This document contains a schedule for March 2014 for a weight loss program. It lists the dates, times, and topics for both core classes and maintenance sessions throughout the month. Core classes will cover topics like portion control, calorie counting, revising strategies, and nutrition. Maintenance sessions focus on personal power and identifying red flag zones. All classes require arriving 30 minutes early for check-in and a physician visit.
El documento describe la historia del equipo de f炭tbol Millonarios de Bogot叩, Colombia, conocido como el "Ballet Azul" debido a su estilo de juego ofensivo. Gan坦 10 t鱈tulos de liga entre 1949 y 1964, dominando el f炭tbol colombiano en la 辿poca conocida como el "Dorado" gracias a figuras extranjeras como Alfredo Di St辿fano y Adolfo Pedernera. El equipo se caracteriz坦 por su juego vistoso y ofensivo que los llev坦 a ser considerados uno de los mejores
Este documento describe a cinco grandes empresas de internet: Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook y Microsoft. Detalla brevemente el origen y algunos de los principales productos de cada compa単鱈a. Apple se fund坦 por Steve Jobs y Steve Wozniak y es conocida por productos como el iPod, iPhone, iPad y Mac. Amazon comenz坦 como una tienda en l鱈nea y ahora posee muchas otras empresas. Google se especializa en servicios relacionados con internet como su motor de b炭squeda, Gmail y YouTube. Facebook fue creada por Mark Zuckerberg como una red social. Microsoft fue fundada por
El documento describe c坦mo el aprendizaje colaborativo se ubica en dos 叩reas: la cognitiva y la socioafectiva. Inicialmente, las investigaciones encontraron beneficios socioafectivos como mejorar las relaciones sociales y la integraci坦n grupal, pero estudios recientes tambi辿n encuentran beneficios cognitivos. MacConnel propone que el aprendizaje colaborativo ayuda a clarificar ideas, proporciona oportunidades para adquirir informaci坦n e ideas de los dem叩s, desarrolla habilidades de comunicaci坦n y permite que los estudiantes diri
Condiciones necesarias de un proyecto de innovaci坦namigakim25
Este documento describe las condiciones necesarias para un proyecto de innovaci坦n exitoso. Primero, es importante establecer v鱈nculos entre investigadores, industrias y el gobierno para aumentar la colaboraci坦n. Luego, se debe identificar sistem叩ticamente las necesidades de innovaci坦n y asegurarse de que un proyecto propuesto cumpla con cuatro requisitos clave: demanda del producto o servicio, no exista una soluci坦n similar, rentabilidad esperada, y habilidades del equipo para llevarlo a cabo. Finalmente, el document
Este documento describe las principales fuentes del derecho en Colombia. Estas incluyen la ley, la costumbre, la jurisprudencia y los principios generales. La ley es emitida por el Congreso y regula muchos aspectos de la vida nacional. La costumbre surge de los actos repetidos de una comunidad. La jurisprudencia proviene de las sentencias de los tribunales. Y los principios generales son enunciados normativos m叩s generales que gu鱈an la interpretaci坦n de las leyes y la resoluci坦n de conflictos jur鱈dicos.
Este documento trata sobre la representaci坦n de la Tierra y los mapas. Explica las coordenadas geogr叩ficas de latitud y longitud que se usan para ubicar puntos, y c坦mo los mapas proyectan la superficie esf辿rica de la Tierra en una superficie plana mediante proyecciones cartogr叩ficas. Tambi辿n describe diferentes tipos de mapas como los topogr叩ficos, que muestran aspectos f鱈sicos y humanos, y los tem叩ticos, que se enfocan en un solo tema; e incluye ejemplos de cada tipo.
The document describes a new development initiative called Parivartan Kendra (PK) Model of Development in Rajapur constituency in India. Under this model, 105 Transformation Centers (Parivartan Kendras) have been set up, with each one covering approximately 10-12 villages. Reputed NGOs manage these centers and work to provide economic opportunities, sustainable livelihoods, and development in health and environment for all villagers. The initiative has created an organizational structure involving 105 NGOs to coordinate development work across the 1209 villages in the constituency.
