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European youth exchange project with Serbia
Youth in Action Programme
 "What's up Europe? Breaking the wall, again is an exchange project between 8
young French members of the Municipal Council of Youth (MCY) of the city of
Epinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis, France) and 8 young Serbians who go to the
Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Ni邸.
 The exchange will take place from the 12 to 23 August 2013 in the city of Ni邸
(Nisava District, Serbia), located just over 200 km south-east of Belgrade.
 This project unites two groups of young people aged
between 16 to 25 years old who come from different
cultures; its purpose is to raise issues relating to inter-
cultural aspects in order to confront the various
conceptions of European citizenship, promote inter-
cultural tolerance and dialogue.
Youth exchange with Serbia
Members of the Municipal Council of Youth in front of
the European Parliament in Brussels on May 7, 2013
 In compliance with issues relating to integrating Serbia in the
European Union Whats up Europe? Breaking the wall,
again creates a parallel between the fall of the Berlin wall
and the second enlargement that the European Union is
currently going through with the break-up of former
Yugoslavia. Furthermore, the projects title reveals its theme
and suggests the existence of physical, but also mental
barriers for the young participants, connected to the
representation of others and the issue of young peoples
 As young peoples participation is at the heart of the project
development process, they were both a proposal and
deciding force for the scheduled activities connected to the
theme they selected: fighting against discriminations and
promoting tolerance.
 The main target of the stay is that each participant questions
his/her representations, prejudices and stereotypes, and
leads them to discover a new culture in a topical and political
context as this is an exchange with a so-called neighbour
country which is acceding to the European Union.
Accordingly, this exchange project between young people of
different cultures and religions will lead to raising issues
concerning the interaction of cultural and political stakes.
 Eight young members of
the Municipal Council of
Youth of the city of
Epinay-sur-Seine are at
the origin of this
European exchange
project with Serbian
youth. Its particularity is
related to the confidence
entrusted to the young
people as regards their
capacity of setting up a
Young peoples participation : a priority
Creation and posting outside of the usual setting of 16
portraits in the streets of Ni邸 and then Epinay-sur-Seine
Inside Out a participatory
project by the artist JR
"What's up Europe? Breaking the wall, again intends to
draw up an inventory of young peoples image of Europe
and Europeans today. In the case of the exchange with
Serbia, it is interesting to ascertain how both French and
Serbian youth see European citizenship and Europe.
The choice of photography and above all the project of
an exhibition outside of the usual setting, inspired by the
participatory project Inside Out by the artist JR,
provides each participant with the possibility of sharing
his/her portrait with the rest of the world and sending a
message via black and white photographs. The logistics
required to achieve the portrait project will aim to
confront them with working as a team which will be
both educational and full of meaning.
 With inviting those two
emergent artists to
involve as volunteers in
this project, the project
participate to the
promotion of emergent
The workshop will be supervised by two
visual emergent artists
Nicolas Jargi and H辿l辿na Bertaud
: visual emergent artists who will
supervise the artistic project
The topic of the youth exchange is to raise questions
about intercultural dialogue and fight against
stereotypes mainly through questioning representations.
The photo project fits perfectly in this framework and
can not be regarded as a leisure activity. For this reason
it seemed important to regulate the practice of artistic
young people, involving visual artists volunteers to give
sense to youth participation.
The workshop will be introduced with the film "Der
Himmel 端ber Berlin". Masterpiece by Wim Wenders, the
film fits perfectly with the theme of the fall of the Berlin
Wall suggested in the title of the project as a historic
event who is repeated since Serbia get the status of
candidate for membership the European Union.
 The Serbian and French
participants will attempt
to find out whether they
have a joint culture
which unites them. In
order to try and answer
this question, their idea
was to create a young
language French-
Serbian, Serbian-French
Young people as project proponents
Project for a French-Serbian youth language dictionary.
Informal education
The purpose of this dictionary is to make both groups
familiar with the everyday language used by each of
them and to consider a joint youth culture which goes
beyond linguistic barriers.
