Índice del libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft" 2ª E...ձóԾÍndice del libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft" 2ª Edición. Publicado por 0xWord y escrito por Carlos García, Valentín Martín y Pablo González.https://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Malware en Android: Discovering, Reversing & ForensicsձóԾÍndice del libro de la editorial 0XWord dedicado al malware de Android. Escrito por Miguel Ángel García del Moral trata de cubrir cómo funciona el malware en los markets de Android y cuáles son las técnicas para descubrirlo y analizarlo.
Índice Libro "macOS Hacking" de 0xWordձóԾÍndice del nuevo libro de 0xWord dedicado al mundo del hacking de los sistemas operativos OSX/macOS de Apple. Desde la configuración de seguridad a la explotación de vulnerabilidades. Más información en http://0xword.com/es/libros/91-macos-hacking.html
Índice Pentesting con Kali 2.0Chema AlonsoÍndice del libro Pentesting con Kali Linux 2.0 que ha publicado la editorial 0xWord http://0xword.com/es/libros/40-libro-pentesting-kali.html
Índice del libro "Infraestructuras Críticas y Sistemas Industriales: Auditor...ձóԾÍndice de libro de 0xWord "Infraestructuras críticas y sistemas industriales: Auditorias de seguridad y fortificación" en el que se muestra cómo realizar auditorías de seguridad a sistemas industriales, y cómo fortificarlos. Más información del libro en http://0xword.com/es/libros/85-infraestructuras-criticas-y-sistemas-industriales-auditorias-de-seguridad-y-fortificacion.html
Índice libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft"ձóԾÍndice del libro de 0xWord "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft". Más información en: http://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Índice del libro "Pentesting con FOCA 2ª Edición" de @0xWordձóԾÍndice de contenidos de la segunda edición del libro "Pentesting con FOCA" de 0xWord escrito por Chema Alonso, Pablo González y otros autores. Puedes adquirir el libro en https://0xword.com/es/libros/59-pentesting-con-foca.html
Small unmanned airships for remote perceptionAdrian PeñaAs long as developing nations in Latin America make efforts to mitigate climate changes
in their regions, the economic factor plays a major role in the implementation of
affordable solutions. In the next years, mitigating climate change programs in Latin
America will employ in larger scale aerial vehicles to collect, analyze and making
modeling for biomass and soil carbon in community-level agricultural, agro forestry, or
forestation/reforestation projects. In this case, unmanned remote sensing platforms
could substantially change the costs and reliability of monitoring mitigation projects and
enable greater participation even from small-scale agriculture in local communities
across the region, where the use of satellite mapping or manned aircrafts could
represent a prohibitive use because of the costs implied. The primary tool to map and
estimate land cover or land use at the regional and local level could be a low-cost,
unmanned helium airship under development by institutes and company partners in
Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Canada and USA which represents a better cost effective
platform not needing specialized airfields, including energy efficient electric power plant
with a photovoltaic envelope generator for auxiliary power storage devices, dependable
new soil-analytical techniques that use visible-near-infrared reflectance (VNIR)
spectroscopy and the most important: better training and operation qualities for farm and
agro forestry operators.
urop posterMelissa CadenaThe document summarizes research conducted by Joerg Lahann's lab to develop a targeted drug delivery system using multifunctional nanoparticles. The lab is fabricating nanoparticles through a process called electrohydrodynamic co-jetting that allows creation of particles with specific properties. Characterization equipment like SEM and Nanosight are used to analyze the nanoparticles and ensure they are safe and effectively target tumor sites before animal testing. Future work includes further testing the particles' ability to pass the blood-brain barrier and preferentially bind to certain tissues.
Round Trip BijwveldThis document appears to be a presentation by Jan Veldsink of DNV-CIBIT about risk and fraud. It discusses human beings as self-adapting organisms and the importance of business architecture, business rules, process monitoring and learning organizations. It also references interior vs. exterior aspects of individuals and collectives. The presentation covers topics like event discovery, the effects of cycles on the business environment, and operational efficiency and intelligence. It concludes by thanking the audience for their attention and providing Jan Veldsink's contact information.
South Texas Economic Update June 2015Jim LeeThis document contains several charts and graphs about the economy of Corpus Christi, Texas. It shows that Corpus Christi has experienced steady economic growth with unexpected surges in recent months. The city's job growth was particularly strong in 2012 and since mid-2014, and its unemployment rate has returned to below 4.5%. While industrial construction has replaced oil and gas as the main growth driver, bringing over $32 billion in investments and 1,700 permanent jobs to 115 projects. The tight local job market has put upward pressure on housing prices and cost of living.
