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David Walker
4408 DenverDrive
Plano,TX 75093
Bachelor’sdegree inHealthcare AdministrationandPsychology
Master of Arts Theological Studies
1/13 – 4/14 USMD, Inc.
Vice PresidentofRevenue Cycle Operations
ï‚· Oversightof RevenueOperationsforlarge multispecialtyphysiciangroupincluding:
o Managing a teamof 125 people andannual receivablesof 215m.
o Compliance andCoding
o GovernmentandThirdPartyFollow Up
o PaymentPostingandRefunds
o Self-PayandBadDebt
ï‚· MonthlyFinancial OversightandReview
o ReviewwithCFOtoensure properrevenuerecognition
o Developbaddebtandcontractual models
ï‚· ProcessImprovementandOrganizationalManagement
o Mergedthe processesof separate billingdepartmentsintoacohesive structure
o Guidedprocessimprovementinitiativestoeliminateredundancyandincrease staff effectiveness
o Createda compensationprogramwithspecificgoalsandmeasurementsresultingin a25%
increase inproductivity.
3/05 – 12/12 EmCare,Inc.
Regional ChiefOperationsOfficer– Radiology
ï‚· Oversee all operational aspectsof the RadCare service line including:
o CustomerRelationsandRetention
o IT infrastructure anddevelopment
o Physicianrecruitingandmanagement
o AccountingandFinance
o Full P&L responsibilityfora$75M budget.
ï‚· SalesandMarketingLeadershipinthe followingareas:
o Pro-formareviewanddevelopmentforprospective clients
o Thoughtleadershipinthe developmentmarketingandsalesstrategiesandmaterials.
o Prospective clientpresentationstofacilityC-Suite
o Oversightof salesstaff todrive salesprospectsandmeetnew salestargets.
ï‚· StrategicPlanningandDevelopment
o Developstrategicobjectivestodrive clientsatisfactionandgrowthopportunities.
o Coordinate withotherservice line leaderstodevelopnewstrategiesaroundservicedeliveryand
o IdentifyM&A targetsand oversee operationsdiligence.
Radiology Finance and OperationsDirector
ï‚· Responsible forthe operationsanddevelopmentof the radiologyservice line.
ï‚· Reviewall newsalesopportunitiesandparticipate inthe salesprocess.
ï‚· Coordinate PhysicianRecruiting,Credentialing,andEnrollmentforall RadiologyContracts.
ï‚· Ledthe implementationof servicesfornew clients.
ï‚· Participatedinreviewof strategicacquisitions.
ï‚· Lead responsibilityincontractre-negotiationforRadiologyclients.
10/01 – 3/05 Radiologix
National Director ofReimbursementOperations
ï‚· Oversee the activitiesof 6regional billingofficeswithatotal of 240 employeesand360M in revenue.
ï‚· Implementedinternal auditproceduresacrossall subsidiariesinordertomeetrequirementsof the
Sarbanes – Oxleyact.
ï‚· Ledthe rolloutof a commonbillingplatformacrossall subsidiaries.
Director of ReimbursementOperations
ï‚· Directthe Reimbursementactivitiesof 10 regional outsourcedbillingvendorsforthe QuestarImaging
o Reducedthe numberof billingofficesfrom18 to 10.
o Increasedcollectionsby$3Millionannually.
o ReducedARdaysfrom 93 to 68.
ï‚· Directorof ReimbursementforRadiologyImagingAssociates,aFloridaSubsidiaryof Radiologix.
o ReducedARdaysfrom 54 to 47.
o Increasedcollectionsby$900K annually.
o Provide ManagedCare and Reimbursementguidance forpractice staff.
ï‚· InterimDirectorof ReimbursementOperationsforM&S Imaging,aSan AntonioSubsidiaryof Radiologix.
o Directthe activitiesof 36 employees.
o Increasedcollectionsby3%withinthe first90 days.
ï‚· Responsible forauditingeachof the 10 Radiologix Subsidiariesonanannual basisto ensure best
practicesare beingfollowedinthe ReimbursementOperationsDepartments.
ï‚· Responsible forthe implementationandreviewof control measureswithineachof the Radiologix
practicesto ensure compliance withthe Sarbanes-OxleyAct.
5/96 – 8/01 UT SouthwesternHealthSystems
Manager of Third Party Collections
ï‚· Responsible foroversightof all thirdpartycollectionsforthe Clinical Divisionsof FamilyPractice,Internal
ï‚· Serve asLiaisonwithdesignatedclinical departmentstoenhance the revenue cycle.
ï‚· Manage electronicandpaperbillingprocessesforall clinical specialties.
