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People who are

or hard of hearing

Facts, figures and ways
of communicating
People who are deaf or hard of hearing

Were RNID, the charity
working to create a world
where deafness or
hearing loss do not limit
or determine opportunity,
and where people value
their hearing.


People who are deaf or hard of hearing

This leaflet tells you about people who are deaf
or hard of hearing in the UK today.

There could be lots of reasons why you want to know more about
people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Maybe a colleague is
deaf. A member of your family, your friend or partner may be hard
of hearing. Perhaps you teach students who are deaf. You may
have clients or customers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Whatever your reason, this leaflet gives a brief introduction to
deaf and hard of hearing issues. You should read it if you want
to know about:
 how deafness is described and facts and figures
 what causes deafness
 hearing aids
 communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing
 equipment for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
You can find details of other information you can get from us.
Contact the RNID Information Line (see back page) to find
out more.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

How do we describe deafness?
Being deaf or hard of hearing can mean very different things to
different people. Some people will feel more comfortable with
particular words to describe their own deafness. They might
feel strongly about terms they dont like. At RNID, we use the
following terms:
 People who are deaf. We use this term in a general
  way when we are talking about people with all degrees of
  hearing loss.
 People who are hard of hearing. We use this term to describe
  people with a mild to severe hearing loss. We quite often use it
  to describe people who have lost their hearing gradually.
 People who are deafened. People who were born hearing and
  became severely or profoundly deaf after learning to speak are
  often described as deafened.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

 People who are deafblind. Many people who are deafblind
  have some hearing and vision. Others will be totally deaf and
  totally blind.
 The deaf community. Many people who are deaf whose first or
  preferred language is British Sign Language (BSL) consider
  themselves part of the deaf community. They may describe
  themselves as Deaf, with a capital D, to emphasise their
  cultural identity.

Some facts and figures
Deafness and hearing loss may be more common than you
thought. For example:
 There are an estimated 9 million people in the UK who are deaf
  or hard of hearing. This figure is rising as the number of people
  over 60 increases.
 In the UK, there are about 20,000 children aged 0-5 years who
  are moderately to profoundly deaf. Many more have temporary
  hearing problems in early childhood.
 There are an estimated 123,000 people in the UK aged 16 and
  over who are deafened.
 There are about 23,000 people in the UK who are deafblind.
 It is difficult to say how many people in the UK use BSL as their
  first or preferred language  current estimates vary between
  50,000 and 70,000.
 Most of the 9 million people in the UK who are deaf or hard of
  hearing developed a hearing loss as they grew older. About 2%
  of young adults are deaf or hard of hearing. Around the age of
  50, the proportion of people who are deaf begins to increase
  sharply and 55% of people over 60 are deaf or hard of hearing.
For more information, see our factsheet Facts and figures on
deafness and tinnitus.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

What causes deafness?
There are many reasons why some people are born deaf or hard
of hearing  or lose their hearing later. Sometimes people may lose
their hearing temporarily and it comes back when they receive
medical treatment. For others, deafness and hearing loss are
Causes of permanent deafness and hearing loss include:
 Presbycusis  also known as age-related hearing loss. It is the
  most common type of deafness and affects many older people
 certain diseases such as mumps or meningitis
 certain drugs, in particular aspirin in high doses, or antibiotics
  called aminoglycosides
 frequent exposure to loud noise
 serious head injury
 if a mother has rubella (German measles) while she is pregnant,
  her baby may be born deaf
 if a baby is born prematurely or the mother has a difficult labour
 medical conditions such as M辿ni竪res disease
 repeated infections in the middle ear (behind the eardrum) 
  particularly if they continue for a long time and are not treated.

Are there different types of deafness?
Yes  there are two main types of deafness:
 Conductive deafness  where sound has difficulty passing
  through the outer or middle ear.
 Sensorineural deafness  where the cause of deafness is in the
  cochlea or hearing nerve.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

Some people may have the same type and degree of hearing loss
in each ear, or it may be different in each ear.
A hearing test will identify what type of deafness a person has.
For more information, see our leaflet Is your hearing going?

