Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammi IV mooduli 1. kontaktpäeva teema "Identiteedihaldus" esitlus.
Tutvu Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammi IV mooduliga aadressil http://www.tulevikuopetaja.ee/moodul-iv/
Tutvu Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammiga aadressil http://www.tulevikuopetaja.ee/
Este documento descreve as várias profissões e personagens tÃpicas da Lisboa do passado, incluindo vendedores ambulantes, trabalhadores portuários e de serviços como o padeiro, o carteiro, o calceteiro entre outros.
1. The document provides 10 suggestions for improving e-learning programs and courses.
2. The suggestions include providing online tutoring, ensuring accessibility for students with disabilities, sharing resources between institutions, surveying students for feedback, employing student mentors, using course quality rubrics, enhancing online student services, offering creative course options, providing scheduling flexibility, and addressing plagiarism as a teaching opportunity rather than punishment.
3. The author argues that online plagiarism detection services violate student intellectual property rights.
The document discusses the five generations of computers from 1940 to the present and beyond. The first generation used vacuum tubes, the second used transistors which made computers smaller and more efficient. The third generation used integrated circuits which further increased speed. The fourth generation used microprocessors allowing computers to fit in the palm of a hand. The fifth generation involves artificial intelligence and is still being developed.
The document discusses Australia's high rate of skin cancer and the country's "Slip! Slop! Slap!" public awareness campaign. It explains that depletion of the ozone layer has led to increased ultraviolet radiation from the sun, causing more skin cancers. Chlorofluorocarbons released by humans have been thinning the ozone layer, creating a hole over Antarctica. While the hole may be stabilizing due to international agreements to reduce CFCs, people are still advised to protect themselves from the sun's UV rays.
Courchevel ski resort in the French Savoy has a runway for skiing that ranges from 1941m to 2006m in altitude and is 535 meters long, with slopes reaching up to 18.5% steepness at its steepest point, allowing for take-offs, approaches, and landings while skiing down the runway.
Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammi IV mooduli 1. kontaktpäeva teema "Identiteedihaldus" esitlus.
Tutvu Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammi IV mooduliga aadressil http://www.tulevikuopetaja.ee/moodul-iv/
Tutvu Tuleviku Õpetaja koolitusprogrammiga aadressil http://www.tulevikuopetaja.ee/
Este documento descreve as várias profissões e personagens tÃpicas da Lisboa do passado, incluindo vendedores ambulantes, trabalhadores portuários e de serviços como o padeiro, o carteiro, o calceteiro entre outros.
1. The document provides 10 suggestions for improving e-learning programs and courses.
2. The suggestions include providing online tutoring, ensuring accessibility for students with disabilities, sharing resources between institutions, surveying students for feedback, employing student mentors, using course quality rubrics, enhancing online student services, offering creative course options, providing scheduling flexibility, and addressing plagiarism as a teaching opportunity rather than punishment.
3. The author argues that online plagiarism detection services violate student intellectual property rights.
The document discusses the five generations of computers from 1940 to the present and beyond. The first generation used vacuum tubes, the second used transistors which made computers smaller and more efficient. The third generation used integrated circuits which further increased speed. The fourth generation used microprocessors allowing computers to fit in the palm of a hand. The fifth generation involves artificial intelligence and is still being developed.
The document discusses Australia's high rate of skin cancer and the country's "Slip! Slop! Slap!" public awareness campaign. It explains that depletion of the ozone layer has led to increased ultraviolet radiation from the sun, causing more skin cancers. Chlorofluorocarbons released by humans have been thinning the ozone layer, creating a hole over Antarctica. While the hole may be stabilizing due to international agreements to reduce CFCs, people are still advised to protect themselves from the sun's UV rays.
Courchevel ski resort in the French Savoy has a runway for skiing that ranges from 1941m to 2006m in altitude and is 535 meters long, with slopes reaching up to 18.5% steepness at its steepest point, allowing for take-offs, approaches, and landings while skiing down the runway.
El documento presenta definiciones conceptuales clave relacionadas con la teorÃa de la comunicación y el marketing, incluyendo necesidad, consumo, mercado, oferta, demanda, publicidad, mercadotecnia, marketing, objetivo, segmentación, producto, servicio y merchandising.
O documento propõe três projetos de aprendizagem: 1) Novas Formas de Ensinar e Aprender que possibilita a aquisição do verdadeiro saber; 2) Enredar construção da Aprendizagem pela cooperação entre professor, aluno e aluno; 3) O professor sugere questões que desestabilizam e provocam discussões contribuindo para o desenvolvimento dos alunos.
El documento presenta definiciones conceptuales clave relacionadas con la teorÃa de la comunicación y el marketing, incluyendo necesidad, consumo, mercado, oferta, demanda, publicidad, mercadotecnia, marketing, objetivo, segmentación, producto, servicio y merchandising.
El documento habla sobre los nuevos billetes emitidos en Argentina tras la ley de 2002 que eliminó la convertibilidad del peso al dólar. Explica que estos billetes ya no tienen respaldo internacional ni el Banco Central está obligado a canjearlos por dólares, por lo que son equivalentes a los antiguos "patacones" y no pueden considerarse dinero real. Advierte a los ciudadanos que deben votar de forma inteligente en las próximas elecciones para evitar que sigan estafándolos y robando su dinero.
A document discusses the desire for a cold beer in the summer and introduces a new method for determining if a beer is cool enough to drink. The method involves comparing two beers - the left beer is correctly cooled while the right beer is still too warm, providing clear proof of the effectiveness of the new temperature checking technique.
Local government web sites in Finland: A geographic and webometric analysisKim Holmberg
A webometric study about the interlinking between local government web sites in Finland. Paper presented at the 11th conference of International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics in 2007 Madrid, Spain.
2. Alustamine Asjast huvitatud õpetajate leidmine. Kokkusaamise korraldamine arvutiklassis. ETwinningu näidisprojektide tutvustamine. ETwinningu keskkonna tutvustamine. Kodune ülesanne: projektiidee väljatöötamine.
3. Individuaalne töö õpetaja ja klassiga Uue rahvusvahelise projekti planeerimine (projektõppe meetodeid silmas pidades). Partnerite leidmine eTwinningu portaali kaudu. Sobivate vahendite (wiki, ajaveeb, kodulehekülg) valik projektitööks.
4. Abi projekti käigus IKT. (Võõrkeel). ETwinningu portaali kasutamine. Emotsionaalne toetus.