Aspectos generales de la biometría en la identificación personal 2 parteAmparo HuélamoEste documento habla sobre los aspectos generales de la biometría en la identificación personal. Explica que un sistema biométrico puede obtener muestras biométricas de un usuario, extraer datos, compararlos con una base de datos y determinar si hay una coincidencia. También describe tres tipos de identificación - conocimiento, posesión y características - siendo la biometría un método de identificación basado en características únicas como las huellas dactilares, la voz o el ADN. Finalmente, enumera once métodos biométric
Train wreck trailer breakdownCharris369this is the break down of the advertising campaign for the film trainwreck, staring Amy Schumer for my a2 media coursework
Dayana yepezyudimar2El Parque Nacional Guatopo es un área protegida en Venezuela que alberga densa selva húmeda tropical y garantiza el agua para Caracas y zonas aledañas. Contiene ríos que proveen agua y sitios históricos como la Hacienda La Elvira. A pesar de su importancia hídrica, las selvas están amenazadas por invasiones y tala ilegal.
December 2015 Torrance Real Estate Market Trends UpdateHHC South Bay Real Estate AgentsTorrance real estate statistics and analysis for December 2015. Includes homes sales, listings and historical performance on a month to month and year over year basis.
Índice del libro "Infraestructuras Críticas y Sistemas Industriales: Auditor...ձóԾÍndice de libro de 0xWord "Infraestructuras críticas y sistemas industriales: Auditorias de seguridad y fortificación" en el que se muestra cómo realizar auditorías de seguridad a sistemas industriales, y cómo fortificarlos. Más información del libro en http://0xword.com/es/libros/85-infraestructuras-criticas-y-sistemas-industriales-auditorias-de-seguridad-y-fortificacion.html
Índice libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft"ձóԾÍndice del libro de 0xWord "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft". Más información en: http://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Índice del libro "Pentesting con FOCA 2ª Edición" de @0xWordձóԾÍndice de contenidos de la segunda edición del libro "Pentesting con FOCA" de 0xWord escrito por Chema Alonso, Pablo González y otros autores. Puedes adquirir el libro en https://0xword.com/es/libros/59-pentesting-con-foca.html
Small unmanned airships for remote perceptionAdrian PeñaAs long as developing nations in Latin America make efforts to mitigate climate changes
in their regions, the economic factor plays a major role in the implementation of
affordable solutions. In the next years, mitigating climate change programs in Latin
America will employ in larger scale aerial vehicles to collect, analyze and making
modeling for biomass and soil carbon in community-level agricultural, agro forestry, or
forestation/reforestation projects. In this case, unmanned remote sensing platforms
could substantially change the costs and reliability of monitoring mitigation projects and
enable greater participation even from small-scale agriculture in local communities
across the region, where the use of satellite mapping or manned aircrafts could
represent a prohibitive use because of the costs implied. The primary tool to map and
estimate land cover or land use at the regional and local level could be a low-cost,
unmanned helium airship under development by institutes and company partners in
Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Canada and USA which represents a better cost effective
platform not needing specialized airfields, including energy efficient electric power plant
with a photovoltaic envelope generator for auxiliary power storage devices, dependable
new soil-analytical techniques that use visible-near-infrared reflectance (VNIR)
spectroscopy and the most important: better training and operation qualities for farm and
agro forestry operators.
urop posterMelissa CadenaThe document summarizes research conducted by Joerg Lahann's lab to develop a targeted drug delivery system using multifunctional nanoparticles. The lab is fabricating nanoparticles through a process called electrohydrodynamic co-jetting that allows creation of particles with specific properties. Characterization equipment like SEM and Nanosight are used to analyze the nanoparticles and ensure they are safe and effectively target tumor sites before animal testing. Future work includes further testing the particles' ability to pass the blood-brain barrier and preferentially bind to certain tissues.
Round Trip BijwveldThis document appears to be a presentation by Jan Veldsink of DNV-CIBIT about risk and fraud. It discusses human beings as self-adapting organisms and the importance of business architecture, business rules, process monitoring and learning organizations. It also references interior vs. exterior aspects of individuals and collectives. The presentation covers topics like event discovery, the effects of cycles on the business environment, and operational efficiency and intelligence. It concludes by thanking the audience for their attention and providing Jan Veldsink's contact information.
South Texas Economic Update June 2015Jim LeeThis document contains several charts and graphs about the economy of Corpus Christi, Texas. It shows that Corpus Christi has experienced steady economic growth with unexpected surges in recent months. The city's job growth was particularly strong in 2012 and since mid-2014, and its unemployment rate has returned to below 4.5%. While industrial construction has replaced oil and gas as the main growth driver, bringing over $32 billion in investments and 1,700 permanent jobs to 115 projects. The tight local job market has put upward pressure on housing prices and cost of living.