This experience will be materialised by publishing a
small dictionary at the end of the stay; it will also be a
souvenir for each one.
A flashmob
This recreational activity was initiated by young Serbians and
French. The pertinence of a flashmob became obvious when
one of the participants proposed that a morning be
dedicated to learning a choreography made up of traditional
Serbian dances and a dance proposed by the French group.
The flashmob is scheduled for Wednesday August 21 in Ni邸
(time and location to be specified).
 In the same way as for
the other activities, each
group will have a mentor
in charge of proposing
subjects for debates and
Exchanges and debates on the
theme of fighting against
discriminations and promoting
The purpose of the exchanges and debates organised during the
stay will be to develop thought on European citizenship,
cultural diversity and relationships between boys and girls.
The issue of each groups prejudices as regards the others
culture will be tested by a game and a debate at the beginning
and then at the end of the stay to ascertain what progress has
been made.
Four debates will be organised during the stay:
- Whats up Europe? #1 : sticking the clich辿s
Discussion and debate on the other groups prejudices and
- Breaking the wall #2 : relationships between girls and boys
Debate on boy-girl relationships.
- Breaking the wall #3 : cross-cultural relationships
Exchanges on intercultural and inter-religious issues.
-  Whats up Europe : breaking the clich辿s #4 
Looking back on the prejudices and stereotypes that existed at
the beginning of the stay: comparisons and progress
In the framework of preparing these debates, the young people
will be invited to attend several conferences which will take
place in Paris between May and August 2013, on the following
subjects: European citizenship, inter-cultural aspects, fighting
against discriminations, promoting tolerance, and boy-girl
 Conferences and debates
which the young people
are invited to attend will
be an opportunity to
increase their knowledge
of European citizenship,
inter-cultural aspects,
fighting against
promoting tolerance,
and boy-girl
Intercultural aspects
Conferences and debates
- Thursday May 16, 2013 The Kosovo, a European challenge
- In partnership with the Kosovo Embassy. At the Maison de
- Saturday May 25, 2013 Youth on the Move: 7 years of
European programme, young people and associations bear
witness at the Cit辿 des Sciences et de lIndustrie
- Monday May 27, 2013 Informal mobility in Europe: a lever
for young peoples routes in the framework of the European
Youth Week at the CIDJ
- Wednesday June 5, 2013 Europe and the citizen at the
Maison de lEurope
- The film "La Parade 損, followed by a debate
 Before leaving, several
inter-cultural outings are
scheduled in Paris and
the suburbs. Their
purpose is to make
young Spinsassiens
aware of Serbian culture,
its history and
geopolitical situation
and help them
understand the stakes of
relationships in order to
measure the impact of
the project they are
promoting at European
Intercultural aspects
Introduction to Serbian culture
束 Serbia in Paris 損 day on Thursday, June 27
- 11h  12h  Walking in the Serbian neighbourhoods in
- 12h  14h  Introduction to Serbian gastronomy at
the restaurant called 束 La Victoire 損
- 14h-17h : Visit of the exhibition 束 Outsiders 損 at the
Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris
Understanding Serbias geopolitical
- Cultural outing to the Vanves theatre to see the play
Belgrade, based on a text by Ang辿lica Liddele, and meet the
director, Julien Fi邸era, with the Company Espace Commun
- Introduction to Serbias geopolitical situation since the end of
communism, by a student in political sciences
City of Epinay-sur-Seine
pinay-sur-Seine is a city in the Seine-Saint-Denis department ;
it is part of the Plaine Commune metropolitan community. Its
population exceeds 54 000.
The city is located in a difficulty territory (2 Sensitive Urban
Areas where 65% of the population live) in the youngest
department in France; in 2006 it launched a major urban
rehabilitation project in order to improve Spinassiens living
surroundings and facilitate their social and economic
integration, in particular for its youth.