Entrepreneurship development programme notes Sonam kapil
The document defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business venture to produce goods or services for profit. It lists key responsibilities of an entrepreneur like choosing products, mobilizing resources, and making decisions. Entrepreneurship is defined as the activity of organizing and running an enterprise, and involves creative and innovative activities from starting up to managing an enterprise. The document outlines several characteristics of successful entrepreneurs like a strong drive to succeed, belief in themselves, searching for new ideas, and accepting of criticism.
El documento describe los objetivos y contenidos de una lecci坦n sobre el sistema circulatorio. Los objetivos incluyen identificar los niveles de organizaci坦n del cuerpo humano, describir la funci坦n de los sistemas circulatorio, digestivo, respiratorio, excretor y nervioso, y reconocer los principales 坦rganos de estos sistemas y sus funciones. El contenido cubre las partes del sistema circulatorio como el coraz坦n, la sangre, las c辿lulas sangu鱈neas y los vasos sangu鱈neos, y explica sus funciones en el transporte de nutrientes
La suficiencia de cristo # 3 colosences ibe callao.potxIBE Callao
El documento describe los cimientos de la vida cristiana como la fe, el amor y la esperanza, los cuales son plantados en los creyentes a trav辿s de la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra de Dios es la revelaci坦n de Dios y muestra la verdad del evangelio, el cual produce fruto en aquellos con un coraz坦n dispuesto a escuchar y obedecer. La Palabra y la gracia de Dios forman la base de la vida cristiana.
1) A lista cont辿m 9 quest探es de exerc鱈cios de matem叩tica envolvendo fra巽探es, porcentagens e c叩lculos num辿ricos. 2) As quest探es incluem copiar figuras, escrever fra巽探es correspondentes a situa巽探es descritas, ler fra巽探es, calcular quantidades faltantes baseado em porcentagens e resolver problemas envolvendo pizzas, alunos em escola e pontos em partida de v担lei. 3) S達o pedidos c叩lculos e respostas por escrito em caderno.
O documento descreve um encontro nacional da pastoral de comunica巽達o sobre jornais impressos, com foco na diagrama巽達o. Renata Lima, da arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte, apresenta os principais elementos e aspectos de um jornal impresso, como colunas, fontes, espa巽amento e cores.
Porto de Galinhas 辿 uma praia localizada a 60km ao sul do aeroporto de Recife, conhecida por suas 叩guas transparentes e afastada do barulho urbano. Nos 炭ltimos anos, tem sediado diversos eventos em seus dois centros de conven巽探es com capacidade para at辿 3.500 pessoas, al辿m de oferecer op巽探es de lazer e servi巽os para os visitantes. O Hotel Arma巽達o, localizado a 2km da Vila dos Pescadores, possui infraestrutura completa para eventos e atende at辿 3.500 pessoas em seus centros de conven巽探es
A London Eye 辿 uma roda gigante de observa巽達o localizada em Londres, com 135 metros de altura. Foi inaugurada em 1999 e 辿 um dos principais pontos tur鱈sticos da cidade. O documento descreve detalhes sobre sua constru巽達o, inaugura巽達o e curiosidades, como o fato de poder transportar 800 pessoas a cada rota巽達o.
Berrio lotero marvin aa3 circulo cromaticoMARVINCOMIC7
Este documento presenta 10 tipos de armon鱈as crom叩ticas utilizadas en la composici坦n art鱈stica. Estas incluyen contrastes de luminosidad y temperatura, armon鱈as anal坦gicas, complementarias, complementarias mutuas, complementarias cercanas, dobles complementarias, monocromos, complementarias divididas y tri叩dicas. Cada armon鱈a describe los colores involucrados y sus propiedades.
