What 33 Successful Entrepreneurs Learned From FailureReferralCandy
Entrepreneurs encounter failure often. Successful entrepreneurs overcome failure and emerge wiser. We've taken 33 lessons about failure from Brian Honigman's article "33 Entrepreneurs Share Their Biggest Lessons Learned from Failure", illustrated them with statistics and a little story about entrepreneurship... in space!
Extended version of the WordCamp Europe and BetterSoftware 2014 talk. This presentation highlights some foundational principles that helps cross-disciplinary teams of designers and developers to communicate better.
1. Mois¨¦s pas¨® 40 a?os en el desierto antes de que Dios le llamara a ser el l¨ªder de Israel. 2. A pesar de las excusas de Mois¨¦s, Dios le asegur¨® que estar¨ªa con ¨¦l y le dar¨ªa las habilidades necesarias. 3. Los siervos de Dios deben confiar plenamente en Su voluntad y poder en lugar de dudar o desobedecer.
This document provides guidance on developing successful proposals and programs for DARPA. It discusses how DARPA program managers must sell new programs to the DARPA director. To effectively engage with DARPA, one should do the program manager's homework by mapping technical ideas to the elements needed to convince the director, such as defining challenges, metrics, limits of current technology, and why the proposed approach offers a 10x improvement. The document also reviews the broad agency announcement process and emphasizes preparing early to respond effectively to solicitations.
Le imprese sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove possibilit¨¤ per veicolare i messaggi promozionali e il valore dei marchi. ? in atto una trasformazione radicale che ha un enorme impatto su come il consumatore e il brand interagiscono, in pi¨´ momenti e in pi¨´ contesti. Oggi i brand risolvono problemi sociali e innovano in ambito tecnologico; in tutto ci¨° il ruolo dei media ¨¨ ormai marginale (ma ancora necessario) nel processo di creazione dell'identit¨¤ di un marchio.
Attitude is your GPS for Success: In Your Personal & Professional LifeCody B Loveland?
Have you ever been lost? A GPS can help you find your destination. Using the acronym for GPS this presentation will help you realize that it all starts and ends with your attitude.
El documento explica c¨®mo se calcula la indemnizaci¨®n por feriado proporcional cuando un trabajador deja la empresa antes de completar un a?o de servicio. Se divide el n¨²mero total de d¨ªas de feriado por 12 meses para obtener un factor, el cual se multiplica por los meses y d¨ªas trabajados para calcular los d¨ªas de feriado adeudados. Estos d¨ªas se cuentan a partir del d¨ªa siguiente de la terminaci¨®n del contrato e incluyen s¨¢bados, domingos y festivos, y finalmente se multiplican por el sueldo diario del trabajador para obtener el
El documento describe el uso de retinoides y sustancias similares para tratar el envejecimiento de la piel. Explica que el retinol tiene beneficios como mayor absorci¨®n y seguridad, y que productos con 3000UI/gr de retinol muestran efectos anti-envejecimiento despu¨¦s de 8 semanas de uso dos veces al d¨ªa. Tambi¨¦n cubre sustancias como el bakuchiol que act¨²an como retinoides sin pertenecer a esa familia, y propone un tratamiento que combina retinol, bakuchiol y extracto de soja.
This document discusses security issues and vulnerabilities in the iOS operating system. It begins with an overview of the iOS hardware and software architecture, including the security features like sandboxing and code signing. It then explains what a jailbreak is and how it attacks the chain of trust to bypass these protections. The document outlines several ways sensitive data can be accessed, such as through property lists, SQLite databases, keychains, logs, and cached files. It also discusses client-side vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, and logging of sensitive information. Finally, it promotes learning about mobile security through tools like OWASP iGoat and the speaker's company AppKnox.
Windowfarming oder was man mit einem Raspberry noch so machen kann. Als ich meinen ersten Raspberry Pi bekam, wollte ich sofort die Steuerung f¨¹r eine Windowfarm bauen. Daf¨¹r muste ich mir aber erstmal die Teile zusammensuchen um so was zu bauen.
In den ºÝºÝߣs sind meine Erfahrungen beim Bau einer kleinen einfachen Windowfarm beschrieben und noch einige Raspberry Pi Projekte & Skripte, die man f¨¹r die sp?tere Steuerung brauchen kann.
