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Surname MENG
First name Xi'nan
Gender Male
Nationality P.R. China
E-mail mengxn1986@gmail.com; garlffort@aliyun.com
Skype maggalaxyno7
2009.8~2011.6 Graduated, degree of Master of Science, Uppsala University, Sweden
 Applied Biotechnology
2008.7~2009.3 Laboratory works in Zhejiang University
2008.7 Graduated, degree of Bachelor of Science
Overall GPA 2.84/4.0
Biological Courses GPA 3.04/4.0
2004.9~2008.7 Shanghai Fudan University, P.R.China
 State base experimental class of Biotechnology
 Exempt from the National College Entrance Examination
2001.9~2004.7 Hangzhou Xuejun High School, P.R.China
 Experimental class
 Competitions awards
 Recommended for admission to university
Research Interest
 Main: Genetics, Regenerative Medicine, Human Nutrition and Health
 Secondary: Biochemistry, Physiology, Cancer Therapy
 Other: Zoology, Botany, Bionomics, Entomology
Experiment History
2015.9~ Assistant researcher
 Laboratory of Professor Guoji Guo, Zhejiang University
 Department of Medical
 Research refers to: Stem cells, single-cell Sequencing,
trans-differentiation and reprogramming
2010.12~2011.6 Degree project of master
 Laboratory of Assistant Professor Pernilla Bjerling
 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
 Epigenetic research in the yeast of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
 Degree thesis: Localization changes of gene clusters during nitrogen
starvation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and further
 Quantitative Live Cell Fluorescence-microscopy Analysis of Fission
Yeast has been published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments,
2008.9~2009.3 Assistant researcher
 Laboratory of Professor Changyou Gao, Zhejiang University
 Department of polymer science and engineering
 Research refers to: Endocytosis, Biomaterials, Cell Migration
 Partially participated the cell culture sections of the papers entitled
Fabrication of cellular polycaprolactone films for cell culture which
has been published in Colloids and Surfaces B,76 (2010) 38-43 and
Influences of acid-treated multiwalled carbon nanotubes on
fibroblasts: proliferation, adhesion, migration and wound healing
which has been published by Annals of Biomedical
Engineering, .39(1):414-26
2008.7~2008.9 Assistant researcher
 Laboratory of Professor Qiang Xia, Zhejiang University
 Department of Physiology
 Research refers to: Cerebral ischemia
2006.9~2008.7 Assistant researcher
 The group of Professor Shouyi Qiao
 The State Key Laboratory of Genetics Engineering, Fudan University
 Diploma thesis before graduate (thesis topic: Testing of the negative
effect of the cells ECV304 in the conditions of different concentrations
of two analogues from Combretastatin-A 4 and analyze by the
colorimetry of MTT
 Working together with a Ph.D. candidate to accomplish the task of The
State Academicians Innovative Experimental Plan
Topic: Using Epigenetics in the Transfer of Liver Cancer
Financial support from the plan
Refer to: Epigenetics, Liver cancer cell, Morphology and Anticancer
2002.5~2003.7 Primary experiments for exams of the Senior High School Biology
Competition of China
 Zoology, botany, biochemistry, physiology, medicine and ecology
Publications and Dissertations
 Pernilla Bjerling, Ida Olsson, Xinan Meng. 2012. Quantitative Live Cell
Fluorescence-microscopy Analysis of Fission Yeast. Journal of Visualized
Experiments, JoVE.. Exp. (59), e3454
 Bo Wang, Zhengwei Mao, Xinan Meng, Weijun Tong, Changyou Gao*. 2010.
Fabrication of celluler polycaprolactone films for cell culture, Colloids and
Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 76: 3843.
 Yuying Zhang, Bing Wang, Xinan Meng, Guanqing Sun and Changyou Gao.
2010. Influences of Acid-Treated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on
Fibroblasts: Proliferation, Adhesion, Migration, and Wound Healing. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering, Volume 39, Number 1, 414-426
 Master degree thesis: Localization changes of gene clusters during nitrogen
starvation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and further studies.
