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GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and
Time: MARCH 11  15, 2024 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
A. Content Standards  Demonstrate understanding of various verbal elements in orally communicating information.
 Demonstrate understanding that printed words are made up of interconnected letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent pattern of sounds.
 Demonstrate understanding that printed words are made up of interconnected letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent pattern of sounds.
 Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts.
 Demonstrate understanding that English language is stress timed to support comprehension.
B. Performance Standards  Communicates orally information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities.
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context.
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
 Organizes information from secondary sources in preparation for writing.
 Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speakers intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning
Present a coherent,
comprehensive report on differing
viewpoints on an issue.
Infer meaning of content specific
terms using context clues.
Infer meaning of content specific
terms using prefixes
Organize information from secondary
sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks
in collaboration with others.
Observe accuracy, appropriate
rate and proper expressions in
Write for the LC code for each EN60L-IIIj-1.19 EN6V-IIIj-12.3.3
EN6SS-IIIj-4 EN6F-IIIj-3.5
II. CONTENT Describe key information of a text
from a prescribed viewpoint.
Inferring meaning of content
-context clues
Inferring meaning of content
specific terms using prefixes
Organize information from secondary
Observe accuracy, appropriate
rate and proper expression in
A. References
1.Teachers Guide/Pages Lesson Guide English 6 pp 134-
Lesson Guide-English 6 pp 261-264
2.Learners Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource(LR)portal
Charts, cassette recorder Charts, flashcards Picture, charts Charts of news story, parts of
newspaper, cassette recorder
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
What are the elements of the
If you belong to a family that
plays favoritism, what would you
feel? Why would you feel that
Identify the meaning of each
underlined words.
1.Evolved means
a. runaway from
b. go around
c. produced by natural means
2.To guarantee means the same
a. to answer for something as in
loan or pledge
b. answer joyfully question
c. announce something
3. Equitable would mean
a. a bank
b. fair and equal
c. unfair
4. An appellation is
a. a court appeal
b. a title
c. a friendly greeting
5. To be disappointed is to
a. unhappy
b. fatigued
c. fail in expectation
How do you keep yourself abreast
with fresh news everyday? Where can
you find fresh news or current events
or unusual situations that are
meaningful and relevant to set of
What one should be
remembered in organizing
information from data given?
B. Establishing a purpose for the
What are the current issues of
news that you have heard on TV or
have read in the newspaper today?
Say: Today we are going to read a
short story:
The Parable of Division
LG pp 134-137
How do you celebrate your
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for more
Have the pupils listen to the tape
recorded announcements.
Hey everyone, you heard the
challenge. Were celebrating National
Mix It Up Day tomorrow. Were going
to mix up things up around here.
Wear a mixed up outfit during the
day. At lunch were going to mix it up
by sitting at a different table than
where we usually sit. But the key is,
you have to talk to someone new!
Tuesday Hey, hope you all mixed up
your outfits for National Mix it Up
Day. I saw some great stuff
Instruct them to jot down the
important information.
The teacher shows a picture of
two pupils talking to each other.
What do you think they are
talking about?
What should be observed when
reading a dialogue?
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson
The teacher presents a particular
issue or news item of the day.
-Comprehension check-up
1. What good value have the
parents of the two boys taught
2. To make sure that equitable
division is guaranteed, what
practice was observed by them?
3. Why did the younger brother
drink all the contents of the
whole bottle?
3. Would you agree with what the
younger brother/older brother
did? Why?
-Locate the underlined words in
the story
Presenting a selection
Pupils read it.
At first I thought one of my
fuzzy, orange socks disappeared
in the dryer, but I could not find
it in there. Because it was my
favorite pair, nothing was going
to prevent me from finding that
sock. I looked all around my
bedroom, under the bed, on top
of the bed, and in my closet, but
still could not find it. I did not
know that I would discover the
answer just I gave up my search.
As I sat down on the couch in
the family room, my Dad was
reclining on his chair. I laugh
when I saw that one of his feet
was orange and the other blue! I
forgot that he was color blind.