El proposito de d ios para la ibe callao # 8IBE Callao
El documento habla sobre el llamado de Dios para la Iglesia Bautista Evang辿lica de Callao. Dios ha prometido que ser叩n una iglesia apasionada, poderosa, enfocada en los no creyentes y preparada para la batalla espiritual. Para lograrlo, deben mantenerse unidos en la visi坦n de Dios y fieles a sus responsabilidades individuales, ya que cada miembro es importante, valioso e indispensable para el reino de Dios.
El documento describe los pasos para crear una cuenta de Gmail y luego usar Google Docs para crear y compartir un documento. Primero se crea una cuenta de Gmail rellenando los campos requeridos. Luego en Google Docs se crea un nuevo documento y se puede compartir con otros, permiti辿ndoles editarlo o solo leerlo, invit叩ndolos y envi叩ndoles un correo electr坦nico.
Zeus era o deus principal dos gregos e J炭piter para os romanos. Ele era filho de Cronos e salvou seus irm達os depois que Cronos os engoliu. Zeus liderou uma rebeli達o contra Cronos e se tornou o rei dos deuses. Ele teve muitos filhos divinos e humanos assumindo diferentes formas para se aproximar de mulheres mortais.
Este documento conta a hist坦ria de um casal angolano que viveu no exterior por muitos anos e decidiu voltar para Angola para adotar uma crian巽a. Eles chegaram em Luanda e durante a viagem para Huambo pararam em v叩rias cidades, desfrutando da paisagem e cultura. Ap坦s a ado巽達o, o casal agora tem tr棚s filhos.
El documento contiene consejos y deseos para vivir la vida de manera positiva, enfoc叩ndose en el amor y la luz interior. Recomienda no odiar, celebrar la amistad, ver las dificultades como lecciones, y encontrar consuelo y gu鱈a en la m炭sica, la naturaleza, y el amor que existe en todos los seres.
Resumo das tr棚s propostas que est達o sendo elaboradas por empresas privadas por meio do Procedimento de Manifesta巽達o de Interesse (PMI) para a regi達o da Grande Florian坦polis.
Saiba mais aqui:
This document contains a schedule for nutrition and weight loss classes in May. It lists the dates, times, topics, and whether each session is a core class or maintenance session. Core classes will focus on revising strategies, fiber/calcium/hydration, understanding labels, reducing risk factors, and emotional eating. Maintenance sessions will cover low calorie snacks and the truth about fat. All classes require arriving 30 minutes early for check-ins and a physician visit.
This document contains a schedule for April 2014 with various health and wellness classes on different days of the week. The classes cover topics like understanding food labels, reducing risk factors, building support, emotional eating, physical activity, and body image. Attendees are asked to arrive 30 minutes early for check-in and a physician visit before each core class. The schedule lists the time, topic, and whether it is a core or maintenance class for each session.
Este documento trata sobre la representaci坦n de la Tierra y los mapas. Explica las coordenadas geogr叩ficas de latitud y longitud que se usan para ubicar puntos, y c坦mo los mapas proyectan la superficie esf辿rica de la Tierra en una superficie plana mediante proyecciones cartogr叩ficas. Tambi辿n describe diferentes tipos de mapas como los topogr叩ficos, que muestran aspectos f鱈sicos y humanos, y los tem叩ticos, que se enfocan en un solo tema; e incluye ejemplos de cada tipo.
The document describes a new development initiative called Parivartan Kendra (PK) Model of Development in Rajapur constituency in India. Under this model, 105 Transformation Centers (Parivartan Kendras) have been set up, with each one covering approximately 10-12 villages. Reputed NGOs manage these centers and work to provide economic opportunities, sustainable livelihoods, and development in health and environment for all villagers. The initiative has created an organizational structure involving 105 NGOs to coordinate development work across the 1209 villages in the constituency.
Entrepreneurship development programme notes Sonam kapil
The document defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business venture to produce goods or services for profit. It lists key responsibilities of an entrepreneur like choosing products, mobilizing resources, and making decisions. Entrepreneurship is defined as the activity of organizing and running an enterprise, and involves creative and innovative activities from starting up to managing an enterprise. The document outlines several characteristics of successful entrepreneurs like a strong drive to succeed, belief in themselves, searching for new ideas, and accepting of criticism.
