23. 参考文献
? Bill Mil, Drawing Presentable Trees, http://billmill.org/pymag-trees/#foot1?
? C. Wetherell and A. Shannon. 1979. Tidy Drawings of Trees. IEEE Trans. Softw.
Eng. 5, 5 (September 1979), 514-520. DOI=10.1109/TSE.1979.234212
? Reingold, Edward M.; Tilford, J.S., "Tidier Drawings of Trees," Software
Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , vol.SE-7, no.2, pp.223,228, March 1981.
doi: 10.1109/TSE.1981.234519
? J. Q. Walker, II. 1990. A node-positioning algorithm for general trees. Softw.
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? Christoph Buchheim, Michael Jünger, and Sebastian Leipert. 2006. Drawing
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