Next time he does laundry I will
have to supervise him while he
folds the sock so that he does
not accidentally take one of
What information have you jotted
down from the announcements?
Presenting a selection
Pupils read it.
At first I thought one of my
fuzzy, orange socks disappeared
in the dryer, but I could not find
it in there. Because it was my
favorite pair, nothing was going
to prevent me from finding that
sock. I looked all around my
bedroom, under the bed, on top
of the bed, and in my closet, but
still could not find it. I did not
know that I would discover the
answer just I gave up my
search. As I sat down on the
couch in the family room, my
Dad was reclining on his chair. I
laugh when I saw that one of his
feet was orange and the other
blue! I forgot that he was color
blind. Next time he does
laundry I will have to supervise
him while he folds the sock so
that he does not accidentally
take one of mine!
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
What is the issue all about?
What can you say about the issue?
.After locating the underlined
words in the story, tell them to
read as they are used in
Why are announcements important?
What details do they usually contain?
Comprehension check up
1. What is the selection tells us
2. How did the first character
solve the problem?
3. What did you think is the
cause of the problem?
Read the italicized words taken
from the paragraph.
What are placed before each
What does each syllable mean?
What do you call these
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
The teacher discusses how to make
a coherent, comprehensive report
on differing viewpoints on an
The teacher discusses the
factors to be considered when
reading a dialogue such as
intonation, stress, expression
(voice and facial)
The teacher discusses what a
prefix is and give other
examples of prefixes and their
F. Developing mastery The teacher gives another issue.
The pupils give their opinions
Identify the meaning of the
underlined words by encircling
the appropriate meaning from
the given choices.
1.His fathers voice startled him
and made him look back to the
direction toward the town.
a. surprised
b. frightened
c. anxious
2. Then they hailed a cab to take
them to Manong Kadyos house
near the butchers place.
a. to produce a sound
b. to greet with shout
c. to stop
3.m The other members of the
household spilled into the cool,
clean veranda.
.Read the following lines with
correct intonation, stress and
1. She wanted to face the
problems on Tuesday.
2. He felt uneasy but the others
were enjoying themselves.
3.I didn't want to come but here
I am.
4.No way!
5. At five o'clock.
6. No, only at the meeting.
Sequence the statements by their
order of importance.
Number the blanks 1-9
__1.Police identified the suspect as
Emelito M. Maano, who was arrested
by barangay police.
__2.He allegedly set his house and the
house of his cousin Cecila M. Atienza
on fire at about 12 noon.
__3.The fire was controlled at around
1:25 p.m. by various fire brigades.
__4.Police added that the suspect was
seen by his nephew Mateo holding a
candle before he burned his house.
Encircle the word with prefix in
each sentence.
1. She hopes to regain the
friendship she lost for being
proud and arrogant.
2. My grandfather was often
misunderstood by others
because he seldom smiles
at them.
3. Mrs. Castro and her new
born baby received a post-
natal care at home.
4. The applicants were pre-
warned on the hardship of
working abroad.
5. Carlos misinterpreted what
Tony suggested during the
6. Her long absence from her
a. furniture
b. couch
c. an open porch
4. I appreciate that you chose to
come here.
a. to recognize gratefully
b. to apprehend
c. to understand
5. Mang Pidong patted all the
other children on their heads.
a. to recognize
b. to strike
c. to look
__5. The compound was owned by
the Maamo family and shared by
twelve families.
__6.Incidentally, the LCDRRMC that
time was conducting a fire drill
nearby, and the fire drill turned into a
reality, said former PIA director Joe
Asensi Jr., also a member of
__7.Members of the LCDRMMC
expedited their workshop and turned
a real practice in managing a fire
situation, Asensi said.
__8.Arson investigators of the Bureau
of Fire and Protection are conducting
an investigation.
__9. Lucena city, Rizal  A forty-nine-
year-old man allegedly suffering from
mental illness burned his own house
and a house of his relative in a
compound on Gomez St., Barangay 2,
here friday.
country caused her to be so
disoriented in so many
7. I am looking for
inexpensive, yet meaningful
gifts to give this Christmas.