El documento describe los objetivos y contenidos de una lecci坦n sobre el sistema circulatorio. Los objetivos incluyen identificar los niveles de organizaci坦n del cuerpo humano, describir la funci坦n de los sistemas circulatorio, digestivo, respiratorio, excretor y nervioso, y reconocer los principales 坦rganos de estos sistemas y sus funciones. El contenido cubre las partes del sistema circulatorio como el coraz坦n, la sangre, las c辿lulas sangu鱈neas y los vasos sangu鱈neos, y explica sus funciones en el transporte de nutrientes
La suficiencia de cristo # 3 colosences ibe callao.potxIBE Callao
El documento describe los cimientos de la vida cristiana como la fe, el amor y la esperanza, los cuales son plantados en los creyentes a trav辿s de la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra de Dios es la revelaci坦n de Dios y muestra la verdad del evangelio, el cual produce fruto en aquellos con un coraz坦n dispuesto a escuchar y obedecer. La Palabra y la gracia de Dios forman la base de la vida cristiana.
1) A lista cont辿m 9 quest探es de exerc鱈cios de matem叩tica envolvendo fra巽探es, porcentagens e c叩lculos num辿ricos. 2) As quest探es incluem copiar figuras, escrever fra巽探es correspondentes a situa巽探es descritas, ler fra巽探es, calcular quantidades faltantes baseado em porcentagens e resolver problemas envolvendo pizzas, alunos em escola e pontos em partida de v担lei. 3) S達o pedidos c叩lculos e respostas por escrito em caderno.
O documento descreve um encontro nacional da pastoral de comunica巽達o sobre jornais impressos, com foco na diagrama巽達o. Renata Lima, da arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte, apresenta os principais elementos e aspectos de um jornal impresso, como colunas, fontes, espa巽amento e cores.
Porto de Galinhas 辿 uma praia localizada a 60km ao sul do aeroporto de Recife, conhecida por suas 叩guas transparentes e afastada do barulho urbano. Nos 炭ltimos anos, tem sediado diversos eventos em seus dois centros de conven巽探es com capacidade para at辿 3.500 pessoas, al辿m de oferecer op巽探es de lazer e servi巽os para os visitantes. O Hotel Arma巽達o, localizado a 2km da Vila dos Pescadores, possui infraestrutura completa para eventos e atende at辿 3.500 pessoas em seus centros de conven巽探es
A London Eye 辿 uma roda gigante de observa巽達o localizada em Londres, com 135 metros de altura. Foi inaugurada em 1999 e 辿 um dos principais pontos tur鱈sticos da cidade. O documento descreve detalhes sobre sua constru巽達o, inaugura巽達o e curiosidades, como o fato de poder transportar 800 pessoas a cada rota巽達o.
Berrio lotero marvin aa3 circulo cromaticoMARVINCOMIC7
Este documento presenta 10 tipos de armon鱈as crom叩ticas utilizadas en la composici坦n art鱈stica. Estas incluyen contrastes de luminosidad y temperatura, armon鱈as anal坦gicas, complementarias, complementarias mutuas, complementarias cercanas, dobles complementarias, monocromos, complementarias divididas y tri叩dicas. Cada armon鱈a describe los colores involucrados y sus propiedades.
El proposito de d ios para la ibe callao # 8IBE Callao
El documento habla sobre el llamado de Dios para la Iglesia Bautista Evang辿lica de Callao. Dios ha prometido que ser叩n una iglesia apasionada, poderosa, enfocada en los no creyentes y preparada para la batalla espiritual. Para lograrlo, deben mantenerse unidos en la visi坦n de Dios y fieles a sus responsabilidades individuales, ya que cada miembro es importante, valioso e indispensable para el reino de Dios.
El documento describe los pasos para crear una cuenta de Gmail y luego usar Google Docs para crear y compartir un documento. Primero se crea una cuenta de Gmail rellenando los campos requeridos. Luego en Google Docs se crea un nuevo documento y se puede compartir con otros, permiti辿ndoles editarlo o solo leerlo, invit叩ndolos y envi叩ndoles un correo electr坦nico.
