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Discharge Support
 Home Medical Care Support
    developed by Design Thinking
 Empowerment of Healthcare Workers
What is Design Thinking
  Design?Thinking                                          Design?thinking?is?gathering?a.en/on

 Ethnography          Research?as?on\site?observaFon
   Research             Discovering?potenFal?needs

 Prototyping                 Rapid?prototyping                                    Book?wri7en?by?Prof.?Okude?



Social Innovation Cycle
                       Philosophy & Vision

                                     Ethnographic Research
      Service Design

                                                5model Analysis
  Demo & Feedback
                                             Persona & Scenario

                                 Paper Prototyping
Explain based on
      Design Thinking Methods practice.

                                      Philosophy & Vision

                                                     Ethnographic Research
                    Service Design

                                                                   5model Analysis
Our Achievement
                   Demo & Feedback

                                                            Persona & Scenario
                                               Paper Prototyping
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
Ethnography Research

   Work out research by accompanying a doctor and a nurse
                  on visit to patients home.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
5Model Analysis

   Analyze research experiences from 5 points of view.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
                                Set personas speci?cally
                               as if personas are existed.

   Setting speci?c service targets based on the analysis

             Design by representing scenarios
  for describing context which persona use the service.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
Paper Prototyping

                     Brush up ideas
      by sketching ideas and performing scenarios.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping

        Trying ideas by rustling up some gadgets.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
Demo & Feedback

     Making prototypes and obtaining feedbacks
          from doctors and visiting nurses.
Philosophy & Vision

                                    Ethnographic Research
    Service Design

                                               5model Analysis

Demo & Feedback
                                           Persona & Scenario

                                Paper Prototyping
?        ?





Service Design

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Designthinking in Medical Field

  • 1. Discharge Support Home Medical Care Support developed by Design Thinking Empowerment of Healthcare Workers
  • 2. What is Design Thinking Design?Thinking Design?thinking?is?gathering?a.en/on OrganizaFons?which?is??introducing?Design?Thinking A?Method?that?applies?Designers?PracFce?to?create? ??New?Industries Ethnography Research?as?on\site?observaFon Research Discovering?potenFal?needs Fall?down?early?for?early?success Prototyping Rapid?prototyping Book?wri7en?by?Prof.?Okude? Toolbox?for?Design?Thinking Solu/on?of?various?medical?issues?by?design?thinking Design?Studio?set?up?in?the?Hospital Vitality,Inc.
  • 3. Social Innovation Cycle Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 4. Explain based on Design Thinking Methods practice. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Our Achievement Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 5. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 6. Ethnography Research Work out research by accompanying a doctor and a nurse on visit to patients home.
  • 7. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 8. 5Model Analysis Analyze research experiences from 5 points of view.
  • 9. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 10. Personas Set personas speci?cally as if personas are existed. Setting speci?c service targets based on the analysis
  • 11. Scenarios Design by representing scenarios for describing context which persona use the service.
  • 12. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 13. Paper Prototyping Brush up ideas by sketching ideas and performing scenarios.
  • 14. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 15. Tinkering Trying ideas by rustling up some gadgets.
  • 16. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 17. Demo & Feedback Making prototypes and obtaining feedbacks from doctors and visiting nurses.
  • 18. Philosophy & Vision Ethnographic Research Service Design 5model Analysis Demo & Feedback Persona & Scenario Tinkering Paper Prototyping
  • 19. ? ? Concept ? ? ? ? COCON ? ?