8. Mrs. Reyes disapproved the
students plan of holding an
overnight camping in the
9. The children ride on a
tricycle in going to school.
10. Robert miscalculated the
expenses incurred during
the Science Fair activity.
G. Finding practical applications
of concepts and skills in daily
Group activity
Each group will present a news
broadcast about the issue given by
the teacher.
If you were the younger brother
in the selection, Would you do
the same? Why?
Group Activity
Each group will be given a
dialogue to deliver in the class.
Example 1 (Adding a
Parent: So, but with the
antibiotic one question was, was
it that he was gagging from the
cough that he was throwing it
up? It could have just been it
was upsetting his stomach or
both? Just so I dont go home
and hes throwing it up again.
And so well find that out. Well
make sure before we go home.
Senior Resident: He should
Guided Group Activities
Write your own news story
demonstrating your knowledge and
skills in the use of presentation of
- 14 were killed
- 70 wounded
- Davao City bombing
- September 2, 2016
- Roxas Night Market
What do the underlined word in
each sentence mean? Write
your answer on the blank.
1. A group of pupils were
misguided by their
team leaders. They did
the wrong way.
2. The house was
repainted with green.
3. Aling Maria bought a
package of precooked
4. The patient was
uneasy with the tube
have one dose before he goes to
make sure he can tolerate it.
Example 2 (Scheduling change)
Parent: Well, she (child) has a
question, too.
Intern: Oh, good.
Attending: Yeah. Yes.
Intern: I think thats a fantastic
Parent: Thirty minutes in a
tunnel when you gotta go!
Attending: Thats really a good
connected to his
5. The store had a post-
Valentine sale with
discounted price for
selected items.
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
How do you show your viewpoints
or opinions about a certain issue?
To form the meaning of a word
through context clues, it means
we have to get the meaning of
the word as it is used with other
words. Therefore the meaning of
the word can often be found in
other parts of the sentence.
What should be considered
when reading a dialogue?
Present their work to the class. Have
them do the critiquing.
A prefix is a syllable or syllables
placed at the beginning of a
base word.
A base word is a word that can
stand on its own. It cannot be
divided into smaller parts and
still retain its meaning.
The meaning of a word can be
figured out by putting together
the meaning of its prefix and
the base word
I. Evaluating learning The teacher presents another set
of issues then tells the pupils to
write their own opinion about the
issues given.
Read the selection Dont Dump
That Garbage LG pp 134-137.
Give the meaning of each
underlined word by the clues
given within the sentences.
1. Mrs. Guintos house is always
spic and span because her maid
has tirelessly cleaned it.
2. Dont dump your garbage in
our room or else youll mess it.
3. The changeable decision over
the passing of the test result
puzzled the examinees.
4. She was born to a poor family
so her lifestyle is also modest and
The teacher evaluates the
performance of each group
using rubrics.
Write a news story based from the
following data dictated. The
details/facts are not arranged in their
order of importance.
- 2016 Division Elementary
Schools Press Conference
- September 21-23
- Alaminos Central School,
Alaminos, Laguna
- 500 plus participants/campus
Supply the missing prefix to the
base word to complete the
1.The enemies did not spot the
2. Carlos ___pronounce some
words while reciting a poem
before the class.
3. The boys were scolded by
their teacher for being
___responsible in doing their
4. It is disappointing to know
that there are many college
graduates who are still
5. I left my bag in the __cycle.
5. Dont just throw your garbage
indiscriminately, or else youll
make your surrounding aimlessly
another Smokey Mountain.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Cut news article from newspaper,
paste it in a coupon bond then
write at least 3-5 paragraphs
reactions about it.
Copy a 2-3 paragraphs article
then underline three words from
it. Give the meaning of the words
base from its function in the
Find famous lines of popular
personality. Be ready to deliver
them in the class.
Make a compilation of news stories
from recent newspapers. Look for two
stories on the following topics:
-accident story
-current events story
-interview story
List down 10 words with
prefixes then use it in a
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other

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Celine George

DLL_ENGLISH 6_Q3_W7.....................

  • 1. GRADES 1 to 12 DAILY LESSON LOG School: CAMP I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade Level: VI Teacher: MELANIE C. DUCALANG Learning Area: ENGLISH Teaching Dates and Time: MARCH 11 15, 2024 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of various verbal elements in orally communicating information. Demonstrate understanding that printed words are made up of interconnected letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent pattern of sounds. Demonstrate understanding that printed words are made up of interconnected letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent pattern of sounds. Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts. Demonstrate understanding that English language is stress timed to support comprehension. B. Performance Standards Communicates orally information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities. Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context. Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context Organizes information from secondary sources in preparation for writing. Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speakers intention, purpose and meaning C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue. Infer meaning of content specific terms using context clues. Infer meaning of content specific terms using prefixes Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others. Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in dialogs. Write for the LC code for each EN60L-IIIj-1.19 EN6V-IIIj-12.3.3 EN6V-IIIj- EN6V-IIIj- EN6V-IIIj-12.3.3 EN6V-IIIj- EN6V-IIIj- EN6SS-IIIj-4 EN6F-IIIj-3.5 EN6F-IIIj-3.2 EN6F-IIIj-3.6 II. CONTENT Describe key information of a text from a prescribed viewpoint. Inferring meaning of content -context clues Inferring meaning of content specific terms using prefixes Organize information from secondary sources. Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression in dialogs. III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1.Teachers Guide/Pages Lesson Guide English 6 pp 134- 137 Lesson Guide-English 6 pp 261-264 2.Learners Materials Pages 3.Textbook Pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource(LR)portal Charts, cassette recorder Charts, flashcards Picture, charts Charts of news story, parts of newspaper, cassette recorder Charts B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES
  • 2. A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson What are the elements of the story? If you belong to a family that plays favoritism, what would you feel? Why would you feel that way? Identify the meaning of each underlined words. 1.Evolved means a. runaway from b. go around c. produced by natural means 2.To guarantee means the same as a. to answer for something as in loan or pledge b. answer joyfully question c. announce something 3. Equitable would mean a. a bank b. fair and equal c. unfair 4. An appellation is a. a court appeal b. a title c. a friendly greeting 5. To be disappointed is to a. unhappy b. fatigued c. fail in expectation How do you keep yourself abreast with fresh news everyday? Where can you find fresh news or current events or unusual situations that are meaningful and relevant to set of readers? What one should be remembered in organizing information from data given? B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson What are the current issues of news that you have heard on TV or have read in the newspaper today? Say: Today we are going to read a short story: The Parable of Division LG pp 134-137 How do you celebrate your birthday? Original File Submitted and Formatted by DepEd Club Member - visit depedclub.com for more Have the pupils listen to the tape recorded announcements. (SAMPLE ANNOUNCEMENT) Hey everyone, you heard the challenge. Were celebrating National Mix It Up Day tomorrow. Were going to mix up things up around here. Wear a mixed up outfit during the day. At lunch were going to mix it up by sitting at a different table than where we usually sit. But the key is, you have to talk to someone new! Tuesday Hey, hope you all mixed up your outfits for National Mix it Up Day. I saw some great stuff Instruct them to jot down the important information. The teacher shows a picture of two pupils talking to each other. What do you think they are talking about? What should be observed when reading a dialogue?
  • 3. C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson The teacher presents a particular issue or news item of the day. -Comprehension check-up 1. What good value have the parents of the two boys taught them? 2. To make sure that equitable division is guaranteed, what practice was observed by them? 3. Why did the younger brother drink all the contents of the whole bottle? 3. Would you agree with what the younger brother/older brother did? Why? -Locate the underlined words in the story Presenting a selection Pupils read it. At first I thought one of my fuzzy, orange socks disappeared in the dryer, but I could not find it in there. Because it was my favorite pair, nothing was going to prevent me from finding that sock. I looked all around my bedroom, under the bed, on top of the bed, and in my closet, but still could not find it. I did not know that I would discover the answer just I gave up my search. As I sat down on the couch in the family room, my Dad was reclining on his chair. I laugh when I saw that one of his feet was orange and the other blue! I forgot that he was color blind. Next time he does laundry I will have to supervise him while he folds the sock so that he does not accidentally take one of mine! What information have you jotted down from the announcements? Presenting a selection Pupils read it. At first I thought one of my fuzzy, orange socks disappeared in the dryer, but I could not find it in there. Because it was my favorite pair, nothing was going to prevent me from finding that sock. I looked all around my bedroom, under the bed, on top of the bed, and in my closet, but still could not find it. I did not know that I would discover the answer just I gave up my search. As I sat down on the couch in the family room, my Dad was reclining on his chair. I laugh when I saw that one of his feet was orange and the other blue! I forgot that he was color blind. Next time he does laundry I will have to supervise him while he folds the sock so that he does not accidentally take one of mine!
  • 4. D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 What is the issue all about? What can you say about the issue? .After locating the underlined words in the story, tell them to read as they are used in sentences Why are announcements important? What details do they usually contain? Comprehension check up 1. What is the selection tells us about? 2. How did the first character solve the problem? 3. What did you think is the cause of the problem? Read the italicized words taken from the paragraph. What are placed before each word? What does each syllable mean? What do you call these syllables? E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 The teacher discusses how to make a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue. The teacher discusses the factors to be considered when reading a dialogue such as intonation, stress, expression (voice and facial) The teacher discusses what a prefix is and give other examples of prefixes and their meanings. F. Developing mastery The teacher gives another issue. The pupils give their opinions orally. Identify the meaning of the underlined words by encircling the appropriate meaning from the given choices. 1.His fathers voice startled him and made him look back to the direction toward the town. a. surprised b. frightened c. anxious 2. Then they hailed a cab to take them to Manong Kadyos house near the butchers place. a. to produce a sound b. to greet with shout c. to stop 3.m The other members of the household spilled into the cool, clean veranda. .Read the following lines with correct intonation, stress and expression. 1. She wanted to face the problems on Tuesday. 2. He felt uneasy but the others were enjoying themselves. 3.I didn't want to come but here I am. 4.No way! 5. At five o'clock. 6. No, only at the meeting. Sequence the statements by their order of importance. Number the blanks 1-9 __1.Police identified the suspect as Emelito M. Maano, who was arrested by barangay police. __2.He allegedly set his house and the house of his cousin Cecila M. Atienza on fire at about 12 noon. __3.The fire was controlled at around 1:25 p.m. by various fire brigades. __4.Police added that the suspect was seen by his nephew Mateo holding a candle before he burned his house. Encircle the word with prefix in each sentence. 1. She hopes to regain the friendship she lost for being proud and arrogant. 2. My grandfather was often misunderstood by others because he seldom smiles at them. 3. Mrs. Castro and her new born baby received a post- natal care at home. 4. The applicants were pre- warned on the hardship of working abroad. 5. Carlos misinterpreted what Tony suggested during the meeting. 6. Her long absence from her
  • 5. a. furniture b. couch c. an open porch 4. I appreciate that you chose to come here. a. to recognize gratefully b. to apprehend c. to understand 5. Mang Pidong patted all the other children on their heads. a. to recognize b. to strike c. to look __5. The compound was owned by the Maamo family and shared by twelve families. __6.Incidentally, the LCDRRMC that time was conducting a fire drill nearby, and the fire drill turned into a reality, said former PIA director Joe Asensi Jr., also a member of LCDRRMC. __7.Members of the LCDRMMC expedited their workshop and turned a real practice in managing a fire situation, Asensi said. __8.Arson investigators of the Bureau of Fire and Protection are conducting an investigation. __9. Lucena city, Rizal A forty-nine- year-old man allegedly suffering from mental illness burned his own house and a house of his relative in a compound on Gomez St., Barangay 2, here friday. country caused her to be so disoriented in so many ways. 7. I am looking for inexpensive, yet meaningful gifts to give this Christmas. 8. Mrs. Reyes disapproved the students plan of holding an overnight camping in the forest. 9. The children ride on a tricycle in going to school. 10. Robert miscalculated the expenses incurred during the Science Fair activity. G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Group activity Each group will present a news broadcast about the issue given by the teacher. If you were the younger brother in the selection, Would you do the same? Why? Group Activity Each group will be given a dialogue to deliver in the class. Example 1 (Adding a Medication) Parent: So, but with the antibiotic one question was, was it that he was gagging from the cough that he was throwing it up? It could have just been it was upsetting his stomach or both? Just so I dont go home and hes throwing it up again. And so well find that out. Well make sure before we go home. Senior Resident: He should Guided Group Activities Write your own news story demonstrating your knowledge and skills in the use of presentation of facts. - 14 were killed - 70 wounded - Davao City bombing - September 2, 2016 - Roxas Night Market What do the underlined word in each sentence mean? Write your answer on the blank. 1. A group of pupils were misguided by their team leaders. They did the wrong way. _____________ 2. The house was repainted with green. ______________ 3. Aling Maria bought a package of precooked noodles. _______________ 4. The patient was uneasy with the tube
  • 6. have one dose before he goes to make sure he can tolerate it. Example 2 (Scheduling change) Parent: Well, she (child) has a question, too. Intern: Oh, good. Attending: Yeah. Yes. Intern: I think thats a fantastic idea. Parent: Thirty minutes in a tunnel when you gotta go! Attending: Thats really a good point. connected to his mouth. ______________ 5. The store had a post- Valentine sale with discounted price for selected items. ________________ H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson How do you show your viewpoints or opinions about a certain issue? To form the meaning of a word through context clues, it means we have to get the meaning of the word as it is used with other words. Therefore the meaning of the word can often be found in other parts of the sentence. What should be considered when reading a dialogue? Present their work to the class. Have them do the critiquing. A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed at the beginning of a base word. A base word is a word that can stand on its own. It cannot be divided into smaller parts and still retain its meaning. The meaning of a word can be figured out by putting together the meaning of its prefix and the base word I. Evaluating learning The teacher presents another set of issues then tells the pupils to write their own opinion about the issues given. Read the selection Dont Dump That Garbage LG pp 134-137. Give the meaning of each underlined word by the clues given within the sentences. 1. Mrs. Guintos house is always spic and span because her maid has tirelessly cleaned it. 2. Dont dump your garbage in our room or else youll mess it. 3. The changeable decision over the passing of the test result puzzled the examinees. 4. She was born to a poor family so her lifestyle is also modest and The teacher evaluates the performance of each group using rubrics. Write a news story based from the following data dictated. The details/facts are not arranged in their order of importance. - 2016 Division Elementary Schools Press Conference - September 21-23 - Alaminos Central School, Alaminos, Laguna - 500 plus participants/campus journalists Supply the missing prefix to the base word to complete the sentences. 1.The enemies did not spot the ___marine. 2. Carlos ___pronounce some words while reciting a poem before the class. 3. The boys were scolded by their teacher for being ___responsible in doing their project. 4. It is disappointing to know that there are many college graduates who are still __employed. 5. I left my bag in the __cycle.
  • 7. simple. 5. Dont just throw your garbage indiscriminately, or else youll make your surrounding aimlessly another Smokey Mountain. J. Additional activities for application or remediation Cut news article from newspaper, paste it in a coupon bond then write at least 3-5 paragraphs reactions about it. Copy a 2-3 paragraphs article then underline three words from it. Give the meaning of the words base from its function in the paragraph. Find famous lines of popular personality. Be ready to deliver them in the class. Make a compilation of news stories from recent newspapers. Look for two stories on the following topics: -accident story -current events story -interview story List down 10 words with prefixes then use it in a sentence. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use./discover which I wish to share with other teachers?