Zeus era o deus principal dos gregos e J炭piter para os romanos. Ele era filho de Cronos e salvou seus irm達os depois que Cronos os engoliu. Zeus liderou uma rebeli達o contra Cronos e se tornou o rei dos deuses. Ele teve muitos filhos divinos e humanos assumindo diferentes formas para se aproximar de mulheres mortais.
Este documento conta a hist坦ria de um casal angolano que viveu no exterior por muitos anos e decidiu voltar para Angola para adotar uma crian巽a. Eles chegaram em Luanda e durante a viagem para Huambo pararam em v叩rias cidades, desfrutando da paisagem e cultura. Ap坦s a ado巽達o, o casal agora tem tr棚s filhos.
El documento contiene consejos y deseos para vivir la vida de manera positiva, enfoc叩ndose en el amor y la luz interior. Recomienda no odiar, celebrar la amistad, ver las dificultades como lecciones, y encontrar consuelo y gu鱈a en la m炭sica, la naturaleza, y el amor que existe en todos los seres.
Resumo das tr棚s propostas que est達o sendo elaboradas por empresas privadas por meio do Procedimento de Manifesta巽達o de Interesse (PMI) para a regi達o da Grande Florian坦polis.
Saiba mais aqui:
This document contains a schedule for nutrition and weight loss classes in May. It lists the dates, times, topics, and whether each session is a core class or maintenance session. Core classes will focus on revising strategies, fiber/calcium/hydration, understanding labels, reducing risk factors, and emotional eating. Maintenance sessions will cover low calorie snacks and the truth about fat. All classes require arriving 30 minutes early for check-ins and a physician visit.
This document contains a schedule for April 2014 with various health and wellness classes on different days of the week. The classes cover topics like understanding food labels, reducing risk factors, building support, emotional eating, physical activity, and body image. Attendees are asked to arrive 30 minutes early for check-in and a physician visit before each core class. The schedule lists the time, topic, and whether it is a core or maintenance class for each session.
Class attendance is part of the program and starts the fourth week. Classes assist in guiding you toward a healthier lifestyle. The classes are small and informative with sharing of issues by all in the group. Meeting with the dietitian individually is available, for an additional fee.
Please arrive 30 minutes before each class for check-ins and physician's visit.
This document contains a schedule for February 2014 with various classes on nutrition, weight training, and factors related to success. It notes that participants should arrive 30 minutes early for check-in and a physician visit. The schedule lists the dates and times for core and maintenance classes on topics like weight training, dining out, cholesterol, beverages, prepared foods, and self-esteem. Classes are held at various times on weekdays and Saturdays throughout the month.
This document contains a schedule for classes and topics for each day from July 1-31. Classes are held from 10-11am or 12-1pm, and sometimes from 6-7pm. The schedule notes when classes are closed for July 4th. Class topics include eating colors, barriers to success, body image, journaling, and environmental control. Participants are asked to arrive 30 minutes early for check-in and a physician visit.
This schedule outlines the activities and classes for a month-long wellness program. It includes core classes from 10am-11am and 12pm-1pm on most days that focus on various topics like physical activity, weight training, nutrition, and cholesterol/saturated fat. Additional maintenance sessions are offered some evenings from 5:30pm-6:30pm and 6pm-7pm focused on areas like environmental control and physical activity journaling. Participants are asked to arrive 30 minutes early for check-ins and a physician visit at the start of each class.
Welcome to Aesthetic Medicine of Portland OR. We are one of the largest nationally-accredited aesthetic and plastic surgery practices in the United States. We offer our patients a wide range of aesthetic and cosmetic procedures along with liposuction and medically-supervised weight loss programs. Founded by Dr. Jerry Darm in 1995, the medical staff at Aesthetic Medicine has performed over hundreds of thousands procedures and is widely recognized as the best-known and largest aesthetic practice in the state of Oregon. In addition to numerous other awards, Aesthetic Medicine is pleased to be consistently rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). We are accredited by the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ). We strive for 100% satisfaction for our services.
