PowerPoint presentations can be an effective presentation tool when used properly. They allow inclusion of text, graphics, sound and video on individual slides that can be arranged and displayed to an audience. When designed well according to best practices, PowerPoint can make learning easier and more engaging for students while also making presentations more concise and visually focused for business purposes. However, overreliance on PowerPoint features and simply reading slides verbatim can have negative effects and bore an audience. Proper analysis of needs, audience and environment, along with creation and evaluation according to principles of visual design, can help ensure PowerPoint enhances rather than detracts from a presenter's message.
This document outlines a course on using free computer software for teaching and learning. The course objectives are to provide examples of how free software can encourage contact between students and teachers, promote reciprocity and cooperation among students, encourage active learning, give prompt feedback, emphasize time on task, communicate high expectations, and respect diverse talents. It covers definitions of free, open source, and shareware software and discusses advantages and disadvantages of free software.
This document provides a rubric for evaluating educational software. It assesses programs on criteria such as curriculum objectives, instructional content, program features, student engagement, customization for differentiated instruction, multimedia capabilities, teacher/student support, assessment, technical quality, user interface, age/grade appropriateness, and accommodations/modifications. Programs are scored on a scale from 0-4 on each criterion, with 0 being "fails to meet expectations" and 4 being "exceeds expectations". The rubric provides descriptions for scoring at each level to guide the evaluation process.
According to Willis Towers Watson, 90 percent of maturing companies expect digital disruption, but only 44 percent are adequately preparing for it. In this webinar hosted by Manjit Sekhon, Director of Learning Experience Design at Intrepid by VitalSource, you will learn how to help your organization prepare for the challenges of digital disruption through next-generation digital learning. The webinar will cover the topics you need to think through before making a digital move and will include a downloadable blueprint template to get you started on your own digital learning transformation journey.
How to shift your mindset when it comes to effective digital learning strategies
Methods for thinking about utilizing your current resources differently
Receive a template PowerPoint ready for you to build out and immediately use for your own organizations specific objectives and opportunities
Curriculum design, employability and digital identityJisc
From Jisc's student experience experts group meeting in Birmingham on 21 April 2016.
Meeting and workshop project based learning february 4th 2014 by mr.samir bounabMr Bounab Samir
The document outlines an agenda for a time training session and workshop. It includes an opening session, video presentation, powerpoint presentation, and two workshop sessions. The first workshop involves planning project works for different levels. The second workshop covers project work delivery and discussion. The document then provides information on defining themes, outcomes, structuring, skills, gathering information, analyzing, presenting, and evaluating project work. It describes project work as involving multi-skill activities focused on a theme of interest. Learners work together over several days or weeks both inside and outside the classroom. The document also notes some common reasons why teachers may avoid project work, such as lack of time.
This document outlines a staff development lesson plan for teaching 6th-8th grade teachers how to create a Prezi presentation and Screencast using Jing software. The lesson includes introducing the technologies, providing examples, reviewing directions, allowing time for teachers to create their own Prezi and Screencast, and opportunities to share and provide feedback. The goals are for teachers to understand how to incorporate these new technologies into their classroom instruction to enhance learning for visual and audio learners. A reflection notes that receiving immediate positive feedback from teachers suggested the lesson was a success in teaching useful technologies.
This document provides an overview of topics and considerations for preparing to teach online, including pre-workshop preparation, instructor background, moving course content online, facilitating online discussions, online assessment options, and the differences between synchronous and asynchronous teaching. Key areas covered are managing student expectations in the online environment, communication policies, chunking content, creating an accessible online syllabus, recording microlectures, facilitating discussions, providing feedback, and using tools to enable interactive and collaborative learning experiences.
The document provides details of an instructional design project for a training workshop on using social networking tools for teachers. It includes an analysis of the learning context and learners, goals and objectives, task analysis, and assessment plan. The learner analysis found that most teachers are experienced computer users but novice social media users who prefer hands-on learning. The goal is for teachers to learn how to use social networking sites for educational purposes. A series of assessments include partner, group, and individual activities using Facebook over several weeks following the training.
