Преподавание информационных технологий в ВУЗе: как вырастить специалиста-прак...Grigoriy PechenkinДоклад Эдуарда Галиаскарова на конференции Training Labs 2010.
Москва, 17 апреля 2010 года.
Cделано в россии.Глобальные тренды обучения А.Поскряков_Ерд_Ю.Шувалова_iSpringElena RyuseCделано в россии.Глобальные тренды обучения А.Поскряков_Ерд_Ю.Шувалова_iSpring
01. Negotiating Presentation For The Seminar Generic 2009 September Beta Rele...PozzoliniThis document discusses the concepts of otium (leisure) and negotium (work) in Latin culture. It provides etymologies and definitions for the words "negotiation" and "to negotiate". It also contains quotes about negotiation from historical figures and discusses qualities of effective negotiators. The document examines different types and areas of negotiation, and challenges the notion that all negotiations result in everyone winning.
2009 Employer Partner Info HmcLMCaissieThe document summarizes Halton Multicultural Council's (HMC) Enhanced Language Training Program which provides unpaid work placements for international professionals to improve their English skills and gain Canadian work experience. The program places about 12 participants per session in fields like administration, IT, marketing, and graphic design. Employer partners provide flexible work schedules and hands-on training for at least 40 hours and have an opportunity to evaluate potential employees. HMC insures volunteers and asks that employer partners interview candidates and provide meaningful tasks and feedback to support the participants' professional development.
So you want to buy a supercomputer?J_H_DavenportThe document discusses buying a supercomputer for a university in the UK. It describes the UK funding scene for supercomputers, which involves nationally-run major supercomputers and obtaining time on them through competitive grants. It then discusses the author's experience in purchasing a supercomputer for the University of Bath, including putting together a case for management, issuing a request for proposals, and the timelines for delivery and acceptance of the system between 2008 and 2009. The supercomputer purchased consisted of 100 nodes with a total of 800 Intel processor cores.
The Thrill Of NegotiatingPozzoliniThe document provides an overview of preparing for and conducting negotiations. It discusses the importance of preparation, including determining goals, objectives, and targets. It also outlines key steps in preparation such as defining goals and objectives with your team, scouting for relevant information and data, selecting and evaluating pertinent information, and engaging with other negotiating teams to define the negotiation process and timeline. The overall message is that thorough preparation is essential to be an effective negotiator.
Innovation 1.07 03042010PozzoliniThis is the first of a series of conferences for French Executives in the the attempt to open their eyes and their minds in the search for an answer to the future following the dictum "if you can\'t beat them....join them and swim with the sharks"
Oliver HamiltonoliverhamiltonOliver Hamilton has over 13 years of business experience in various industries which he leverages in his legal practice focused on corporate/commercial and real estate law. He obtained degrees in economics, business, and law. Hamilton works on projects of all sizes using his analytical skills and understanding of both legal and practical business perspectives to provide well-rounded advice to clients. He has practiced diverse areas of law in addition to his core specialties and invites potential clients to contact him.
Podcast Your Passion: 12 Steps to MasteryLen EdgerlyThe document provides 12 steps for recovering from ordinary hours by starting a podcast based on one's passion. It recommends starting before being fully ready, choosing a consistent format, deciding what to learn, improving audio quality, avoiding podcast creep, responding to listeners, sticking to topics, using Skype for interviews, inviting guests, podcasting weekly, engaging with other podcasters, and providing great show notes. The overall message is to not quit the podcast until an unexpected door opens that leads to something more important.
Proceso Matrizguest4634f1El documento describe un proceso para crear una matriz de 5x5. Asigna cadenas de ciudades a las filas 1, 3 y 5 y números a las filas 2 y 4. Luego imprime la matriz usando un doble bucle para recorrer filas y columnas.