In the capacity of citizens, Spinassiens are represented by
elected representatives. They also have the possibility of
expressing themselves and being involved in local life via
participatory democracy organs: District Consultation Councils,
Seniors Council, Municipal Council of Youth and Municipal
Council of Children.
Set up in March 2010, the Municipal Council of Youth of pinay-
sur-Seine allowed young people aged from 16 to 25 years old to
commit to and take part in the life of their city. It provides
young Spinassiens will the possibility of taking part in debates
of general interest, receiving training in the exercise of
democracy, making proposals, playing a genuine role in social,
cultural and sports life, being listened to and heard by public
authorities, accompanying the apprenticeship of citizenship,
knowing its codes (listening, dialogue, respecting the other
person, decision-making organisation) and institutional tools
(City Hall, Department and Regional Councils, National
Assembly, Senate, Council of Europe and European Parliament).
LDA of Ni邸 (Local Democracy Agency)
LDAs were set up by the Council of Europe Congress of
local and regional authorities. They were originally
designed to provide assistance to municipalities laid to
waste by the war in former Yugoslavia through
partnerships with Western European towns and cities. At
the end of the Balkan war, LDAA action was no longer
focused on assistance in a crisis situation, but on
democratic reforms, with emphasis on promoting inter-
community relationships based on confidence and
From the start, the LDAA method was to set up
partnerships between local and regional authorities, NGOs
in former Yugoslavia and their counterparts in Western
LDAs work independently so that their response to local
needs is more efficient; they support initiatives by the civil
society and communities by proposing training courses and
They develop projects in the following fields: Cross-Border
Cooperation, Equality between Men and Women,
Handicapped persons, Sustainable Development, Local
Economic development, European integration, Inter-Ethnic
Dialogue, Communication and Medias, Development of
civil society and community competences, Youth,
Minorities and Refugees.
Contact :
LDA (Local Democracy Agency)
Obrenoviceva 28
18000 Ni邸
Contact :
Mairie dEpinay-sur-Seine
1-3, rue Qu辿tigny
93800 pinay-sur-Seine
Coordination team :
Edina D転ogovi  Coordinator of European youth exchange with
Manuel Chambrouty  Coordinator of the Municipal Youth Council
Brice Philippon  Director of the service 束 Urban policy and
participatory democracy 損
Coordination team :
Marion Poullain  Volunteer on an EVS project in LDA Ni邸
Milena Celi  coordinator of LDA Ni邸 youth program
Sasa Marinkov  Director of LDA Ni邸
Ana Nikoli  Youth office of City Municipality 束 Medijana 損 Ni邸
H辿l辿na Bertaud
Born in France in 1986, HB grew up in south west France,
surrounded by immense landscapes of mountains and sea,
she was rapidly interested by the effects of movement of
territories, mater and surfaces. Intrigues by the questioning
of all matter in relation In Situ, her work slowly grew to find
various anchor points such as archeology and the idea of
phenomena whether it be physical, cultural or ever
geopolitical. After five years at  Ecole Nationale
Sup辿rieures des Beaux Arts 損 in Lyon, the young woman
decided to return to Biarritz in order to settle in a
workshop and be always closer to the wide spaces of
freedom that fascinated her so much. This is how in 2013,
she began the first step of her research program
specializing in areas classified desert.
Helena Bertaud's artistic practice could be defined as a
research based on the sensory experience of reality. By
various types of devices such as installation, projection,
photography or event.
Her works tend toward a certain minimalism, underscoring
the fleeting nature, ephemeral or fragile of proposals
which she invites us.
2012: Les joueuses, installation / performance with Feriot
Adelaide, Contemporary art space The BF15, Lyon France.
2011: National Higher Diploma in Plastic Expression The
"Committed to the concept of landscape whether physical
or mental, I'm interested in its contingencies and
conditions (flow, temperature, light, architecture, etc ...)
I plan spaces or territory as areas of research and
interaction where perception and body are put in. I
experimented with the instability of our perception and
our changing time and space relationships."