Die Pr?sentation war ein Ignite Talk im Rahmen der Ignite im FabLab N¨¹rnberg am 18.10.2014. http://bit.ly/11Z3lVw
Die Ignite fand im Rahmen der dritten N¨¹rnberg Web Week statt. http://nueww.de
This document discusses trends in cloud computing platforms and provides guidance on cloud architecture. It notes that current views of cloud computing are too broad and lack definition of patterns and future directions. The document outlines reference architectures for migrating business systems to the cloud, including models for data, services, processes, and governance. It provides examples of multitenant architectures and general rules for building clouds, such as focusing on primitive services and leveraging distributed components with centralized control. The document emphasizes that security and governance are systemic issues that must be addressed for successful cloud architectures.
What 33 Successful Entrepreneurs Learned From FailureReferralCandy
Entrepreneurs encounter failure often. Successful entrepreneurs overcome failure and emerge wiser. We've taken 33 lessons about failure from Brian Honigman's article "33 Entrepreneurs Share Their Biggest Lessons Learned from Failure", illustrated them with statistics and a little story about entrepreneurship... in space!
Extended version of the WordCamp Europe and BetterSoftware 2014 talk. This presentation highlights some foundational principles that helps cross-disciplinary teams of designers and developers to communicate better.
1. Mois¨¦s pas¨® 40 a?os en el desierto antes de que Dios le llamara a ser el l¨ªder de Israel. 2. A pesar de las excusas de Mois¨¦s, Dios le asegur¨® que estar¨ªa con ¨¦l y le dar¨ªa las habilidades necesarias. 3. Los siervos de Dios deben confiar plenamente en Su voluntad y poder en lugar de dudar o desobedecer.
This document provides guidance on developing successful proposals and programs for DARPA. It discusses how DARPA program managers must sell new programs to the DARPA director. To effectively engage with DARPA, one should do the program manager's homework by mapping technical ideas to the elements needed to convince the director, such as defining challenges, metrics, limits of current technology, and why the proposed approach offers a 10x improvement. The document also reviews the broad agency announcement process and emphasizes preparing early to respond effectively to solicitations.
Le imprese sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove possibilit¨¤ per veicolare i messaggi promozionali e il valore dei marchi. ? in atto una trasformazione radicale che ha un enorme impatto su come il consumatore e il brand interagiscono, in pi¨´ momenti e in pi¨´ contesti. Oggi i brand risolvono problemi sociali e innovano in ambito tecnologico; in tutto ci¨° il ruolo dei media ¨¨ ormai marginale (ma ancora necessario) nel processo di creazione dell'identit¨¤ di un marchio.
Attitude is your GPS for Success: In Your Personal & Professional LifeCody B Loveland?
Have you ever been lost? A GPS can help you find your destination. Using the acronym for GPS this presentation will help you realize that it all starts and ends with your attitude.
El documento explica c¨®mo se calcula la indemnizaci¨®n por feriado proporcional cuando un trabajador deja la empresa antes de completar un a?o de servicio. Se divide el n¨²mero total de d¨ªas de feriado por 12 meses para obtener un factor, el cual se multiplica por los meses y d¨ªas trabajados para calcular los d¨ªas de feriado adeudados. Estos d¨ªas se cuentan a partir del d¨ªa siguiente de la terminaci¨®n del contrato e incluyen s¨¢bados, domingos y festivos, y finalmente se multiplican por el sueldo diario del trabajador para obtener el
El documento describe el uso de retinoides y sustancias similares para tratar el envejecimiento de la piel. Explica que el retinol tiene beneficios como mayor absorci¨®n y seguridad, y que productos con 3000UI/gr de retinol muestran efectos anti-envejecimiento despu¨¦s de 8 semanas de uso dos veces al d¨ªa. Tambi¨¦n cubre sustancias como el bakuchiol que act¨²an como retinoides sin pertenecer a esa familia, y propone un tratamiento que combina retinol, bakuchiol y extracto de soja.
This document discusses security issues and vulnerabilities in the iOS operating system. It begins with an overview of the iOS hardware and software architecture, including the security features like sandboxing and code signing. It then explains what a jailbreak is and how it attacks the chain of trust to bypass these protections. The document outlines several ways sensitive data can be accessed, such as through property lists, SQLite databases, keychains, logs, and cached files. It also discusses client-side vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, and logging of sensitive information. Finally, it promotes learning about mobile security through tools like OWASP iGoat and the speaker's company AppKnox.
Windowfarming oder was man mit einem Raspberry noch so machen kann. Als ich meinen ersten Raspberry Pi bekam, wollte ich sofort die Steuerung f¨¹r eine Windowfarm bauen. Daf¨¹r muste ich mir aber erstmal die Teile zusammensuchen um so was zu bauen.