Flipped learning solution for British Council's PTCGareth Davies
This is a presentation explaining a potential new product solution for the British Council Thailand's Professional Training Centre. It explains what flipped learning is, what are its benefits, and how it can be implemented.
This unit introduces middle school students to digital media and advertising through various lessons and activities. Students analyze commercials and advertisements, track commercial data using spreadsheets, and create their own video commercial using a web 2.0 tool. Formative assessments include student presentations, peer critiques, and use of rubrics. The goal is for students to develop skills in technology and digital media important for future careers. Interviews with teachers found the project beneficial and engaging for all students when appropriately modified.
This document summarizes a workshop on preparing to teach online. It discusses various topics covered in the workshop including pre-workshop preparation, the background of one of the instructors, questions to ask participants, moving course content online, creating an online syllabus, communication policies, making lectures interactive, assessments, and providing feedback. It also provides examples of creating interactive content using tools like Twitter, Prezi, and Poll Everywhere. The document discusses facilitating online discussions, building rapport, developing discussion prompts and feedback routines. Finally, it covers synchronous vs asynchronous learning and examples of active learning techniques for synchronous sessions.
Collaborative Design of Teaching ScenariosMETIS-project
This document provides an overview of a seminar on designing collaborative online learning activities. The seminar is presented over multiple parts that introduce concepts like learning design, cooperative learning, and tools to support the process. Participants work in groups to conceptualize a teaching scenario by determining learning objectives, obstacles, content, and assessments. They storyboard and map their course design using the Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE) tool to write collaborative scripts. The seminar concludes with implementing designs in Moodle and discussing how the strategies could be applied in classrooms. Participants provide feedback through a seminar assessment questionnaire.
The document outlines an introduction to the Viewpoints project, which aims to promote effective curriculum design through a series of reflective tools. It then describes activities for a workshop introducing the Viewpoints resources, which focus on learner engagement, information skills, assessment and feedback, and creativity and innovation. Participants work in groups using the Viewpoints principles and resources to address scenarios and share their outputs. The benefits of the Viewpoints approach are discussed, including how the resources and workshop process can help build effective course teams and facilitate discussions.
The document outlines a Viewpoints workshop about using curriculum design tools to promote effective course development. The workshop includes an introduction to Viewpoints, which provides reflective tools using a learner timeline. Participants work through tasks to select principles, map them to a timeline, and identify implementation ideas to achieve objectives like retention or graduate qualities. The goals are to establish shared meanings, facilitate discussions, and collaboratively develop workshop outputs. Benefits include forming the basis for assessment strategies and providing resources for future planning.
Day 4 21 cc presentation round 2 april 29 for slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda for a Day 4 workshop on 21st century competencies. It includes finalizing and sharing artifacts from the workshop, discussing technology from the previous day, and next steps. It also covers the agenda for a Career Development PLT meeting, including planning for an upcoming career fair and discussions on ePortfolios, online resources like wikis and blogs, and other business matters. Reflection on the year's learning and goals for the following year are also addressed.
The document outlines a facilitator training program with four parts. Part I discusses the training program goals of teaching facilitators how to engage online learners and provide effective feedback and assessments. Part II covers the skills and phases of development needed for effective distance learning facilitation. Part III identifies learning management systems and technology tools for presenting content, discussions, and student collaboration. Part IV describes different learner types, synchronous vs asynchronous facilitation, and managing issues like feedback, challenging behaviors, and accessibility. The training aims to help facilitators effectively instruct trainees on quality customer service skills through online learning.
The sample syllabus outlines a course on Knowledge Software and Presentation that will:
1) Provide students with an understanding of knowledge software and how to use it for creating impactful presentations.
2) Cover various types of knowledge software like presentation tools, data visualization platforms, and collaborative systems.
3) Teach best practices for presentation design, content creation, and communication techniques.
4) Include modules on introduction to knowledge software, presentation design, data visualization, collaborative systems, and effective delivery.
5) Assess students through quizzes, assignments using knowledge software, and a capstone presentation project with peer evaluation.
This document summarizes a teaching methodology workshop on planning cross-curriculum cooperation projects. The workshop covered:
1. Defining what a project method is and how to use it. Participants engaged in a practical exercise building towers in groups.
2. Developing project proposals, including drafting aims, objectives, activities, timelines, and evaluations. Groups created proposals focused on skills development and cross-curriculum themes.
3. Discussing the use of eTwinning and other digital tools to support international collaboration on projects. Groups presented their initial project ideas and received feedback.
Uploading an activity_to_the_pil_networkSchoolNet SA
This document provides instructions for uploading a learning activity to the Partners in Learning Network website in order to apply for the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert program. It describes what constitutes a learning activity, the information that must be included, tips for developing an idea, instructional approaches to use, how to create a 2-minute video, including supporting materials like student work and additional resources, and finally how to submit and share the learning activity. The deadline to apply to be considered for trips to upcoming education conferences is June 3, 2013 and September 30, 2013.
The document discusses teacher action research and professional development. It provides examples of focus areas and questions for teacher action research projects, including how to use technology to enhance learning in various subject areas. Guidelines are provided for developing an action research plan and report, including collecting and analyzing data. Suggestions are made for schools to support teacher action research through modeling, providing time and resources, and encouraging reflection and sharing of results.
Game-based learning uses branching story scenarios to develop communication skills for adult learners. The eTrees project aims to create an online application using branching stories and games to improve workplace communication. The consortium includes experts in serious games development, adult education providers, and organizations focused on learning methodologies. Games appeal to adults and are effective because they replicate real-life problems, allow experimentation and replay, and promote active, experiential and self-directed learning through goals, feedback, challenge and storytelling. The eTrees tool will be tested in 2014 and launched to allow trainers and businesses to create customized branching scenarios.
The document provides information about Avid, a college preparatory elective class. Avid addresses gaps in student performance through developing skills to deal with academic and cultural challenges. The teaching methodology includes collaborative learning groups, inquiry methods, and using writing as a tool for learning. Collaborative groups in Avid differ from traditional groups in that they focus on positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared responsibility. The purpose is to teach students the value of collaboration and team roles.
The document then provides details about two sample career exploration lesson plans that could be taught to middle school AVID students. The first lesson focuses on identifying skills and their relevance to careers. The second lesson teaches students how to research different careers. Both lessons
Avid is an elective class that prepares students for college by developing skills to deal with academic challenges. It uses collaborative learning groups and writing to promote learning. Students work in heterogeneous groups and share leadership and responsibility. Technology tools like Office, email, blogs, and Skype are used. Career exploration lessons teach students to research career requirements and education needed for fields of interest. Students blog about skills and careers and share blog links on Twitter.
Day 3 21 cc workshop cd focus entire day slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda and notes from a workshop focused on 21st century competencies. The agenda includes revisiting plans and sharing artifacts from teachers, exploring technology tools, and setting new goals. Teachers shared examples of how they incorporated critical thinking and collaboration in the classroom. Criteria for artifacts were discussed. Technology like Career Cruising, Office 365, LinkedIn, and online resources were explored. Teachers provided updates on projects like a career fair and discussed next steps for professional development.
Edu624 Final Project: eLearning for Diverse LearnersTavares Bussey
This eLearning module is designed for instructors to address diverse learners in their classrooms. It contains 7 days of activities to help instructors understand their own learning styles and how to teach in a way that addresses different styles. The first activity involves learning profiles surveys for instructors to assess their own learning style and how to identify styles in their classrooms. The second activity provides resources on assistive technologies and includes a case study to have instructors evaluate technologies for online courses. Formative and summative assessments include discussion posts and analyzing case studies. The goal is for instructors to learn how to teach in a way that addresses all learners, not just their own style.
This document discusses an assessment task involving designing an eLearning concept. It provides instructions for students to interview for their final assessment project, design a concept that includes learning strategies, delivery methods, teaching strategies and evaluation methods. It also prompts students to pitch their learning activity idea and resources to peers for feedback and support.
The document provides details of an instructional design project for a training workshop on using social networking tools for teachers. It includes an analysis of the learning context and learners, goals and objectives, task analysis, and assessment plan. The learner analysis found that most teachers are experienced computer users but novice social media users who prefer hands-on learning. The goal is for teachers to learn how to use social networking sites for educational purposes. A series of assessments include partner, group, and individual activities using Facebook over several weeks following the training.
Flipped learning solution for British Council's PTCGareth Davies
This is a presentation explaining a potential new product solution for the British Council Thailand's Professional Training Centre. It explains what flipped learning is, what are its benefits, and how it can be implemented.
This unit introduces middle school students to digital media and advertising through various lessons and activities. Students analyze commercials and advertisements, track commercial data using spreadsheets, and create their own video commercial using a web 2.0 tool. Formative assessments include student presentations, peer critiques, and use of rubrics. The goal is for students to develop skills in technology and digital media important for future careers. Interviews with teachers found the project beneficial and engaging for all students when appropriately modified.
This document summarizes a workshop on preparing to teach online. It discusses various topics covered in the workshop including pre-workshop preparation, the background of one of the instructors, questions to ask participants, moving course content online, creating an online syllabus, communication policies, making lectures interactive, assessments, and providing feedback. It also provides examples of creating interactive content using tools like Twitter, Prezi, and Poll Everywhere. The document discusses facilitating online discussions, building rapport, developing discussion prompts and feedback routines. Finally, it covers synchronous vs asynchronous learning and examples of active learning techniques for synchronous sessions.
Collaborative Design of Teaching ScenariosMETIS-project
This document provides an overview of a seminar on designing collaborative online learning activities. The seminar is presented over multiple parts that introduce concepts like learning design, cooperative learning, and tools to support the process. Participants work in groups to conceptualize a teaching scenario by determining learning objectives, obstacles, content, and assessments. They storyboard and map their course design using the Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE) tool to write collaborative scripts. The seminar concludes with implementing designs in Moodle and discussing how the strategies could be applied in classrooms. Participants provide feedback through a seminar assessment questionnaire.
The document outlines an introduction to the Viewpoints project, which aims to promote effective curriculum design through a series of reflective tools. It then describes activities for a workshop introducing the Viewpoints resources, which focus on learner engagement, information skills, assessment and feedback, and creativity and innovation. Participants work in groups using the Viewpoints principles and resources to address scenarios and share their outputs. The benefits of the Viewpoints approach are discussed, including how the resources and workshop process can help build effective course teams and facilitate discussions.
The document outlines a Viewpoints workshop about using curriculum design tools to promote effective course development. The workshop includes an introduction to Viewpoints, which provides reflective tools using a learner timeline. Participants work through tasks to select principles, map them to a timeline, and identify implementation ideas to achieve objectives like retention or graduate qualities. The goals are to establish shared meanings, facilitate discussions, and collaboratively develop workshop outputs. Benefits include forming the basis for assessment strategies and providing resources for future planning.
Day 4 21 cc presentation round 2 april 29 for slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda for a Day 4 workshop on 21st century competencies. It includes finalizing and sharing artifacts from the workshop, discussing technology from the previous day, and next steps. It also covers the agenda for a Career Development PLT meeting, including planning for an upcoming career fair and discussions on ePortfolios, online resources like wikis and blogs, and other business matters. Reflection on the year's learning and goals for the following year are also addressed.
The document outlines a facilitator training program with four parts. Part I discusses the training program goals of teaching facilitators how to engage online learners and provide effective feedback and assessments. Part II covers the skills and phases of development needed for effective distance learning facilitation. Part III identifies learning management systems and technology tools for presenting content, discussions, and student collaboration. Part IV describes different learner types, synchronous vs asynchronous facilitation, and managing issues like feedback, challenging behaviors, and accessibility. The training aims to help facilitators effectively instruct trainees on quality customer service skills through online learning.
The sample syllabus outlines a course on Knowledge Software and Presentation that will:
1) Provide students with an understanding of knowledge software and how to use it for creating impactful presentations.
2) Cover various types of knowledge software like presentation tools, data visualization platforms, and collaborative systems.
3) Teach best practices for presentation design, content creation, and communication techniques.
4) Include modules on introduction to knowledge software, presentation design, data visualization, collaborative systems, and effective delivery.
5) Assess students through quizzes, assignments using knowledge software, and a capstone presentation project with peer evaluation.
This document summarizes a teaching methodology workshop on planning cross-curriculum cooperation projects. The workshop covered:
1. Defining what a project method is and how to use it. Participants engaged in a practical exercise building towers in groups.
2. Developing project proposals, including drafting aims, objectives, activities, timelines, and evaluations. Groups created proposals focused on skills development and cross-curriculum themes.
3. Discussing the use of eTwinning and other digital tools to support international collaboration on projects. Groups presented their initial project ideas and received feedback.
Uploading an activity_to_the_pil_networkSchoolNet SA
This document provides instructions for uploading a learning activity to the Partners in Learning Network website in order to apply for the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert program. It describes what constitutes a learning activity, the information that must be included, tips for developing an idea, instructional approaches to use, how to create a 2-minute video, including supporting materials like student work and additional resources, and finally how to submit and share the learning activity. The deadline to apply to be considered for trips to upcoming education conferences is June 3, 2013 and September 30, 2013.
The document discusses teacher action research and professional development. It provides examples of focus areas and questions for teacher action research projects, including how to use technology to enhance learning in various subject areas. Guidelines are provided for developing an action research plan and report, including collecting and analyzing data. Suggestions are made for schools to support teacher action research through modeling, providing time and resources, and encouraging reflection and sharing of results.
Game-based learning uses branching story scenarios to develop communication skills for adult learners. The eTrees project aims to create an online application using branching stories and games to improve workplace communication. The consortium includes experts in serious games development, adult education providers, and organizations focused on learning methodologies. Games appeal to adults and are effective because they replicate real-life problems, allow experimentation and replay, and promote active, experiential and self-directed learning through goals, feedback, challenge and storytelling. The eTrees tool will be tested in 2014 and launched to allow trainers and businesses to create customized branching scenarios.
The document provides information about Avid, a college preparatory elective class. Avid addresses gaps in student performance through developing skills to deal with academic and cultural challenges. The teaching methodology includes collaborative learning groups, inquiry methods, and using writing as a tool for learning. Collaborative groups in Avid differ from traditional groups in that they focus on positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared responsibility. The purpose is to teach students the value of collaboration and team roles.
The document then provides details about two sample career exploration lesson plans that could be taught to middle school AVID students. The first lesson focuses on identifying skills and their relevance to careers. The second lesson teaches students how to research different careers. Both lessons
Avid is an elective class that prepares students for college by developing skills to deal with academic challenges. It uses collaborative learning groups and writing to promote learning. Students work in heterogeneous groups and share leadership and responsibility. Technology tools like Office, email, blogs, and Skype are used. Career exploration lessons teach students to research career requirements and education needed for fields of interest. Students blog about skills and careers and share blog links on Twitter.
Day 3 21 cc workshop cd focus entire day slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda and notes from a workshop focused on 21st century competencies. The agenda includes revisiting plans and sharing artifacts from teachers, exploring technology tools, and setting new goals. Teachers shared examples of how they incorporated critical thinking and collaboration in the classroom. Criteria for artifacts were discussed. Technology like Career Cruising, Office 365, LinkedIn, and online resources were explored. Teachers provided updates on projects like a career fair and discussed next steps for professional development.
Edu624 Final Project: eLearning for Diverse LearnersTavares Bussey
This eLearning module is designed for instructors to address diverse learners in their classrooms. It contains 7 days of activities to help instructors understand their own learning styles and how to teach in a way that addresses different styles. The first activity involves learning profiles surveys for instructors to assess their own learning style and how to identify styles in their classrooms. The second activity provides resources on assistive technologies and includes a case study to have instructors evaluate technologies for online courses. Formative and summative assessments include discussion posts and analyzing case studies. The goal is for instructors to learn how to teach in a way that addresses all learners, not just their own style.
This document discusses an assessment task involving designing an eLearning concept. It provides instructions for students to interview for their final assessment project, design a concept that includes learning strategies, delivery methods, teaching strategies and evaluation methods. It also prompts students to pitch their learning activity idea and resources to peers for feedback and support.
eAMK:ssa toteutettiin digimentoroinnin teemahaastatteluita 11 korkeakoulussa ja 4 yrityksess辰. Aineistosta hahmottui kahdeksan erilaista mentoroinnin toimintatapaa.
CampusOnline and quality in online teaching - OOFHEC 2019eamkhanke
This document discusses quality in online teaching through the CampusOnline program in Finnish universities of applied sciences. It provides an overview of the CampusOnline coaching program for teachers, which includes self-evaluation, webinars, meetings and badges. It also outlines the criteria for teachers to become CampusOnline experts and develop high quality online courses accessible to students across universities. Feedback from students on the technical support and quality of online courses is positive overall. The document advocates for collaboration across institutions to ensure quality standards and share resources for online learning.
CampusOnline raportti, osa 3: Tulevaisuuden skenaarioteamkhanke
Kolmas v辰liraportti k辰辰nt辰辰 katseensa tulevaisuuteen esitellen CampusOnlinen tulevaisuuden skenaarioita. V辰liraportti vastaa mm. seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Mink辰lainen tahtotila ohjaa CampusOnlinen tulevaisuutta? Mink辰laisia kehittymisen ja kasvun potentiaaleja CampusOnlinella on tunnistettu?
Tulevaisuuden skenaariot -v辰liraportti jakaantuu nelj辰辰n osioon:
1. Tahtotila
2. Potentiaalit ja riskit
3. Tulevaisuuden skenaariot
4. Yhteenveto
Esitys Yhdess辰 huipulle eAMK-hankkeen p辰辰t旦stilaisuudessa 16.1.2020. Esityksess辰 tutustutaan oppimisen ekosysteemeihin: mit辰 ne ovat, mist辰 ne ovat kotoisin ja mit辰 virkaa niill辰 on ammattikorkeakouluille.
Future work skills 2025 - participatory anticipation of competenceeamkhanke
The document describes an interactive exercise conducted to gain insight into the professional skills higher education graduates will need in 2025. Over 500 respondents, including alumni, higher education staff, and students, were asked to provide words or short phrases to the question "What professional skills will a higher education graduate need in 2025?". The responses were visualized in a word cloud. The document discusses the pros and challenges of this approach, and thanks the participants. It provides references for further information on anticipating future work skills and collaboration between higher education and the working world.
CampusOnline raportti, osa 2: Vaikuttavuusanalyysieamkhanke
Raportti k辰sittelee CampusOnlinen vaikuttavuutta mm. seuraaviin kysymyksiin vastaamalla:
Miten CampusOnlinen t辰rkeimm辰t tunnusluvut ovat kehittyneet?
Miten paljon ja ketk辰 tuottavat ja kuluttavat CampusOnlinen opintopisteit辰?
Miten t辰rkeit辰 CampusOnlinen opintojaksot ovat volyymiltaan ammattikorkeakouluille?
Mink辰laisia ja kenelle suunnattuja opintojaksoja CampusOnlinessa tuotetaan ja kulutetaan?
Onko CampusOnlinella n辰ht辰viss辰 vaikutusta opiskelijapalautteeseen?
Yhteistoiminnallinen webinaari tarjosi luovia ideoita ja uusia toteutusmalleja verkkoty旦pajojen j辰rjest辰miseen. Osallistujat p辰辰siv辰t muotoilemaan yhdess辰 muiden osallistujien kanssa yhteistoiminnallista verkkoty旦pajaa.
Webinaarin tallenne l旦ytyy t辰辰lt辰: https://video.haaga-helia.fi/media/Digilo%CC%88ylyt+28.11.2019.mp4/0_t6qtcu43
Haluatko tiet辰辰, miten tukea verkko-opiskelijan etenemist辰 opinnoissa ja mielek辰st辰 opiskelukokemusta? Webinaarissa jaettiin vinkkej辰 henkil旦st旦lle verkkotutkinto-opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen.
Katso webinaaritallenne t辰辰lt辰: http://turkuamk.adobeconnect.com/p00h2ndqay9r/
Webinaarissa jaettiin verkkotutkinto-opiskelijoiden vinkkej辰 verkkotutkinto-opiskeluun eli siihen, miten organisoida verkossa opiskelua, ty旦skentely辰 ja vuorovaikutusta. Teemoina olivat mm. aikataulutus, itseohjautuvuus, ryhm辰ty旦skentely ja motivaatio.
Miksi osaamismerkkej辰 kannattaa hakea, mit辰 hy旦ty辰 niist辰 on ja miss辰 niit辰 voi hy旦dynt辰辰? Webinaarissa kuultiin kokemuksia osaamismerkkien hy旦dynt辰misest辰 niin opiskelijan, ty旦ntekij辰n, oppilaitosten kuin ty旦nantajan n辰k旦kulmista.
Katso tallenne j辰lkik辰teen t辰辰lt辰: https://youtu.be/IEHjs-8aC-E
eAMK webinaari: My旦t辰tuulta opintoihin - opinnollistamisen monet mahdollisuudeteamkhanke
Ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijat opinnollistavat opintojaksoja kasvavissa m辰辰rin. Webinaarissa pureuduttiin siihen, mit辰 opinnollistaminen k辰yt辰nn旦ss辰 tarkoittaa ja mit辰 hy旦ty辰 siit辰 on korkeakouluille. Lis辰ksi jaettiin kokemuksia ja hyvi辰 k辰yt辰nteit辰 erilaisten opintojaksojen opinnollistamiseen.
Webinaari on suunnattu erityisesti korkeakoulujen opettajille ja opinto-ohjaajille, mutta mukaan ovat tervetulleita my旦s kaikki opinnollistamisesta kiinnostuneet.
Webinaarissa esiintyiv辰t Annu Niskanen Jyv辰skyl辰n ammattikorkeakoulusta, Jaana Liukkonen ja Katri Hemminki Sein辰joen ammattikorkeakoulusta sek辰 Heidi Varpelaide ja Johanna Kero Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulusta.
Videotallenne l旦ytyy YouTubesta: https://youtu.be/YfkJfHBj1UM
Millaisia ohjaustarpeita AMK-opiskelijalla on opintojen eri vaiheissa? Miten digitaalisten v辰lineiden avulla voidaan vastata n辰ihin tarpeisiin? Webinaarissa saatiin vinkkej辰, kuinka hy旦dynt辰辰 eAMK:ssa syntynytt辰 digiohjauspolkukuvaa osana opiskelijoiden digiohjausta.
Puhujina Vesa Kuhanen JAMK:sta, Minna Koponen Saimiasta, Kaisa Sepp辰l辰 HAMK:sta ja Johanna Henriksson HUMAK:sta.
Katso webinaari tallenne t辰辰lt辰: https://youtu.be/rcPPv-If92I
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
2. This PowerPoint presents the digital quality carpet and how a group can use it to
collaborate via Skype.
First, lets take a look at the kind of situations in which a digital quality carpet can
be used.
The case used as an example is a group of students thinking about reaching their
objectives in eGroup mentoring.
Next, we will use an example to illustrate how a digital quality carpet is used in a
collaboration and finish with showing how a digital quality carpet works with
More detailed instructions for collaborating via Skype are available on video (in
Finnish) on the website Evolving digital mentoring.
3. What is this all about?
The digital quality carpet was developed in the
eMentoring training by three universities of applied
sciences that acted as a test platform in 20182019 in the
eAMK project.
The tool is intended to help with communal reflection in
different contexts, such as supporting the planning of
intended learning outcomes and continuous assessment.
The group, team or community can use the tool to review
its development needs and whether its objectives have
been met.
The tool can also be adapted for use in self-assessment as
well as peer and expert assessment, such as when
assessing meta skills in working life projects.
4. Evaluation carpet
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c; eMentoring training)
1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised
- How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement)
been realised?
- Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment,
which topics should we discuss?
- How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group?
What have we learned from the assessments?
- Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do
we need to set based on our assessments?
- What kind of atmosphere do we have as a pair/group?
- How was trust built between us?
- How do we maintain our interaction?
- Which methods do we use to strengthen our (virtual) presence?
- How have we taken advantage of each others diversity/differences?
3. We have found an
MENTORING METHODS that support our learning
TOOLS in a meaningful way
in mentoring
- What kind of an operating model for mentoring have we built? How does it
support the objectives we have set?
- Which mentoring methods/techniques have we used? How have they
supported us in reaching our objectives?
- How have we taken advantage of the different roles of a mentor? What
kind of observations have we made on a functioning role of actor?
- How do we take advantage of peer mentoring?
- How do we deepen our skills in the use of mentoring methods?
- How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences,
blogs and other similar shared documents, instant messaging) in our
- How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have
we solved our technical problems?
- How have the communication tools we selected supported us in
reaching our objectives?
- What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made
5. An example of 'defining the distance'
(the idea for work adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @ Ideapakka.fi 2017)
The sentences with objectives (themes 14) and the assessment questions for each objective have
been entered into the PowerPoint template The centre of the circle means that 100% of the
objective has been met.
Discuss the three issues below with regard to each slide (themes 14). You have roughly 10 min to
discuss one theme and illustrate its objective.
1 - Start with placing yourself at the point where you believe you currently are in relation to the
stated objective. Everyone uses their own marking method based on agreement.
Give reasons for your location. Why did you select this point, meaning this distance? Ask further
questions from each other. What kind of a message does the arrangement send to your group?
2 - Next, everyone should move as close to the objective as each of you wants to be at the end of
the eGroup mentoring. Everyone makes a new mark using the marking method agreed earlier.
Make general observations on how the situation will look at that time. What kind of a message does
the arrangement send to your group?
3 - Enter the results of your assessment in the empty space on your slide. Think about the
assessment questions from the evaluation carpet that open up the sentence with the objective
below in more detail. Discuss. Consider what factors prevent you from coming closer to the
objective. Think about how you could overcome these obstacles/turn them into opportunities.
6. Instructions for the digital quality carpet work on Skype
1. The group secretary saves the PowerPoint file Digitaalinen laatumatto (Digital quality carpet) to his/her own
2. The secretary creates a Skype meeting invitation for their own group for collaboration.
3. Edit the Skype meeting settings: In the More options menu (three dots at the bottom), give everyone the
right to use the annotation tools in the PowerPoint presentations (Anyone can use annotations in a PowerPoint
presentation? -> Everyone).
4. Present the Digital quality carpet PowerPoint file you saved (Present PowerPoint files).
5. The edit tools should be visible to all participants, i.e. a pen icon in the top right corner of the screen as well
as arrow buttons at the bottom that make it possible to move forward and back in the presentation.
6. Do your self-assessment one slide at a time (4 themes) by using the annotation tools to mark the distances.
In 'defining the distance you mark how far you are from the centre of the circle on the right side of the slide by
using the marking methods you have agreed on together. Agree on a separate colour and shape for each
member of the group that the members use for all themes.
7. Enter your joint observations and development needs from the perspective of the theme being discussed
into the empty comment area on each slide.
8. The secretary saves the file. To be safe, save the output after each slide. The information is saved by selecting
the pen icon -> three dots -> Save as.
9. Attach the output from your group to your blog or other similar workspace.
7. Arviointimatto
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c)
1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised
- How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement) been realised?
- Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment, which topics should
we discuss?
- How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group? What have we
learned from the assessments?
- Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do we need to set
based on our assessments?
- take the distance in relation to the centre of the
Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu
and Satu Hangasmaa
Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely
@ Ideapakka.fi 2017
- we will check that the goals are not too broad, we will focus
- we will do evaluation together after each session
- we will return to the summary in the beginning of each session
8. Evaluation carpet
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c)
4. We use DIGITAL METHODS and TOOLS in a meaningful way
in mentoring
Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and
Satu Hangasmaa
Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @
Ideapakka.fi 2017
- How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences, blogs and other similar
shared documents, instant messaging) in our mentoring?
- How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have we solved our technical
- How have the communication tools we selected supported us in reaching our objectives?
- What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made possible?
- take the distance in relation to the centre of the
9. 2.4.2020
More information can be found at the Evolving digital
mentoring website: