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MISSION STATEMENT  To raise awareness of Child Abuse, Teen Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence To support shelters and victims of abuse around the world To offer hope that no matter how challenging your past, you can still turn it around and go for your dreams.
Dream For The Stars It is important that we educate children at an early age to teach them positive ways of dealing with adversity so they will not resort to violence as they grow up. Children are our future.
EDUCATION IS THE KEY But we first must understand the meaning of Child Abuse
CHILD ABUSE Child abuse is the bad treatment of a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caretaker, someone living in their home or someone who works with or around children.  Abuse of a child is anything that causes injury or puts the child in danger of physical injury.  Child abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. Neglect happens when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide adequate supervision, food, clothing, shelter or other basics for a child.  Child abuse is any action (or lack of) which endangers or impairs a childs physical, mental or emotional health and development.  Child abuse occurs in different ways.  All forms of abuse and neglect are harmful to the child.
If we do not educate our children about violence and abuse, they will be more likely to repeat these behaviors when they reach their teenage years ... either by continuing in the role of the victim or becoming an abuser.
TEEN DATING ABUSE Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime.  Dating abuse occurs when harmful behaviors are repeated, creating a pattern of violence.  There are three common types of dating abuse: PHYSICAL ABUSE  occurs when a teen is pinched, hit, shoved or kicked. EMOTIONAL ABUSE  means threatening or harming a sense of ones self-worth, through name calling, teasing, threats, bullying or keeping a teen away from friends and family. SEXUAL ABUSE   is forcing a teen to engage in a sex act.
TEEN DATING ABUSE Dating abuse has a negative effect on health throughout life.  Abused teens often carry the patterns of violence into future relationships.  In adulthood, they are more likely to be involved in intimate partner violence.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that restricts the activity and/or the independence of another individual .   JEALOUSY HYPERSENSITIVITY CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR ISOLATING BEHAVIOR FREQUENT MOOD CHANGES BLAMING OTHERS OLD-FASHIONED GENDER ROLES VERBAL ABUSE
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor We believe the best way to help prevent Teen Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence, is to educate our children.  To do this, we have put together a
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Is a 2 DVD set to inspire that change is possible and that education, attitude and choice is the key. DREAM FOR THE STARS A documentary that chronicles the lives of these amazing people who refused to let a challenging past dictate their future.  Their stories show the triumph of the human spirit and how they chose to give their lives to make this world a better place.
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Dr. Clinton Van Zandt is a former FBI Profiler and Hostage Negotiator.  He is a well-known author and television and radio commentator concerning crime and human behavior.  He will teach you to understand abuse and give you practical steps to protect yourself. Please visit his website: www.Threatlink.com To obtain a free copy of his CD: PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM PREDATORS And purchase his book FACING DOWN EVIL
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor L.Y. Marlows novel, Color Me Butterfly, has won 10 awards and accolades.  L.Y. Shares her emotional story about 4 generations of unspeakable abuse and how she eventually took control of her life.  Please visit her website: She now travels the country as an inspirational speaker, empowering women to take control of their lives. www.ColorMeButterfly.com To learn more about L.Y. Marlow and her SAVING PROMISE Campaign
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Victor Pacini has personal experience with abuse and tells the poignant story of his experience as a child and how he turned his life around.  Victor is now an inspirational/motivational performer, who travels the country teaching children and adults to never let go of their dreams, how to overcome obstacles and that all things are possible if you believe.  Please visit Victors website: www.VictorPacini.com And see for yourself the magic that captivates his every audience.
DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Johnny Red Kerr, former NBA player and beloved commentator of the Chicago Bulls, was given limiting messages as a child that could have easily stolen his dreams.  Instead of giving up, Johnny used the negative comments as the fuel he needed to excel.  Johnnys message is very clear: Dont let the negativity of others limit your life!
From Victim To Victor The 2nd DVD in the set, is an educational teaching tool for schools, shelters and all organizations that deal with family services.  It will give valuable information, about: Overcoming obstacles How to get out of an abusive relationship Steps to start your life over again Believing in yourself and going for your dreams  Recognizing the red flags of a potential abuser Understanding healthy and unhealthy relationships

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Dream for the Stars

  • 1.
  • 2. MISSION STATEMENT To raise awareness of Child Abuse, Teen Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence To support shelters and victims of abuse around the world To offer hope that no matter how challenging your past, you can still turn it around and go for your dreams.
  • 3. Dream For The Stars It is important that we educate children at an early age to teach them positive ways of dealing with adversity so they will not resort to violence as they grow up. Children are our future.
  • 4. EDUCATION IS THE KEY But we first must understand the meaning of Child Abuse
  • 5. CHILD ABUSE Child abuse is the bad treatment of a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caretaker, someone living in their home or someone who works with or around children. Abuse of a child is anything that causes injury or puts the child in danger of physical injury. Child abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. Neglect happens when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide adequate supervision, food, clothing, shelter or other basics for a child. Child abuse is any action (or lack of) which endangers or impairs a childs physical, mental or emotional health and development. Child abuse occurs in different ways. All forms of abuse and neglect are harmful to the child.
  • 6. If we do not educate our children about violence and abuse, they will be more likely to repeat these behaviors when they reach their teenage years ... either by continuing in the role of the victim or becoming an abuser.
  • 7. TEEN DATING ABUSE Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Dating abuse occurs when harmful behaviors are repeated, creating a pattern of violence. There are three common types of dating abuse: PHYSICAL ABUSE occurs when a teen is pinched, hit, shoved or kicked. EMOTIONAL ABUSE means threatening or harming a sense of ones self-worth, through name calling, teasing, threats, bullying or keeping a teen away from friends and family. SEXUAL ABUSE is forcing a teen to engage in a sex act.
  • 8. TEEN DATING ABUSE Dating abuse has a negative effect on health throughout life. Abused teens often carry the patterns of violence into future relationships. In adulthood, they are more likely to be involved in intimate partner violence.
  • 9. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that restricts the activity and/or the independence of another individual . JEALOUSY HYPERSENSITIVITY CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR ISOLATING BEHAVIOR FREQUENT MOOD CHANGES BLAMING OTHERS OLD-FASHIONED GENDER ROLES VERBAL ABUSE
  • 10. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor We believe the best way to help prevent Teen Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence, is to educate our children. To do this, we have put together a
  • 11. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Is a 2 DVD set to inspire that change is possible and that education, attitude and choice is the key. DREAM FOR THE STARS A documentary that chronicles the lives of these amazing people who refused to let a challenging past dictate their future. Their stories show the triumph of the human spirit and how they chose to give their lives to make this world a better place.
  • 12. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Dr. Clinton Van Zandt is a former FBI Profiler and Hostage Negotiator. He is a well-known author and television and radio commentator concerning crime and human behavior. He will teach you to understand abuse and give you practical steps to protect yourself. Please visit his website: www.Threatlink.com To obtain a free copy of his CD: PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM PREDATORS And purchase his book FACING DOWN EVIL
  • 13. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor L.Y. Marlows novel, Color Me Butterfly, has won 10 awards and accolades. L.Y. Shares her emotional story about 4 generations of unspeakable abuse and how she eventually took control of her life. Please visit her website: She now travels the country as an inspirational speaker, empowering women to take control of their lives. www.ColorMeButterfly.com To learn more about L.Y. Marlow and her SAVING PROMISE Campaign
  • 14. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Victor Pacini has personal experience with abuse and tells the poignant story of his experience as a child and how he turned his life around. Victor is now an inspirational/motivational performer, who travels the country teaching children and adults to never let go of their dreams, how to overcome obstacles and that all things are possible if you believe. Please visit Victors website: www.VictorPacini.com And see for yourself the magic that captivates his every audience.
  • 15. DREAM FOR THE STARS From Victim To Victor Johnny Red Kerr, former NBA player and beloved commentator of the Chicago Bulls, was given limiting messages as a child that could have easily stolen his dreams. Instead of giving up, Johnny used the negative comments as the fuel he needed to excel. Johnnys message is very clear: Dont let the negativity of others limit your life!
  • 16. From Victim To Victor The 2nd DVD in the set, is an educational teaching tool for schools, shelters and all organizations that deal with family services. It will give valuable information, about: Overcoming obstacles How to get out of an abusive relationship Steps to start your life over again Believing in yourself and going for your dreams Recognizing the red flags of a potential abuser Understanding healthy and unhealthy relationships