Cavallet de marescolabrasilfestesPower point elaborat pels alumnes de cinquè curs de l'Escola Brasil treballant el tema dels animals vertebrats.
Curs 2014-15
Bd facs™ lysingLam NguyenThis document provides information about BD FACSTM lysing solution, which is used to lyse red blood cells following flow cytometric analysis of human peripheral blood cells. It is intended for use with BD monoclonal antibody reagents to stain blood samples, which are then treated with the lysing solution to eliminate red blood cells while preserving white blood cells. The document describes the product, provides instructions for use, expected results, limitations, and performance characteristics. It establishes reference ranges for lymphocyte subsets in normal adult subjects.
"Let's find a job" Daria Simona and Igor. EnglishIgorguilloThe document provides guidance on finding a job, including how to write a CV, cover letter, and prepare for a job interview. It discusses including key sections in a CV like contact information, education, work experience, skills, and references. It also provides tips for customizing the CV and cover letter for each application by highlighting relevant experience. The document emphasizes being brief, using action verbs, and avoiding irrelevant information. It outlines how to structure a cover letter and make a good first impression on the employer. Lastly, it discusses preparing for a job interview by learning about the company and position and practicing common interview questions.
Bd facs™ lysingLam NguyenThis document provides information about BD FACSTM lysing solution, which is used to lyse red blood cells following flow cytometric analysis of human peripheral blood cells. It is intended for use with BD monoclonal antibody reagents to stain blood samples, which are then treated with the lysing solution to eliminate red blood cells while preserving white blood cells. The document describes the product, provides instructions for use, expected results, limitations, and performance characteristics. It establishes reference ranges for lymphocyte subsets in normal adult subjects.
"Let's find a job" Daria Simona and Igor. EnglishIgorguilloThe document provides guidance on finding a job, including how to write a CV, cover letter, and prepare for a job interview. It discusses including key sections in a CV like contact information, education, work experience, skills, and references. It also provides tips for customizing the CV and cover letter for each application by highlighting relevant experience. The document emphasizes being brief, using action verbs, and avoiding irrelevant information. It outlines how to structure a cover letter and make a good first impression on the employer. Lastly, it discusses preparing for a job interview by learning about the company and position and practicing common interview questions.
Els ocells de la sureda i l’entorn mediterrani. Diari d’un naturalistaOscar Borrell GonzalezEl Museu del Suro acull l’exposició “Els ocells de la sureda i l’entorn mediterrani. Diari d’un naturalista” un recull de dibuixos i pintures de Jaume Ramot i Sergi del Rio. Aquest material en forma de fitxes didàctiques es troba present dintre de l'exposició.