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Shaimaa Ibraheem Mohammed Ibraheem
Tel:02- 084/6305923
Cell: 02-01112004351
4 Shady turn, Khalid Basha st., El-Fayoum, Egypt.
Self-motivated ambitious commerce student, learning and experience seeker, responsible
hard worker banker.
- 20062010  Bani Soif University,
- Bachelor, Faculty of commerce, Business administration department, English section.
- Graduated with grade " V. Good".
- 12/20109/2011  MCIT Specialized Training Program Scholarship 2011 .
- 10/20116/2012  Pre-master in Business administration, Cairo University.
- 10/2014 Till now  MBA (Master of Business Administration), Ein Shams University.
 From 10/2011 To 10/2012 working as accountant in El Hakim Pharmacy.
 From 11/2012 To 27/07/2013 working as a financial manager in El Hakim Pharmacy.
 From 28/07/2013 Till now working as a banker in Banque Misr.
During the time in Banque Misr, I worked through three departments,(customer service,
credit and teller), achieving good results and worth experience.
Licensure And Certification:
* A certificate of "The International Computer Driving License Program"
(ICDL) - 2010 .
* A certificate of " Test of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL)  2010.
* A certificate of "English conversation" from AXON center - 2009.
* A certificate of "Memory Enhancement Mini Diploma" from EBDAA center for Human
Resource - 2007.
* A certificate of "Development of Thinking and Managerial Skills" from Cairo University 
Pathways to Higher Education  Faculty of Engineering - 2009.
* A certificate of " Test of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL)  2014.
* A certificate of " Critical element of customer service"  (2015-2016).
* A certificate of "Basic of bank operation" from The Arab academy for banking and financial
sciences- 14/03/2015 To 19/03/2015.
 IT Skills:
* Information Technology: Basic Concepts of Information Technology.
* Using computer & Managing files: Win (98, 2000, XP, Vista, 2010, Win8).
* Office work : Office 2000, XP (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, Presentation).
* Internet: Outlook, Using the internet & Search engines.
 Soft Skills:
* Communication skills.
* Managerial and team work skills.
* Personal and Social skills.
* Problem Solving and Decision Making.
* Negotiation Skills.
* Planning and Controlling.
* Analytical Thinking.
* Research Methods and Writing Research Proposals.
* Presentation Skills.
* Time Management.
* High ability to learn and work.
* Using computers and Internet.
* Practicing the social acts with societies.
*Reading, walking.
Language spoken:
* Arabic (mother tongue).
* English (v.good).
Personal Information:
Date of Birth: 12/11/1989.
ID card No: 28911122300062.
Passport ID: A16320513.
Religion: Moslem.
Nationality: Egyptian.
Marital state: Single.

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  • 1. 1 Shaimaa Ibraheem Mohammed Ibraheem Tel:02- 084/6305923 Cell: 02-01112004351 02-01023840400 4 Shady turn, Khalid Basha st., El-Fayoum, Egypt. Shaimaa_Ibraheem@yahoo.com Profile: Self-motivated ambitious commerce student, learning and experience seeker, responsible hard worker banker. Education - 20062010 Bani Soif University, - Bachelor, Faculty of commerce, Business administration department, English section. - Graduated with grade " V. Good". - 12/20109/2011 MCIT Specialized Training Program Scholarship 2011 . - 10/20116/2012 Pre-master in Business administration, Cairo University. - 10/2014 Till now MBA (Master of Business Administration), Ein Shams University. Experience: From 10/2011 To 10/2012 working as accountant in El Hakim Pharmacy. From 11/2012 To 27/07/2013 working as a financial manager in El Hakim Pharmacy. From 28/07/2013 Till now working as a banker in Banque Misr. During the time in Banque Misr, I worked through three departments,(customer service, credit and teller), achieving good results and worth experience. Licensure And Certification: * A certificate of "The International Computer Driving License Program" (ICDL) - 2010 . * A certificate of " Test of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL) 2010. * A certificate of "English conversation" from AXON center - 2009. * A certificate of "Memory Enhancement Mini Diploma" from EBDAA center for Human Resource - 2007. * A certificate of "Development of Thinking and Managerial Skills" from Cairo University Pathways to Higher Education Faculty of Engineering - 2009. * A certificate of " Test of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL) 2014. * A certificate of " Critical element of customer service" (2015-2016).
  • 2. 2 ShaimaaIbraheemMohammedIbraheem * A certificate of "Basic of bank operation" from The Arab academy for banking and financial sciences- 14/03/2015 To 19/03/2015. Skills: IT Skills: * Information Technology: Basic Concepts of Information Technology. * Using computer & Managing files: Win (98, 2000, XP, Vista, 2010, Win8). * Office work : Office 2000, XP (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, Presentation). * Internet: Outlook, Using the internet & Search engines. Soft Skills: * Communication skills. * Managerial and team work skills. * Personal and Social skills. * Problem Solving and Decision Making. * Negotiation Skills. * Planning and Controlling. * Analytical Thinking. * Research Methods and Writing Research Proposals. * Presentation Skills. * Time Management. * High ability to learn and work. Hobbies: * Using computers and Internet. * Practicing the social acts with societies. *Reading, walking. Language spoken: * Arabic (mother tongue). * English (v.good). Personal Information: Date of Birth: 12/11/1989. ID card No: 28911122300062. Passport ID: A16320513. Religion: Moslem. Nationality: Egyptian. Marital state: Single.