració pròpia s’han d’elaborar o transformar en instal·lacions específiques de la mateixa titularitat que el productor o l’agrupació de productors, ja estiguin dins o fora de l’explotació (excepte per al cas de la carn fresca, els sucs –inclòs el most–, la fruita seca i l’oli d’oliva verge extra).
Si comercialitzeu altres productes juntament amb els que són objecte de venda de proximitat, a més d’estar ben identificats, cal separar-los clarament de la resta.
Els requisits higienicosanitaris pel que fa a l’activitat de venda de proximitat varien en funció dels productes i del lloc on s’efectuï aquesta venda al consumidor; veure taules següents:
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
37. Si transformeu productes primaris en la vostra empresa i els veneu, per exemple feu formatge, gelat, melmelada, sucs de fruita, paté o bé desosseu o esquartereu canals, llavors també heu d’implementar a les vostres instal lacions un sistema d’APPCC (anàlisi de perills i punts de control crític) perquè heu deixat de ser productors primaris per ser transformadors/elaboradors); en aquest cas, cal que detecteu, avalueu i controleu, durant les vostres activitats, els perills potencials per a la seguretat alimentària mitjançant procediments simples.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
38. Els productors, els productors‐elaboradors i els operadors intermediaris que realitzeu la venda de proximitat, heu de disposar, aplicar i mantenir sistemes d’autocontrol adequats, d’acord amb l’activitat que realitzeu, amb l’objectiu de garantir la innocuïtat dels productes que comercialitzeu. Per tal d’assolir l’objectiu esmentat, podeu optar per utilitzar guies de pràctiques correctes d’higiene (GBPH) validades oficialment aplicables a la vostra activitat (veure apartat 12.7 de la Guia). El document de l’ACSA L’autocontrol als establiments alimentaris. Guia per a l’aplicació de l’autocontrol basat en el sistema d’anàlisi de perills i punts de control crític també us pot ajudar.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
51. qui em pot ajudar? amb qui puc sumar?
iniciatives locals del mateix sector o sectors que es complementen
iniciatives no- locals però sectorialment properes
administracions públiques (diners, suport tècnic, intermediació)
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
62. i del ‘producte turístic’ al recurs
La publicación, escrita en castellano, catalán, inglés y francés, informa sobre 48 bodegas y 242 vinos destacados, además de 84 hoteles recomendados y más de 40 visitas culturales relacionadas con el vino que van de museos a monasterios, así como fábricas de corcho y rutas en bicicleta entre viñas.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
70. •Creixement global i massiu de la telefonia mòbil (actualment hi ha prop de 4.000 milions de mòbils operatius al món)
•2013: l’accés a Internet a través dels mòbils i tauletes ha superat l’accés a Internet fet des d’ordinadors sobre-taula
•Els usuaris de mòbils i tauletes de promig destinen 94 minuts/dia a aquests aparells
•El 95% d’aquests usuaris utilitzen el mòbil o tauleta per a cercar informació local
•El mercat de les app està previst arribi als 25.000 milions de dollars l’any 2015
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
72. La introducció de les TIC dins del sector turístic, i sobretot el creixent ús d’Internet per part dels turistes a l‘hora de planejar, reservar, comprar i comentar un viatge, està suposant un canvi substancial en la manera tradicional d’operar i afecta tots els actors de l’ecosistema turístic.
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)
76. Minube és un servei que ens permet planificar el nostre viatge des del nostre smartphone amb propostes generades per la seva pròpia comunitat, recomanant-nos rutes específiques i "inspirant-nos"
SomPirineu (oct-nov 2013)