WordPress is a popular content management system that scales well for large sites. It has a large community of hundreds of contributors and is used by over 30% of websites as a CMS. WordPress can power sites with millions of pageviews, is used by newspapers, communities, and enterprises, and is portable across multiple platforms including mobile. Speakers at WordCamp will discuss topics like scaling, custom development, theming, and contributing back to the WordPress project and community.
El documento discute los desaf鱈os de la asociatividad en Chile. Se単ala que m叩s del 50% de los trabajadores est叩n en empleos informales y ganan s坦lo el salario m鱈nimo. Propone que la asociatividad puede mejorar las condiciones laborales y de vida. Tambi辿n destaca la importancia de fortalecer las capacidades empresariales, la gesti坦n de calidad y la internacionalizaci坦n para aprovechar las oportunidades comerciales.
Este documento describe una teor鱈a sobre el origen catal叩n del descubrimiento de Am辿rica. Seg炭n la teor鱈a, Crist坦bal Col坦n era en realidad catal叩n y lider坦 la expedici坦n con marineros catalanes. Sin embargo, Castilla se apropi坦 del descubrimiento y borr坦 la evidencia del papel de Catalu単a, robando as鱈 todo un continente de la historia catalana. La teor鱈a afirma que esta gran censura hist坦rica explica muchos misterios sobre los registros originales del descubrimiento.
- QlikTech is a business intelligence company founded in 1993 that produces the QlikView software. It has over 10,500 customers in 92 countries and 700+ partners.
- QlikView is a business intelligence tool that offers dashboards, analysis, and reporting in one program. It allows for fast deployment and low costs compared to traditional BI solutions.
- QlikView has received accolades for being easy for business users to build solutions with and for providing high customer satisfaction through its interactive and performant platform.
The document contains reviews of various restaurants and businesses in Silicon Valley by entrepreneurs and investors. It discusses things like pancakes, sushi, butter, rides, designs and thanks. Reviews include comments on tastes, prices, experiments and quality of life. Locations mentioned include Woodside, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Mountain View and Sherman Island in California.
Presentata alla quinta Girl Geek Dinner Milano, il 24 ottobre 2008 da Sara Rosso con la contribuzione di Bruna Gardella. Un introduzione allOpen Source, il mondo della donna e lOpen Source, la Girl Geek e lOpen Source, e tanti modi di essere pi湛 coinvolto nel mondo Open Source.
The document discusses the 90/10 principle, which states that 10% of life is made up of external events outside our control, while 90% is determined by our reactions to those events. It provides an example of how reacting negatively to a spilled cup of coffee can ruin the whole day, while responding positively avoids stress and conflict. The key message is that while we cannot control what happens, we can control how we respond, which significantly impacts our experiences. Applying the 90/10 principle by not letting negative external events affect us can result in a more positive and stress-free life.
Podcast Your Passion: 12 Steps to MasteryLen Edgerly
The document provides 12 steps for recovering from ordinary hours by starting a podcast based on one's passion. It recommends starting before being fully ready, choosing a consistent format, deciding what to learn, improving audio quality, avoiding podcast creep, responding to listeners, sticking to topics, using Skype for interviews, inviting guests, podcasting weekly, engaging with other podcasters, and providing great show notes. The overall message is to not quit the podcast until an unexpected door opens that leads to something more important.
- The document describes a study that examined the gene expression profile in mouse mesenteric lymph nodes in response to treatment with three known food allergens (peanut agglutinin, ovalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin).
- Microarray analysis identified differentially expressed genes in response to each allergen treatment, and real-time RT-PCR was used to validate candidate biomarker genes.
- The results suggest that differentially expressed genes in response to known food allergens may serve as candidate biomarker genes for assessing potential allergenicity of genetically modified foods.
The document provides an overview of preparing for and conducting negotiations. It discusses the importance of preparation, including determining goals, objectives, and targets. It also outlines key steps in preparation such as defining goals and objectives with your team, scouting for relevant information and data, selecting and evaluating pertinent information, and engaging with other negotiating teams to define the negotiation process and timeline. The overall message is that thorough preparation is essential to be an effective negotiator.
The document discusses various statistical terms - average, mean, median, mode, range, total - and provides examples of how to calculate each. It then gives a word problem asking the reader to calculate these statistics for a set of test scores and draw a histogram of the data.
The document discusses challenges in verifying programs that involve complex mathematical operations. It presents examples involving functions of complex variables, like transformations of flow equations, and challenges in automatically demonstrating properties like injectivity. The key challenges are the complexity of cylindrical algebraic decomposition used in verification, and formulating injectivity questions in a way that exploits properties of continuous functions. Overall, the document argues that fully automated verification of programs involving complex math is very difficult with current techniques, and more research is needed to address these challenges.
Presentation of the offering from InnovaChron Inc. You will see that there are 3 main offerings: Team optimization, workshops, and a complete program for new managers. Enjoy!
This document discusses developing applications for Windows 8 using XAML. It covers Windows RT, the Metro style, getting started, the app lifecycle, charms and contracts. It also discusses whether .NET is dead, compares WinRT and Silverlight, and language support for Metro style apps. The Metro design principles of typography, motion, touch focus, scaling, states, live tiles and roaming are also summarized.
The document discusses the premature nature of assumptions that China will inevitably surpass the United States as the world's dominant superpower. While China has experienced tremendous economic growth, it still faces significant challenges, and comparisons to Japan's economic rise in the past serve as a cautionary tale against making definitive predictions. Size alone does not guarantee global leadership, as the relatively small populations of Britain and the United States did not prevent them from achieving world dominance in previous centuries. Ultimately, the 21st century remains difficult to foresee, and unforeseen circumstances have historically played a role in shifting the balance of power between nations.
This document outlines the role and responsibilities of a Vice President of Membership for a Toastmasters club. It discusses the key responsibilities which include welcoming guests and new members at meetings, following up with guests outside of meetings, promoting membership goals, and reporting on club membership to the executive committee. It provides resources for fulfilling these responsibilities, such as materials from Toastmasters.org, and suggests creating an action plan and timeline and inviting members to serve on a membership committee to help achieve membership goals.
The document discusses the 90/10 principle, which states that 10% of life is made up of external events outside our control, while 90% is determined by our reactions to those events. It provides an example of how reacting negatively to a spilled cup of coffee can ruin the whole day, while responding positively avoids stress and conflict. The key message is that while we cannot control what happens, we can control how we respond, which significantly impacts our experiences. Applying the 90/10 principle by not letting negative external events affect us can result in a more positive and stress-free life.
Podcast Your Passion: 12 Steps to MasteryLen Edgerly
The document provides 12 steps for recovering from ordinary hours by starting a podcast based on one's passion. It recommends starting before being fully ready, choosing a consistent format, deciding what to learn, improving audio quality, avoiding podcast creep, responding to listeners, sticking to topics, using Skype for interviews, inviting guests, podcasting weekly, engaging with other podcasters, and providing great show notes. The overall message is to not quit the podcast until an unexpected door opens that leads to something more important.
- The document describes a study that examined the gene expression profile in mouse mesenteric lymph nodes in response to treatment with three known food allergens (peanut agglutinin, ovalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin).
- Microarray analysis identified differentially expressed genes in response to each allergen treatment, and real-time RT-PCR was used to validate candidate biomarker genes.
- The results suggest that differentially expressed genes in response to known food allergens may serve as candidate biomarker genes for assessing potential allergenicity of genetically modified foods.
The document provides an overview of preparing for and conducting negotiations. It discusses the importance of preparation, including determining goals, objectives, and targets. It also outlines key steps in preparation such as defining goals and objectives with your team, scouting for relevant information and data, selecting and evaluating pertinent information, and engaging with other negotiating teams to define the negotiation process and timeline. The overall message is that thorough preparation is essential to be an effective negotiator.
The document discusses various statistical terms - average, mean, median, mode, range, total - and provides examples of how to calculate each. It then gives a word problem asking the reader to calculate these statistics for a set of test scores and draw a histogram of the data.
The document discusses challenges in verifying programs that involve complex mathematical operations. It presents examples involving functions of complex variables, like transformations of flow equations, and challenges in automatically demonstrating properties like injectivity. The key challenges are the complexity of cylindrical algebraic decomposition used in verification, and formulating injectivity questions in a way that exploits properties of continuous functions. Overall, the document argues that fully automated verification of programs involving complex math is very difficult with current techniques, and more research is needed to address these challenges.
Presentation of the offering from InnovaChron Inc. You will see that there are 3 main offerings: Team optimization, workshops, and a complete program for new managers. Enjoy!
This document discusses developing applications for Windows 8 using XAML. It covers Windows RT, the Metro style, getting started, the app lifecycle, charms and contracts. It also discusses whether .NET is dead, compares WinRT and Silverlight, and language support for Metro style apps. The Metro design principles of typography, motion, touch focus, scaling, states, live tiles and roaming are also summarized.
The document discusses the premature nature of assumptions that China will inevitably surpass the United States as the world's dominant superpower. While China has experienced tremendous economic growth, it still faces significant challenges, and comparisons to Japan's economic rise in the past serve as a cautionary tale against making definitive predictions. Size alone does not guarantee global leadership, as the relatively small populations of Britain and the United States did not prevent them from achieving world dominance in previous centuries. Ultimately, the 21st century remains difficult to foresee, and unforeseen circumstances have historically played a role in shifting the balance of power between nations.
This document outlines the role and responsibilities of a Vice President of Membership for a Toastmasters club. It discusses the key responsibilities which include welcoming guests and new members at meetings, following up with guests outside of meetings, promoting membership goals, and reporting on club membership to the executive committee. It provides resources for fulfilling these responsibilities, such as materials from Toastmasters.org, and suggests creating an action plan and timeline and inviting members to serve on a membership committee to help achieve membership goals.