Hearing aids
About two million people in the UK have hearing aids, but at least
five million others would benefit from them.
Hearing aids make sounds louder and clearer so that users are
able to hear them. They are battery-operated and are usually worn
in or behind the ear. In the UK, you can get hearing aids free of
charge on the NHS. Some people choose to buy them privately.
For more information, see our leaflet Getting hearing aids.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

What are the different ways that deaf people
People who are deaf or hard of hearing choose to communicate in
different ways, depending on their level of deafness.
 Some people with a mild hearing loss might use hearing aids
  or find lipreading helpful.
 People with a moderate hearing loss will have difficulty hearing
  what is said without hearing aids, particularly somewhere noisy.
 People who are severely deaf may have difficulty following what
  is being said even with hearing aids. Many lipread and some use
  sign language or need other communication support.
 Some, but not all, people who are profoundly deaf may find that
  hearing aids are of little benefit to them. British Sign Language
  (BSL) may be their first or preferred language.
For more information, see our leaflet Communication support

Everyone lipreads to some extent, especially in noisy situations.
When you speak to someone, their facial movements will give you
information to help you understand the meaning of what they are
saying. Many people who are hard of hearing use lipreading too.
If you are talking to someone who relies on lipreading, remember
that it requires a lot of skill and concentration and can sometimes
be tiring. Many words look similar on the lips. Some sounds are
pronounced at the back of the throat and have no visible lip shape.
Go to www.lipreading.org.uk/about_atla/classes.htm to find
a local class or contact our Information Line (see back page).
If there is no class in your area, ask your local adult education
centre or college to provide one.
For more information, see our leaflet Watch this face.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

Sign language
British Sign Language (BSL) is the most widely used method
of signed communication in the UK. Some people use Sign
Supported English (SSE). SSE is not a language in its own right,
but a kind of English with signs.
BSL develops naturally, as do spoken languages. It uses a range
of communicative methods  hand shapes and movements, facial
expressions, and shoulder movements. BSL is structured differently
to English and, like any language, has its own grammar.
For more information, see our leaflet Sign language or contact the
RNID Information Line (see back page).

People who use BSL also use fingerspelling. Certain words, usually
names of people and places, are spelled out on fingers. For
example, each finger represents one of the five vowels: a,e,i,o and
u. Fingerspelling alone is not sign language but it can be very
useful when communicating with BSL users who are deaf.
Contact the RNID Information Line for one of our fingerspelling
cards (see back page).

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

What equipment is available for people who are
deaf or hard of hearing?
A range of equipment is available for use in the home, car,
workplace and when socialising. It includes:
 equipment to alert someone to different sounds, such as an
  alarm clock, doorbell or smoke alarm
 equipment to help someone use the telephone better
 listening equipment  to help someone have a conversation,
  watch television or hear music.

For more information, see our leaflet Products to make life easier.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

Where can I get further information?
You might find some of our other factsheets or leaflets useful:
 Is your hearing going? (leaflet)
  What to do about it  and how we can help.
 Getting hearing aids (leaflet)
  What to expect at a hearing test and how hearing aids work.
 Communication tips card
  A double-sided card with tips on one side if youre deaf or hard
  of hearing, and tips on the other side if youre hearing and
  speaking to someone whos deaf.
 Watch this face (leaflet)
  How lipreading can help if you are deaf or hard of hearing.
 Sign language (leaflet)
  What British sign language is, and how to learn it.
 Fingerspelling alphabet (bookmark, card or poster)
 Products to make life easier (leaflet)
  Equipment to make life easier if you are deaf or hard of hearing.
  Our catalogue of products for people who are deaf or hard of
  hearing or who want to protect their hearing.
 Communication support services (leaflet)
  Information on the range of communication support services
  available for people who are deaf.
 Facts and figures on deafness and tinnitus (factsheet)

Please contact the Information Line (see
back page) for free copies of these. And
let us know if you would like any of them
 or this leaflet  in Braille, large print or
audio format.
Were RNID, the charity
working to create a world
where deafness or hearing
loss do not limit or determine
opportunity, and where
people value their hearing.
There are a number of ways
to support us. To find out more:
Go to
Information line
Telephone 0808 808 0123
Textphone 0808 808 9000
SMS       0780 0000 360
(costs vary depending on your network)

Or write to us
19-23 Featherstone Street
London EC1Y 8SL
Fax 020 7296 8199

3486/0509 Photography Stuart Freedman, Philip Meech
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People. Registered office 19-23 Featherstone
Street, London EC1Y 8SL. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and
Wales number 454169. Registered charity numbers 207720 (England and Wales) and
SC038926 (Scotland).

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Deafness research

  • 1. People who are deaf or hard of hearing Facts, figures and ways of communicating
  • 2. People who are deaf or hard of hearing Were RNID, the charity working to create a world where deafness or hearing loss do not limit or determine opportunity, and where people value their hearing. www.rnid.org.uk 2
  • 3. People who are deaf or hard of hearing This leaflet tells you about people who are deaf or hard of hearing in the UK today. There could be lots of reasons why you want to know more about people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Maybe a colleague is deaf. A member of your family, your friend or partner may be hard of hearing. Perhaps you teach students who are deaf. You may have clients or customers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Whatever your reason, this leaflet gives a brief introduction to deaf and hard of hearing issues. You should read it if you want to know about: how deafness is described and facts and figures what causes deafness hearing aids communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing equipment for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. You can find details of other information you can get from us. Contact the RNID Information Line (see back page) to find out more. 3
  • 4. People who are deaf or hard of hearing How do we describe deafness? Being deaf or hard of hearing can mean very different things to different people. Some people will feel more comfortable with particular words to describe their own deafness. They might feel strongly about terms they dont like. At RNID, we use the following terms: People who are deaf. We use this term in a general way when we are talking about people with all degrees of hearing loss. People who are hard of hearing. We use this term to describe people with a mild to severe hearing loss. We quite often use it to describe people who have lost their hearing gradually. People who are deafened. People who were born hearing and became severely or profoundly deaf after learning to speak are often described as deafened. 4
  • 5. People who are deaf or hard of hearing People who are deafblind. Many people who are deafblind have some hearing and vision. Others will be totally deaf and totally blind. The deaf community. Many people who are deaf whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language (BSL) consider themselves part of the deaf community. They may describe themselves as Deaf, with a capital D, to emphasise their cultural identity. Some facts and figures Deafness and hearing loss may be more common than you thought. For example: There are an estimated 9 million people in the UK who are deaf or hard of hearing. This figure is rising as the number of people over 60 increases. In the UK, there are about 20,000 children aged 0-5 years who are moderately to profoundly deaf. Many more have temporary hearing problems in early childhood. There are an estimated 123,000 people in the UK aged 16 and over who are deafened. There are about 23,000 people in the UK who are deafblind. It is difficult to say how many people in the UK use BSL as their first or preferred language current estimates vary between 50,000 and 70,000. Most of the 9 million people in the UK who are deaf or hard of hearing developed a hearing loss as they grew older. About 2% of young adults are deaf or hard of hearing. Around the age of 50, the proportion of people who are deaf begins to increase sharply and 55% of people over 60 are deaf or hard of hearing. For more information, see our factsheet Facts and figures on deafness and tinnitus. 5
  • 6. People who are deaf or hard of hearing What causes deafness? There are many reasons why some people are born deaf or hard of hearing or lose their hearing later. Sometimes people may lose their hearing temporarily and it comes back when they receive medical treatment. For others, deafness and hearing loss are permanent. Causes of permanent deafness and hearing loss include: Presbycusis also known as age-related hearing loss. It is the most common type of deafness and affects many older people certain diseases such as mumps or meningitis certain drugs, in particular aspirin in high doses, or antibiotics called aminoglycosides frequent exposure to loud noise serious head injury if a mother has rubella (German measles) while she is pregnant, her baby may be born deaf if a baby is born prematurely or the mother has a difficult labour medical conditions such as M辿ni竪res disease repeated infections in the middle ear (behind the eardrum) particularly if they continue for a long time and are not treated. Are there different types of deafness? Yes there are two main types of deafness: Conductive deafness where sound has difficulty passing through the outer or middle ear. Sensorineural deafness where the cause of deafness is in the cochlea or hearing nerve. 6
  • 7. People who are deaf or hard of hearing Some people may have the same type and degree of hearing loss in each ear, or it may be different in each ear. A hearing test will identify what type of deafness a person has. For more information, see our leaflet Is your hearing going? Hearing aids About two million people in the UK have hearing aids, but at least five million others would benefit from them. Hearing aids make sounds louder and clearer so that users are able to hear them. They are battery-operated and are usually worn in or behind the ear. In the UK, you can get hearing aids free of charge on the NHS. Some people choose to buy them privately. For more information, see our leaflet Getting hearing aids. 7
  • 8. People who are deaf or hard of hearing What are the different ways that deaf people communicate? People who are deaf or hard of hearing choose to communicate in different ways, depending on their level of deafness. Some people with a mild hearing loss might use hearing aids or find lipreading helpful. People with a moderate hearing loss will have difficulty hearing what is said without hearing aids, particularly somewhere noisy. People who are severely deaf may have difficulty following what is being said even with hearing aids. Many lipread and some use sign language or need other communication support. Some, but not all, people who are profoundly deaf may find that hearing aids are of little benefit to them. British Sign Language (BSL) may be their first or preferred language. For more information, see our leaflet Communication support services. Lipreading Everyone lipreads to some extent, especially in noisy situations. When you speak to someone, their facial movements will give you information to help you understand the meaning of what they are saying. Many people who are hard of hearing use lipreading too. If you are talking to someone who relies on lipreading, remember that it requires a lot of skill and concentration and can sometimes be tiring. Many words look similar on the lips. Some sounds are pronounced at the back of the throat and have no visible lip shape. Go to www.lipreading.org.uk/about_atla/classes.htm to find a local class or contact our Information Line (see back page). If there is no class in your area, ask your local adult education centre or college to provide one. For more information, see our leaflet Watch this face. 8
  • 9. People who are deaf or hard of hearing Sign language British Sign Language (BSL) is the most widely used method of signed communication in the UK. Some people use Sign Supported English (SSE). SSE is not a language in its own right, but a kind of English with signs. BSL develops naturally, as do spoken languages. It uses a range of communicative methods hand shapes and movements, facial expressions, and shoulder movements. BSL is structured differently to English and, like any language, has its own grammar. For more information, see our leaflet Sign language or contact the RNID Information Line (see back page). Fingerspelling People who use BSL also use fingerspelling. Certain words, usually names of people and places, are spelled out on fingers. For example, each finger represents one of the five vowels: a,e,i,o and u. Fingerspelling alone is not sign language but it can be very useful when communicating with BSL users who are deaf. Contact the RNID Information Line for one of our fingerspelling cards (see back page). 9
  • 10. People who are deaf or hard of hearing What equipment is available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing? A range of equipment is available for use in the home, car, workplace and when socialising. It includes: equipment to alert someone to different sounds, such as an alarm clock, doorbell or smoke alarm equipment to help someone use the telephone better listening equipment to help someone have a conversation, watch television or hear music. For more information, see our leaflet Products to make life easier. 10
  • 11. People who are deaf or hard of hearing Where can I get further information? You might find some of our other factsheets or leaflets useful: Is your hearing going? (leaflet) What to do about it and how we can help. Getting hearing aids (leaflet) What to expect at a hearing test and how hearing aids work. Communication tips card A double-sided card with tips on one side if youre deaf or hard of hearing, and tips on the other side if youre hearing and speaking to someone whos deaf. Watch this face (leaflet) How lipreading can help if you are deaf or hard of hearing. Sign language (leaflet) What British sign language is, and how to learn it. Fingerspelling alphabet (bookmark, card or poster) Products to make life easier (leaflet) Equipment to make life easier if you are deaf or hard of hearing. Solutions Our catalogue of products for people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who want to protect their hearing. Communication support services (leaflet) Information on the range of communication support services available for people who are deaf. Facts and figures on deafness and tinnitus (factsheet) Please contact the Information Line (see back page) for free copies of these. And let us know if you would like any of them or this leaflet in Braille, large print or audio format. 11
  • 12. Were RNID, the charity working to create a world where deafness or hearing loss do not limit or determine opportunity, and where people value their hearing. There are a number of ways to support us. To find out more: Go to www.rnid.org.uk Information line Telephone 0808 808 0123 Textphone 0808 808 9000 SMS 0780 0000 360 (costs vary depending on your network) Or write to us informationline@rnid.org.uk 19-23 Featherstone Street London EC1Y 8SL Fax 020 7296 8199 3486/0509 Photography Stuart Freedman, Philip Meech The Royal National Institute for Deaf People. Registered office 19-23 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8SL. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales number 454169. Registered charity numbers 207720 (England and Wales) and SC038926 (Scotland).