Anniversary2012J_H_DavenportThe document discusses challenges in verifying programs that involve complex mathematical operations. It presents examples involving functions of complex variables, like transformations of flow equations, and challenges in automatically demonstrating properties like injectivity. The key challenges are the complexity of cylindrical algebraic decomposition used in verification, and formulating injectivity questions in a way that exploits properties of continuous functions. Overall, the document argues that fully automated verification of programs involving complex math is very difficult with current techniques, and more research is needed to address these challenges.
Its Not The Effort You Put In That Counts, Its The Results You Get Out.“PozzoliniSay what you do and
Do what you say.
An idea on how to bring to market & sell your wares, selling what you say and do.
Introduction To OpenMIJan GregersenIntroduction to the OpenMI. OpenMI is an open standard which allows dynamic linking of numerical models, such as river models rainfall-runoff models and so on. See also:
Voting Lobbying And AgenciesmtotoThis document summarizes key aspects of voting, lobbying, and government agencies in the United States:
1) It lists various elected positions that citizens can vote for from the President down to local mayors and council members. It also discusses initiatives, referendums, and recalls that allow public voting on issues, laws, and removing officials from office.
2) It provides a brief history of voting rights expansions in the US from only white male property owners in the early 1820s to all races, women, 18-year-olds, and Native Americans at different points over time.
3) It notes that agencies like the FDA and EPA are created by Congress to make specific rules regarding issues like
Central Asian countriesinvestoralistKazakhstan - Largest Central Asian country rich in oil. Pursued privatization and was able to export oil at world prices, leading to economic growth. Oil was the main driver of its economic boom.
Kyrgyzstan - One of the poorest states with no resources. Pursued rapid reforms but implementation was unsuccessful. Limited foreign investment and high spending led to debt and stalled reforms.
Tajikistan - Also poor with no resources and civil war in the 1990s consumed the country. Post-war liberal policies were poorly implemented, leading to disastrous economic performance. No resources and instability meant poverty.
Глобальные тренды подготовки педагоговAlexander SidorkinДоклад на Всероссийской конференции "Модернизация педагогического образования в Российской Федерации: подходы, технологии, перспективы". НГПУ, Новосибирск, 2015
01. Negotiating Presentation For The Seminar Generic 2009 September Beta Rele...PozzoliniThis document discusses the concepts of otium (leisure) and negotium (work) in Latin culture. It provides etymologies and definitions for the words "negotiation" and "to negotiate". It also contains quotes about negotiation from historical figures and discusses qualities of effective negotiators. The document examines different types and areas of negotiation, and challenges the notion that all negotiations result in everyone winning.
2009 Employer Partner Info HmcLMCaissieThe document summarizes Halton Multicultural Council's (HMC) Enhanced Language Training Program which provides unpaid work placements for international professionals to improve their English skills and gain Canadian work experience. The program places about 12 participants per session in fields like administration, IT, marketing, and graphic design. Employer partners provide flexible work schedules and hands-on training for at least 40 hours and have an opportunity to evaluate potential employees. HMC insures volunteers and asks that employer partners interview candidates and provide meaningful tasks and feedback to support the participants' professional development.
So you want to buy a supercomputer?J_H_DavenportThe document discusses buying a supercomputer for a university in the UK. It describes the UK funding scene for supercomputers, which involves nationally-run major supercomputers and obtaining time on them through competitive grants. It then discusses the author's experience in purchasing a supercomputer for the University of Bath, including putting together a case for management, issuing a request for proposals, and the timelines for delivery and acceptance of the system between 2008 and 2009. The supercomputer purchased consisted of 100 nodes with a total of 800 Intel processor cores.
The Thrill Of NegotiatingPozzoliniThe document provides an overview of preparing for and conducting negotiations. It discusses the importance of preparation, including determining goals, objectives, and targets. It also outlines key steps in preparation such as defining goals and objectives with your team, scouting for relevant information and data, selecting and evaluating pertinent information, and engaging with other negotiating teams to define the negotiation process and timeline. The overall message is that thorough preparation is essential to be an effective negotiator.