This document is an advertisement for Dr. Darm's aesthetic medicine practice located in Lake Oswego, Oregon. It promotes several non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures like LipoLift laser liposuction, LaserLift for wrinkle reduction, and injectables like Botox. Discounts and financing options are provided. Before and after photos are included to showcase example results.
This document summarizes the services offered by Aesthetic Medicine, a plastic surgery and medical spa facility located in Lake Oswego, Oregon. The facility offers a wide range of surgical procedures performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon including facelifts, necklifts, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, breast augmentations, tummy tucks, and fat grafting. They also provide non-surgical services like Botox, fillers, laser hair removal, mole removal, and treatments for acne, sun damage, rosacea, and spider veins. The facility also has a medically-supervised weight loss program to help patients lose 40-60 pounds in 3-6 months.
In honor of the very special Mother's Day holiday, we will be doing a GROUPON deal on May 8th, 2014. We will also be doing a special LIVINGSOCIAL deal on Mother's Day May 11th, 2014. Aesthetic Medicine will honor both deals in-house if you mention the deal to the medical assistant or physician. Please note that we will only be honoring the deal in-house as long as it's running with GROUPON or LIVINGSOCIAL.
Again Happy Mother's Day!
Aesthetic Medicine - MiniLift before and after pictures. Results may vary. See more before/after pictures at
For a limited time only, take 20% OFF MiniLift and other plastic surgery procedures. - Neck lift procedure at Aesthetic Medicine. Results may vary. 5 weeks post surgery. View more neck lift before/after pics at - 5 weeks post ops MiniLift procedure at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Results may vary. See more before/afters at - 5 weeks post ops MiniLift procedure at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Results may vary. See more information and before/after pictures at
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Jerry Darm to reshape the nose. Dr. Darm practices aesthetic medicine out of his office in Lake Oswego, Oregon. His website,, contains before and after photos of rhinoplasty procedures. - Get rid of the hanging skin fat on your stomach. Tummy tuck at Aesthetic Medicine performed by board-certified plastic surgeon. 5 weeks post surgery. Results may vary. See more before/after pictures at - Correct drooping eyelids and puffy eye bags. Eyelids surgery at Aesthetic Medicine. 5 weeks post surgery. Results may vary. More pictures at
A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Dr. Jerry Darm at his practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and create a firmer, tighter stomach area. The document provides before and after photos and information about tummy tuck procedures from Dr. Darm's practice website. - Dr. Jerry Darm of Aesthetic Medicine in Lake Oswego, Oregon has been invited by members of the Chinese medical community to speak at a conference of medical professionals in Beijing, China regarding the growing demand for cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures throughout Asia and the Far East. He had participated in a series of conferences and speaking engagements at several hospitals and medical facilities located throughout China. The 14-day trip is part of an on-going exchange program between North American and Chinese medical professionals to collaborate on emerging technology and medical innovations. Over the past 25 years, social and economic reforms have had tremendous success throughout China. As a result, the demand for high-quality healthcare in China continues to rise with more Chinese citizens interested in Aesthetic and Cosmetic medical procedures. Dr. Darm was asked to participate and share his insights about the growing popularity of plastic and cosmetic surgery.
The document discusses neck lifts performed at Aesthetic Medicine. It includes before and after photos of neck lift procedures and notes that all images are copyrighted and owned by Aesthetic Medicine, requiring written permission to use.
Dr. Jerry Darm operates Aesthetic Medicine, a medical spa specializing in various cosmetic procedures. The document provides information on several non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures offered such as LaserLift to reduce wrinkles, LipoLift to remove fat, and treatments for sun damage, rosacea, and acne. Special offers are provided for procedures like Botox and fillers. The spa has performed over 250,000 procedures and is located in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Dr. Jerry Darm operates Aesthetic Medicine, a medical spa specializing in various aesthetic procedures. The document provides information on several non-invasive procedures offered such as LaserLift to reduce wrinkles, LipoLift to remove fat, and treatments for sun damage, rosacea, and acne. Discount offers are provided for procedures like Botox and fillers. Financing is available for the LipoLift procedure. The spa's location and credentials of Dr. Darm are outlined along with before/after photos of selected procedures.
