The European Film Festival 2013 will take place from May 15-21 at Dom omladine in Beograd, Serbia. It will feature films from across Europe, including dramas, documentaries, and films from Serbia, Italy, the UK, Portugal, Ireland, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Finland, and Belgium. Most films will be shown with their original language and English subtitles.
This document provides information about the organization of the AGMaribor 2013 conference, including:
- The organizing committee and their roles
- Details on accommodation, registration, payments, location, and transportation
- An overview of the program for pre-CNR, AGM, and post-CNR events
- Budget information including expenses, income from fees, and sponsorship goals
It outlines the schedule of events from April 7-17, including social activities, plenaries, workshops, and parties. Accommodation will be provided at four nearby hotels. Registration is open until January 31, with payments due in two rounds by February. The document also provides contact information and links for the organizing committee.
The document provides travel instructions for attending the Asuke Festival on October 9th, 2016. It details the transportation schedule for arriving at 10:21am via train and bus to Koranke, as well as returning transportation departing Koranke hourly at 41 minutes past each hour. The return involves taking the bus and then trains back to Yagoto Nisseki station, with a suggested short hike and temple visit in the early afternoon at the festival.
The document discusses a project to equip the central building of the University of Novi Sad with new IT infrastructure and equipment funded by the EU HETIP program. The project aims to improve e-services for educational, scientific, and research work by increasing communications, server, and multimedia capacities as well as library information capacities. Expected results include building capacity to improve existing e-services and enable new e-services like distance learning and grid computing through upgraded internet access, email, websites, and library digital collections.
The document summarizes a national conference in Serbia on cancer screening. It discusses the successful completion of an EU-funded technical assistance project implemented by ECG to establish a national cancer screening program in Serbia. Key results included strengthening public health institutions' capacities for cancer screening and establishing a National Cancer Screening Office. Healthcare facilities are now ready to begin the first cycle of cancer screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer. The goal is to introduce organized screening to promote early cancer detection in Serbia.
Prezentacija Ekoloske politike Evropske unijeEuic BG
The document discusses the history and development of EU environmental policy, beginning with increased environmental awareness in the 1970s. It describes how EU environmental policy was established to address common environmental problems and the risk of pollution being transferred between countries. The key principles of EU environmental policy are also outlined, including precautionary action, public participation, and the "polluter pays" principle. The document then provides an overview of the main sectors addressed by EU policy, including air, water, waste, industry, and nature protection. It gives details on some of the major directives established for these sectors.
Environment Sector in SERBIA Overview of EU Assistance Euic BG
The document summarizes EU assistance for the environment sector in Serbia from 2000-2013. It provides details on 9 finalized projects related to legislative reform, air quality monitoring, environmental strategy development, and nature protection. It also outlines 6 ongoing assistance projects totaling 9.9 million for hazardous waste management, inspection capacity building, and public awareness campaigns. Finally, it presents 4 planned future assistance projects worth 6.45 million focused on energy efficiency, nature protection, environmental monitoring, and emissions trading.
Project - What s up Europe? Let's break the wall, againEuic BG
Coordinator of the Municipal Youth Council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail :
tel : +331.
Milena Celi
Coordinator of LDA Ni邸 youth program
e-mail :
tel : +381.18.250.550
Brice Philippon
Director of the service 束 Urban policy and participatory democracy 損
Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail : brice.philippon@epinay-sur-seine
This document outlines the terms of reference for an EU Information Centre Audio Visual Production Fixer position for 20 working days. The fixer will oversee the production of 6 audiovisual products, including an institutional film about the EUIC. They will liaise with EU projects, TV stations, and the EU delegation to schedule shoots and interviews. The fixer must have 10 years of experience in journalism or media and be able to travel in Serbia with short notice. They will report to the project team leader and assist in communicating EU activities.
Socio-economic Development of the Danube Serbia RegionEuic BG
This document announces a training session in Apatin, Serbia on January 29-30, 2013 for the Socio-economic Development of the 'Danube Serbia region'. The training session, funded by the European Union, will explain project cycle management, budgeting, and how to write quality project proposals for a grant scheme launched by the Austrian Development Agency to strengthen business and tourism in the Danube Serbia region as part of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Participants are asked to register by January 28, 2013.
This document provides funding information for 41 think tanks, 73 civil society organizations, and 205 remembrance projects totaling over 30 million Euros. Funding supported 366 projects by civil society organizations with over 11.6 million Euros and 205 remembrance projects with over 7.2 million Euros. The funding also supported 41 think tanks but did not provide the funding amount.
The EU is the biggest donor to Serbia since 2000, providing 2 billion total for reconstruction and preparations for EU membership. Priority areas for projects include justice and home affairs, public administration reform, social development, and environment. National IPA funds allocated to Serbia from 2007-2012 total over 1 billion. The Civil Society Facility allocated 7.5 million for 2011-2013, funding 19 out of 200 applications, while the EIDHR allocated 1.2 million per year to strengthen civil society and human rights. A new call for proposals under each program is planned for early 2013.
Project - What s up Europe? Let's break the wall, againEuic BG
Coordinator of the Municipal Youth Council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail :
tel : +331.
Milena Celi
Coordinator of LDA Ni邸 youth program
e-mail :
tel : +381.18.250.550
Brice Philippon
Director of the service 束 Urban policy and participatory democracy 損
Town council of Epinay-sur-Seine
e-mail : brice.philippon@epinay-sur-seine
This document outlines the terms of reference for an EU Information Centre Audio Visual Production Fixer position for 20 working days. The fixer will oversee the production of 6 audiovisual products, including an institutional film about the EUIC. They will liaise with EU projects, TV stations, and the EU delegation to schedule shoots and interviews. The fixer must have 10 years of experience in journalism or media and be able to travel in Serbia with short notice. They will report to the project team leader and assist in communicating EU activities.
Socio-economic Development of the Danube Serbia RegionEuic BG
This document announces a training session in Apatin, Serbia on January 29-30, 2013 for the Socio-economic Development of the 'Danube Serbia region'. The training session, funded by the European Union, will explain project cycle management, budgeting, and how to write quality project proposals for a grant scheme launched by the Austrian Development Agency to strengthen business and tourism in the Danube Serbia region as part of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Participants are asked to register by January 28, 2013.
This document provides funding information for 41 think tanks, 73 civil society organizations, and 205 remembrance projects totaling over 30 million Euros. Funding supported 366 projects by civil society organizations with over 11.6 million Euros and 205 remembrance projects with over 7.2 million Euros. The funding also supported 41 think tanks but did not provide the funding amount.
The EU is the biggest donor to Serbia since 2000, providing 2 billion total for reconstruction and preparations for EU membership. Priority areas for projects include justice and home affairs, public administration reform, social development, and environment. National IPA funds allocated to Serbia from 2007-2012 total over 1 billion. The Civil Society Facility allocated 7.5 million for 2011-2013, funding 19 out of 200 applications, while the EIDHR allocated 1.2 million per year to strengthen civil society and human rights. A new call for proposals under each program is planned for early 2013.
1. European Film Festival 2013
Two Sides of Life
Dom omladine, Beograd
15 May, Wednesday
19h - "Circles" (Krugovi), Serbia (2013), 100 min, *
21h - "Cesare deve morire" (Cezar mora da umre), Italy (2012), 76 min,
16 May, Thursday
18h - "I Married a Serb" (Udala sam se za Srbina), UK, 45 min (documentary),
followed by discussion with director and stars
21h - "Eccentricities of a Blonde-haired Girl" (Ekscentrinosti jedne plavu邸e),
Portugal (2009), 64 min,
17 May, Friday
17h - Secret of Kells (Kelsova tajna), Ireland (2009), 75 min
19h - "Footsteps in the Sand" (Tragovi u pesku), Bulgaria (2012), 89 min,
21h - "Goodbye Gary" (Zbogom, Gari), France (2009), 75 min,
18 May, Saturday
15h "Piran - Pirano", Slovenia (2010)
17h - "Storm" (Oluja), the Netherlands (2005), 110 min,
19h "Burning Bush" (Gorui grm), Czech Republic (2013), 80 min,
21h "Amour" (Ljubav), Austria-Germany-France (2012), 127 min
19 May, Sunday
15h - "Twin Brothers" (Blizanci), Sweden (2011), 80 min
17h- "The Robber" (Pljaka邸), Austria (2010), 90min,
19h- "Mondays in the Sun" (Ponedeljci na suncu), Spain (2002), 113 min,
21h- "A touch of Spice" (Uz malo zaina), Greece (2003), 108 min,
20 May, Monday
17h- "The Investigator" (Istra転itelj), Hungary (2008), 107min
19h- "Cooking History" (Istorija kuvanja), Slovakia (2009), 88 min,
21h- "The Coming Days" (Dani koji dolaze), Germany (2010), 125 min
21 May, Tuesday
17h Lights in the Dusk (Svetla u sutonu), Finland (2006)
19h Les Geants (Divovi), Belgium
21h- "Melancholia" (Melanholija), Denmark (2012), 136 min,