Aspectos generales de la biometría en la identificación personal 2 parteAmparo HuélamoEste documento habla sobre los aspectos generales de la biometría en la identificación personal. Explica que un sistema biométrico puede obtener muestras biométricas de un usuario, extraer datos, compararlos con una base de datos y determinar si hay una coincidencia. También describe tres tipos de identificación - conocimiento, posesión y características - siendo la biometría un método de identificación basado en características únicas como las huellas dactilares, la voz o el ADN. Finalmente, enumera once métodos biométric
Train wreck trailer breakdownCharris369this is the break down of the advertising campaign for the film trainwreck, staring Amy Schumer for my a2 media coursework
Dayana yepezyudimar2El Parque Nacional Guatopo es un área protegida en Venezuela que alberga densa selva húmeda tropical y garantiza el agua para Caracas y zonas aledañas. Contiene ríos que proveen agua y sitios históricos como la Hacienda La Elvira. A pesar de su importancia hídrica, las selvas están amenazadas por invasiones y tala ilegal.
December 2015 Torrance Real Estate Market Trends UpdateHHC South Bay Real Estate AgentsTorrance real estate statistics and analysis for December 2015. Includes homes sales, listings and historical performance on a month to month and year over year basis.
NonParametricsAnalysisOfSocialMediaBehaviorAkhil RamanThe document summarizes a study that examined the relationship between time spent on social media and GPA among upper-division students at CSUEB. The researchers administered an anonymous survey asking about social media use, GPA, age, major, and study time. A Kruskal-Wallis test found significant differences in median GPA between different social media time ranges, with lower GPAs associated with more time on social media. The analysis concluded that excessive social media time can negatively impact academic performance.
The evolution of musicCreekview High School1) The document discusses the evolution of music over time from the Renaissance era to modern day. It describes how each era, including the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods, influenced the development of music composition and instrumentation.
2) Key developments included the introduction of new instruments, printing technology that allowed wider music publication, and changing social rules around music performance. Composers gained more creative freedom and expression over time.
3) The eras critically defined modern music composition and sound. Famous composers like Bach and Mozart pushed boundaries and influenced music theory. The evolution has led to today's diverse musical styles.
Bm509 b519 t1_l_v002moduledesignThis document provides an overview of the first lecture for a course on assurance and risk management. It introduces assurance as a three-party relationship between a practitioner, intended users, and responsible party. Assurance engagements can provide either reasonable or limited assurance on a subject matter against stated criteria. Reasonable assurance allows a positive conclusion, while limited assurance allows a negative conclusion. Absolute assurance is not possible due to limitations of evidence and controls. The document also discusses the expectations gap between what auditors do and what others perceive, and provides learning objectives and assessment details for the course.
Comparative anatomy respiratory systemMaria IsabelThe document summarizes respiratory systems in animals. It describes how invertebrates like jellyfish respire through diffusion, while others use gills or tracheal tubes. Vertebrates either use gills for aquatic respiration with water flowing over them, or lungs for terrestrial animals. Lung structure varies between groups, with mammals having the most surface area for gas exchange. The human respiratory system uses the nose, mouth, lungs and alveoli to oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide.
Mapinfo tutorialAwang DeswariTeks tersebut merupakan penjelasan tentang MapInfo sebagai program aplikasi GIS. Ia menjelaskan kemampuan MapInfo dalam integrasi dengan program lain, format file yang didukung, serta dokumentasi yang tersedia seperti referensi, tutorial, dan status bar.
AirtanahAwang DeswariTeks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
Analisa patahan lembangAwang DeswariPatahan Lembang terbentuk akibat pergerakan lempeng tektonik sekitar 500.000 tahun yang lalu. Patahan ini membelah Bandung menjadi dua daerah aliran sungai. Gua Pawon merupakan situs purbakala penting yang menyimpan fosil manusia purba di Bandung Barat.
AirtanahAwang DeswariTeks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi ke tanah, dan aliran permukaan air. Air akan terus bergerak melalui siklus ini antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera.
