Presentació utilitzada per mostrar el projecte cooperatiu Xarxa Digital dels barris La Salut i Llefià de Badalona al ::XIV Fòrum TIC Social Llefià Badalona::, el 28 de Juny de 2014 a la Plaça Trafalgar de Badalona.
This document discusses identity theft and data privacy laws that affect businesses. It outlines how identity theft is prevalent in workplaces and costs businesses millions to resolve incidents. Laws like FACTA, Red Flag Rules, and GLB require businesses to protect sensitive personal information and implement identity theft prevention programs. The document promotes an identity theft protection service that helps businesses comply with these laws through appointing a compliance officer, creating security policies, and training employees, which can help reduce companies' liability and losses from data breaches.
The document discusses the structure and functions of skin, with a focus on keratinocytes and keratinization. It describes the layers of the epidermis and differentiation of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes provide tissue strength through intermediate filaments like keratins and intercellular adhesion structures. Terminal differentiation involves formation of the cornified cell envelope through expression of proteins in the epidermal differentiation complex. Stem cells in the basal layer maintain the self-renewal of the epidermis through proliferation and differentiation of transient amplifying cells.
The document summarizes data from three patient groups - a pseudotumour group, non-pseudotumour group, and control group. The pseudotumour group had 10 patients with a mean age of 56 years and mean follow-up of 65 months. The non-pseudotumour group had 60 patients with a mean age of 55 years and mean follow-up of 61 months. The control group had 22 patients with a mean age of 55 years and were only followed pre-operatively.
This document provides information on the Security+ certification course. The course teaches skills for implementing basic security services on computer networks, including identifying security threats and concepts, hardening systems and network devices, securing communications, and managing public key infrastructure. The course objectives are to learn fundamental security concepts, threats, and how to harden systems, secure communications, manage PKI, enforce policies, and monitor security infrastructure. Basic Windows and networking skills are required to take the course.
Orthopaedic Perspective of the Boston Marathon BombingArun Shanbhag
The document summarizes the medical response to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. It describes how the 6 level 1 trauma centers in Boston were prepared through disaster planning and quickly mobilized over 150 injured patients. Key lessons learned include: having prepared trauma teams, organizing patient care amidst chaos, focusing on conservative care like debridement over amputation when possible, and ensuring adequate equipment like external fixators were available across operating rooms. The extraordinary coordination between emergency responders and hospitals resulted in effective triage and treatment that minimized loss of life from the bombing.
The company was founded in 1972 and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1999. It has a $35 million corporate complex and a corporate management team with over 230 years of combined experience. The company has been featured in major publications such as Fortune, Forbes, and Success From Home as well as on national television.
The document discusses guidelines for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis for orthopedic trauma patients. It notes that many existing guidelines do not adequately address trauma patients, who have higher DVT risks due to immobility from injury. A review found that 77% of patients transferred to the authors' hospitals did not receive pre-transfer DVT prophylaxis, including 67% of hip fracture patients despite being at high risk. The authors developed new DVT prophylaxis guidelines for orthopedic trauma patients to help standardize care and lower DVT risks.
Presentació explicativa al voltant del concepte de comunitat virtual i les seves funcionalitats i aplicacions. Tour per les principals parts de l'eina NING.
This document discusses identity theft and data privacy laws that affect businesses. It outlines how identity theft is prevalent in workplaces and costs businesses millions to resolve incidents. Laws like FACTA, Red Flag Rules, and GLB require businesses to protect sensitive personal information and implement identity theft prevention programs. The document promotes an identity theft protection service that helps businesses comply with these laws through appointing a compliance officer, creating security policies, and training employees, which can help reduce companies' liability and losses from data breaches.
The document discusses the structure and functions of skin, with a focus on keratinocytes and keratinization. It describes the layers of the epidermis and differentiation of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes provide tissue strength through intermediate filaments like keratins and intercellular adhesion structures. Terminal differentiation involves formation of the cornified cell envelope through expression of proteins in the epidermal differentiation complex. Stem cells in the basal layer maintain the self-renewal of the epidermis through proliferation and differentiation of transient amplifying cells.
The document summarizes data from three patient groups - a pseudotumour group, non-pseudotumour group, and control group. The pseudotumour group had 10 patients with a mean age of 56 years and mean follow-up of 65 months. The non-pseudotumour group had 60 patients with a mean age of 55 years and mean follow-up of 61 months. The control group had 22 patients with a mean age of 55 years and were only followed pre-operatively.
This document provides information on the Security+ certification course. The course teaches skills for implementing basic security services on computer networks, including identifying security threats and concepts, hardening systems and network devices, securing communications, and managing public key infrastructure. The course objectives are to learn fundamental security concepts, threats, and how to harden systems, secure communications, manage PKI, enforce policies, and monitor security infrastructure. Basic Windows and networking skills are required to take the course.
Orthopaedic Perspective of the Boston Marathon BombingArun Shanbhag
The document summarizes the medical response to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. It describes how the 6 level 1 trauma centers in Boston were prepared through disaster planning and quickly mobilized over 150 injured patients. Key lessons learned include: having prepared trauma teams, organizing patient care amidst chaos, focusing on conservative care like debridement over amputation when possible, and ensuring adequate equipment like external fixators were available across operating rooms. The extraordinary coordination between emergency responders and hospitals resulted in effective triage and treatment that minimized loss of life from the bombing.
The company was founded in 1972 and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1999. It has a $35 million corporate complex and a corporate management team with over 230 years of combined experience. The company has been featured in major publications such as Fortune, Forbes, and Success From Home as well as on national television.
The document discusses guidelines for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis for orthopedic trauma patients. It notes that many existing guidelines do not adequately address trauma patients, who have higher DVT risks due to immobility from injury. A review found that 77% of patients transferred to the authors' hospitals did not receive pre-transfer DVT prophylaxis, including 67% of hip fracture patients despite being at high risk. The authors developed new DVT prophylaxis guidelines for orthopedic trauma patients to help standardize care and lower DVT risks.
Presentació explicativa al voltant del concepte de comunitat virtual i les seves funcionalitats i aplicacions. Tour per les principals parts de l'eina NING.
Informe Ã’mnia de seguiment del programa 2014-2015Xarxa Ã’mnia
Informe elaborat per la Generalitat de Catalunya on s'hi analitza l'acció del Programa Òmnia durant el curs 2014-2015 i s'hi especifiquen els recursos emprats.
Presentació de Carles Fuxet, de Punt Òmnia Patronat Roig de Torredembarra, per la Jornada Òmnia sobre Emprenentatge i Aprenentatge, de dijous 5 de desembre a Barcelona Ciutat.
Imatge corporativa per a joves emprenedors/oresXarxa Ã’mnia
Presentació de Núria Sabeña, del Punt Ã’mnia Can GenÃs de Palafrugell, per la Jornada Ã’mnia sobre Emprenentatge i Aprenentatge, de dijous 5 de desembre a Barcelona Ciutat.
9. Document elaborat per l’equip de l’Oficina de Dinamització Comunità ria Òmnia de Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai-FCE Abril 2009. 10 anys fent ÒMNIA 1999-2009 !!!