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Dangerous dogs law: leading us
down the wrong path?
Lydia Bleasdale-Hill, University of Leeds
Jill Dickinson, Sheffield Hallam University
? Historical development of legislation in this area
– The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
– The Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014
? The intentions behind such legislation:
– responsibilising owners; and
– enhancing public safety
? Two aspects of legislation will be examined in detail:
– type-specific legislation; and
– the extension of owner-liability for dangerous dogs from
public to private spaces
Historical development of dangerous
dogs legislation: an overview
? Dangerous Dogs Act (DDA) 1991 introduced:
– an offence of a dog being dangerously out of
control in a public place (s.3(1))
– type-specific legislation (s.1(1))
? DDA has been heavily criticised e.g.
– “a synonym for any unthinking reflex legislative
response to media hype” (Hood, 2000 at 282)
? BUT subsequent legislation has not addressed
these criticisms...
The extension of liability from public
to private spaces
? As a general rule, only public spaces were covered by
the earlier legislation: "any street, road or other place
(whether or not enclosed) to which the public have or
are permitted to have access“ (s.10(2) DDA 1991)
? Resulted in operational difficulties
? A distinction between ‘public’ and ‘private’ places had
to be drawn see e.g. Fellowes v Crown Prosecution
Service [1993] WL 964524; R v Bogdal [2008] EWCA
Crim 1
The extension of liability from public
to private spaces
? The Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act
? Extended liability for ‘dangerously out of control’
dogs from public places to private places except
in 'householder cases' where:
– the dog is in or partly in a building, or part of a
building, that is a dwelling or is forces accommodation
(or both), and
– attacks someone who is either:
- a trespasser; or
- who the owner of that building believes to be a trespasser.
The extension of liability from public
to private spaces
? Clearly, what constitutes a "dwelling" is key BUT the
Act provides no definition
– ‘the definition of the dwelling is widely understood in
English law; that it refers to the usual place of residence of
a person and there is no need to provide a separate
definition of dwelling in this legislation' (DEFRA, 2013)
– Crime and Courts Act 2013
– Public Order Act 1986, s.8
– Case-law
? 'Dwelling' is a flexible term, a question of degree depending on
how the building is used/other relevant evidence (Laird, 2013)
Is the legislation fit for purpose?
? Do the following aspects of the dangerous
dogs legislation:
– type-specific controls; and
– extension of liability from public to private spaces
? meet the primary aims of successive
governments, namely to:
– responsibilise owners; and
– increase public safety?
Responsibilising owners
? Does extending liability of owners to private
spheres responsibilise owners?
– where does the 'dwelling' begin and end?
– lack of public awareness in respect of both the
changes made and their effect
? 33% are unaware of the changes in the law
? only 23% report of those who are aware of the changes
report managing their dogs differently within the home as a
? 33% (misunderstanding the changes) have modified how
they manage their dogs in public
Statistics provided by National Animal Welfare Trust, 2015
Responsibilising owners
? Does type-specific legislation responsibilise dog-
– criticised for being over-inclusive
? ‘by subjecting all members of the target breed to regulation
regardless of prior behaviour; that is…it reaches both dangerous
and docile members of the target breed'. (Hussain, 2006)
– criticised for being under-inclusive
? only certain types banned
? difficulties in determining breed
– risks encouraging dangerous dogs issues underground
? 'their pariah status make[s] them desirable" (Harding, 2010)
– nature v nurture debate
Increasing public safety
? Does extending liability of owners to private
spheres increase public safety?
– lack of public awareness in respect of the changes
made and their effect
– who is a 'trespasser'?
? removes those with 'malign intent' from the protection of
the law
– 'perverse incentive for people to keep dangerous dogs
on their property for protection' (Liberty, 2013)
– legislative changes could be used to increase public
safety if they instead focused on the prevention of
dogs from attacking in first place
Increasing public safety
? Does type-specific legislation responsibilise
– type-specific legislation retained because of risks
such dogs may pose (eg Collier, 2006)
– perceived lack of alternative options
– further research/data needed to root out causes
not symptoms
? Type-specific legislation:
– doesn't increase public safety
– is potentially damaging to both owners and dogs
? Extending law to private sphere:
– creates confusion in expectations
? Need for:
– consolidating legislation;
– research to examine motivations of dog owners; and
– supporting cultural change
? C. Hood 'Assessing the Dangerous Dogs Act: When Does a
Regulatory Law Fail?' (2000) Public Law Sum, 282-305, at 282
? National Animal Welfare Trust One Year On – Are Changes to
the Dangerous Dogs Act Effective?
? K. Laird 'Conceptualising the Interpretation of ‘Dwelling’ in
Section 9 of the Theft Act 1968' [2013] Criminal Law Review
8, 656-673, as cited by L. Bleasdale-Hill ‘"Our Home is Our
Haven and Refuge - A Place Where We Have Every Right to
Feel Safe": Justifying the Use of Up to "Grossly
Disproportionate Force" in a Place of Residence’ [2015]
Criminal Law Review, 6, 407-419);
? S. Harding 'Status Dogs and Gangs', (2010) Safer Communities
9 (1) 30 at 30
? S. Gray Hussain ‘Attacking the Dog-Bite Epidemic: Why Breed-Specific
Legislation Won’t Solve the Dangerous Dogs Dilemma’ (2006) Fordham
Law Review Vol.74(5): 2847 at 2863
? Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Draft Dangerous Dogs
(Amendment) Bill: Government Response to the Committee's First Report
of Session 2013-14 September 2013,
? S. Collier ‘Breed‐Specific Legislation and the Pit Bull terrier: Are the
Laws Justified?’ (2006) Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 1, 17-22, at 20-
? Liberty’s Report Stage Briefing on the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and
Policing Bill in the House of Commons (October 2013),
Contact details
? Lydia Bleasdale-Hill:
E: l.k.bleasdalehill@leeds.ac.uk
Tw: @Parkendlydia
? Jill Dickinson:
E: Jill.Dickinson@shu.ac.uk
Tw: @Jill_Dickinson1

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Dangerous dogs law: leading us down the wrong path?

  • 1. Dangerous dogs law: leading us down the wrong path? Lydia Bleasdale-Hill, University of Leeds Jill Dickinson, Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2. Overview ? Historical development of legislation in this area – The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 – The Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 ? The intentions behind such legislation: – responsibilising owners; and – enhancing public safety ? Two aspects of legislation will be examined in detail: – type-specific legislation; and – the extension of owner-liability for dangerous dogs from public to private spaces
  • 3. Historical development of dangerous dogs legislation: an overview ? Dangerous Dogs Act (DDA) 1991 introduced: – an offence of a dog being dangerously out of control in a public place (s.3(1)) – type-specific legislation (s.1(1)) ? DDA has been heavily criticised e.g. – “a synonym for any unthinking reflex legislative response to media hype” (Hood, 2000 at 282) ? BUT subsequent legislation has not addressed these criticisms...
  • 4. The extension of liability from public to private spaces ? As a general rule, only public spaces were covered by the earlier legislation: "any street, road or other place (whether or not enclosed) to which the public have or are permitted to have access“ (s.10(2) DDA 1991) ? Resulted in operational difficulties ? A distinction between ‘public’ and ‘private’ places had to be drawn see e.g. Fellowes v Crown Prosecution Service [1993] WL 964524; R v Bogdal [2008] EWCA Crim 1
  • 5. The extension of liability from public to private spaces ? The Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 ? Extended liability for ‘dangerously out of control’ dogs from public places to private places except in 'householder cases' where: – the dog is in or partly in a building, or part of a building, that is a dwelling or is forces accommodation (or both), and – attacks someone who is either: - a trespasser; or - who the owner of that building believes to be a trespasser.
  • 6. The extension of liability from public to private spaces ? Clearly, what constitutes a "dwelling" is key BUT the Act provides no definition – ‘the definition of the dwelling is widely understood in English law; that it refers to the usual place of residence of a person and there is no need to provide a separate definition of dwelling in this legislation' (DEFRA, 2013) – Crime and Courts Act 2013 – Public Order Act 1986, s.8 – Case-law ? 'Dwelling' is a flexible term, a question of degree depending on how the building is used/other relevant evidence (Laird, 2013)
  • 7. Is the legislation fit for purpose? ? Do the following aspects of the dangerous dogs legislation: – type-specific controls; and – extension of liability from public to private spaces ? meet the primary aims of successive governments, namely to: – responsibilise owners; and – increase public safety?
  • 8. Responsibilising owners ? Does extending liability of owners to private spheres responsibilise owners? – where does the 'dwelling' begin and end? – lack of public awareness in respect of both the changes made and their effect ? 33% are unaware of the changes in the law ? only 23% report of those who are aware of the changes report managing their dogs differently within the home as a result ? 33% (misunderstanding the changes) have modified how they manage their dogs in public Statistics provided by National Animal Welfare Trust, 2015
  • 9. Responsibilising owners ? Does type-specific legislation responsibilise dog- owners? – criticised for being over-inclusive ? ‘by subjecting all members of the target breed to regulation regardless of prior behaviour; that is…it reaches both dangerous and docile members of the target breed'. (Hussain, 2006) – criticised for being under-inclusive ? only certain types banned ? difficulties in determining breed – risks encouraging dangerous dogs issues underground ? 'their pariah status make[s] them desirable" (Harding, 2010) – nature v nurture debate
  • 10. Increasing public safety ? Does extending liability of owners to private spheres increase public safety? – lack of public awareness in respect of the changes made and their effect – who is a 'trespasser'? ? removes those with 'malign intent' from the protection of the law – 'perverse incentive for people to keep dangerous dogs on their property for protection' (Liberty, 2013) – legislative changes could be used to increase public safety if they instead focused on the prevention of dogs from attacking in first place
  • 11. Increasing public safety ? Does type-specific legislation responsibilise dog-owners? – type-specific legislation retained because of risks such dogs may pose (eg Collier, 2006) – perceived lack of alternative options – further research/data needed to root out causes not symptoms
  • 12. Conclusion ? Type-specific legislation: – doesn't increase public safety – is potentially damaging to both owners and dogs ? Extending law to private sphere: – creates confusion in expectations ? Need for: – consolidating legislation; – research to examine motivations of dog owners; and – supporting cultural change
  • 13. References ? C. Hood 'Assessing the Dangerous Dogs Act: When Does a Regulatory Law Fail?' (2000) Public Law Sum, 282-305, at 282 ? National Animal Welfare Trust One Year On – Are Changes to the Dangerous Dogs Act Effective? http://www.nawt.org.uk/media-centre/owners-think- dangerous-dogs-act-remains-ineffective ? K. Laird 'Conceptualising the Interpretation of ‘Dwelling’ in Section 9 of the Theft Act 1968' [2013] Criminal Law Review 8, 656-673, as cited by L. Bleasdale-Hill ‘"Our Home is Our Haven and Refuge - A Place Where We Have Every Right to Feel Safe": Justifying the Use of Up to "Grossly Disproportionate Force" in a Place of Residence’ [2015] Criminal Law Review, 6, 407-419); ? S. Harding 'Status Dogs and Gangs', (2010) Safer Communities 9 (1) 30 at 30
  • 14. References ? S. Gray Hussain ‘Attacking the Dog-Bite Epidemic: Why Breed-Specific Legislation Won’t Solve the Dangerous Dogs Dilemma’ (2006) Fordham Law Review Vol.74(5): 2847 at 2863 ? Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Draft Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2013-14 September 2013, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmenvfru /637/63704.htm ? S. Collier ‘Breed‐Specific Legislation and the Pit Bull terrier: Are the Laws Justified?’ (2006) Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 1, 17-22, at 20- 21 ? Liberty’s Report Stage Briefing on the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill in the House of Commons (October 2013), https://www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/sites/default/files/Liberty-s- Report-Stage-Briefing-on-the-ASBCP-Bill-in-the-House-of-Commons- Oct-2013_0.pdf
  • 15. Contact details ? Lydia Bleasdale-Hill: E: l.k.bleasdalehill@leeds.ac.uk Tw: @Parkendlydia ? Jill Dickinson: E: Jill.Dickinson@shu.ac.uk Tw: @Jill_Dickinson1