2011. In Uppsala University
Experimental Skills
 Invertebrate and Plant Anatomy
 Separation of Systems
 Production of Tissue Sections
 Classification of Species
 Basic skills in my undergraduate and master courses of laboratories
 Operations of apparatuses such as microscope, stereoscope, centrifuge,
automatic autoclave, automatic microplate reader, confocal, etc.
Basic operations in Biocytoculture, Germiculture, Western Blot, MTT
Colorimetry, qPCR, Transwell, Scanning Fluorimeter, Flow Cytometer,
Scanning electron microscopy, Biacore速(SPR) etc.
 Fermentation skills, spectrometry skills, common cell culture skills,
Nucleic acid detection and isolation etc
Work Experience
2011.11~ Assistant to the chairman of the board
Hangzhou Zhongyi Technology Ltd Co. Hangzhou, P.R.China
2007.6 Chinese Science Academe Biomedical Research Institution
 View and emulate exercitation
2006.9~2008.7 Management assistant of the student dormitory
2004.1~2004.7 Teaching assistant of the seniors in my high school
2002.9~2004.7 Health and education researcher in my grade
2008 Third-class Student Academic Scholarship for 2007~2008 term
2004.9 New Student Scholarship of Fudan University
2003.9 Second-class Award in the Chinas High School Mathematics Competition
in the area of Zhejiang Province
2003.8 Third-class Award in the Chinas High School Chemistry Competition in the
area of Hangzhou City
2003.8 Bronze Medal and the scholarship in the Chinas High School Biology Final
2003.7 First-class Award and the highest score in the Chinas High School Biology
Competition in the area of Zhejiang Province
Additional Skills and Hobby
Computer Skilled in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat, Photoshop etc.
Other hobbies Travelling, movie, classic music and computer internet
Badminton, volleyball, swimming and gym
Mother tongue Chinese
English ability Skilled in communication, reading and writing research papers
2009.8~2011.7 Courses and living communication in English
2004.9~2008.7 Most courses were taught both in Chinese and English
2002.10 In a deputation of Xuejun Senior High school to visit
Germany and the Netherlands for communication

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  • 1. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Surname MENG First name Xi'nan Gender Male Nationality P.R. China E-mail mengxn1986@gmail.com; garlffort@aliyun.com Skype maggalaxyno7 Education 2009.8~2011.6 Graduated, degree of Master of Science, Uppsala University, Sweden Applied Biotechnology 2008.7~2009.3 Laboratory works in Zhejiang University 2008.7 Graduated, degree of Bachelor of Science Overall GPA 2.84/4.0 Biological Courses GPA 3.04/4.0 2004.9~2008.7 Shanghai Fudan University, P.R.China State base experimental class of Biotechnology Exempt from the National College Entrance Examination 2001.9~2004.7 Hangzhou Xuejun High School, P.R.China Experimental class Competitions awards Recommended for admission to university Research Interest Main: Genetics, Regenerative Medicine, Human Nutrition and Health Secondary: Biochemistry, Physiology, Cancer Therapy Other: Zoology, Botany, Bionomics, Entomology Experiment History 2015.9~ Assistant researcher Laboratory of Professor Guoji Guo, Zhejiang University Department of Medical Research refers to: Stem cells, single-cell Sequencing, trans-differentiation and reprogramming 2010.12~2011.6 Degree project of master Laboratory of Assistant Professor Pernilla Bjerling Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology Epigenetic research in the yeast of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Degree thesis: Localization changes of gene clusters during nitrogen starvation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and further studies. Quantitative Live Cell Fluorescence-microscopy Analysis of Fission Yeast has been published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments, JoVE.
  • 2. 2 2008.9~2009.3 Assistant researcher Laboratory of Professor Changyou Gao, Zhejiang University Department of polymer science and engineering Research refers to: Endocytosis, Biomaterials, Cell Migration Partially participated the cell culture sections of the papers entitled Fabrication of cellular polycaprolactone films for cell culture which has been published in Colloids and Surfaces B,76 (2010) 38-43 and Influences of acid-treated multiwalled carbon nanotubes on fibroblasts: proliferation, adhesion, migration and wound healing which has been published by Annals of Biomedical Engineering, .39(1):414-26 2008.7~2008.9 Assistant researcher Laboratory of Professor Qiang Xia, Zhejiang University Department of Physiology Research refers to: Cerebral ischemia 2006.9~2008.7 Assistant researcher The group of Professor Shouyi Qiao The State Key Laboratory of Genetics Engineering, Fudan University Diploma thesis before graduate (thesis topic: Testing of the negative effect of the cells ECV304 in the conditions of different concentrations of two analogues from Combretastatin-A 4 and analyze by the colorimetry of MTT Working together with a Ph.D. candidate to accomplish the task of The State Academicians Innovative Experimental Plan Topic: Using Epigenetics in the Transfer of Liver Cancer Financial support from the plan Refer to: Epigenetics, Liver cancer cell, Morphology and Anticancer Medicine 2002.5~2003.7 Primary experiments for exams of the Senior High School Biology Competition of China Zoology, botany, biochemistry, physiology, medicine and ecology Publications and Dissertations Pernilla Bjerling, Ida Olsson, Xinan Meng. 2012. Quantitative Live Cell Fluorescence-microscopy Analysis of Fission Yeast. Journal of Visualized Experiments, JoVE.. Exp. (59), e3454 Bo Wang, Zhengwei Mao, Xinan Meng, Weijun Tong, Changyou Gao*. 2010. Fabrication of celluler polycaprolactone films for cell culture, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 76: 3843. Yuying Zhang, Bing Wang, Xinan Meng, Guanqing Sun and Changyou Gao. 2010. Influences of Acid-Treated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Fibroblasts: Proliferation, Adhesion, Migration, and Wound Healing. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 39, Number 1, 414-426 Master degree thesis: Localization changes of gene clusters during nitrogen starvation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and further studies. 2011. In Uppsala University
  • 3. 3 Experimental Skills Invertebrate and Plant Anatomy Separation of Systems Production of Tissue Sections Classification of Species Basic skills in my undergraduate and master courses of laboratories Operations of apparatuses such as microscope, stereoscope, centrifuge, automatic autoclave, automatic microplate reader, confocal, etc. Basic operations in Biocytoculture, Germiculture, Western Blot, MTT Colorimetry, qPCR, Transwell, Scanning Fluorimeter, Flow Cytometer, Scanning electron microscopy, Biacore速(SPR) etc. Fermentation skills, spectrometry skills, common cell culture skills, Nucleic acid detection and isolation etc Work Experience 2011.11~ Assistant to the chairman of the board Hangzhou Zhongyi Technology Ltd Co. Hangzhou, P.R.China 2007.6 Chinese Science Academe Biomedical Research Institution View and emulate exercitation 2006.9~2008.7 Management assistant of the student dormitory 2004.1~2004.7 Teaching assistant of the seniors in my high school 2002.9~2004.7 Health and education researcher in my grade Awards 2008 Third-class Student Academic Scholarship for 2007~2008 term 2004.9 New Student Scholarship of Fudan University 2003.9 Second-class Award in the Chinas High School Mathematics Competition in the area of Zhejiang Province 2003.8 Third-class Award in the Chinas High School Chemistry Competition in the area of Hangzhou City 2003.8 Bronze Medal and the scholarship in the Chinas High School Biology Final Competition 2003.7 First-class Award and the highest score in the Chinas High School Biology Competition in the area of Zhejiang Province Additional Skills and Hobby Computer Skilled in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat, Photoshop etc. Other hobbies Travelling, movie, classic music and computer internet Badminton, volleyball, swimming and gym Language Mother tongue Chinese English ability Skilled in communication, reading and writing research papers 2009.8~2011.7 Courses and living communication in English 2004.9~2008.7 Most courses were taught both in Chinese and English 2002.10 In a deputation of Xuejun Senior High school to visit Germany and the Netherlands for communication