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Join us for the PDSSN                             Important topics addressed
                                                  in kickoff meeting
D.A.D.S. Kickoff Meeting                            hat is D.A.D.S and why
                                                    is it important
                                                    athers share their stories
Tuesday, May 28, 6pm                                and talk about their kids
Winston-Salem, NC                                  Action steps for starting a D.A.D.S. chapter
                                                   Outline for successful meetings
                                                   Working collaboratively with USOD
Location TBD                                       Leadership roles available within D.A.D.S chapters
                                                   Areas of focus D.A.D.S groups may wish to adopt

RSVP to Bill Donahue at
                                                  What does a D.A.D.S. group do?
bdonohue@triad.rr.com                              Monthly meetings with topics relevant to fathers
                                                    upports local Down Syndrome group fundraising
                                                    events through manpower and financial resources
                                                    rovides ongoing communication and support for fathers
                                                    reates programs, events and opportunities for fathers
    Your Presenter:                                 to become strong advocates
        Joe Meares is the founder of D.A.D.S.
           and serves as chair of D.A.D.S
            National and board president of       Goals for D.A.D.S. groups
             the Down Syndrome Affiliates in        o create a network of fathers willing to develop a
             Action Trade Association. Joe has      program based on the needs of the men involved
             been honored with several national     o enhance a fathers knowledge and resources on
            awards for his service to the Down      supporting a child/teen/adult with Down syndrome
          syndrome community and he speaks          o enhance personal advocacy skills
       often at state and national conferences      o heighten a familys ability to cope with unique
  on D.A.D.S., advocacy and other topics.           challenges associated with Down syndrome

 D.A.D.S Mission: Our mission is to assist and support,
 through fellowship and action, the fathers and families
 of individuals with Down syndrome.

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Dads kick off

  • 1. SUPPORT FELLOWSHIP ACTION TM Join us for the PDSSN Important topics addressed in kickoff meeting D.A.D.S. Kickoff Meeting hat is D.A.D.S and why W is it important athers share their stories F Tuesday, May 28, 6pm and talk about their kids Winston-Salem, NC Action steps for starting a D.A.D.S. chapter Outline for successful meetings Working collaboratively with USOD Location TBD Leadership roles available within D.A.D.S chapters Areas of focus D.A.D.S groups may wish to adopt RSVP to Bill Donahue at What does a D.A.D.S. group do? bdonohue@triad.rr.com Monthly meetings with topics relevant to fathers upports local Down Syndrome group fundraising S events through manpower and financial resources rovides ongoing communication and support for fathers P reates programs, events and opportunities for fathers C Your Presenter: to become strong advocates Joe Meares is the founder of D.A.D.S. and serves as chair of D.A.D.S National and board president of Goals for D.A.D.S. groups the Down Syndrome Affiliates in o create a network of fathers willing to develop a T Action Trade Association. Joe has program based on the needs of the men involved been honored with several national o enhance a fathers knowledge and resources on T awards for his service to the Down supporting a child/teen/adult with Down syndrome syndrome community and he speaks o enhance personal advocacy skills T often at state and national conferences o heighten a familys ability to cope with unique T on D.A.D.S., advocacy and other topics. challenges associated with Down syndrome D.A.D.S Mission: Our mission is to assist and support, through fellowship and action, the fathers and families of individuals with Down syndrome.