C:\Documents And Settings\Zacthoma\Desktop\Edci 5377\Weeks 5 6\Is Your Stream...zathomas
The document discusses using macroinvertebrate data collected through the GLOBE program to assess the health of Schooner Creek in Lincoln City, Oregon. The author analyzes macroinvertebrate data collected by students from Taft Elementary School, finding a diversity of sensitive species and abundance of moderately tolerant species, indicating the creek has good water quality.
The document discusses measuring the potential for viral content and provides a formula and tips. The formula suggests that the chance of viralization equals how much the creator and agency liked the idea multiplied by various factors, but that the overall chance is only 60% even if all factors are good. The tips include acting like the target audience, prioritizing content over brand, learning from failures instead of deleting content, and focusing on creativity over formats when trying to create viral content.
Corporate communication is too chaotic. Regain control of your time. You can collaborate socially without losing control by using a Forms-based Cloud application.
This document discusses the enterprising mindset and includes the website www.boutiquebargecompany.com multiple times. The website seems to be related to a company that operates boutique barges. However, there is no other context or information provided about the enterprising mindset or boutique barge company.
The document outlines a music video pitch that proposes using vibrant colors, elaborate costumes, and theatrical makeup in a studio setting with simple set design. It recommends various camera shots and editing techniques including panning shots, split screens, close-ups, and montage editing. It also discusses ensuring health and safety on the production.
This document represents how the media product portrays different social groups. The front cover features an attractive yet unconventionally dressed young white female model to represent other young white females while challenging feminine stereotypes. The contents page includes varied images of a silly male, a graceful female model, and a female challenging norms through her style. The double page spread further features the main model in a natural setting dressed in a folk style to represent young people interested in folk music, challenging typical female portrayals through her independence as a songwriter.
The document discusses how a magazine represents mainstreamers as its target social group. It includes a variety of musical artists from different genres on the cover and in articles to appeal to people interested in many types of mainstream music. It also focuses on positive representations of youth like enjoying concerts rather than stereotypes of misbehavior. The magazine portrays this through concert listings, photos of diverse readers, and a competition to visit Hollywood, a place mainstreamers would enjoy.
The document describes the Southern Indiana Society for Human Resource Management (SI-SHRM) chapter. It provides information on the chapter's structure, benefits of membership, volunteer and leadership opportunities, events, and resources available to members. The chapter's mission is to serve HR professionals and advance the HR profession in the communities it supports.
A major media distributor like Frontline would be well-suited to distribute the magazine because they have a wide reach in places like supermarkets where the target audience shops. As a large conglomerate, Frontline could provide synergies like related websites, radio stations or TV channels to engage the mainstream audience that is familiar with multi-platform media consumption. Distributing the magazine through Frontline would make it widely accessible to the intended audience in popular retail locations.
Frontline would be an ideal media conglomerate to distribute the magazine as they could leverage their multi-platform presence across websites, radio, and television to greatly expand the magazine's audience reach. As a large company, Frontline has the advantage of synergies across its properties and could place the magazine in popular locations like supermarkets to make it easily accessible to its target audience. However, distributing with Frontline may limit how unique or different the magazine's content could be due to the need to appeal to the conglomerate and audience preferences.
The document compares the learner's preliminary magazine project to their full coursework magazine project. They felt the coursework project was more professional due to increased planning, research into appropriate fonts and conventions, and improved technical skills from using the software over time. Key lessons learned were that planning and considering the target audience are essential for a high quality end product.
uJES: Linking applications, services, databases & legacy systems. Zelena Inc.
Control your UNIX or Windows Batch Applications the same way you do it on a z/OS platform. ujES is a Java application that allows many nodes (Unix, Linux, Mac/OS, Windows platforms) to communicate with one another and optionally with a z/OS mainframe through the uJES z/OS Bridge using TCP/IP and a common language.
The Advantage?
uJES not only establishes transparent communication between heterogeneous platforms using JES commands. uJES also offers these platforms all the file management utilities and resource control capabilities available on z/OS mainframes. These z/OS services, not available on other platforms, are highly appreciated by mainframe staff in charge of the control and consolidation of decentralized applications. No specific knowledge is required. uJES uses a unique language to communicate with all the platforms, whatever the operating system flavor.
The Purpose?
uJES provides a centralized and consolidated monitoring feature to control hundreds of processes taking place across many servers (nodes). With the JES based communication language, uJES is a universal Agent that can communicate with any application on any server. No platform specific knowledge required and no new learning curve for every platform type or OS flavor.
The document describes a home maintenance plan offered by Home Repair Solutions. The plan includes quarterly maintenance tasks to prevent costly repairs. It starts with a home consultation to assess needs. Members get preferred pricing on repairs and the plan is designed to save customers time, money, and ease strain on the budget through preventative maintenance. The plan costs $299 for the first year and includes tasks like filter changes, safety checks, and exterior inspections.