ï‚· Reviewandanalyze codingpracticestoensure highestpossiblereimbursement.
ï‚· Manage 25 employees.
ï‚· Prepare departmental budget.
Manager of Commercial/SelfPayCollections& OperationsSystems
ï‚· Manage nineteenemployees
ï‚· Oversee the collectionof $19 millioninAccountsReceivable
ï‚· ReducedA/RDaysby 20% inFY 2000
ï‚· Coordinate all systemrelatedactivitieswiththe InformationSystemsDepartment
ï‚· Designanddevelopfinancial reportstoenhance the collectionprocess
ï‚· Coach customerservice teaminprovidingqualityservice toclinical divisions
ï‚· Ledan A/Rtask force designedtoeliminate$18 millioninagedaccountsreceivable forCommercial and
Managed Care accounts
ï‚· Implementedworkflowdesignthroughoutdepartmenttostandardize all processesandprocedures
ï‚· Re-designed andmanagedthe electronicandpaperbillingprocesses
Supervisorof PatientCollections
ï‚· Supervise nineemployees
ï‚· Manage $11,000,000 in self-payaccountsreceivable
ï‚· Oversee secondaryclaimsprocess
ï‚· Coordinate designandapplicationof the IDXPaperless CollectionSystem
ï‚· Manage legal accountsreceivable
ï‚· Serve asliaisonwithInformationSystemsinthe areaof PatientStatements
ï‚· DevelopedtrainingforBillingOperationsstaff incollectionsandA/Rmanagement
4/92 – 5/96 MethodistHospitalsof Dallas
Supervisorof Collections
ï‚· Supervise fourteenemployees
ï‚· Manage $6,000,000 incommercial accountsreceivable and$10,000,000 inself-pay
ï‚· Coordinate the activitiesof the refunddepartment
ï‚· Supervise CustomerService Representatives
SeniorMedicare Collector
ï‚· AccountfollowuponMedicare accounts receivable
ï‚· Performappealsondeniedaccounts
ï‚· Serve asbackup forthe Medicaiddepartment
ï‚· Train newemployees
3/89 – 4/92 Tri-CityHealthCenter
ShiftLeader Admitting
ï‚· Outpatientandinpatientadmitting
ï‚· Qualityreview of patientfiles
ï‚· Monitorcollectionsattime of service
ï‚· Train newemployees

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David Walker Resume

  • 1. David Walker 4408 DenverDrive Plano,TX 75093 214-608-0037 Education: DallasBaptistUniversity Bachelor’sdegree inHealthcare AdministrationandPsychology DallasBaptistUniversity Master of Arts Theological Studies Experience: 1/13 – 4/14 USMD, Inc. Vice PresidentofRevenue Cycle Operations ï‚· Oversightof RevenueOperationsforlarge multispecialtyphysiciangroupincluding: o Managing a teamof 125 people andannual receivablesof 215m. o Compliance andCoding o GovernmentandThirdPartyFollow Up o PaymentPostingandRefunds o Self-PayandBadDebt ï‚· MonthlyFinancial OversightandReview o ReviewwithCFOtoensure properrevenuerecognition o Developbaddebtandcontractual models ï‚· ProcessImprovementandOrganizationalManagement o Mergedthe processesof separate billingdepartmentsintoacohesive structure o Guidedprocessimprovementinitiativestoeliminateredundancyandincrease staff effectiveness o Createda compensationprogramwithspecificgoalsandmeasurementsresultingin a25% increase inproductivity. 3/05 – 12/12 EmCare,Inc. Regional ChiefOperationsOfficer– Radiology ï‚· Oversee all operational aspectsof the RadCare service line including: o CustomerRelationsandRetention o IT infrastructure anddevelopment o Physicianrecruitingandmanagement o AccountingandFinance o Full P&L responsibilityfora$75M budget. ï‚· SalesandMarketingLeadershipinthe followingareas: o Pro-formareviewanddevelopmentforprospective clients o Thoughtleadershipinthe developmentmarketingandsalesstrategiesandmaterials. o Prospective clientpresentationstofacilityC-Suite o Oversightof salesstaff todrive salesprospectsandmeetnew salestargets. ï‚· StrategicPlanningandDevelopment o Developstrategicobjectivestodrive clientsatisfactionandgrowthopportunities. o Coordinate withotherservice line leaderstodevelopnewstrategiesaroundservicedeliveryand integration.
  • 2. o IdentifyM&A targetsand oversee operationsdiligence. Radiology Finance and OperationsDirector ï‚· Responsible forthe operationsanddevelopmentof the radiologyservice line. ï‚· Reviewall newsalesopportunitiesandparticipate inthe salesprocess. ï‚· Coordinate PhysicianRecruiting,Credentialing,andEnrollmentforall RadiologyContracts. ï‚· Ledthe implementationof servicesfornew clients. ï‚· Participatedinreviewof strategicacquisitions. ï‚· Lead responsibilityincontractre-negotiationforRadiologyclients. 10/01 – 3/05 Radiologix National Director ofReimbursementOperations ï‚· Oversee the activitiesof 6regional billingofficeswithatotal of 240 employeesand360M in revenue. ï‚· Implementedinternal auditproceduresacrossall subsidiariesinordertomeetrequirementsof the Sarbanes – Oxleyact. ï‚· Ledthe rolloutof a commonbillingplatformacrossall subsidiaries. Director of ReimbursementOperations ï‚· Directthe Reimbursementactivitiesof 10 regional outsourcedbillingvendorsforthe QuestarImaging Subsidiary. o Reducedthe numberof billingofficesfrom18 to 10. o Increasedcollectionsby$3Millionannually. o ReducedARdaysfrom 93 to 68. ï‚· Directorof ReimbursementforRadiologyImagingAssociates,aFloridaSubsidiaryof Radiologix. o ReducedARdaysfrom 54 to 47. o Increasedcollectionsby$900K annually. o Provide ManagedCare and Reimbursementguidance forpractice staff. ï‚· InterimDirectorof ReimbursementOperationsforM&S Imaging,aSan AntonioSubsidiaryof Radiologix. o Directthe activitiesof 36 employees. o Increasedcollectionsby3%withinthe first90 days. ï‚· Responsible forauditingeachof the 10 Radiologix Subsidiariesonanannual basisto ensure best practicesare beingfollowedinthe ReimbursementOperationsDepartments. ï‚· Responsible forthe implementationandreviewof control measureswithineachof the Radiologix practicesto ensure compliance withthe Sarbanes-OxleyAct. 5/96 – 8/01 UT SouthwesternHealthSystems Manager of Third Party Collections ï‚· Responsible foroversightof all thirdpartycollectionsforthe Clinical Divisionsof FamilyPractice,Internal Medicine,Pathology,Psychiatry,RadiationOncology,AlliedHealth,andOtolaryngology. ï‚· Serve asLiaisonwithdesignatedclinical departmentstoenhance the revenue cycle. ï‚· Manage electronicandpaperbillingprocessesforall clinical specialties. ï‚· Reviewandanalyze codingpracticestoensure highestpossiblereimbursement. ï‚· Manage 25 employees. ï‚· Prepare departmental budget. Manager of Commercial/SelfPayCollections& OperationsSystems ï‚· Manage nineteenemployees ï‚· Oversee the collectionof $19 millioninAccountsReceivable ï‚· ReducedA/RDaysby 20% inFY 2000 ï‚· Coordinate all systemrelatedactivitieswiththe InformationSystemsDepartment ï‚· Designanddevelopfinancial reportstoenhance the collectionprocess
  • 3. ï‚· Coach customerservice teaminprovidingqualityservice toclinical divisions ï‚· Ledan A/Rtask force designedtoeliminate$18 millioninagedaccountsreceivable forCommercial and Managed Care accounts ï‚· Implementedworkflowdesignthroughoutdepartmenttostandardize all processesandprocedures ï‚· Re-designed andmanagedthe electronicandpaperbillingprocesses Supervisorof PatientCollections ï‚· Supervise nineemployees ï‚· Manage $11,000,000 in self-payaccountsreceivable ï‚· Oversee secondaryclaimsprocess ï‚· Coordinate designandapplicationof the IDXPaperless CollectionSystem ï‚· Manage legal accountsreceivable ï‚· Serve asliaisonwithInformationSystemsinthe areaof PatientStatements ï‚· DevelopedtrainingforBillingOperationsstaff incollectionsandA/Rmanagement 4/92 – 5/96 MethodistHospitalsof Dallas Supervisorof Collections ï‚· Supervise fourteenemployees ï‚· Manage $6,000,000 incommercial accountsreceivable and$10,000,000 inself-pay ï‚· Coordinate the activitiesof the refunddepartment ï‚· Supervise CustomerService Representatives SeniorMedicare Collector ï‚· AccountfollowuponMedicare accounts receivable ï‚· Performappealsondeniedaccounts ï‚· Serve asbackup forthe Medicaiddepartment ï‚· Train newemployees 3/89 – 4/92 Tri-CityHealthCenter ShiftLeader Admitting ï‚· Outpatientandinpatientadmitting ï‚· Qualityreview of patientfiles ï‚· Monitorcollectionsattime of service ï‚· Train newemployees