
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Date of birth
2007- today
5 Shona Court
4 Atlas Crescent
07980 697715
30 January 1954
Dual: British and Israeli
TM Lewin, London
Branch Manager
TM Lewin is a retail store with a wide range of professional and high quality
business clothing  suits, shirts and accessories, for both male and female
clientele; established over 110 years ago, with 100 branches throughout the
Responsibilities include:
Achieving monthly targets set by head office; current annual turnover of this
branch is 贈1  1.5 million
Managing and motivating the branch team of up to 15 staff
Maintaining and providing very high standard of customer service  to set this
standard for all the staff
Regularly managing the constant changing appearance of the store, with a
professional and refreshing look and feel to create an attractive and
appealing environment
General retail management: stock take, staff cover, stock ordering, cashier
and money matters, reporting to head office
Body Shop, Brent Cross Shopping Centre, London
Assistant Manager and Beauty Consultant
Body Shop is a UK company which sells make-up, skin care products and
focuses and general well being products for the female and male market;
established over 30 years ago, with outlets throughout the UK.
Responsibilities included:
Managing staff of up to 8 employees; shift work over 7 days per week, 10am
 8pm most days
Key player with the manager to achieve targets set by head office  this
branch was one of the ten most profitable stores in the country
Maintain high standard of customer service
Stock management and control
Cashier and other money-related matters
Sisley Cosmetics  concession within John Lewis, Brent Cross
Shopping Centre, London
Assistant Manager and Beauty Consultant
Sisley Cosmetics is a top of the range French cosmetics brand, with
international presence, specialising in skin care and make-up for the female
Responsibilities included:
Building and maintain top standard customer service and relationships
Creating various promotions to incentive customers to continuously come
Make-up and skin care advisor
Stock control and management
Regular liaising with head office
My bonus for being a top consultant over the two years with Sisley, I was
sent by the company to Paris as a mark of appreciation
Clarins  concession in John Lewis, London
Beauty consultant
Worked in one of the most successful stores in London
Superpharm, Ramat Gan, Israel
Beauty consultant
Perfume sales to men and women
Cash handling
Excellent customer relations
Clarins Salon, Tel Aviv, Israel
Beauty consultant
Advising on and selling treatment product
Mashbir Dizengoff, Tel Aviv, Israel
Cosmetics department manager
Invited to view Clarins Paris operation and implement improvements in the
department accordingly
Sole responsibility for organising special promotions
Organisation of individual sections
Supervision of up to 25 staff members
Tabachnik Pharmacy, Tel Aviv, Israel
Beauty consultant
Consultant on a wide range of facial and body treatment products for men
and women
Perfume sales to men and women
Cash handling
Excellent customer relations
Superpharm, Petach Tikva, Israel
Cosmetics department manager
Liaison with sales representatives
Responsible for stock-taking and ordering for the department
Sole responsibility for organising special promotions
Organisation of individual sections
Supervision of staff members
Superpharm, Ramat Gan, Israel
Beauty consultant
Consulting on a wide range of facial and body treatment products for men
and women
Cosmetics displays
Unpacking, displaying and pricing deliveries
Cash handling
Excellent customer relations
Helena Rubinstein, Israel
Beauty consultant and promotions
Personal consultations for customers
Senior consultant for facial treatments
National Service  Israel Air Force
Secretary and plotter
Modiin High School, Ramat Gan
References available upon request

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE DORIT SAGE Address Telephone Email Date of birth Nationality EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2007- today 5 Shona Court 4 Atlas Crescent Edgware HA8 8FW 07980 697715 dorits@hotmail.co.uk 30 January 1954 Dual: British and Israeli TM Lewin, London Branch Manager TM Lewin is a retail store with a wide range of professional and high quality business clothing suits, shirts and accessories, for both male and female clientele; established over 110 years ago, with 100 branches throughout the UK. Responsibilities include: Achieving monthly targets set by head office; current annual turnover of this branch is 贈1 1.5 million Managing and motivating the branch team of up to 15 staff Maintaining and providing very high standard of customer service to set this standard for all the staff Regularly managing the constant changing appearance of the store, with a professional and refreshing look and feel to create an attractive and appealing environment General retail management: stock take, staff cover, stock ordering, cashier and money matters, reporting to head office
  • 2. 2004-2007 2001-2003 2000-2001 1995-1999 1993-1995 Body Shop, Brent Cross Shopping Centre, London Assistant Manager and Beauty Consultant Body Shop is a UK company which sells make-up, skin care products and focuses and general well being products for the female and male market; established over 30 years ago, with outlets throughout the UK. Responsibilities included: Managing staff of up to 8 employees; shift work over 7 days per week, 10am 8pm most days Key player with the manager to achieve targets set by head office this branch was one of the ten most profitable stores in the country Maintain high standard of customer service Stock management and control Cashier and other money-related matters Sisley Cosmetics concession within John Lewis, Brent Cross Shopping Centre, London Assistant Manager and Beauty Consultant Sisley Cosmetics is a top of the range French cosmetics brand, with international presence, specialising in skin care and make-up for the female market. Responsibilities included: Building and maintain top standard customer service and relationships Creating various promotions to incentive customers to continuously come back Make-up and skin care advisor Stock control and management Regular liaising with head office My bonus for being a top consultant over the two years with Sisley, I was sent by the company to Paris as a mark of appreciation Clarins concession in John Lewis, London Beauty consultant Worked in one of the most successful stores in London Superpharm, Ramat Gan, Israel Beauty consultant Perfume sales to men and women Cash handling Excellent customer relations Clarins Salon, Tel Aviv, Israel Beauty consultant Advising on and selling treatment product
  • 3. 1988-1993 1986-1988 1983-1986 1981-1983 Mashbir Dizengoff, Tel Aviv, Israel Cosmetics department manager Invited to view Clarins Paris operation and implement improvements in the department accordingly Sole responsibility for organising special promotions Organisation of individual sections Supervision of up to 25 staff members Tabachnik Pharmacy, Tel Aviv, Israel Beauty consultant Consultant on a wide range of facial and body treatment products for men and women Perfume sales to men and women Cash handling Excellent customer relations Superpharm, Petach Tikva, Israel Cosmetics department manager Liaison with sales representatives Responsible for stock-taking and ordering for the department Sole responsibility for organising special promotions Organisation of individual sections Supervision of staff members Superpharm, Ramat Gan, Israel Beauty consultant Consulting on a wide range of facial and body treatment products for men and women Cosmetics displays Unpacking, displaying and pricing deliveries Cash handling Excellent customer relations 1975-1981 1973-1975 1969-1973 Helena Rubinstein, Israel Beauty consultant and promotions Personal consultations for customers Senior consultant for facial treatments National Service Israel Air Force Secretary and plotter Modiin High School, Ramat Gan Matriculation References available upon request