AirtanahAwang DeswariTeks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
AirtanahAwang DeswariTeks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
AirtanahAwang DeswariAir tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari tentang air termasuk siklus hidrologi di mana air berpindah antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera melalui proses evaporasi, transpirasi, presipitasi, infiltrasi, dan aliran permukaan maupun bawah tanah. Air tanah terdiri atas air bebas dan tertekan, serta dipengaruhi oleh litologi dan geomorfolog
AirtanahAwang DeswariAir tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari tentang air termasuk siklus hidrologi di mana air berpindah antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera melalui proses evaporasi, presipitasi, dan aliran permukaan maupun bawah tanah. Air tanah terbentuk dari air hujan yang menyusup ke dalam tanah dan bergerak di antara butir-butir tanah serta
Daftar isi potensi air-tanah-dengan-menggunakan-metode-geolistrik
HALAMAN JUDUL .................................................................... i
LEMBAR PENGESAHAN.......................................................... iii
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN.......................................................... iv
KATA PENGANTAR.................................................................. vi
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................ viii
DAFTAR GAMBAR.................................................................... x
DAFTAR TABEL ........................................................................ xi
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ................................................................ xii
ABSTRAK.................................................................................... xiv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................. xv
1.1.Latar Belakang ........................................................................ 1
1.2.Rumusan Masalah ................................................................... 1
1.3.Batasan Masalah...................................................................... 2
1.4.Tujuan Penelitian..................................................................... 2
1.5.Manfaat Penelitian................................................................... 2
2.1. Air Tanah................................................................................ 3
2.2. Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas................................................. 4
2.3. Aliran Listrik di dalam Bumi................................................... 8
2.3.1. Potensial Titik Arus di dalam Bumi............................. 9
2.3.2. Potensial Titik Arus di Permukaan Bumi..................... 9
2.3.3. Potensial Dua Titik Arus yang Berlawanan di Permukaan Bumi
........................................................ 10
2.4. Resistivitas Semu Batuan ....................................................... 11
2.5. Konfigurasi Elektroda ............................................................. 14
2.6. Konfigurasi Schlumberger....................................................... 15
3.1. Waktu dan Tempat penelitian .................................................. 17
3.2. Bentuk Penelitian .................................................................... 18
3.3. Peralatan penelitian ................................................................. 19
2. 3.4. Data yang diambil ................................................................... 19
3.5. Langkah-langkah Penelitian .................................................... 19
3.5.1. Akuisisi Data........................................................................ 19
3.5.2. Prosessing Data............................................................. 20
3.5.3. Interpretasi Data............................................................ 20
4.1. Analisa Geologi dan Hidrogeologi........................................... 23
4.1.1. Kajian Geologi.............................................................. 23
4.1.2. Kajian Hidrogeologi...................................................... 25
4.2. Eksplorasi Data Geolistrik....................................................... 25
4.2.1. Pengambilan Data......................................................... 25
4.2.2. Analisis Data ................................................................ 26
4.2.3. Interpretasi Data............................................................ 28
4.3. Penentuan Lokasi Eksplorasi................................................... 32
5.1. Kesimpulan............................................................................. 37
5.2. Saran....................................................................................... 37
DAFTAR PUSTAKA................................................................... 39
LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN........................................................... 41
Gambar 2.1. Perpindahan elektroda secara sounding ...................... 6
Gambar 2.2. Perpindahan elektroda secara mapping ....................... 6
Gambar 2.3. Silinder dengan panjang (l) dan luas (A)..................... 7
Gambar 2.4. Potensial titik arus di dalam bumi............................... 9
Gambar 2.5. Potensial titik arus di permukaan bumi ....................... 10
Gambar 2.6. Konsep resistivitas semu ............................................ 12
Gambar 2.7. Susunan elektroda ...................................................... 14
Gambar 2.8. Susunan elektroda konfigurasi Schlumberger ............. 16
Gambar 3.1. Peta titik ukur geolistrik desa Raci ............................. 17
Gambar 3.2. Diagram alur metodologi penelitian ........................... 21
Gambar 4.1. Hasil pengolahan data geolistrik pada titik 3............... 27
Gambar 4.2. Penampang tegak tahanan jenis .................................. 35
Tabel 2.1. Nilai resistivitas batuan (Blaricon, 1988) ....................... 13
Tabel 2.2. Nilai resistivitas batuan (Verhoef, 1994) ........................ 14
Tabel 4.1. Interpretasi Geolistrik .................................................... 29
Lampiran 1.Data pengukuran geolistrik.......................................... 41
Lampiran 2.Harga faktor geometri konfigurasi schlumberger ......... 47
Lampiran 3.Nilai resistivitas semu ................................................. 53
Lampiran 4.Data hasil prosessing dengan menggunakan
Software IPI2Win ....................................................... 59
Lampiran 5.Peta Geologi Lembar Malang ...................................... 67
Lampiran 6. Foto Kegiatan Penelitian ............................................ 69
Lampiran 1.Data pengukuran geolistrik.......................................... 41
Lampiran 2.Harga faktor geometri konfigurasi schlumberger ......... 47
Lampiran 3.Nilai resistivitas semu ................................................. 53
Lampiran 4.Data hasil prosessing dengan menggunakan
Software IPI2Win ....................................................... 59
Lampiran 5.Peta Geologi Lembar Malang ...................................... 67
Lampiran 6. Foto Kegiatan Penelitian ............................................ 69