Giornalino blu: presentazione del Progetto "Blue Energy"Giuliana
Costruzione in 3D di Smart city, la citt intelligente del futuro:
le classi si sono divise in gruppi e utilizzando le conoscenze e informazioni acquisite nellarco dellintero anno scolastico hanno progettato e disegnato su cartelloni mappe della loro Blu city ideale.
Poi, utilizzando il programma gratuito Google Sketchup e la piattaforma Scuola 3D, i ragazzi hanno costruito in 3D la citt progettata.
Attivit interdisciplinare svolta dagli alunni delle classi quinte della scuola D.A.Bertolin di Tencarola.
Brevi presentazioni di storia prodotte dagli alunni utilizzando Microsoft Power Point.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025. https://www.aib.it/eventi/dichiarazione-dubai-oer-unesco/
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bankjotinlywood
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
The document discusses how a magazine represents mainstreamers as its target social group. It includes a variety of musical artists from different genres on the cover and in articles to appeal to people interested in many types of mainstream music. It also focuses on positive representations of youth like enjoying concerts rather than stereotypes of misbehavior. The magazine portrays this through concert listings, photos of diverse readers, and a competition to visit Hollywood, a place mainstreamers would enjoy.
The document describes the Southern Indiana Society for Human Resource Management (SI-SHRM) chapter. It provides information on the chapter's structure, benefits of membership, volunteer and leadership opportunities, events, and resources available to members. The chapter's mission is to serve HR professionals and advance the HR profession in the communities it supports.
A major media distributor like Frontline would be well-suited to distribute the magazine because they have a wide reach in places like supermarkets where the target audience shops. As a large conglomerate, Frontline could provide synergies like related websites, radio stations or TV channels to engage the mainstream audience that is familiar with multi-platform media consumption. Distributing the magazine through Frontline would make it widely accessible to the intended audience in popular retail locations.
Frontline would be an ideal media conglomerate to distribute the magazine as they could leverage their multi-platform presence across websites, radio, and television to greatly expand the magazine's audience reach. As a large company, Frontline has the advantage of synergies across its properties and could place the magazine in popular locations like supermarkets to make it easily accessible to its target audience. However, distributing with Frontline may limit how unique or different the magazine's content could be due to the need to appeal to the conglomerate and audience preferences.
The document compares the learner's preliminary magazine project to their full coursework magazine project. They felt the coursework project was more professional due to increased planning, research into appropriate fonts and conventions, and improved technical skills from using the software over time. Key lessons learned were that planning and considering the target audience are essential for a high quality end product.
uJES: Linking applications, services, databases & legacy systems. Zelena Inc.
Control your UNIX or Windows Batch Applications the same way you do it on a z/OS platform. ujES is a Java application that allows many nodes (Unix, Linux, Mac/OS, Windows platforms) to communicate with one another and optionally with a z/OS mainframe through the uJES z/OS Bridge using TCP/IP and a common language.
The Advantage?
uJES not only establishes transparent communication between heterogeneous platforms using JES commands. uJES also offers these platforms all the file management utilities and resource control capabilities available on z/OS mainframes. These z/OS services, not available on other platforms, are highly appreciated by mainframe staff in charge of the control and consolidation of decentralized applications. No specific knowledge is required. uJES uses a unique language to communicate with all the platforms, whatever the operating system flavor.
The Purpose?
uJES provides a centralized and consolidated monitoring feature to control hundreds of processes taking place across many servers (nodes). With the JES based communication language, uJES is a universal Agent that can communicate with any application on any server. No platform specific knowledge required and no new learning curve for every platform type or OS flavor.
The document describes a home maintenance plan offered by Home Repair Solutions. The plan includes quarterly maintenance tasks to prevent costly repairs. It starts with a home consultation to assess needs. Members get preferred pricing on repairs and the plan is designed to save customers time, money, and ease strain on the budget through preventative maintenance. The plan costs $299 for the first year and includes tasks like filter changes, safety checks, and exterior inspections.
Giornalino blu: presentazione del Progetto "Blue Energy"Giuliana
Costruzione in 3D di Smart city, la citt intelligente del futuro:
le classi si sono divise in gruppi e utilizzando le conoscenze e informazioni acquisite nellarco dellintero anno scolastico hanno progettato e disegnato su cartelloni mappe della loro Blu city ideale.
Poi, utilizzando il programma gratuito Google Sketchup e la piattaforma Scuola 3D, i ragazzi hanno costruito in 3D la citt progettata.
Attivit interdisciplinare svolta dagli alunni delle classi quinte della scuola D.A.Bertolin di Tencarola.
Brevi presentazioni di storia prodotte dagli alunni utilizzando Microsoft Power Point.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025. https://www.aib.it/eventi/dichiarazione-dubai-oer-unesco/
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bankjotinlywood
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
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Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
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Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
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Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
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Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter