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Digital quality carpet
@Centria UAS/eAMK project/
Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and Satu
 This PowerPoint presents the digital quality carpet and how a group can use it to
collaborate via Skype.
 First, lets take a look at the kind of situations in which a digital quality carpet can
be used.
 The case used as an example is a group of students thinking about reaching their
objectives in eGroup mentoring.
 Next, we will use an example to illustrate how a digital quality carpet is used in a
collaboration and finish with showing how a digital quality carpet works with
 More detailed instructions for collaborating via Skype are available on video (in
Finnish) on the website Evolving digital mentoring.
What is this all about?
 The digital quality carpet was developed in the
eMentoring training by three universities of applied
sciences that acted as a test platform in 20182019 in the
eAMK project.
 The tool is intended to help with communal reflection in
different contexts, such as supporting the planning of
intended learning outcomes and continuous assessment.
 The group, team or community can use the tool to review
its development needs and whether its objectives have
been met.
 The tool can also be adapted for use in self-assessment as
well as peer and expert assessment, such as when
assessing meta skills in working life projects.
Evaluation carpet
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c; eMentoring training)
1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised
- How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement)
been realised?
- Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment,
which topics should we discuss?
- How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group?
What have we learned from the assessments?
- Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do
we need to set based on our assessments?
- What kind of atmosphere do we have as a pair/group?
- How was trust built between us?
- How do we maintain our interaction?
- Which methods do we use to strengthen our (virtual) presence?
- How have we taken advantage of each others diversity/differences?
3. We have found an
MENTORING METHODS that support our learning
TOOLS in a meaningful way
in mentoring
- What kind of an operating model for mentoring have we built? How does it
support the objectives we have set?
- Which mentoring methods/techniques have we used? How have they
supported us in reaching our objectives?
- How have we taken advantage of the different roles of a mentor? What
kind of observations have we made on a functioning role of actor?
- How do we take advantage of peer mentoring?
- How do we deepen our skills in the use of mentoring methods?
- How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences,
blogs and other similar shared documents, instant messaging) in our
- How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have
we solved our technical problems?
- How have the communication tools we selected supported us in
reaching our objectives?
- What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made
An example of 'defining the distance'
(the idea for work adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @ Ideapakka.fi 2017)
The sentences with objectives (themes 14) and the assessment questions for each objective have
been entered into the PowerPoint template The centre of the circle means that 100% of the
objective has been met.
Discuss the three issues below with regard to each slide (themes 14). You have roughly 10 min to
discuss one theme and illustrate its objective.
1 - Start with placing yourself at the point where you believe you currently are in relation to the
stated objective. Everyone uses their own marking method based on agreement.
Give reasons for your location. Why did you select this point, meaning this distance? Ask further
questions from each other. What kind of a message does the arrangement send to your group?
2 - Next, everyone should move as close to the objective as each of you wants to be at the end of
the eGroup mentoring. Everyone makes a new mark using the marking method agreed earlier.
Make general observations on how the situation will look at that time. What kind of a message does
the arrangement send to your group?
3 - Enter the results of your assessment in the empty space on your slide. Think about the
assessment questions from the evaluation carpet that open up the sentence with the objective
below in more detail. Discuss. Consider what factors prevent you from coming closer to the
objective. Think about how you could overcome these obstacles/turn them into opportunities.
Instructions for the digital quality carpet work on Skype
1. The group secretary saves the PowerPoint file Digitaalinen laatumatto (Digital quality carpet) to his/her own
2. The secretary creates a Skype meeting invitation for their own group for collaboration.
3. Edit the Skype meeting settings: In the More options menu (three dots at the bottom), give everyone the
right to use the annotation tools in the PowerPoint presentations (Anyone can use annotations in a PowerPoint
presentation? -> Everyone).
4. Present the Digital quality carpet PowerPoint file you saved (Present PowerPoint files).
5. The edit tools should be visible to all participants, i.e. a pen icon in the top right corner of the screen as well
as arrow buttons at the bottom that make it possible to move forward and back in the presentation.
6. Do your self-assessment one slide at a time (4 themes) by using the annotation tools to mark the distances.
In 'defining the distance you mark how far you are from the centre of the circle on the right side of the slide by
using the marking methods you have agreed on together. Agree on a separate colour and shape for each
member of the group that the members use for all themes.
7. Enter your joint observations and development needs from the perspective of the theme being discussed
into the empty comment area on each slide.
8. The secretary saves the file. To be safe, save the output after each slide. The information is saved by selecting
the pen icon -> three dots -> Save as.
9. Attach the output from your group to your blog or other similar workspace.
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c)
1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised
- How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement) been realised?
- Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment, which topics should
we discuss?
- How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group? What have we
learned from the assessments?
- Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do we need to set
based on our assessments?
- take the distance in relation to the centre of the
Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu
and Satu Hangasmaa
Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely
@ Ideapakka.fi 2017
- we will check that the goals are not too broad, we will focus
- we will do evaluation together after each session
- we will return to the summary in the beginning of each session
Evaluation carpet
DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c)
4. We use DIGITAL METHODS and TOOLS in a meaningful way
in mentoring
Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and
Satu Hangasmaa
Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @
Ideapakka.fi 2017
- How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences, blogs and other similar
shared documents, instant messaging) in our mentoring?
- How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have we solved our technical
- How have the communication tools we selected supported us in reaching our objectives?
- What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made possible?
- take the distance in relation to the centre of the
More information can be found at the Evolving digital
mentoring website:

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Digital quality carpet

  • 1. Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project/ Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and Satu Hangasmaa
  • 2. This PowerPoint presents the digital quality carpet and how a group can use it to collaborate via Skype. First, lets take a look at the kind of situations in which a digital quality carpet can be used. The case used as an example is a group of students thinking about reaching their objectives in eGroup mentoring. Next, we will use an example to illustrate how a digital quality carpet is used in a collaboration and finish with showing how a digital quality carpet works with Skype. More detailed instructions for collaborating via Skype are available on video (in Finnish) on the website Evolving digital mentoring.
  • 3. What is this all about? The digital quality carpet was developed in the eMentoring training by three universities of applied sciences that acted as a test platform in 20182019 in the eAMK project. The tool is intended to help with communal reflection in different contexts, such as supporting the planning of intended learning outcomes and continuous assessment. The group, team or community can use the tool to review its development needs and whether its objectives have been met. The tool can also be adapted for use in self-assessment as well as peer and expert assessment, such as when assessing meta skills in working life projects.
  • 4. Evaluation carpet DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c; eMentoring training) 1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised 2. OUR INTERACTION works well - How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement) been realised? - Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment, which topics should we discuss? - How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group? What have we learned from the assessments? - Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do we need to set based on our assessments? - What kind of atmosphere do we have as a pair/group? - How was trust built between us? - How do we maintain our interaction? - Which methods do we use to strengthen our (virtual) presence? - How have we taken advantage of each others diversity/differences? 3. We have found an OPERATING MODEL and MENTORING METHODS that support our learning 4. We use DIGITAL METHODS and TOOLS in a meaningful way in mentoring - What kind of an operating model for mentoring have we built? How does it support the objectives we have set? - Which mentoring methods/techniques have we used? How have they supported us in reaching our objectives? - How have we taken advantage of the different roles of a mentor? What kind of observations have we made on a functioning role of actor? - How do we take advantage of peer mentoring? - How do we deepen our skills in the use of mentoring methods? - How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences, blogs and other similar shared documents, instant messaging) in our mentoring? - How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have we solved our technical problems? - How have the communication tools we selected supported us in reaching our objectives? - What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made possible?
  • 5. An example of 'defining the distance' (the idea for work adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @ Ideapakka.fi 2017) The sentences with objectives (themes 14) and the assessment questions for each objective have been entered into the PowerPoint template The centre of the circle means that 100% of the objective has been met. Discuss the three issues below with regard to each slide (themes 14). You have roughly 10 min to discuss one theme and illustrate its objective. 1 - Start with placing yourself at the point where you believe you currently are in relation to the stated objective. Everyone uses their own marking method based on agreement. Give reasons for your location. Why did you select this point, meaning this distance? Ask further questions from each other. What kind of a message does the arrangement send to your group? 2 - Next, everyone should move as close to the objective as each of you wants to be at the end of the eGroup mentoring. Everyone makes a new mark using the marking method agreed earlier. Make general observations on how the situation will look at that time. What kind of a message does the arrangement send to your group? 3 - Enter the results of your assessment in the empty space on your slide. Think about the assessment questions from the evaluation carpet that open up the sentence with the objective below in more detail. Discuss. Consider what factors prevent you from coming closer to the objective. Think about how you could overcome these obstacles/turn them into opportunities.
  • 6. Instructions for the digital quality carpet work on Skype 1. The group secretary saves the PowerPoint file Digitaalinen laatumatto (Digital quality carpet) to his/her own computer. 2. The secretary creates a Skype meeting invitation for their own group for collaboration. 3. Edit the Skype meeting settings: In the More options menu (three dots at the bottom), give everyone the right to use the annotation tools in the PowerPoint presentations (Anyone can use annotations in a PowerPoint presentation? -> Everyone). 4. Present the Digital quality carpet PowerPoint file you saved (Present PowerPoint files). 5. The edit tools should be visible to all participants, i.e. a pen icon in the top right corner of the screen as well as arrow buttons at the bottom that make it possible to move forward and back in the presentation. 6. Do your self-assessment one slide at a time (4 themes) by using the annotation tools to mark the distances. In 'defining the distance you mark how far you are from the centre of the circle on the right side of the slide by using the marking methods you have agreed on together. Agree on a separate colour and shape for each member of the group that the members use for all themes. 7. Enter your joint observations and development needs from the perspective of the theme being discussed into the empty comment area on each slide. 8. The secretary saves the file. To be safe, save the output after each slide. The information is saved by selecting the pen icon -> three dots -> Save as. 9. Attach the output from your group to your blog or other similar workspace.
  • 7. Arviointimatto DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c) 1. The OBJECTIVES we set have been realised - How have the learning objectives we set (see the mentoring agreement) been realised? - Which topics have we already discussed and, based on our assessment, which topics should we discuss? - How have we assessed our own activities and those of our pair/group? What have we learned from the assessments? - Which objectives do we need to specify and/or what more objectives do we need to set based on our assessments? - take the distance in relation to the centre of the circle Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and Satu Hangasmaa Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @ Ideapakka.fi 2017 - we will check that the goals are not too broad, we will focus them - we will do evaluation together after each session - we will return to the summary in the beginning of each session IL IL
  • 8. Evaluation carpet DIGITAL QUALITY CARPET (Leppisaari, 2018c) 4. We use DIGITAL METHODS and TOOLS in a meaningful way in mentoring Digital quality carpet @Centria UAS/eAMK project: Irja Leppisaari, Asko Mentu and Satu Hangasmaa Defining the distance adapted from Oppiminen ja Ryhm辰ty旦skentely @ Ideapakka.fi 2017 - How have we experienced the digital approach (video conferences, blogs and other similar shared documents, instant messaging) in our mentoring? - How have our activities succeeded in the technical sense? How have we solved our technical problems? - How have the communication tools we selected supported us in reaching our objectives? - What kind of interaction has the digital operating environment made possible? - take the distance in relation to the centre of the circle
  • 9. 2.4.2020 More information can be found at the Evolving digital mentoring website: https://www.eamk.fi/en/ecosystems2/digital-mentoring/