The EU is the biggest donor to Serbia since 2000, providing 2 billion total for reconstruction and preparations for EU membership. Priority areas for projects include justice and home affairs, public administration reform, social development, and environment. National IPA funds allocated to Serbia from 2007-2012 total over 1 billion. The Civil Society Facility allocated 7.5 million for 2011-2013, funding 19 out of 200 applications, while the EIDHR allocated 1.2 million per year to strengthen civil society and human rights. A new call for proposals under each program is planned for early 2013.
2. Launch Event
The EU Programme "Europe for
Martin Kern
Head of Operations
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Palace Serbia
11 January 2013, Belgrade
3. EU pre-accession assistance funds
The European Union is the biggest donor in Serbia
Since 2000, Serbia received a total of 2 billion from the
European Union
Focus shifted from reconstruction to preparations for EU
membership, democracy, rule of law and institution
Civil society support to strengthen capacities and
professionalism, allowing CSOs to engage in an open
dialogue with public and private actors and to monitor
policies in selected fields
4. Priority areas for projects
MIPD sector (2011-13) Total IPA in %
EUR million
Justice and Home Affairs 32,5 19%
Public administration reform 16,0 9,4%
Social development 24,1 14%
Private sector development 6.2 3,6%
Transport - -
Environment, climate change and 57,4 33.5%
Agriculture and rural development 15,6 9%
Other EU acquis and horizontal 19,8 11,5%
TOTAL 171,6 100%
5. National IPA funds for Serbia (2007 - 2012)
Allocated Contracted
6. Civil Society Facility
For the period 2011-2013 the budget of EUR 7,5 million has been
allocated for Serbia
Under the latest 2011 edition of the programme 19 projects out of 200
applications received financial assistance from the EU, amounts ranging
between 50,000 and 150.000 EUR
New Call for Proposals of EUR 2 million is planned for February this
For the period 2011-2013 the budget of EUR 1,2 million per year has
been allocated for Serbia
The objective is strengthening the role of civil society in promoting
human rights and democratic reform, in supporting the peaceful
conciliation of group interests and consolidating political participation
and representation;
New Call for Proposals is planned for June this year.