In den ºÝºÝߣs sind meine Erfahrungen beim Bau einer kleinen einfachen Windowfarm beschrieben und noch einige Raspberry Pi Projekte & Skripte, die man f¨¹r die sp?tere Steuerung brauchen kann.
Die Pr?sentation war ein Ignite Talk im Rahmen der Ignite im FabLab N¨¹rnberg am 18.10.2014. http://bit.ly/11Z3lVw
Die Ignite fand im Rahmen der dritten N¨¹rnberg Web Week statt. http://nueww.de
This document discusses trends in cloud computing platforms and provides guidance on cloud architecture. It notes that current views of cloud computing are too broad and lack definition of patterns and future directions. The document outlines reference architectures for migrating business systems to the cloud, including models for data, services, processes, and governance. It provides examples of multitenant architectures and general rules for building clouds, such as focusing on primitive services and leveraging distributed components with centralized control. The document emphasizes that security and governance are systemic issues that must be addressed for successful cloud architectures.
Big Data id a new Gold but to extract and protect it You need to set Your private intranet of the Things !
We explore your industry or local digital field to set up a extractor - Digital Cube One !
Be miner for big data !
The document describes a smart digital cube project that aims to design a simple set using up-to-date digital technologies and sustainable materials. The cube would serve multiple functions including as a media device, event space, social platform, and more. It would be powered by quantum technology including eternal data storage and cross-space mobility. The goal is to quickly develop solutions through crowd-sourced ideas.
Anton Boym Chupilko lecture on green building - LEED BREEAM Sustainable construction
Russian Green Building Council
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Future of collaboration / total Zoom and so prediction iLikeGreen Ru
The document discusses how digital environments will transform meetings and workspaces in the future. Meetings will be open-sourced to extend results and processes, integrating various data and expertise from outsourced resources. This will generate digital footprints and content while allowing for global authentication. Technologies will be cross-platform, internet of things and artificial intelligence ready, with the ability to integrate audio, video, gestures and more. Meetings and workspaces will also be energy efficient through features like automatic device on/off, pre-designed meeting plans and cloud resource optimization. Data and systems will be platform independent with lifetime management and distant self-updating.
Wasma 2014 - Renew mining and oil gas geology via innovations iLikeGreen Ru
Clean technology and renew mining to sustainable
Waste management conference and exhibition - Chupilko lecture and presentation about transformation to sustainable resources exploration via HSE, Renewable energy, and innovation break-throw
ABSOLUTE BANANA as root of innovations and development of all business activities
Roots of sustainable development and start-up of innovation
My 1st lecture was performed on GVA Launch Guru Boot Camp at Katerina hotel with Global Venture Alliance and Startup academy
TOP Lecture on roots of Sustainable innovations
Offering green and sustainable design solution for Russian business !
Get opportunity from not just looking what is Green design means but get involved to the process and real carbon trace it!
§±§Ö§â§Ó§à§Ö §á§â§Ö§Õ§Ý§à§Ø§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö §á§à §ï§Ü§à§Ý§à§Ô§Ú§é§Ö§ã§Ü§à§Þ§å §Õ§Ú§Ù§Ñ§Û§ß§å - §ß§Ö §ä§à§Ý§î§Ü§à §á§à§Ý§å§é§Ú§ä§î §â§Ö§Ù§å§Ý§î§ä§Ñ§ä §ß§à §Ú §Ò§í§ä§î §Ó§à§Ó§Ý§Ö§é§Ö§ß§ß§í§Þ §Ó §ã§à§Ù§Õ§Ñ§ß§Ú§Ö §Ú §ê§Ñ§Ô §Ù§Ñ §ê§Ñ§Ô§à§Þ §å§é§Ú§ä§í§Ó§Ñ§ä§î §ã§Ó§à§Û §å§Ô§Ý§Ö§â§à§Õ§ß§í§Û §ã§Ý§Ö§Õ §á§â§Ú §Ö§Ô§à §ã§à§Ù§Õ§Ñ§ß§Ú§Ú!
My thoughts on future of work and offices - some points to imagine how next innovations in web and communication industries will change old habits to sit in one office.
It based on my non-linear quantum theory innovations research and development technology.
Who interested in developing new technologies and solutions for IT or real estate industry please not hesitate to contact.
Its a pleasure to meet 3rd time Dennis Meadows ¡À
Just some visitors in Sklokovo hall understood his thoughts about future business trends and answer on my Question "Is climate change and the limits of growth an opportunity or thread for Russia?" - His answer was very clear ! Be careful as Scouts - solve the problems inside your camp!
Future cities green economy foresight - building the future
Russia iLikeGreen project Eco and Clean Technology future planing
Design future cities business prototypes