This document summarizes various aesthetic procedures offered by Dr. Jerry Darm at his medical spa in Lake Oswego, Oregon. It describes non-invasive procedures like the LaserLift for reducing wrinkles, LipoLift for removing fat using laser lipolysis, and treatments for sun damage, rosacea, and acne. It also discusses minimally-invasive procedures like Botox, fillers, and sclerotherapy for spider veins. Special offers are provided and before-and-after photos show results from past patients.
Solubilization in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts, Mechanisms & Enhancement...KHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides an in-depth understanding of solubilization and its critical role in pharmaceutical formulations. It covers:
Definition & Mechanisms of Solubilization
Role of surfactants, micelles, and bile salts in drug solubility
Factors affecting solubilization (pH, polarity, particle size, temperature, etc.)
Methods to enhance drug solubility (Buffers, Co-solvents, Surfactants, Complexation, Solid Dispersions)
Advanced approaches (Polymorphism, Salt Formation, Co-crystallization, Prodrugs)
This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical scientists, formulation experts, regulatory professionals, and students interested in improving drug solubility and bioavailability.
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Title: Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption A Comprehensive Overview
This lecture provides a detailed and structured explanation of the mechanisms regulating tubular reabsorption in the kidneys. It explores how different physiological and hormonal factors influence glomerular filtration and reabsorption rates, ensuring fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
Who Should Read This?
This presentation is designed for:
鏝 Medical Students (MBBS, BDS, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences) preparing for physiology exams.
鏝 Medical Educators & Professors looking for structured teaching material.
鏝 Healthcare Professionals (doctors, nephrologists, and physiologists) seeking a refresher on renal physiology.
鏝 Postgraduate Students & Researchers in the field of medical sciences and physiology.
What Youll Learn:
Local Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Glomerulo-Tubular Balance its mechanism and clinical significance
鏝 Net reabsorptive forces affecting peritubular capillaries
鏝 Role of peritubular hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
Hormonal Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Effects of Aldosterone, Angiotensin II, ADH, and Natriuretic Peptides
鏝 Clinical conditions like Addisons disease & Conn Syndrome
鏝 Mechanisms of pressure natriuresis and diuresis
Nervous System Regulation
鏝 Sympathetic Nervous System activation and its effects on sodium reabsorption
Clinical Correlations & Case Discussions
鏝 How renal regulation is altered in hypertension, hypotension, and proteinuria
鏝 Comparison of Glomerulo-Tubular Balance vs. Tubulo-Glomerular Feedback
This presentation provides detailed diagrams, flowcharts, and calculations to enhance understanding and retention. Whether you are studying, teaching, or practicing medicine, this lecture will serve as a valuable resource for mastering renal physiology.
Keywords for Easy Search:
#Physiology #RenalPhysiology #TubularReabsorption #GlomeruloTubularBalance #HormonalRegulation #MedicalEducation #Nephrology
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Creatines Untold Story and How 30-Year-Old Lessons Can Shape the FutureSteve Jennings
Creatine burst into the public consciousness in 1992 when an investigative reporter inside the Olympic Village in Barcelona caught wind of British athletes using a product called Ergomax C150. This led to an explosion of interest in and questions about the ingredient after high-profile British athletes won multiple gold medals.
I developed Ergomax C150, working closely with the late and great Dr. Roger Harris (1944 2024), and Prof. Erik Hultman (1925 2011), the pioneering scientists behind the landmark studies of creatine and athletic performance in the early 1990s.
Thirty years on, these are the slides I used at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2025 to share the story, the lessons from that time, and how and why creatine will play a pivotal role in tomorrows high-growth active nutrition and healthspan categories.