Nicolas Jargi
Born in Lyons in 1986 of a French mother and Serbian father,
Nicolas Jargi grew up in a singular cultural blend. Fascinated
since his younger age by conjuring, in its capacity to produce a
reality effect, he joins in 2006 the ENSBA school of Lyons that
he attends until his graduation in 2011. Confronted to the
world of images and to their frame  the artistic frame , his
interest for magic then becomes inherent to his work process.
At the junction between art and conjuring, his current work
takes shape in a dynamic of deconstruction and re-presentation
and interferes in our relationship to the real world as well as to
the artwork. The real world, confronted to its image and
perceptual context, thus finds itself brought into play.
"By dealing with the frontiers of reality, the plausibility of
images gained during the various pictorial turns disrupts our
relationship with reality. Having studied and practiced the art
of illusionism, more than that of representation, it is the power
of images, their ability to produce an effect of reality or a
belief, that interests me now."
Nicolas Jargi
2011 : DNSEP (Postgraduate Diploma in Plastic Arts) at the
Lyons ENSBA school
(National School of Fine Arts)
2009 : DNAP (National Diploma in Plastic Arts) passed with high
honors at the Lyons ENSBA school (National School of Fine Arts)
Contact :
Tel : + 33 (0)6 50 90 69 22
Contact :
+33 675 610 058
Atelier Jargi
7 Rue Jos辿phin soulary
69004 LYON
Local democracy Agency Ni邸
City of Epinay-sur-Seine European Commission
Centre Culturel de Serbie
仍仆亳 亠仆舒 弌弍亳亠
Institut Fran巽ais
Grad Ni邸
Youth Council
 Edina Dzogovic
Coordinator of European youth exchange with Serbia
Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail : edina.dzogovic@epinay-sur-seine.fr
tel : +331.
 Manuel Chambrouty
Coordinator of Youth Council
Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail : manuel.chambrouty@epinay-sur-seine.fr
tel : +331.

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Project - What s up Europe? Let's break the wall, again

  • 1. European youth exchange project with Serbia Youth in Action Programme WHATS UP EUROPE ? BREAKING THE WALL, AGAIN. 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. WHATS UP EUROPE ? WHO? WHAT? "What's up Europe? Breaking the wall, again is an exchange project between 8 young French members of the Municipal Council of Youth (MCY) of the city of Epinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis, France) and 8 young Serbians who go to the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Ni邸. The exchange will take place from the 12 to 23 August 2013 in the city of Ni邸 (Nisava District, Serbia), located just over 200 km south-east of Belgrade. This project unites two groups of young people aged between 16 to 25 years old who come from different cultures; its purpose is to raise issues relating to inter- cultural aspects in order to confront the various conceptions of European citizenship, promote inter- cultural tolerance and dialogue. Youth exchange with Serbia Members of the Municipal Council of Youth in front of the European Parliament in Brussels on May 7, 2013 3
  • 4. In compliance with issues relating to integrating Serbia in the European Union Whats up Europe? Breaking the wall, again creates a parallel between the fall of the Berlin wall and the second enlargement that the European Union is currently going through with the break-up of former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, the projects title reveals its theme and suggests the existence of physical, but also mental barriers for the young participants, connected to the representation of others and the issue of young peoples mobility. As young peoples participation is at the heart of the project development process, they were both a proposal and deciding force for the scheduled activities connected to the theme they selected: fighting against discriminations and promoting tolerance. The main target of the stay is that each participant questions his/her representations, prejudices and stereotypes, and leads them to discover a new culture in a topical and political context as this is an exchange with a so-called neighbour country which is acceding to the European Union. Accordingly, this exchange project between young people of different cultures and religions will lead to raising issues concerning the interaction of cultural and political stakes. WHY ? BREAKING THE WALL, AGAIN. 4
  • 5. Eight young members of the Municipal Council of Youth of the city of Epinay-sur-Seine are at the origin of this European exchange project with Serbian youth. Its particularity is related to the confidence entrusted to the young people as regards their capacity of setting up a project. HOW? Young peoples participation : a priority Creation and posting outside of the usual setting of 16 portraits in the streets of Ni邸 and then Epinay-sur-Seine Inside Out a participatory project by the artist JR "What's up Europe? Breaking the wall, again intends to draw up an inventory of young peoples image of Europe and Europeans today. In the case of the exchange with Serbia, it is interesting to ascertain how both French and Serbian youth see European citizenship and Europe. The choice of photography and above all the project of an exhibition outside of the usual setting, inspired by the participatory project Inside Out by the artist JR, provides each participant with the possibility of sharing his/her portrait with the rest of the world and sending a message via black and white photographs. The logistics required to achieve the portrait project will aim to confront them with working as a team which will be both educational and full of meaning. 5
  • 6. With inviting those two emergent artists to involve as volunteers in this project, the project participate to the promotion of emergent artists HOW? The workshop will be supervised by two visual emergent artists Nicolas Jargi and H辿l辿na Bertaud : visual emergent artists who will supervise the artistic project The topic of the youth exchange is to raise questions about intercultural dialogue and fight against stereotypes mainly through questioning representations. The photo project fits perfectly in this framework and can not be regarded as a leisure activity. For this reason it seemed important to regulate the practice of artistic young people, involving visual artists volunteers to give sense to youth participation. The workshop will be introduced with the film "Der Himmel 端ber Berlin". Masterpiece by Wim Wenders, the film fits perfectly with the theme of the fall of the Berlin Wall suggested in the title of the project as a historic event who is repeated since Serbia get the status of candidate for membership the European Union. 6
  • 7. The Serbian and French participants will attempt to find out whether they have a joint culture which unites them. In order to try and answer this question, their idea was to create a young language French- Serbian, Serbian-French dictionary. HOW? Young people as project proponents Project for a French-Serbian youth language dictionary. Informal education The purpose of this dictionary is to make both groups familiar with the everyday language used by each of them and to consider a joint youth culture which goes beyond linguistic barriers. This experience will be materialised by publishing a small dictionary at the end of the stay; it will also be a souvenir for each one. 7 A flashmob This recreational activity was initiated by young Serbians and French. The pertinence of a flashmob became obvious when one of the participants proposed that a morning be dedicated to learning a choreography made up of traditional Serbian dances and a dance proposed by the French group. The flashmob is scheduled for Wednesday August 21 in Ni邸 (time and location to be specified).
  • 8. In the same way as for the other activities, each group will have a mentor in charge of proposing subjects for debates and exchanges. Exchanges and debates on the theme of fighting against discriminations and promoting tolerance The purpose of the exchanges and debates organised during the stay will be to develop thought on European citizenship, cultural diversity and relationships between boys and girls. The issue of each groups prejudices as regards the others culture will be tested by a game and a debate at the beginning and then at the end of the stay to ascertain what progress has been made. Four debates will be organised during the stay: - Whats up Europe? #1 : sticking the clich辿s Discussion and debate on the other groups prejudices and stereotypes. - Breaking the wall #2 : relationships between girls and boys Debate on boy-girl relationships. - Breaking the wall #3 : cross-cultural relationships Exchanges on intercultural and inter-religious issues. - Whats up Europe : breaking the clich辿s #4 Looking back on the prejudices and stereotypes that existed at the beginning of the stay: comparisons and progress In the framework of preparing these debates, the young people will be invited to attend several conferences which will take place in Paris between May and August 2013, on the following subjects: European citizenship, inter-cultural aspects, fighting against discriminations, promoting tolerance, and boy-girl relationships. 8
  • 9. Conferences and debates which the young people are invited to attend will be an opportunity to increase their knowledge of European citizenship, inter-cultural aspects, fighting against discriminations, promoting tolerance, and boy-girl relationships. Intercultural aspects Conferences and debates - Thursday May 16, 2013 The Kosovo, a European challenge - In partnership with the Kosovo Embassy. At the Maison de lEurope - Saturday May 25, 2013 Youth on the Move: 7 years of European programme, young people and associations bear witness at the Cit辿 des Sciences et de lIndustrie - Monday May 27, 2013 Informal mobility in Europe: a lever for young peoples routes in the framework of the European Youth Week at the CIDJ - Wednesday June 5, 2013 Europe and the citizen at the Maison de lEurope - The film "La Parade 損, followed by a debate 9
  • 10. Before leaving, several inter-cultural outings are scheduled in Paris and the suburbs. Their purpose is to make young Spinsassiens aware of Serbian culture, its history and geopolitical situation and help them understand the stakes of French-Serbian relationships in order to measure the impact of the project they are promoting at European level. Intercultural aspects Introduction to Serbian culture 束 Serbia in Paris 損 day on Thursday, June 27 - 11h 12h Walking in the Serbian neighbourhoods in Paris - 12h 14h Introduction to Serbian gastronomy at the restaurant called 束 La Victoire 損 - 14h-17h : Visit of the exhibition 束 Outsiders 損 at the Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris Understanding Serbias geopolitical situation - Cultural outing to the Vanves theatre to see the play Belgrade, based on a text by Ang辿lica Liddele, and meet the director, Julien Fi邸era, with the Company Espace Commun - Introduction to Serbias geopolitical situation since the end of communism, by a student in political sciences 10
  • 11. 11 City of Epinay-sur-Seine pinay-sur-Seine is a city in the Seine-Saint-Denis department ; it is part of the Plaine Commune metropolitan community. Its population exceeds 54 000. The city is located in a difficulty territory (2 Sensitive Urban Areas where 65% of the population live) in the youngest department in France; in 2006 it launched a major urban rehabilitation project in order to improve Spinassiens living surroundings and facilitate their social and economic integration, in particular for its youth. In the capacity of citizens, Spinassiens are represented by elected representatives. They also have the possibility of expressing themselves and being involved in local life via participatory democracy organs: District Consultation Councils, Seniors Council, Municipal Council of Youth and Municipal Council of Children. Set up in March 2010, the Municipal Council of Youth of pinay- sur-Seine allowed young people aged from 16 to 25 years old to commit to and take part in the life of their city. It provides young Spinassiens will the possibility of taking part in debates of general interest, receiving training in the exercise of democracy, making proposals, playing a genuine role in social, cultural and sports life, being listened to and heard by public authorities, accompanying the apprenticeship of citizenship, knowing its codes (listening, dialogue, respecting the other person, decision-making organisation) and institutional tools (City Hall, Department and Regional Councils, National Assembly, Senate, Council of Europe and European Parliament). LDA of Ni邸 (Local Democracy Agency) LDAs were set up by the Council of Europe Congress of local and regional authorities. They were originally designed to provide assistance to municipalities laid to waste by the war in former Yugoslavia through partnerships with Western European towns and cities. At the end of the Balkan war, LDAA action was no longer focused on assistance in a crisis situation, but on democratic reforms, with emphasis on promoting inter- community relationships based on confidence and tolerance. From the start, the LDAA method was to set up partnerships between local and regional authorities, NGOs in former Yugoslavia and their counterparts in Western Europe. LDAs work independently so that their response to local needs is more efficient; they support initiatives by the civil society and communities by proposing training courses and information. They develop projects in the following fields: Cross-Border Cooperation, Equality between Men and Women, Handicapped persons, Sustainable Development, Local Economic development, European integration, Inter-Ethnic Dialogue, Communication and Medias, Development of civil society and community competences, Youth, Minorities and Refugees. WHO? Contact : LDA (Local Democracy Agency) Obrenoviceva 28 18000 Ni邸 Serbia http://ldacss.tumblr.com Contact : Mairie dEpinay-sur-Seine 1-3, rue Qu辿tigny 93800 pinay-sur-Seine http://www.epinay-sur-seine.fr/ Coordination team : Edina D転ogovi Coordinator of European youth exchange with Serbia Manuel Chambrouty Coordinator of the Municipal Youth Council Brice Philippon Director of the service 束 Urban policy and participatory democracy 損 Coordination team : Marion Poullain Volunteer on an EVS project in LDA Ni邸 Milena Celi coordinator of LDA Ni邸 youth program Sasa Marinkov Director of LDA Ni邸 Ana Nikoli Youth office of City Municipality 束 Medijana 損 Ni邸
  • 12. H辿l辿na Bertaud Born in France in 1986, HB grew up in south west France, surrounded by immense landscapes of mountains and sea, she was rapidly interested by the effects of movement of territories, mater and surfaces. Intrigues by the questioning of all matter in relation In Situ, her work slowly grew to find various anchor points such as archeology and the idea of phenomena whether it be physical, cultural or ever geopolitical. After five years at Ecole Nationale Sup辿rieures des Beaux Arts 損 in Lyon, the young woman decided to return to Biarritz in order to settle in a workshop and be always closer to the wide spaces of freedom that fascinated her so much. This is how in 2013, she began the first step of her research program specializing in areas classified desert. Helena Bertaud's artistic practice could be defined as a research based on the sensory experience of reality. By various types of devices such as installation, projection, photography or event. Her works tend toward a certain minimalism, underscoring the fleeting nature, ephemeral or fragile of proposals which she invites us. 2012: Les joueuses, installation / performance with Feriot Adelaide, Contemporary art space The BF15, Lyon France. 2011: National Higher Diploma in Plastic Expression The ENSBA Lyon. "Committed to the concept of landscape whether physical or mental, I'm interested in its contingencies and conditions (flow, temperature, light, architecture, etc ...) I plan spaces or territory as areas of research and interaction where perception and body are put in. I experimented with the instability of our perception and our changing time and space relationships." 12 Nicolas Jargi Born in Lyons in 1986 of a French mother and Serbian father, Nicolas Jargi grew up in a singular cultural blend. Fascinated since his younger age by conjuring, in its capacity to produce a reality effect, he joins in 2006 the ENSBA school of Lyons that he attends until his graduation in 2011. Confronted to the world of images and to their frame the artistic frame , his interest for magic then becomes inherent to his work process. At the junction between art and conjuring, his current work takes shape in a dynamic of deconstruction and re-presentation and interferes in our relationship to the real world as well as to the artwork. The real world, confronted to its image and perceptual context, thus finds itself brought into play. "By dealing with the frontiers of reality, the plausibility of images gained during the various pictorial turns disrupts our relationship with reality. Having studied and practiced the art of illusionism, more than that of representation, it is the power of images, their ability to produce an effect of reality or a belief, that interests me now." Nicolas Jargi 2011 : DNSEP (Postgraduate Diploma in Plastic Arts) at the Lyons ENSBA school (National School of Fine Arts) 2009 : DNAP (National Diploma in Plastic Arts) passed with high honors at the Lyons ENSBA school (National School of Fine Arts) WHO? Contact : helena.bertaud@gmail.com Tel : + 33 (0)6 50 90 69 22 Contact : +33 675 610 058 nicolasjargic@gmail.com Atelier Jargi 7 Rue Jos辿phin soulary 69004 LYON www.nicolasjargic.com
  • 13. 13 PARTNERS Local democracy Agency Ni邸 City of Epinay-sur-Seine European Commission Centre Culturel de Serbie 仍仆亳 亠仆舒 弌弍亳亠 Institut Fran巽ais Grad Ni邸 Youth Council
  • 14. CONTACTS 14 Edina Dzogovic Coordinator of European youth exchange with Serbia Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine e-mail : edina.dzogovic@epinay-sur-seine.fr tel : +331. Manuel Chambrouty Coordinator of Youth Council Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine e-mail : manuel.chambrouty@epinay-sur-seine.fr tel : +331.