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Measuring Progress in the
Degrowth Transition to a
 Steady State Economy

          Daniel W. O’Neill
     CENTER for the                     SUSTAINABILITY
     ADVANCEMENT of the                 RESEARCH

  2nd Conference on Economic Degrowth, Barcelona
                  March 26–29, 2010
The Degrowth Transition to a SSE
                             Growth      Degrowth   SSE
Size of Economy


                                      Time                2
The Conceptual Framework
                     Those goals that are desired only for
                      • Life Satisfaction   • Hedonic Well-being

Ultimate Ends        themselves, and are not Flourishing to
                      • Health              •
                                              the means
                     achieve any other end.

                      • Meaningful Work     • Community
                     The goals that the economy is expected
                      • Leisure             • Education
Intermediate Ends
                     to Meeting Basic Needs • Good Governance
                      • deliver.
                      • Equality            • Stability

                     The factories, machines, and skilled labour
Intermediate Means   that transform natural resources into
                       • Built Capital        • Population

                     products and services.

                      • Materials           • Biocapacity
                     The natural resources that sustain life and
Ultimate Means
                      • economic transactions.

The Steady State Economy Accounts
 Socio-economic Accounts:
   Measure the functioning of the socio-economic
   system, and how effectively it delivers well-
   Include subjective and objective indicators

 Biophysical Accounts:
   Measure the annual rate of change of
   biophysical stocks and flows over a 10-year
   period (e.g. 1995–2005), and the scale of
   these flows in relation to ecosystem sources
   and sinks

Stocks, Flows, and Scale


            Energy                  Energy
        Sources                              Sinks

           Material      Built      Material
           Inputs       Capital     Outflows

Biophysical Accounts: The Indicators
   Population growth rate
   Built capital growth rate

   Energy use growth rate
   Material inputs growth rate
   Material outflows growth rate

   Ratio of material throughput to
   the capacity of ecosystems to:
      Regenerate materials
      Assimilate wastes
The Indicators (in Practice)
   Population growth rate            Data readily available
   Built capital growth rate         Working on this…

                                     Data readily available
   Energy use growth rate
   Material inputs growth rate       Biomass, Minerals,
                                     and Fossil Fuels
   Material outflows growth rate
                                     CO2 Emissions
   Ratio of material throughput to
   the capacity of ecosystems to:    Ratio of Per Capita
      Regenerate materials           Ecological Footprint
                                     to Fair Earthshare
      Assimilate wastes
Some Results: Growth Economies
               Change in Stocks (%)                 Change in Flows (%)                Scale
Country        Built          Population   Energy   Materials    CO2      EF         Ratio of
               Capital                              (In)         (Out)               EF to FES
Cambodia                 ..          2.0      9.9          0.9      9.4        3.7         0.5
China                    ..          0.8      6.5          3.9      6.3        4.3         1.0
Spain                    ..          1.0      4.3          3.3      4.7        3.1         2.8
U.S.                     ..          1.0      0.8          0.2      1.0        1.4         4.6
World                    ..          1.3      2.2          1.9      2.3        1.5         1.3

        Yellow    Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8)

        Green     Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2)

         Red      Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2)

Some Results: Degrowth Economies
                Change in Stocks (%)                  Change in Flows (%)                  Scale
Country         Built          Population    Energy   Materials    CO2       EF          Ratio of
                Capital                               (In)         (Out)                 EF to FES
Moldova                   ..          -1.3     -1.5         -3.1      -3.3        -1.3         0.6
Poland                    ..          -0.1     -1.1          0.4      -1.8        -0.7         1.9
Romania                   ..          -0.5     -2.1         -1.1      -2.3        -0.2         1.4
Ukraine                   ..          -0.9     -0.3         -0.6      -1.0        -2.6         1.3

     Yellow        Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8)

     Green         Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2)

          Red      Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2)

Some Results: Stable Economies
               Change in Stocks (%)                 Change in Flows (%)                  Scale
Country        Built          Population   Energy   Materials    CO2       EF          Ratio of
               Capital                              (In)         (Out)                 EF to FES
Cuba                     ..          0.3      0.1          0.2      0.1         2.6           0.9
Germany                  ..          0.1      0.2         -2.4      -0.3        -1.0          2.0
Sweden                   ..          0.2     -0.2          3.3      -1.4        0.2           2.5
Switzerland              ..          0.4      0.5          2.1      0.2         -0.2          2.4

       Yellow     Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8)

       Green      Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2)

         Red      Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2)

The Pathway to a SSE
                   Degrowth         Stability           Growth

                        Desirable           Undesirable
                        Degrowth            Growth


              1                       SSE

                        Undesirable             Desirable
                        Degrowth                Growth

                   -2       -1         0           +1        +2
                              Change in Flows
The Pathway to a SSE – Results
                                             5                                               US
                                                       Desirable                                          Undesirable
                                                       Degrowth                                           Growth
Ratio of Per Capita Ecological Footprint

                                                                                                  UK           Spain

                                                                   Germany       Poland                                         Country       Years to
           to Fair Earthshare

                                                                                                                                Germany       64
                                                                                                                                Poland        91
                                           0.0                                                         Cuba
                                                                                                                                Switzerland   156
                                                                                                                                Ukraine       17


                                                       Undesirable                                            Desirable
                                                       Degrowth                                               Growth
                                                  -5                                0                                       5
                                                             Change in Ecological Footprint (% /year)
The Pathway to a SSE – Results
                                             5                                                 US
                                                       Desirable                                            Undesirable
                                                       Degrowth                                             Growth
Ratio of Per Capita Ecological Footprint

                                                                                                    UK           Spain

                                                                   Germany         Poland
                                                                                                                                  Life Satisfaction (0–10)
           to Fair Earthshare

                                                                                       Romania                                    Happy (≥7)
                                                                                                                      China       Relatively Happy (6–6.9)
                                           0.0                                      Brazil
                                                                               Colombia                                           Relatively Unhappy (5–5.9)
                                                                                                                                  Unhappy (<5)


                                                       Undesirable                                              Desirable
                                                       Degrowth                                                 Growth
                                                  -5                                  0                                       5
                                                             Change in Ecological Footprint (% /year)
Life Expectancy & Life Satisfaction
                                   Life Expectancy   Life Satisfaction
                                   (Years)           (0-10)
                 Too Small                      62                 5.4
    Size of
    Ecological   Fair Earthshare                70                 6.7
    Footprint    Too Large                      75                 6.9
                 Degrowing                      72                 6.5
    Change in
    Ecological   Stable                         69                 6.3
    Footprint    Growing                        68                 6.2
                 Decreasing                     69                 5.3
    Change in    Stable                         75                 6.7
                 Increasing                     67                 6.2

 Life expectancy and life satisfaction are highest when:
    Ecological footprint is large (but degrowing)
    Population is stable

Unemployment & Inflation
                                  Unemployment    Inflation
                                  (%)             (%)
                Too Small                   6.0                7.6
   Size of
   Ecological   Fair Earthshare             5.7                5.0
   Footprint    Too Large                   7.8               13.8
                Degrowing                   9.3               18.1
   Change in
   Ecological   Stable                      8.1               12.4
   Footprint    Growing                     5.6                6.2
                Decreasing                 11.4               50.0
   Change in    Stable                      8.7               12.4
                Increasing                  6.0                7.2

 Unemployment and inflation are lowest when:
   Ecological footprint is close to a fair earthshare
   Population and the ecological footprint are growing

 To measure progress we need two sets of
   Biophysical and Socio-economic
 The Steady State Economy Accounts provide a
 framework with these indicators

 Preliminary results indicate:
   We live in a world of growth economies
   A number of economies are degrowing
      Not the ones where degrowth is needed most
      Rates are slow
   There are no steady state economies
      Some economies are closer than others
      Social conditions are good in these countries
 Life expectancy and life satisfaction
   Higher in degrowing and stable economies than in
   growth economies
   Correlate with resource use that is too high

 Unemployment and inflation remain key issues
 to resolve
   Significant structural and policy changes will be

 To achieve a SSE we must change our
 macroeconomic goals

Thank you!

