DEXCS2020 for OpenFOAMは、オープンソースの流体解析ソルバーOpenFOAM?と可視化用ソフト/3D-CAD/その他の必要な各種のソフトをLinux上に組み込んだ環境になっていて、インストールすれば直ぐに流体解析シミュレーションができます。含まれているソフトのライセンスは全てオープンソースで、無料で使用でき商用利用も可能です。
Helyx?-OSは、OpenFOAM?用のオープンソースのGUIフロントエンドで、DEXCS2020 for OpenFOAMに含まれています。
This document is a slide of the "2019 ultra-fast learning for the future! Fluid analysis tool box OpenFOAM" presented at the 71st Open CAE Local User Group @ Kansai.
DEXCS2020 for OpenFOAMは、オープンソースの流体解析ソルバーOpenFOAM?と可視化用ソフト/3D-CAD/その他の必要な各種のソフトをLinux上に組み込んだ環境になっていて、インストールすれば直ぐに流体解析シミュレーションができます。含まれているソフトのライセンスは全てオープンソースで、無料で使用でき商用利用も可能です。
Helyx?-OSは、OpenFOAM?用のオープンソースのGUIフロントエンドで、DEXCS2020 for OpenFOAMに含まれています。
This document is a slide of the "2019 ultra-fast learning for the future! Fluid analysis tool box OpenFOAM" presented at the 71st Open CAE Local User Group @ Kansai.
Hacking with x86 Windows Tablet and mobile devices on openSUSE #opensuseasia17Netwalker lab kapper
This is openSUSE Asia Summit 2017 presentation materials.
I installed openSUSE a lot of mobile devices.
So let's install and play openSUSE!
2 in 1 Language English and Japanese.
#opensuse #opensuseja
Introducing the history and latest version of DEXCS for OpenFOAM
DEXCS2019 for OpenFOAM is bootable iso image of base OS Linux ubuntu18.04.03
include OpenFOAM, paraview, cfMesh, treeFoam, FreeCAD, DEXCS-launcher(FreeCAD-Macro) and so on.
This document summarizes the results of running all tutorial cases in OpenFOAM-v1806. Over 300 cases were run and the results were compared to OpenFOAM-v1712. Some cases saw significant speed improvements while others slowed down, with unclear reasons in some cases. Mesh generation times also improved in many cases when using snappyHexMesh. New features were identified and animations were included to illustrate several cases. In conclusion, the number of tutorial cases increased from v1706 to v1812 and meshing and solver speeds varied significantly between versions.
DEXCS2018 for OpenFOAM is bootable iso image of base OS Linux ubuntu18.04
include OpenFOAM, paraview, cfMesh, treeFoam, FreeCAD(+DEXCS-Macro), DEXCS-launcher and so on.
OpenFOAM Case Handling in dakota-6.8 guiEtsuji Nomura
Course materials used in open CAE study group@Gifu(Japan) summer camp
We practiced how to execute the GUI tutorial of dakota-6.8 in workflow and how to control the case file parameter of OpenFOAM based on this workflow.