Innovation 1.07 03042010PozzoliniThis is the first of a series of conferences for French Executives in the the attempt to open their eyes and their minds in the search for an answer to the future following the dictum "if you can\'t beat them....join them and swim with the sharks"
Oliver HamiltonoliverhamiltonOliver Hamilton has over 13 years of business experience in various industries which he leverages in his legal practice focused on corporate/commercial and real estate law. He obtained degrees in economics, business, and law. Hamilton works on projects of all sizes using his analytical skills and understanding of both legal and practical business perspectives to provide well-rounded advice to clients. He has practiced diverse areas of law in addition to his core specialties and invites potential clients to contact him.
Podcast Your Passion: 12 Steps to MasteryLen EdgerlyThe document provides 12 steps for recovering from ordinary hours by starting a podcast based on one's passion. It recommends starting before being fully ready, choosing a consistent format, deciding what to learn, improving audio quality, avoiding podcast creep, responding to listeners, sticking to topics, using Skype for interviews, inviting guests, podcasting weekly, engaging with other podcasters, and providing great show notes. The overall message is to not quit the podcast until an unexpected door opens that leads to something more important.
Proceso Matrizguest4634f1El documento describe un proceso para crear una matriz de 5x5. Asigna cadenas de ciudades a las filas 1, 3 y 5 y números a las filas 2 y 4. Luego imprime la matriz usando un doble bucle para recorrer filas y columnas.
Anniversary2012J_H_DavenportThe document discusses challenges in verifying programs that involve complex mathematical operations. It presents examples involving functions of complex variables, like transformations of flow equations, and challenges in automatically demonstrating properties like injectivity. The key challenges are the complexity of cylindrical algebraic decomposition used in verification, and formulating injectivity questions in a way that exploits properties of continuous functions. Overall, the document argues that fully automated verification of programs involving complex math is very difficult with current techniques, and more research is needed to address these challenges.
Its Not The Effort You Put In That Counts, Its The Results You Get Out.“PozzoliniSay what you do and
Do what you say.
An idea on how to bring to market & sell your wares, selling what you say and do.
Introduction To OpenMIJan GregersenIntroduction to the OpenMI. OpenMI is an open standard which allows dynamic linking of numerical models, such as river models rainfall-runoff models and so on. See also:
Voting Lobbying And AgenciesmtotoThis document summarizes key aspects of voting, lobbying, and government agencies in the United States:
1) It lists various elected positions that citizens can vote for from the President down to local mayors and council members. It also discusses initiatives, referendums, and recalls that allow public voting on issues, laws, and removing officials from office.
2) It provides a brief history of voting rights expansions in the US from only white male property owners in the early 1820s to all races, women, 18-year-olds, and Native Americans at different points over time.
3) It notes that agencies like the FDA and EPA are created by Congress to make specific rules regarding issues like
Central Asian countriesinvestoralistKazakhstan - Largest Central Asian country rich in oil. Pursued privatization and was able to export oil at world prices, leading to economic growth. Oil was the main driver of its economic boom.
Kyrgyzstan - One of the poorest states with no resources. Pursued rapid reforms but implementation was unsuccessful. Limited foreign investment and high spending led to debt and stalled reforms.
Tajikistan - Also poor with no resources and civil war in the 1990s consumed the country. Post-war liberal policies were poorly implemented, leading to disastrous economic performance. No resources and instability meant poverty.
Глобальные тренды подготовки педагоговAlexander SidorkinДоклад на Всероссийской конференции "Модернизация педагогического образования в Российской Федерации: подходы, технологии, перспективы". НГПУ, Новосибирск, 2015
Статья «Шведская модель дополнительного профессионального образования и ее ре...Institute of Distance Education TSUСтатья «Шведская модель дополнительного профессионального образования и ее реализация в России». // The article "The Swedish model of additional professional education and its realization in Russia".
Больше информации на сайте ИДО ТГУ: http://ido.tsu.ru/science/projects/proj2013/proj1/index.php
More information on the site of IDE TSU: http://ido.tsu.ru/en/projects/vet/
Инновационная деятельность как условие формирования профессиональной компетен...nnovschool183Инновационная деятельность как условие формирования профессиональной компетентности педагога
Тестирование требований: Зачем - понятно, а вот Как?Grigoriy PechenkinВыступление Юлии Нечаевой на Летнем Аналитическом Фестивале - 2010.