           Dan O’Neill

CENTER for the                SUSTAINABILITY
ADVANCEMENT of the            RESEARCH


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Measuring progress towards a steady state economy

  • 1. Measuring Progress in the Degrowth Transition to a Steady State Economy Daniel W. O’Neill CENTER for the SUSTAINABILITY ADVANCEMENT of the RESEARCH STEADY STATE ECONOMY INSTITUTE 2nd Conference on Economic Degrowth, Barcelona March 26–29, 2010
  • 2. The Degrowth Transition to a SSE Growth Degrowth SSE Size of Economy Carrying Capacity Time 2
  • 3. The Conceptual Framework Those goals that are desired only for • Life Satisfaction • Hedonic Well-being Socio-economic Ultimate Ends themselves, and are not Flourishing to • Health • the means achieve any other end. Accounts • Meaningful Work • Community The goals that the economy is expected • Leisure • Education Intermediate Ends to Meeting Basic Needs • Good Governance • deliver. • Equality • Stability The factories, machines, and skilled labour Intermediate Means that transform natural resources into • Built Capital • Population Biophysical products and services. Accounts • Materials • Biocapacity The natural resources that sustain life and Ultimate Means allEnergy • economic transactions. 3
  • 4. The Steady State Economy Accounts Socio-economic Accounts: Measure the functioning of the socio-economic system, and how effectively it delivers well- being Include subjective and objective indicators Biophysical Accounts: Measure the annual rate of change of biophysical stocks and flows over a 10-year period (e.g. 1995–2005), and the scale of these flows in relation to ecosystem sources and sinks 4
  • 5. Stocks, Flows, and Scale Environment Human Energy Energy Population Sources Sinks Material Built Material Inputs Capital Outflows 5
  • 6. Biophysical Accounts: The Indicators Stocks Population growth rate Built capital growth rate Flows Energy use growth rate Material inputs growth rate Material outflows growth rate Scale Ratio of material throughput to the capacity of ecosystems to: Regenerate materials Assimilate wastes 6
  • 7. The Indicators (in Practice) Stocks Population growth rate Data readily available Built capital growth rate Working on this… Flows Data readily available Energy use growth rate Material inputs growth rate Biomass, Minerals, and Fossil Fuels Material outflows growth rate CO2 Emissions Scale Ratio of material throughput to the capacity of ecosystems to: Ratio of Per Capita Regenerate materials Ecological Footprint to Fair Earthshare Assimilate wastes 7
  • 8. Some Results: Growth Economies Change in Stocks (%) Change in Flows (%) Scale Country Built Population Energy Materials CO2 EF Ratio of Capital (In) (Out) EF to FES Cambodia .. 2.0 9.9 0.9 9.4 3.7 0.5 China .. 0.8 6.5 3.9 6.3 4.3 1.0 Spain .. 1.0 4.3 3.3 4.7 3.1 2.8 U.S. .. 1.0 0.8 0.2 1.0 1.4 4.6 World .. 1.3 2.2 1.9 2.3 1.5 1.3 Yellow Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8) Green Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2) Red Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2) 8
  • 9. Some Results: Degrowth Economies Change in Stocks (%) Change in Flows (%) Scale Country Built Population Energy Materials CO2 EF Ratio of Capital (In) (Out) EF to FES Moldova .. -1.3 -1.5 -3.1 -3.3 -1.3 0.6 Poland .. -0.1 -1.1 0.4 -1.8 -0.7 1.9 Romania .. -0.5 -2.1 -1.1 -2.3 -0.2 1.4 Ukraine .. -0.9 -0.3 -0.6 -1.0 -2.6 1.3 Yellow Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8) Green Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2) Red Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2) 9
  • 10. Some Results: Stable Economies Change in Stocks (%) Change in Flows (%) Scale Country Built Population Energy Materials CO2 EF Ratio of Capital (In) (Out) EF to FES Cuba .. 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.6 0.9 Germany .. 0.1 0.2 -2.4 -0.3 -1.0 2.0 Sweden .. 0.2 -0.2 3.3 -1.4 0.2 2.5 Switzerland .. 0.4 0.5 2.1 0.2 -0.2 2.4 Yellow Shrinking (< –0.5%/year) or Scale Too Small (<0.8) Green Stable (–0.5 to 0.5%/year) or Optimal Scale (0.8 to 1.2) Red Growing (>0.5%/year) or Scale Too Large (>1.2) 10
  • 11. The Pathway to a SSE Degrowth Stability Growth 10 Large Too Desirable Undesirable Degrowth Growth Optimal Scale 1 SSE Undesirable Desirable Degrowth Growth Small Too 0.1 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 Change in Flows 11
  • 12. The Pathway to a SSE – Results 0.7 5 US Desirable Undesirable Degrowth Growth Ratio of Per Capita Ecological Footprint Switzerland UK Spain Germany Poland Country Years to to Fair Earthshare FES Ukraine Romania Germany 64 China Poland 91 1 0.0 Cuba Switzerland 156 Ukraine 17 Moldova Cambodia Undesirable Desirable Degrowth Growth 0.2 -0.7 -5 0 5 Change in Ecological Footprint (% /year) 12
  • 13. The Pathway to a SSE – Results 0.7 5 US Desirable Undesirable Degrowth Growth Ratio of Per Capita Ecological Footprint Switzerland UK Spain Germany Poland Life Satisfaction (0–10) to Fair Earthshare Ukraine Romania Happy (≥7) China Relatively Happy (6–6.9) 1 0.0 Brazil Cuba Colombia Relatively Unhappy (5–5.9) Unhappy (<5) Moldova Cambodia Undesirable Desirable Degrowth Growth 0.2 -0.7 -5 0 5 Change in Ecological Footprint (% /year) 13
  • 14. Life Expectancy & Life Satisfaction Life Expectancy Life Satisfaction (Years) (0-10) Too Small 62 5.4 Size of Ecological Fair Earthshare 70 6.7 Footprint Too Large 75 6.9 Degrowing 72 6.5 Change in Ecological Stable 69 6.3 Footprint Growing 68 6.2 Decreasing 69 5.3 Change in Stable 75 6.7 Population Increasing 67 6.2 Life expectancy and life satisfaction are highest when: Ecological footprint is large (but degrowing) Population is stable 14
  • 15. Unemployment & Inflation Unemployment Inflation (%) (%) Too Small 6.0 7.6 Size of Ecological Fair Earthshare 5.7 5.0 Footprint Too Large 7.8 13.8 Degrowing 9.3 18.1 Change in Ecological Stable 8.1 12.4 Footprint Growing 5.6 6.2 Decreasing 11.4 50.0 Change in Stable 8.7 12.4 Population Increasing 6.0 7.2 Unemployment and inflation are lowest when: Ecological footprint is close to a fair earthshare Population and the ecological footprint are growing 15
  • 16. Conclusion To measure progress we need two sets of indicators: Biophysical and Socio-economic The Steady State Economy Accounts provide a framework with these indicators Preliminary results indicate: We live in a world of growth economies A number of economies are degrowing Not the ones where degrowth is needed most Rates are slow There are no steady state economies Some economies are closer than others Social conditions are good in these countries 16
  • 17. Conclusion Life expectancy and life satisfaction Higher in degrowing and stable economies than in growth economies Correlate with resource use that is too high Unemployment and inflation remain key issues to resolve Significant structural and policy changes will be required To achieve a SSE we must change our macroeconomic goals 17
  • 18. Thank you! Dan O’Neill d.oneill@leeds.ac.uk CENTER for the SUSTAINABILITY ADVANCEMENT of the RESEARCH STEADY STATE ECONOMY INSTITUTE www.steadystate.org