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Degrowth: tentative ideas about a research agenda Giorgos Kallis, ICREA Researcher 2nd International Conference on Degrowth, Barcelona, 28 March 2010
This presentation Definition of degrowth. My take on the state of degrowth research. Tentative research agenda.
1. What is degrowth?
Three notions Reduction of production and consumption in physical terms through downscaling (and not just efficiency improvements). Decolonization of the imaginary (a-growth) Decommodification  reducing the domain of market rationality.
The degrowth propositions Growth is unsustainable.  Degrowth has environmental and social benefits (double dividend).
2. State of degrowth research
Strengths Plurality of approaches. Creative mix of different approaches and ideas.
Contributions Unsustainability of eco-modernization (rebound effect, Jevon卒s paradox, etc) Political, cultural and anthropological cricisims of development, economism, technocentrism and utilitarianism.  (Re)emerging fresh proposals (basic income, reduced working hours, resource sanctuaries, moratoria, etc) and practical examples.
Weaknesses Programmatic laundry lists. Lack of solid theoretical grounding or theoretical development. We do not engage enough with our own contradictions. Empirical works on alternatives are often methodologically and theoretically weak.
3. Tentative research agenda
Tentative research agenda Strengthen propositions. Engage with contradictions. Develop theory.
Strengthen propositions Unsustainability of growth Sustainability of degrowth How to? The process of transition. Characterize the end state.
Unsustainability of growth Strengthen theoretically and empirically the case against the possibility of dematerializing growth.
Sustainability of degrowth Hypothesize/model impacts on Population. Renewable Energies. Employment and Social Security.  Social infrastructures, etc.  Metabolic scenarios (e.g. how many people can be fed by oil-free agriculture and at what levels?).  Psychological effects under different scenarios vis--vis human behavior.
How to? The process of transition Structural barriers. Can capitalism degrow sustainably? Political processes and transformation.
The end state The degrowth economy. The degrowth democracy.  International relations.
Contradictions Degrowth vs. a-growth.  Ecotaxation vs. Decommodification. Imperative vs. Political proposal. Well-being vs. Anti-utilitarianism.  Community Democracy vs. degrow this, but grow that.
Theory Can we build a coherent theory/ies? Do we have to?
What is a theory How and why things work the way they do? Why x is happening and not y or z?  Agents of change.  Central problem. Value theory.  Marxists have a theory. Neoliberal economists have a theory. We dont.
Tentative research agenda Strengthen propositions. Engage with contradictions. Develop theory.
Thank you! [email_address]

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Degrowth: tentative ideas about a research agenda

  • 1. Degrowth: tentative ideas about a research agenda Giorgos Kallis, ICREA Researcher 2nd International Conference on Degrowth, Barcelona, 28 March 2010
  • 2. This presentation Definition of degrowth. My take on the state of degrowth research. Tentative research agenda.
  • 3. 1. What is degrowth?
  • 4. Three notions Reduction of production and consumption in physical terms through downscaling (and not just efficiency improvements). Decolonization of the imaginary (a-growth) Decommodification reducing the domain of market rationality.
  • 5. The degrowth propositions Growth is unsustainable. Degrowth has environmental and social benefits (double dividend).
  • 6. 2. State of degrowth research
  • 7. Strengths Plurality of approaches. Creative mix of different approaches and ideas.
  • 8. Contributions Unsustainability of eco-modernization (rebound effect, Jevon卒s paradox, etc) Political, cultural and anthropological cricisims of development, economism, technocentrism and utilitarianism. (Re)emerging fresh proposals (basic income, reduced working hours, resource sanctuaries, moratoria, etc) and practical examples.
  • 9. Weaknesses Programmatic laundry lists. Lack of solid theoretical grounding or theoretical development. We do not engage enough with our own contradictions. Empirical works on alternatives are often methodologically and theoretically weak.
  • 11. Tentative research agenda Strengthen propositions. Engage with contradictions. Develop theory.
  • 12. Strengthen propositions Unsustainability of growth Sustainability of degrowth How to? The process of transition. Characterize the end state.
  • 13. Unsustainability of growth Strengthen theoretically and empirically the case against the possibility of dematerializing growth.
  • 14. Sustainability of degrowth Hypothesize/model impacts on Population. Renewable Energies. Employment and Social Security. Social infrastructures, etc. Metabolic scenarios (e.g. how many people can be fed by oil-free agriculture and at what levels?). Psychological effects under different scenarios vis--vis human behavior.
  • 15. How to? The process of transition Structural barriers. Can capitalism degrow sustainably? Political processes and transformation.
  • 16. The end state The degrowth economy. The degrowth democracy. International relations.
  • 17. Contradictions Degrowth vs. a-growth. Ecotaxation vs. Decommodification. Imperative vs. Political proposal. Well-being vs. Anti-utilitarianism. Community Democracy vs. degrow this, but grow that.
  • 18. Theory Can we build a coherent theory/ies? Do we have to?
  • 19. What is a theory How and why things work the way they do? Why x is happening and not y or z? Agents of change. Central problem. Value theory. Marxists have a theory. Neoliberal economists have a theory. We dont.
  • 20. Tentative research agenda Strengthen propositions. Engage with contradictions. Develop theory.