10 июля 2010 года
Как написать хорошее коммерческое предложениеGrigoriy PechenkinДоклад Юрия Веденина на Летнем Аналитическом Фестивале - 2010.
Иваново, 10 июля 2010 года
3. Выводы
Не тому и не так учат
Студенты плохо понимают суть
своей будущей профессии
Снижение требований к уровню
Почти нет конкурсного отбора
Объективные противоречия
4. Каким должен быть
«Быстрое накопление знаний,
приобретаемых при слишком малом
самостоятельном участии, не очень
плодотворно. Ученость также может
родить лишь листья, не давая плодов»
Георг Кристоф Лихтенберг
Кроме высшего образования надо иметь
хотя бы среднюю сообразительность
5. Что такое специалист-практик?
Специалист - работник, умственный труд
отличается профессиональной
содержательностью, сложностью и
требует специального образования.
Практика - деятельность людей,
направленная на преобразование
природы и общества, обеспечивающая
создание необходимых условий
существования и развития общества.
6. Как это определяет высшая
Анализ ситуации
Выработка модели ситуации
Постановка задачи
Решение задачи
Оформление результата решения задачи
Представление своей работы
Организация внедрения предложений
8. Что делать?
«Обучение нужно, лишь бы с толком и
кратко. Солдаты его любят»
Александр Суворов
«Если вам дали хорошее образование, это
ещё не значит, что вы его получили»
Анатолий Рас
«Можно привести лошадь к водопою, но
нельзя заставить ее пить»
Английская пословица
10. Кооперативное обучение
Совмещение академический занятий в
аудиториях с практической работой по
Ориентировано на пробуждение личной
мотивации студента на пополнение
теоретических знаний, получении четкого
представления о их приложении
11. Разновидности
Метод сандвич-систем
Метод втуза
Метод физтеха
Метод адъюнктуры
12. Сандвич-системы
Концентрированные периоды
обучения и работы с
продолжительностью от нескольких
месяцев до двух лет
13. Метод втуза
Чередование четырех дней
обучения с двумя днями работы
14. Адъюнктура
Теоретическое обучение в течение
четырех-пяти лет
Годовая или двухгодичная
производственная практика
15. Метод физтеха
Непрерывное совмещение обучения
с работой
Работа проводится под
руководством преподавателей,
преподающих базовые предметы
16. Методы обучения
Предметный метод
Свобода выбора последовательности
изучаемых предметов
Цикловой метод
Деление объема знаний на циклы
Непрерывный метод
Образование непрерывно и постоянно
Система образования логически увязана и
17. Подготовка элиты
Конкурсный отбор
Опережающие обучение
Учебники повышенной трудности
Система факультативного образования
Участие студентов в научном и техническом
Выделение национальных приоритетов
Создание рабочих мест
Поддержка имиджа и статуса ученого и
Национальные проекты мирового уровня
18. Методы обучения или как
вырастить практика
Что делается и
что следовало бы сделать?
19. На уровне государства
Идет внедрение новых федеральных
государственных стандартов
Нужны национальные инновационные проекты
Повышать престиж инженерных специальностей
Связывать финансирование вузов не столько с
количественными показателями, сколько с
Выстраивать систему ИТ-образования на всех
20. На уровне бизнеса
Активно участвовать в разработке
учебных программ
Нести ответственность за
практическую подготовку
Осуществлять совместные проекты
с вузами и при активном участии
21. На уровне высшей школы
Правильное профориентирование
Глубокая алгоритмическая
Создание конкурентной среды
Развитие коммуникативных навыков
Новые формы образования
22. На уровне высшей школы
Непрерывное повышение
квалификации преподавателей
Участие преподавателей в научной
и практической деятельности
Участие представителей бизнеса в